The Dukedom

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by Dagny Aldan

  The Dukedom

  Royal Intimacies: Book Four

  By Dagny Aldan

  Copyright © 2018 Dagny Aldan. Except as provided by the Copyright Act (2018) no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  All Rights Reserved


  It was finally time.

  The Grand Duke felt as if he had been waiting for a thousand years for this moment to arrive.

  After years of worry, months of frustration and jealous rage, she was finally on her way to him. He paced up and down his study, still recovering from its recent desecration. He had lost his cool for a moment, when Isabel had said those three words to the wrong person.

  But it would all be rectified soon. Isabel would be here and she would realise that this was how everything should be forever.

  The Grand Duke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Patience, he told himself, patience. He needed to wait only a few hours more.

  He had waited this long, he could wait a few more hours.

  Chapter One -Isabel

  Isabel had been packing for days. Well, she had been packing, unpacking and then repacking. She had no idea what she would need for this trip, or should it be called an experience? Her bedroom door opened and Lena walked in. Isabel dropped to her knees at once, slipping her hands under her ponytail and clasping the back of her neck.

  “Duchess,” she murmured, her eyes on the floor. Lena’s heels clicked on the hardwood floors, coming to a stop right in front of her.

  “Why are you packing? I told you, you won’t need anything.”

  “I’m sorry I just don’t want to presume-”

  “When I tell you something, I expect you to follow it,” snapped Lena. Isabel flinched.

  “Yes Duchess,” she replied. Lena sighed,

  “I don’t have time to discipline you, the car is waiting for us. We’ll do it on the way.”

  Isabel nodded, biting her lip as Lena clicked her fingers twice, the command for her to stand. She did so, towering over Lena in the heels Lena had ordered she wear.

  “Come along,” ordered Lena, already moving for the door. Isabel glanced back at her phone resting on the bed, then left the room without it. Who would she call? She followed Lena through the palace that was supposed to be home down to the foyer, where her parents were waiting for her.

  Tall and elegant, Queen Chloe wore a fine pantsuit, while King Felix was in a more relaxed jumper that made him look more fatherly than she could ever remember him being towards her. They were standing by the open door, expressions blank.

  “Well, we’re off!” said Lena brightly. Isabel kept her eyes on the floor and said nothing. She had not spoken to her parents in two months, a surprisingly easy feat considering they lived together and had dinner together almost every day. Neither Chloe nor Felix seemed inclined to acknowledge their daughter since they had discovered Isabel’s submissive relationship with her ex-bodyguard. Isabel’s chest gave a pang when she thought about Hans’ betrayal, but it was easier to push it down with everything else now that she had submitted to Lena.

  “How long will you be gone again?” asked Felix.

  “Oh it depends on how Isabel’s schooling goes. I’ll keep you updated,” said Lena with a reassuring smile. Isabel nodded, keeping her eyes fixed on the wall. Her parents thought she was going to an educational summit, to join fellow royal heirs in the study of future rule. It was not a million miles from the truth anyway.

  “Well,” said Chloe, finally looking at Isabel. “I hope you’ll behave yourself Isabel.”

  White hot rage cut through Isabel so suddenly she almost rounded on her mother with her fist. The way they talked to her, the way they acted like she was not their child but a subject, someone to control and ‘manage’. The rage boiled down into hate and Isabel had to dig her fingernails into her other wrist to hold her tongue.

  “I’m sure you’ll be very happy with her when we come back,” said Lena in a calming voice.

  “We can hardly be more let down,” said Chloe in a contemptuous voice.

  “Chloe,” muttered Felix in an aggrieved tone. Isabel pushed her shoulders back and held her head high as the hate threatened to overwhelm her.

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s very fair,” said Lena with a bite to her voice. “Your daughter has more real world experience than any other royal heir from what I can tell. That will stand to her in the future.”

  Isabel blinked in surprise as Chloe and Felix looked startled. Before they could reply, Lena bowed to them, put her hand on Isabel’s back and marched them both out of the palace. They climbed into the long car and Isabel caught a glimpse of her parents in the door. It was with a vicious bite that she hoped she would never see them again. She sat back and glared into space, hands clenched into fists on her lap.

  The car began to move, but Lena said nothing until they were on the motorway heading for the airport. Then she looked at Isabel and said,

  “Lift your skirt Isabel.”

  Isabel had to blink hard to clear some of the anger from her vision. It took her another moment to uncurl her fingers enough to obey, and when she did, her hands were trembling. Lena watched her without emotion as Isabel pulled the soft, loose fabric up to her hips. Lena’s eyes travelled from Isabel’s face down to the black lace of her panties. She reached out and hooked her forefinger under the elastic. Isabel’s breath hitched as the sensitive skin where her hip and leg joined was rubbed.

  “This comes off,” said Lena, pulling the elastic and letting it snap back. Isabel moved to pull it down, folding the small item twice and then looking around for somewhere to leave it. “Roll it up tighter, and put it in your mouth.”

  Isabel swallowed, then obeyed, pushing the lace into her mouth. She could taste just a hint of herself on it and ducked her head as she felt the familiar shame rear its head inside her. Her parents had just shamed her for her sexual deviancy and minutes later she was stuffing her underwear in her mouth for the pleasure of Lena.

  Lena slipped her hand between Isabel’s knees, pulling her thighs apart and exposing her sex to the air. Isabel was very aware of the driver and his little screen which he could use to see what was going on in the back.

  “Touch yourself Isabel.”

  Isabel’s hand moved to obey, but just before she made contact, she hesitated and looked at that little camera she could just about make out. Lena pinched the soft skin of her inner thigh.


  “Do what you’re told, when you’re told,” said Lena sternly. “How can a soldier not follow a simple order?”

  Isabel flushed with shame and she lowered her eyes,

  “I’m sorry Duchess,” she tried to say around her panties. Lena pinched her again,

  “Do you not understand that the purpose of your panties is to keep you quiet? Shut up and do what I say.”

  Isabel closed her eyes and brushed her fingertips over her outer lips. She leant back in her seat, exploring her pussy slowly, moving her folds around and dragging lightly over her clit. She tried to block out the noise of the car, the momentum of the car. All that mattered was following commands.

  “Good girl,” said Lena, stroking her hair. “Look at how wet you’re making yourself, little slut. What if the driver is watching you right now? You’d keep going, wouldn’t you? Let him watch you touch yourself, watch you play with your greedy pussy.”

  Shame cut through Isabel and seemed to pool between her legs, coating her fingers. Her tongue pressed against the scratchy lace of her panties and she dug her other hand into the leather seat.

  “If I told the driver to pull over and fuck you against car, you’d bend over the hoo
d for him at once.”

  Isabel’s hand moved faster, rubbing her clit in circles. She could feel the beginnings of a build-up, but it was far away. It was so hard to keep her mind fixed, she kept thinking about her parents’ expressions, the driver in front, the unknown world she was about to enter. Whatever Lena had told her about the Dukedom suddenly did not seem to be enough. Her old classmates were going to be there, how could she face them again? The thought killed her build-up and she bit her lip in frustration because she could feel Lena’s eyes on her and knew she would notice soon. She tried to think of something else, something that would turn her on. She imagined Sander and Adrian, she would be seeing them soon, but the pleasure of that was engulfed by the anxiety of what was to come.

  “Isabel, you are being allowed to touch yourself for the last time, why are you not making the most of it?” demanded Lena.

  Isabel could hear the irritation in Lena’s voice. She had to come soon, or Lena would be angry with her. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to think of something that would help her. Then, unbidden, she recalled strong, rough hands holding her against a broad chest, squeezing and fondling her curves. Her arousal flared to life as she remembered being bound and fucked on the floor, his weight a comfort despite the pressure on her lungs.

  Isabel moaned softly as she played with her clit, now enjoying the feeling of pleasure that was rising inside her again. Closing her eyes and dropping her head back, Isabel ran her fingernails of her free hand over her inner thigh, putting herself back in time.

  Hans’ mouth covered hers, stealing her breath as he snapped his hips, fucking into her as his arms held her tight. Isabel’s arms were bound to her chest, her hands tucked under her chin, silken ropes pulling her legs open. She couldn’t breathe properly with the bindings and Hans’ weight, but it only heightened her arousal. She was so vulnerable, trapped and bound, with this man moving inside her. Each motion was a snap deep inside her, and a slow, steady drag out, driving her wild. She kissed him as hard as she could, wanting more of him inside her. Instead Hans pulled away and shifted one hand to close around her throat, slightly cutting off her air.

  “My princess,” he growled. Isabel’s mouth worked soundlessly, unable to speak, but wanting to beg him for more. Every thrust rubbed her clit, she was so close, so, so close…

  “Please…” she managed to beg. Hans grinned down at her, squeezing a little harder and bucked into her.

  “Come. Now,” he growled.

  Isabel pushed two fingers inside herself and twisted them. Like a rubber band snapping under the pressure, her body bowed and her walls clenched, sending sparks flying behind her eyelids. It rolled through her over and over until finally she sagged back into the car seat, panting softly through the wad of lace in her mouth.

  Opening her eyes, she blinked at Lena sleepily, easing her fingers out of her pussy. Lena’s face was inscrutable as she leaned over her, grabbing Isabel’s chin with digging fingers.

  “That,” she said coldly, “Will be the last time you will think of Hans. Do you understand me?”

  Isabel’s eyes widened. How had she known? Had Isabel moaned Hans’ name through the panties? Lena grabbed the base of Isabel’s ponytail and pulled her down to kneel on the floor of the car.

  “Hans betrayed you. He spied on you and manipulated you, and your pussy still gets wet for him? Have you no shame? Are you really so pathetic?”

  Isabel’s eyes burned with instant tears and she dropped her head to press her brow to Lena’s shiny shoes. With the panties in her mouth she knew she could not speak to apologise.

  “Sit up and open your blouse,” said Lena sharply. Isabel sat back on her heels and quickly undid the buttons of her blouse. She knew whatever was about to happen, it was not going to be pleasant. Lena rummaged through her handbag and pulled out a chain with a nipple clamp on each end. Isabel gulped. Lena reached out and undid the front clasp of her bra. Her breasts spilled out of the cups, her nipples tightening in anticipation.

  “Hold them out,” Lena ordered. Isabel cupped her breasts and offered them up to her Duchess, her heartbeat already spiking. The pain was not what she was afraid of, it was the mind game Lena was about to unleash on her.

  Lena pinched Isabel’s left nipple, pulling on it until it was hard and stretched, then put the clamp on. Isabel scrunched her nose at the sharp pain, but kept her mouth shut. Lena toyed with it, watching her face to see how Isabel reacted. When she seemed satisfied, she did the same thing to the right one, seemingly looking for the most painful position. The chain between the clamps hung cold against her sternum.

  “I should have realised Hans’ actions weren’t enough to make you have an ounce of self-preservation,” said Lena. “So now I’ll have to train you to never think of him again.”

  Isabel had sudden surge of understanding and she whimpered in alarm. Lena looked at her and sighed heavily,

  “I don’t have a choice here Isabel, you need to stop thinking about Hans in any sort of positive light, and if what he did isn’t enough, I need to try something more extreme. Now, close your eyes.”

  Isabel obeyed, reaching behind herself to grip her ankles. Lena’s manicured nails scrapped her skin as she picked up the chain.

  “Think about Hans, about how handsome he is. Imagine he’s with you now, kissing your breasts.”

  Despite knowing what was coming, Isabel could not stop herself imagining it. Hans had loved playing with her breasts, fondling them and making them bounce. The memory washed over her and her head fell back a little in relaxation. At that moment, Lena gave the chain a sharp tug. The pain was intense and Isabel could not hold back her cry, her eyes popping open.

  “Do it again Isabel. Think about Hans and how it felt when he manhandled you, like you were nothing but a doll.”

  Shaking, Isabel obeyed, imagining the way Hans would use his superior strength to overwhelm her, put her in the place he wanted. A rush of arousal burned inside her, but instantly Lena pulled on the chain again.

  “Mmm!” Isabel cried, the reaction muffled by the panties. Tears stung her eyes again and she blinked them away.

  “If we were in the Dukedom I’d hang you by these clamps until you banished him so far from your mind you forgot his name,” hissed Lena. Isabel shuddered, she absolutely believed Lena would do that. The past few weeks had taught Isabel that Lena was a real sadist, not just a Domme. Lena loved to inflict pain and suffering on Isabel, to watch her struggle, but she always made sure Isabel was safe and no lasting damage was given.

  For Isabel’s part, she did not think she was really a masochist, as the pain did not tend to arouse her, but the rush of praise she got from taking it, that was what she loved. The harder she had to work for that praise, the better her own high.

  “One more time,” said Lena, wrapping her free hand around Isabel’s throat. “Imagine what you did a moment ago to get off. Put yourself back there, where he was fucking you the way you beg for.”

  Isabel clung to her own ankles, squeezing her eyes shut as she pulled that memory back to the fore. Her bound and open, Hans fucking her into the hard wooden floor. Just the thought of it sent a gush of slick down her thighs. She moaned involuntarily, spreading her thighs a little more. She longed to be filled, to be punished and fucked in the same moment. To have all her imperfections driven out of her, until she was worthwhile.

  Just as she remembered the all-consuming kiss, Lena pulled so hard on the chain that Isabel screamed.

  “This is what you are to remember about that man. The pain he has caused you, the shame he brought to your parents, the humiliation of knowing that the highest security in the country have seen just how much of a slut you are.”

  Sobs welled up and broke in her throat, and she began to cry, head thrown back and spine arched to try and reduce the pain in her breasts. Her nipples were pulled so hard they were turning white. She was afraid they might be ripped off and sobbed harder, feeling so terribly vulnerable and small.

  “Are yo
u sorry?” asked Lena loudly, ignoring Isabel’s distress. Isabel nodded desperately, she was so very sorry. “Good.” Lena relaxed her hold on the chain and the urgent pain eased enough to let Isabel pull herself together. When the heaving sobs had faded Lena slowly released the clamps, earning a groan of agony from Isabel as blood surged back into the abused nubs. Lena rubbed at the nipples to check they were undamaged, then sat back and regarded Isabel critically. Isabel hung her head, praying she had done enough to meet Lena’s approval.

  “Fix your clothes. We’ll be at the airport in a few minutes,” Lena ordered. Isabel quickly closed her bra over her sore nipples, then did up her blouse before removing the panties from her mouth. She hesitated and looked at Lena nervously, unsure if she should put the panties back on. Lena smirked at her,

  “Leave those off, I think. Put them away somewhere.”

  Isabel shoved them into her jacket pocket and pulled her skirt down over her damp thighs. She wanted to shift closer and be given physical reassurance. But Lena did not do that with her, as she did not want Isabel misunderstanding their relationship, which was decidedly professional despite the manner they conducted themselves in.

  “You can sit up again,” said Lena with an airy wave. Isabel pulled herself back into her seat, folded her hands in her lap, and closed her eyes, enjoying the quiet of her own mind that lasted for the rest of the car journey and through most of the flight on the way to the Dukedom.

  Lena was a cruel mistress, but she knew what Isabel needed.

  Chapter Two -Isabel

  Whenever Isabel had imagined the Dukedom building she had imagined a building like the palace she had just left. Tall, looming and gothic. Instead she saw a square front, warm pale yellow walls and felt the heat of the sun on her skin.

  “Where are we?”

  “Near the Mediterranean,” said Lena vaguely. Isabel scanned her surroundings, seeking information. The green hills around told her this was a remote place, the colours made her think of Italy. The building was definitely old or at least had been built to evoke the sense of Renaissance Italy, of wealth and religion, power and might. Yet it was also inviting and relaxing, like a hotel. There did not seem to be anyone else in the grounds, she saw some fountains and sculpted bushes, but no technology.


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