Unbreak My Heart: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 20)

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Unbreak My Heart: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 20) Page 18

by Shanade White

  “I only know what you told me when I came here, that my mother had died and asked you to care for me,” Betty confirmed. “But that was almost a year later, once Raven compound was finally built.”

  “Yes, about a year,” Allie agreed with a sad sigh. “I will never forget the look on Caius’ face when he first saw me. Such a mixture of lust and loathing as I have never witnessed before. They kept us captive for three weeks, and I will admit to you, the lust definitely won the battle before I managed to get away. Sally wasn’t so lucky. She was killed during the escape attempt. And then we all picked up and moved here, built this fortress in hopes of keeping them out. And, until recently, it seemed to be working.”

  “I can’t believe I have never heard about this from you before now,” Betty said, sitting on a nearby chair as she stared up into Allie’s face.

  “Well, it’s not the sort of thing one discusses with a young girl, and the subject never really came up before, you know?” she smirked. “Maybe if you’d have had sex sooner, this might have come up before now, but it is what it is.”

  “Did you love him?” Betty wanted to know.

  “Love him?” Allie shrugged. “And what difference would it make if I did? We are still what we are, and I have my people to see to, and so does he. It doesn’t matter how I feel about Caius, then or now.”

  “You still love him?” Betty clarified. “But if that’s true, why have we not simply formed an alliance or something?”

  “Because in order to do that, he would have to love me in return,” Allie pointed out. “But, I am fairly certain he does not.”

  “Allie, you’re fifty years old; you still have plenty of years left to live,” Betty pointed out. “Are you going to spend all of them wondering what could have been when you could be spending them happily instead? You should at least find out how he feels. At least then you’d know if you should let it go.”

  “That’s just the thing, though,” she scoffed. “Seventeen years should be enough time to let go if it was ever going to happen. Don’t you think so?”

  “This is—I wonder if lions must have some special charm to make you love them or something,” Betty sighed. “I just wish I knew why Ted didn’t let the lions take me when he could have. More than once now, he’s made certain I got away.”

  ‘’Yes, an interesting fact, to be sure,” Allie agreed. “I wonder what sort of plan he has up his sleeve. After all, he is his father’s son.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” said Allie with a shrug. “You go on now. Get cleaned up and get some rest. I’m sure you’re going to want to go to bed and have a good cry. Don’t let me stand in your way.”

  “Thanks, Allie,” said Betty with a little smile.

  “What for?”

  “You always know exactly what to say,” she told her, kissing her cheek as she rose to go. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Betty,” she replied.


  The trouble with being telepathic and able to link with another telepath was, it was difficult to keep out of each other’s heads when that other telepath was so very much on your mind. So it was with Betty as she tried to get to sleep. She was absolutely certain that Ted was sending her the images in her dreams, but in any case she was disgustingly willing to let him do so.

  Through Ted’s mind, Betty was able to witness the five of them rejoining the rest of the lions, all in their shifted forms as expected, and together they returned along the path they had taken to get there. At the same time he showed her this, Ted kept flashing back to the sexual acts that they’d shared while they were in the cave, teasing her with them. Tantalizing her. Making her want more. He definitely was doing it on purpose.

  In retaliation, Betty showed Ted the conversation she’d just had with Allie. He stopped sending things to her for a full ten minutes after she did so, and she caught herself smirking about it until he sent again.

  This time, he showed her that he and his lions had returned to a large, underground cave of their own. He left them all down there, and headed up some stairs that were carved right into the icy rock. He stepped through a trap door in the floor of what looked like a small home on stilts, though she couldn’t tell from the interior where it was located.

  She got her first look at the king next, viewing everything through Ted’s eyes. The older version of Ted was equally as handsome, but his face seemed troubled. He stepped forward with a questioning glance.

  “You have come back empty-handed again?” he asked sternly.

  “I am not yet ready to take the prize,” Ted smirked. “There is still much we might learn from her if we leave her be.”

  “I begin to think you’re more worried about the girl than the statue,” he complained. “I fell into such a trap with one of them once, you know. They play with your emotions, and then they run off without a backwards glance. You’d do well to remember that.”

  Like hell, Betty sent to Ted.

  You ran from me, he reminded her.

  Not without a backward glance, Betty insisted. And Allie too—she is still looking backwards even now. You know that now.

  I won’t tell him so, Ted sent back. It would just make the matter worse. I know what you want, Betty, what you are hoping for, but how could that work? Only one commander can be in charge of the Raven. Only one person can be in control. There cannot be a union between our people.

  I think you are mistaken, Betty thought back.

  To Caius, Ted said, “In time, father, everything will be set right. The statue will be in the right hands, and we shall have no enemies to oppose us anymore. You’ll see.”

  Bastard, Betty sent in his direction.

  Hush, woman, he replied.

  To his father, he added, “But for now, I am in great need of sleep. I’ve had a very busy day.”

  And then, the next thing Betty saw was Ted’s bed, and more specifically the pillow he was hugging against him like it was her. Teasingly, he gave it a kiss, then showed Betty the last kiss they had shared.

  Do you know what I would have done, if I had not known the others would soon be there? he asked her in a wicked whisper.

  What? she asked, and her body reacted despite herself.

  I could show you, he smirked. Do you want me to make love to you here, Betty? Here inside of your mind? I could show you every single detail.

  Stop it, Ted, said one part of her mind. But another part said, Show me now!

  Within her dream, the figure of Ted stepped into her bedroom, completely naked. His cock stood tall and proud as he gazed down upon her. She realized that she, too, was naked, even though in reality she was in a nightgown. He stalked hungrily over to her and fell onto the bed beside her. Betty turned to him, taking him into her arms.

  It’s insane, how much you make me feel, Ted’s voice narrated in the background even though the Dream-Ted remained silent. Their lips met and their tongues twined, and his hands were exploring her breasts, her thighs, her belly, and any other part of her that took their fancy before one of them found its way down between her legs, exploring her moist depths.

  I want you to feel that way, Betty said with a triumphant little grin. I want you to feel this connection just as strongly as I do.

  No, Betty, I want you to feel it as strongly as I do, he corrected her, sending a wave of lust and love straight into her heart. She longed to really be in his arms right then, and not just in some stupid dream. She longed to kiss him many times, until he had no doubt of her desires.

  The dream shifted, so that the two had moved together. Ted entered Betty with one long, lavish thrust, stoking the fires to a fever pitch.

  Ted, yes! Betty moaned, limbs clasping him to her, lips and tongue and teeth exploring wherever they could find purchase. The taste of him in her dream was only an echo of what it was like to have him in the flesh, and the difference made her long for him even more.

nbsp; Are you trying to make me want to see you again in reality? she asked him in a soft narrative of her own, her dream-body not saying a word as they continued to move together, savoring every movement.

  Of course I am, he told her. How could I bear it if I never saw your face again?

  I’ll be at the restaurant tomorrow, she told him. But I’d prefer it if you would come alone. I don’t mind playing with your friends upon occasion, but sometimes I’d rather have you all to myself.

  So you’re not up for being abducted then? he teased. If I take you, you could always become a permanent fixture in my bed.

  As tempting as that sounds, I’m going to have to decline, Betty insisted.

  Their dream-bodies had continued their passionate dance throughout this exchange, and now they returned their attentions there as the pair began to moan. Then Dream-Ted moved onto his haunches and pulled her with him, crushing her to him as he continued to thrust up into her.

  Yeah, that’s so good! Betty told him then. You should do that to me tomorrow, Ted. I want to feel it for real!

  Play with your pussy, Betty, Ted suggested then. I’ve got my cock hard already. We could add a little reality to this interaction right now.

  I’m way ahead of you, she admitted with a smile. You do know that great minds think alike.

  Something tells me if that’s true, I’m really in trouble with you!

  Chapter 6

  Crystal was waiting for Betty when she came out of her room the next morning, and Betty rolled her eyes. She didn’t want the young girl to tag along with her today, making it much more difficult to be ready if the other lions did happen to show up, and even more difficult if Ted actually did show up alone.

  “I told her not to send you along,” she muttered irritably. “It’s too dangerous to send out a newbie with all these lions on the prowl. You’re likely to get yourself captured or killed.”

  “Well, it’s hardly my fault I wasn’t trained sooner, like you. And I’m not going to be the one to go against her direct order, either,” said Crystal. “So, unless you want to go in there and try to change her mind—”

  She pointed her thumb in the direction of Allie’s bedroom. For a moment, Betty squared her shoulders and started forward.

  “Never mind,” Betty said, not in the mood for another discussion with Allie right that minute. It was a sure bet that the woman would know exactly why she didn’t want the younger girl around, and she would only become even more insistent than ever if she knew Betty was protesting. She was most definitely stuck with Crystal, like it or not.

  “But you said—”

  “Just get on the sled, will you?” Betty complained. “I’m always grumpy in the morning.”

  “Oh, okay, I see,” she said with a smile. “Then maybe I should try to cheer you up.”

  Betty had to put up with almost an hour of Crystal’s incessant chatter as they headed back to Barrow. She set her to work as soon as they got there, putting forks and napkins on every table even though she usually didn’t put them out until a customer arrived. Today, however, she became somewhat alarmed when four men she didn’t know came in together and filled the room with their presence. It wasn’t hard for her to guess at who they might be.

  “Is there going to be any trouble, gentlemen?” she asked in a low tone, hoping Crystal didn’t hear her.

  “Not today, there isn’t,” one of them said with a smirk. “Prince’s orders. He said we were not to show up here this afternoon since you two have—other plans.”

  “But he never said where we should go for breakfast, did he?” said another man with a smirk. “What do you say, wench? Would you like to make a comparison study?”

  Betty glowered at him as she said, “There is no comparison, thank you very much.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear,” said Ted from the doorway then. “What are you four doing in here? I believe you were given a completely different task today.”

  “Thought you said you wouldn’t be here till noon,” grumbled a third man with a disappointed frown. “We just wanted to have a little fun.”

  “I know your version of fun, Nero,” said Ted with a slight smirk. “That’s exactly why I followed you here. You won’t be having any fun with her. Now, are you going to order something to eat, or are you going to leave?”

  “Actually, I was thinking of the other one,” Nero replied, glancing towards Crystal with an evil smirk.

  Betty rounded on him in a flash, punching him right in the nose. He began to shift, but caught Ted’s expression and thought better of it. Instead, he grabbed one of the napkins and said, “Well, I suppose I’ve lost my appetite then. I guess we’ll just be going.”

  “Dammit, Nero, I was actually hungry,” complained one of his companions as all four of them hurried out together.

  “Sorry about that,” said Ted as he plucked up a different napkin and used it to wipe blood off of the table. “Like I said, idiots. What’s with the girl, anyway?”

  “Allie sent her along today,” said Betty with a grimace. “I think she believed it might keep me out of trouble.”

  “She believes wrong,” he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver of delight straight down Betty’s spine.

  “Hey Betty, are you going to introduce me to your friend?” asked Crystal with a smirk.

  “No,” she replied as Ted’s forehead came down to press against her own. Their eyes filled with amusement as they looked at each other and smiled.

  “I’ll be back later, okay?” said Ted then.

  “Okay,” Betty mouthed, and he gave her a quick kiss before he stepped out the door again.

  “Wow, Betty, is this restaurant always so full of hot guys?” asked Crystal with a smile. “It’s no wonder you like working here.”

  Betty turned to look at Crystal, one brow raised. “Did you finish with the silverware then?”

  “Almost,” she said.

  “Well, get to it,” said Betty, and she headed back into the kitchen to find something to do.

  About half an hour later, the first real customer of the day arrived. Betty came out and got his order, and went to prepare the meal. Meanwhile, Crystal went into the room in back and turned on the television. They could get about three stations on the thing, and one of them had cartoons, so that’s what she turned on.

  The floor suddenly moved, and the four men from earlier came up out of it. Crystal shouted in surprise, but before she could even remember that she could now transform into a polar bear they already had her in their grip.

  “Let go of me!” she shouted, and Betty burst through the door. All of them were still human at the moment, but Betty quickly changed that by transforming, reminding Crystal by example to do the same.

  You guys are really trying to mess up my plans for the day, aren’t you? she complained, even though she knew they couldn’t answer. How would you like me to tell Ted what you’re doing right now? If I were you, I’d get the hell out of here. Now!

  Half-turning into a lion himself, Nero roared. As the men backed right back down the hole, Nero then gave a polite bow before getting into the hole himself. “Sorry for the inconvenience,” he said, and neatly closed the door behind him. Betty deftly shoved the sofa on top of the trap door, turning the television so Crystal could see it again.

  “Those were lions,” she observed, still somewhat shocked. “You’ve been talking to lions, Betty? Why were you kissing one of them?”

  “It’s a long story, and not one for such young ears,” Betty told her then. “Let’s just say those four are bad guys, but the other guy is—well, not trustworthy, exactly, more just worth the effort, I suppose. What can I say? I love fairytales and he’s a handsome prince.”

  “And you’re sort of like a princess,” Crystal chuckled. “I get it! That’s so romantic! So, have you guys like—done it? Because he is totally hot, and I doubt he’d want to stick around very long with a girl who was a prude.”

“What do you know about that kind of stuff?” Betty asked. “You’re only sixteen years old.”

  “I saw it on the television, and I read lots of romance books,” she shrugged. “I think you should totally do it with him.”

  “I don’t care what your parents let you read at home, you’re still just a kid,” Betty told her. “Now enough of that kind of talk. You don’t want Allie to hear you talking like that do you? I’m sure she’d be very displeased by it.”

  Crystal cringed. “You aren’t going to tell her, right?”

  “Of course not,” Betty said. “I know just how you’re feeling, so I don’t blame you for being curious. Just keep it under wraps, that’s all.”

  “Did I hear that guy say he’ll be back later?” she smirked.

  “Yes, you did,” Betty said. “And when he does, I’d appreciate it if you made yourself scarce, okay?”

  “Sure thing, Betty,” said Crystal with a knowing wink.

  “Imp!” she grumbled. “Come on, let’s see if Old Man George has finished his fish.”


  Shortly after noon, while she was cooking somebody’s meal, Betty suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. Ted’s scent washed over her, and all she could visualize was ‘this is my mate’. She tried to push that thought away, but it persisted as his lips grazed her ear, making her smile.

  “I know you can see that I’m cooking here,” she chuckled.

  “What, you don’t know how to multitask?” he teased.

  “The gruesome foursome came back after you were gone,” Betty told him then. “They snuck in through the trap door. Probably by crawling under the house rather than going through the caves, no doubt, since there’s a gap between the floor opening and the actual entry door.”

  “Yes, I noticed that,” he nodded. “In fact, since I locked the bottom one from the other side, I’m fairly certain you would have to go back inside the cave and back underneath in order to open it from there again, right?”


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