Payton's Passion

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Payton's Passion Page 1

by Ruby Storm


  An Ellora’s Cave publication written by


  MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-666-6

  Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):

  Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML

  © Copyright Ruby Storm, 2003.

  All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave.

  Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. USA

  Ellora's Cave Ltd, UK

  This e-book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding, copying, fax, or any other mode of communication without author/publisher permission.



  Chapter 1: The Early Years

  Payton Jamison sashayed into the dull and austere college classroom. Her presence created an instant contrast to the beige setting of square desks and plain brick walls. The red knit shirt she wore stretched tightly across her huge breasts, teasing the nipples that nearly bored holes through the shiny fabric. Endlessly long tanned legs stretched from beneath a short skirt that hugged her upper thighs.

  Andy Duncan, who sat at the back of the classroom, quickly poked his roommate in the shoulder to gain the man’s attention and nodded in the direction of the open door. “Tony! Fuck! Take a look at what’s coming in.”

  Tony swiveled on his seat to discover what his friend wanted him to see. Instantly, his clean-shaven jaw dropped open. “Holy shit,” he whispered, not even giving a second glance at the brunette who walked beside the blonde bombshell.

  The object of their tongue-hanging-out perusal glided to a desk at the front of the class. Andy had a great shot of her tight round ass as she twisted to sit in the chair, which gave him an instant hard-on before the two perfectly matched round globes disappeared from view.

  Tony glanced at Andy with an appreciative smile that stretched wide across his lean face. “Hey, I got a hard-on just looking at her!” he whispered, then chuckled with eyebrows raised and lips shaped in a feigned pout.

  Andy sniggered along with his buddy, but scooted forward in his seat to hide the bulge at the front of his pants. Unbelievably, he’d had an immediate sexual reaction to the blonde when she strolled through the doorway. And if his friend discovered his arousal, there would be no getting around having to listen to Tony’s pointed jibes the rest of the week.

  Hell! he silently corrected himself, the rest of my life!

  His green eyes narrowed as he methodically examined the blonde. She had casually crossed one long leg over the other as she sat sideways in the chair and giggled with her friend who sat across from her. His gaze devoured the blonde’s exposed upper thigh, which was as tanned as her lower legs.

  Andy swallowed to clear his head. He would bet anyone that she didn’t have a clue what she was doing to the guys in the room. She didn’t seem to sit haughtily at the front of the room, hoping she was the objection of attention. Andy had seen other girls do that transparent act—it always turned him off.

  He rested his chin on a closed fist and continued to study her. It wasn’t anything he could quite put his finger on, but if the innocent way she crossed her arms before her chest as if to hide her breasts was any clue, she would probably die of embarrassment if she knew how many erections in the room probably stood at attention right now.

  “Who in the hell do you think she is?” Tony kept his eyes on the blonde’s voluptuous chest when he whispered across the aisle to Andy again. “I haven’t seen her around campus, have you?”

  The two men had attended four years at the University of Minnesota and were now starting their graduate classes. They had been in residence for the last two weeks, getting themselves ready for yet another year of college, and attended every pre-semester party. Not once had they come across a find like the one who sat at the front of the class. They sure as hell would have remembered if they had.

  “I don’t know who she is, but I’m damned well going to find out.”

  “Fuck you! You can get any girl you want—let me have a chance at her.”

  Andy opened his Psychology textbook when the instructor entered the room. “Fuck you, Tony,” he muttered a firm response. “She’s mine…”

  * * * * *

  After the class, Andy quickly dumped Tony and caught up to her in the hallway. He maneuvered himself directly behind the slim rolling hips as she strolled with her friend to the double glass doors leading outside.

  Andy rounded her, laid a hand on the metal door lever, and stared straight into a gorgeous, if not surprised, deep blue gaze.


  A tiny smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when Andy held the door open. She exited the building with her giggling friend in tow.

  He quickly caught up with them again, switched his backpack to the other shoulder so it wouldn’t bounce against her arm, and adjusted his pace to hers.

  “I haven’t see you on campus. Did you transfer in?”

  Before she could respond, her brunette friend piped up. “Hi, we’re both new to Minnesota. We completed our first four years at Luther College in Iowa.”

  Andy clenched his teeth at her interference. Go away! I wasn’t talking to you! The blonde widened her smile when she glanced sidelong at him, and his heart beat a little quicker.

  He ignored her friend. “I’m Andy Duncan—” He left the sentence hanging, hoping she would respond. She did.

  “Hi, Andy Duncan. I’m Payton.” She wasn’t about to give him her last name—not yet.

  He decided to plunge right in before her pest of a friend contributed anything else. “You know, I could give you a few tips about the U. This is my fifth year here. What do you say we duck into a coffee shop? My treat.”

  The brunette opened her mouth again, but before she could say anything, Andy decided to set the situation straight. “I don’t think your friend would mind if I stole you away for a little conversation.” He actually crossed his fingers that were hidden inside his jean pocket.

  The other girl apparently took the hint.

  “Well…you go, Payton. I’ll see you back at the dorm.” She hiked her backpack a little more firmly on her shoulders and waved goodbye before she headed across the street and down the sidewalk.

  Payton watched her go. It wasn’t hard to miss the flash of trepidation in her eyes when she turned back to face him. “You know, thank you for the invitation, but—”

  “I promise I’m not a serial killer. I just couldn’t help but notice you back there in class. Come on. What will it hurt to have a cup of java with me—there will be tons of people around.”

  The straight line of her white upper teeth nibbled indecisively at her bottom lip.

  “Please? I’ll make a deal with you. You give me a half an hour. If by then I haven’t convinced you that I’m one helluva great guy, I’ll crawl away and never bother you again.”

  His stomach did a little flip when her smile widened at his comment.

  “All right. You’ve got thirty minutes.”

  * * * * *

  Payton sat back and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Only twenty minutes had passed since they entered the coffee shop with its strange Bohemian interior, but she was totally at ease with the carefree man who sat across from her. Andy had kept a constant stream of conversation going since ordering them both steaming mugs of cappuccino, and coaxed one laugh after another from her.

  She watched him settle back against the red fake leather backrest of their booth and take a sip from his cup, and ignored the jump of her heart when he flashed another one of his sexy smiles in her direction.

  “So, Miss Payton Jamison.” He raised his arm and glanced at his wristwatch. “Do I need to spend another ten minutes totally captivating you o
r do I have you convinced that I’m safe to be with?”

  She sipped from her own cup above bent elbows. She would not tell him, but nothing could convince her to leave now. Andy’s exuberant personality had completely captivated her. “How about I give you another thirty minutes to assure that I’ve made the right decision?”

  He expelled his breath, not realizing until that very moment he was holding it while waiting for her response. “Okay, how about you tell me a little about yourself. Tell me how the stars lined up perfectly—and how the registrar’s office set up the same class—allowing us to cross paths this morning.”

  She giggled again. How do I tell him about me? That I’m from a farming community? That up to this point, no boy has ever really taken an interest in me? She still felt uncomfortable in her new look.

  Payton had met Angie at Luther College when they were assigned the same dorm room. It was Angie who couldn’t wait to get her away from Iowa and give her a complete makeover—a look that would send her parents into an apoplectic fit if they saw her now.

  Gone were the thick lenses, the straight blonde hair, and the baggy sweatshirts that hid her feminine shape. In their place were the results of a trip to Lenscrafters for contacts, an afternoon at a beauty shop where her hair was permed and tinted, and a fanatically giggling day at the Mall of America. Her sweatshirts and baggy jeans were packed away in the back of her closet, replaced by short skirts, tight tops, and the latest fashions. Angie insisted that if she had it, she needed to flaunt it—and it was something she was still a little uncomfortable with.

  She glanced at the smudge of lipstick on the edge of her cup. She had never even worn makeup in her life, but now spent each morning applying it, even though the woman at the makeup counter had continually dribbled on about how she wished she possessed the naked beauty of her customer’s plain Iowan features. Payton possessed dark, thick lashes around her blue eyes and a natural country-girl healthiness that shined beneath the thin layer of foundation and blush. Years of working beside her brothers at the farm kept her tall body toned. There wasn’t an ounce of fat to be found anywhere. She eyed Andy above the cup.

  “Well, I’m from a small farming community. My parents own a dairy farm. I guess I was lucky enough to have good grades and received an academic scholarship or they would never have been able to send me to a four-year institution. I received a Bachelors degree in Business at Luther College. My friend, Angie—that would be the girl you so obliviously dismissed a while back,” she watched his face take on a slightly rosy hue with her comment, “talked me into coming here to complete a Master’s degree in Administration. I applied for some scholarships and worked hard at odd jobs to make some extra money. So, here I am. That’s about it in a nutshell.”

  He watched her closely, mesmerized by the blue eyes, full lips, and the sight of the red material stretched across her breasts. A quick flash of what she would look like naked pricked at his brain. Andy found it hard to imagine that the stunning person across from him was as ‘simple’ as being wrapped up in a tiny nutshell. He wanted to know everything about her, including what it felt like to have her lying beneath him.

  Chapter 2: The Wish

  Andy kicked off his boxers and used his toe to flick the underwear on top of the pile of clothes lying on the bathroom floor. As he stepped into the hot spray of the shower, his thoughts were filled with Payton.

  They had ended up having lunch before returning to their afternoon classes. He was lucky enough to pull the Numerical Analysis course with her, but had to part ways when he headed for Finite Mathematical Groups.

  Screw the numbers… He had found it difficult to concentrate on the professor’s droning mathematical equations in that last class. Finally the hour ended and he managed to hook back up with Payton and her friend, Angie. A quick invitation to a frat party on Friday ended up with Payton answering quietly that she would go but only, she insisted, if Angie was included.

  He consented immediately—anything to spend the evening with her. Payton had invaded his thoughts every minute of the day and if Angie had to initially be a part of his time with her, then so be it.

  He tipped his head back and enjoyed the feel of the steamy water running down his body. Grabbing a bar of soap, he built up a mound of suds between his large hands, dropped the bar back into the soap holder, and vigorously scrubbed his chest. An instant image of Payton sharing the heated shower space with him appeared in his head.

  Andy’s hands stilled while he imagined the feel of her large breasts beneath his fingers as he soaped her chest. A split second later found him staring at the shampoo bottle and wondering how he would manage until morning to see her again.

  “Man, do you have it bad,” he muttered as he closed his eyes to picture her again.

  He was acutely aware of his sudden erection. Even though she had walked into his life only twelve hours earlier, Payton did something to his insides that no other woman ever had. Andy had his share of sexual experiences throughout his college years, but no one person had ever affected him so completely.

  His soapy hand brushed across his hardening penis as he washed himself. The combination of visions of Payton and thoughts of what he wanted to do to her body brought his fingers back to his erection. His heart beat a little quicker, but he jerked his hand upward and reached for the shampoo. He quickly washed his dark, wavy head and tried to ignore the release he needed.

  “Fuck—I haven’t jerked off in years…that shit is for teenagers…”

  He forced the image of jutting nipples and a round ass out of his brain, but it wasn’t long before a picture of the two of them showering together reappeared. Andy leaned against the shower wall and squeezed his eyes tightly. His jaw clenched with indecision.

  You’re not a kid thinking about his first time…

  It wasn’t long before his hand traveled back to his crotch. Tentatively, he grasped his throbbing penis, lost the final battle with his conscience, and began to stroke his hard length.

  He envisioned Payton standing beside him, her blonde hair plastered against her skull, her full slightly smiling lips half open, and then imagined the press of her heavy breasts against his chest. She reached out to take his cock into her slender palm.

  Andy stroked harder. His head fell back. It was now Payton’s hand that brought him nearly to the peak. He pumped against his palm, felt the stirrings of heat pierce through his firm belly, and groaned loudly when semen joined the swirling water around the drain.

  He stroked until he was emptied, knowing with certainty that he couldn’t have slept a wink tonight if he hadn’t jacked off. With a shake of his head, he grabbed the soap once more and rewashed his crotch.

  “You better get her in bed quick or Tony’s going to wonder why you spend so much time in the shower…”

  * * * * *

  The two women lay across from each other on twin dorm beds in their pajamas. It was Thursday and their stomachs were full of pizza that Andy had insisted on buying tonight.

  Payton stared at the ceiling, thinking about the coming weekend. She was acutely aware that Andy had simply put up with the presence of her friend over the last three nights.

  Tomorrow might be different. When they spoke at the beginning of class or during the private lunches he managed to maneuver her into, he intimated that he wanted to be alone with her and not have Angie tag along.

  “I think I created a reverse monster of sorts.”

  Payton turned her head on the pillow to stare at her friend. “Why do you say that? Who’s the monster?”

  “You are.”

  “What?” Payton sat up and fluffed the pillow behind her back, then leaned into the downy softness. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I took the little ‘farm girl’ out of you, helped you to spend some of your hard-earned cash, and turned the ugly duckling into a swan. Now, I think I’m going to lose you to the handsome rooster who’s been chasing you all week.”

  Payton blushed at the observat
ion. She had just been wondering the same thing, but wasn’t going to admit it out loud. “Don’t be silly. I’d never let a man come between us.”

  A snort erupted from Angie’s throat as she scooted up, crossed her legs, and peered at her friend closely. “He wants to fuck you, you know.”


  “Oh, come on. It’s about time you get used to that word. I use it all the time.”

  “Don’t I know that,” Payton returned with a roll of her eyes.

  “Christ, Payt, he’s been panting after you all week.” Angie’s look became thoughtful as she crossed her arms. “I’m going to bow out of the party tomorrow night.”

  “The heck you are. I need you beside me. I’m swimming in uncharted waters here. I’ve never had someone interested in me before.”

  “That’s because you’ve never looked the way you have before. Don’t you see how the guys watch your every move? And, Andy—well I sure as hell can see what you do to him. Haven’t you ever noticed his hard-on when he’s around you?”

  Payton leapt from the bed, grabbed a basket of clean clothes, and started folding them. “Contrary to how you handle yourself in public, I’m not in the habit of looking at guys crotches.”

  Angie tucked the blankets around her knees and stared at her friend. The corners of her mouth curved up in a smile. “Well, you should—and you should take a closer look at what you’re doing to Andy. Man, I wish I had a guy that wanted me as bad.”

  Payton remained silent and continued to stack folded shirts on the chair.

  “What are you afraid of, Payt?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. Payton put together her thoughts before she turned to face her roommate. “This is all so new to me. I’ve never had a ‘boyfriend’. Angie, I never even was asked to prom or, for that matter, any dance while in high school. I was always the little Jamison girl who studied hard—the little ‘ugly duckling’ as you so aptly put it. My parents never gave me a chance to date. Once in college, I worked hard and then went home to them every weekend.”


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