The Platinum Triangle

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The Platinum Triangle Page 9

by T V Hartwell

  “I became so angry seeing him and this woman he married, that I could not leave without telling him how it made me feel that he told me he wanted to marry me and that he loved me but then deserted me and married someone else. So I confronted him at the wedding when I had a chance to catch him alone without Camilla by his side. We got into this really silly, but heated argument about who stopped calling who and then there were accusations about who started dating other people first, and then he grabbed me by the arms to try to calm me down. When he touched me I just lost it and started to cry. He held me against him to comfort me and then we started to kiss and from there one thing led to another and we started secretly sleeping together after that. The affair lasted a month before we called it off. We both decided that neither of us was willing to leave our spouses and that we could not go on like that forever. To be honest, I think he was just doing it for the thrill of it. The love was gone. I realized that it was for me too, but I wanted to have a taste again of what was and relive my past with him. It was fleeting and so very foolish of me,” Jamie said with disgust and remorse.

  Jamie continued to explain to Reverend O’Mahoney that she believed Jake was a result of the affair, and that Jake’s future father-in-law was also his biological father.

  Rev. O’Mahoney was stunned at what Jamie had confessed to him. After all, he baptized both Jake and his brother and had known the family for nearly thirty years as the rector of their parish, Holy Trinity Episcopal. “So this gentleman you had the affair with, you said ‘Rick’?”


  “Does he know Jake is or might be his son?”

  “He does now. I told him in June.”

  “June?” The reverend said, trying to contain his shock. “As in a month and a half ago?”

  “Yes. I had no other choice,” Jamie said with resignation.

  Rev. O’Mahoney was in disbelief but maintained a countenance of grace, not wanting to appear judgmental. Seeing how emotionally distraught Jamie was, he knew that she needed to be comforted and gently prodded into right action. “Why have you allowed this to fester for so long?” he asked.

  “I love my husband. When I ended the affair, I put it out of my mind and devoted myself to my family. When I discovered myself pregnant, how could I tell my husband of less than a year that our son was not his? I thought I would carry this secret to my grave,” Jamie said. “I never imagined that something like this could ever happen; that Jake and Amanda would ever meet, let alone start dating one another. But now my son is in love with this girl. Knowing the truth would break his heart and mine as he probably would hate me for it.”

  “Have you attempted to confirm paternity with DNA testing?”

  “Rick and I discussed that, but since Jake is now an adult, he would have to consent to it, which would mean I’d have to tell him everything.”

  “But is there really any other option but the truth?” Rev. O’Mahoney asked. “Would more harm or good come from keeping your secret? Consider what the reaction would be if this came to light years later after they married and began having children.”

  “I have thought about all of those things, which is why I am trying to stop the marriage. I am just running out of options.”

  When Rev. O’Mahoney asked Jamie if Tom knew about this, she told him that he did not, and she feared the impact it would have on their near-perfect marriage.

  Jamie left her meeting with Rev. O’Mahoney chastened by her own sense of guilt for allowing the situation to get so out of hand. She intended to go home and tell her husband what happened and to resolve the matter with him together as a family as Rev. O’Mahoney suggested. She imagined that she and Tom could even involve a counselor who could work together with them to bring healing and reconciliation to their marriage and household as she anticipated such would be needed. However, Jamie quickly realized that once the truth was out, she would have very little control over how it would be received. She felt that she and Tom could move past this since her affair with Rick was brief and took place long ago. But how would Jake react to the news that his fiancée was actually his half-sister? Would he demand a DNA test? Would he be willing to break up with Amanda and lie about his reason for doing so to protect his family and his mother’s honor? The more Jamie thought about it, the more afraid she became and she began to question whether the consequences of the truth were too much for her to bear. But then allowing her sin to be visited upon her son and his future children was equally untenable.

  Chapter 15 A New Attitude

  Jake let himself into his parents’ home. He had fond memories growing up in their gracious English Tudor style house in Windsor Square. The neighborhood is a bucolic oasis in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles with a small town feel and where many of the families have lived for generations. When Jake parked his car, he noticed a young boy riding wobbly on his bicycle, and a man, more than likely the father, looking on attentively and coaching the boy as he tried to balance himself and keep from falling. This brought back memories for Jake of his own childhood, recalling that he too along with his brother, Harry, first learned how to ride a bike and a skateboard down the very same palm-tree-lined street years before. Jake loved the neighborhood so much that he had suggested to Amanda that they consider buying a house in Windsor Square or in adjacent Hancock Park once they were ready to have a family of their own. But Amanda wasn’t too keen on the idea of living so close to her future mother-in-law.

  When Jake walked through the front door, the Doyles’ ten-year-old, nearly 200 pound St. Bernard, Lilly, practically tackled him down. Standing on her hind legs and pressing her front paws into his chest, she attempted to lick Jake on the mouth, slobber and all. An old lady in dog years, Lilly moved pretty slowly and appeared subdued in demeanor most of the time, but she always seemed to garner enough energy to greet Jake with such happiness and enthusiasm every time he came around.

  “Jake, is that you?”

  “Hi, Mom. Yes, it’s me.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Jake sat down in the living room to pet and play with Lilly a bit and soon Jamie descended the stairs appearing to be in a bubbly mood, which is not what he expected.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” Jamie said. “Look at Lilly. She swoons over you every time.”

  Jake smiled while continuing to pet Lilly, who was sitting at his feet with one of her big paws on top of his lap, relishing the attention she was being given.

  “Is Harry playing golf with Dad today?” Jake asked.

  “Oh yeah. Your dad wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to have a NCAA Division I player on his charity golf team. You know how competitive your father is about golf. Plus, this is the last time they’ll get to play together before Harry returns to school. It’s hard to believe that Harry will be a senior at Stanford this fall. My, how time flies.”

  “I remember like it was just yesterday when he started his freshman year; all wide-eyed and anxious about the golf team, classes, and girls,” Jake said with a chuckle.

  “Having you there with him to show him the ropes helped a lot, Jake. Now look at him. He’s thriving. I am so glad you asked him to be your best man. He’s so thrilled.”

  Jake did a double take at Jamie’s expression of happiness about Harry being his best man. Her mood was noticeably different from what it was when they had met for dinner at The California Club.

  “I’m glad you are happy about it, but what about Amanda? You said that you didn’t want us to get married.”

  “Did I say that? I don’t think that’s quite what I said, honey. I said that I was worried. That’s all.”

  “Why are you worried, then?”

  “I just want you to be happy. You’ve worked so hard. Graduating near the top of your class in law school and landing a great job at Duchovany. You’ve been so focused. I just don’t want you to lose your drive and aspiration. You’re still so young and marriage can be very distracting at times. My only worry is that you’ll get bogged
down and lose your drive to achieve your dreams. I don’t want you to wind up Mr. Climent, with no identity of your own.”

  “But I feel that I am still focused and driven. Now more than ever. Amanda makes me happy, Mom. She inspires me every day. I can’t imagine sharing the rest of my life with anyone but her. Having her as my wife and eventually starting a family together is exactly what I want. It’s what keeps me motivated and is a big part of my dream.”

  “How sweet you are. What can I say? You’re my baby, Jake. Sometimes it’s hard for a mother to let go. I know Amanda’s a good girl, smart, pretty, and all, but you know me. I’ve never thought any of your girlfriends were good enough for you. Mothers never do when it comes to their sons.”

  “True,” Jake snapped back with a grin. “I’ve only had three serious girlfriends and they all thought you hated them.”

  “Hah,” Jamie blurted out amused, not having heard this before. “Well, I don’t hate Amanda. I hope she really doesn’t feel that way.”

  “Actually she does. She’s afraid of you.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ll do better.”

  “Will you?” Jake asked skeptically, not believing her.

  “I know how much you love her, Jake. I want nothing more for you than complete and total happiness, and if that’s how she makes you feel then what more could a mother ask for.”

  “I am glad to hear you say that. It means a lot to me,” Jake said. He stood and walked over to give his mother a hug, relieved there was an explanation for her behavior. Their meeting ended happily for him and better than he anticipated.

  However, that morning, Jamie received a call from Rick. It was the first time they had spoken to one another in three weeks. Rick told Jamie what she had been waiting desperately to hear. That the plan was set to get Jake to call off the wedding, and that he felt certain it would work. However, Rick refused to provide Jamie with any details about how and when the plan would be set in motion. He wanted Jamie to act as normal as possible and to not let on that she was opposed to Jake and Amanda’s marriage. He assured her that Jake would not be harmed in any way, but that it was best that she not have knowledge of what was to unfold until after the wedding was called off.

  Although Jamie begged to know more, she also knew that Rick was a powerful man, and she trusted him and his ability to carry through on his word. Jamie ultimately agreed to go along with Rick’s instructions as they served her purposes in exactly the manner she preferred. She would be spared having to reveal the devastating truth and could instead play the loving and supportive mother of the bridegroom. Meanwhile, her son would soon face unimaginable pressure to abruptly end his engagement without any knowledge or suspicion of his own mother’s involvement and culpability.

  Chapter 16 Queen of The Abbey

  “Hello, girls, welcome to my abode,” Charlie McCormack said extravagantly with his arms stretched out to hug Amanda and Lucy. Charlie had long been a well-known and regular patron of The Abbey in West Hollywood, the popular gay club where the beautiful boys of LA and their admirers flock to party on the weekends. As a trust fund baby still trying to figure out what to do with his life, Charlie had plenty of money to splurge on nights out at The Abbey, generously hosting his friends for food and drink at the booth that was seemingly always available to him.

  “Hi, sweetie, it’s so good to see you,” Amanda said, giving Charlie a quick peck on the lips.

  “Charlie, how do you always manage to get the best booth in the house—on a Saturday night, no less?” Lucy asked.

  “I have powers, honey.”

  “And what might those powers be?” Lucy said.

  “Are you kidding? I practically own this place. They don’t bump me for anyone. Not even Elizabeth Taylor when she pops in. You know she tried to steal my table once.”

  “What? Really?” Amanda inquired.

  “Oh yes. It was my birthday and my friends and I were all on the dance floor having a good time and when we returned someone had placed Liz and her entourage, including her little dog, at my table. You know she loves being around the gays.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t make her move,” Amanda said.

  “Oh yes I did!”

  “You actually told Elizabeth Taylor to leave your table?” Lucy asked incredulous.

  “Oh, of course not. At least not directly. I’m sassy but always classy. Once I let the powers-that-be know that they put her at the wrong table, they promptly moved her to another one. I sent her table a bottle of Dom Perignon for being so understanding. Now we’re like the best of friends. She loves me.”

  “Now that’s the Charlie I know,” Amanda said. “That was very nice of you. You know she lives down the road from my grandmother and they’re friends.”

  “That’s interesting,” said Charlie. “Your Granny Evangeline is so conservative and Republican. I wouldn’t think the two would have much in common.”

  “She’s Republican but not that conservative actually. Like Liz, she loves expensive jewelry and gay men. Two of her closest friends were gay men who were well-known interior designers.”

  “Now see, I knew there was a reason I loved your granny beyond the fact that she is such a fashionista and still knows how to rock a Chanel suit. I’d love to see her jewelry collection.”

  “It’s amazing,” Lucy chimed in. “I know Liz Taylor’s jewels are legendary, but Granny Vangie’s are nothing to sneeze at.”

  “Well, I guess you will be borrowing something old from your grandmother’s jewelry collection for the wedding, right?”

  “Maybe,” Amanda said with a smile.

  “So where is that handsome devil of yours tonight? You should have brought him along.”

  “He and Kirby went to a birthday party for one of their friends. It’s kind of an all guy thing.”

  “Remind me, who’s Kirby?”

  “He’s Jake’s roommate and best friend since like middle school,” Amanda answered.

  Charlie twisted his face and pointed his index finger to his chin, trying to recollect whether he’d met Kirby.

  “I think you met him at our engagement party.”

  “The hot black guy you were drooling over,” Lucy clarified.

  “Oooh yes. Oh my God, he was gorgeous. I remember thinking I don’t normally do black guys, but I’d happily be his whore any day of the week.”

  “Me too,” Lucy said, raising her hand sheepishly.

  Amanda looked at her wide-eyed and mouth open, feigning shock.

  “Just kidding. I’m only kidding. I am happy with Cass,” Lucy said, squirming in her seat.

  “Bitch, please. No, you’re not,” Charlie shot back.

  “Well regardless, he’s taken guys,” Amanda said.

  “And so am I. And I WAS kidding,” Lucy said, sticking her tongue out at Charlie.

  “Well, all I know is if he or Jake walked through the doors of this club they’d both be tackled immediately,” Charlie said.

  “Jake gets hit on by gay guys all the time and he has gay friends,” Amanda said. “He wouldn’t be afraid to come here.”

  “I completely agree with you. When I flirt with him he’s such a ham about it. He just plays along. What a gem. Love that guy.”

  “So who are you bringing to my wedding?” Amanda asked Charlie.

  “I am going with Lucy. Aren’t we?” Charlie said, looking at Lucy.

  “I think I am going to bring Cass now. He’s actually interested in coming. I was surprised. He’s looking forward to meeting you,” Lucy said, looking at Amanda. “You’re still coming next Saturday, right?”

  “Yeah, but Jake’s bachelor party is in Vegas next weekend so he won’t be able to join us, unfortunately.”

  “What’s happening next Saturday?” Charlie asked.

  “We’re having a little birthday dinner for Cass at Koi.”

  “How lovely. And I am not invited?”

  “He’s inviting people on his own. He really doesn’t have that many close
friends here in LA and wants to keep it small. I told him about Amanda and her wedding and he wants to meet her and her fiancé.”

  “Well you could have told him about me too. What, am I on the B list now? I get snubbed on an invite to your boyfriend’s birthday bash and then you dump me as your date for the wedding without telling me.”

  “Would you stop,” Lucy said, rolling her eyes in exasperation. “I was going to tell you that I was bringing him to the wedding. He just agreed to come with me recently. You always knew there was a possibility that Cass might come with me, Charlie.” Don’t be such a fucking jerk, Lucy said to herself feeling annoyed. She thought Charlie would be more understanding about her wanting to attend her best friend’s wedding with her new boyfriend, and she was put off by Charlie’s presumption that he should be invited to Cass’s birthday dinner like Amanda as she didn’t hold him in the same esteem as her best friend since childhood.

  “Sweetie, you’re welcome to bring whoever you want,” Amanda said to Charlie, trying to smooth things over. “You have so many friends. You’ll easily find someone else. Don’t you think?”

  Charlie was now in a pissy mood and didn’t seem to want to back down, however, before he could belabor the issue any further, Antonio Villar cheerily approached the table. “What’s up, Charlie? I haven’t seen you lately at the gym. Where have you been, my friend?” Charlie and Antonio knew each other socially as they both liked to run and be seen with the “in crowd” of West Hollywood’s gay social hierarchy; the young, beautiful, and connected.


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