Payton's Passion

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Payton's Passion Page 7

by Ruby Storm

  Her husband cleared his throat, then leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms again. “Payton, I sent the kids to my parents because I wanted to be alone with you. We really need to discuss something, and I didn’t want them around.”


  He lifted his palm in the air to interrupt her. “Let me talk, Payton.” His gaze softened slightly. “First off, no matter what, I want you to know how much I love you.”

  He’s saying goodbye… Instant tears burned behind her eyelids. She tipped her head to hide them.

  “I think you’re the greatest wife in the world. Do you know that even after all the years we’ve been together, all you have to do is walk into a room, and I get excited as hell?”

  She opened her mouth to speak.

  “Let me talk, Payton. We’ve got a great thing going here—except for our sex life.”

  Her chin dropped, and she stared at the floor while her fingers played nervously with the edge of a green placemat.

  “When I make love to you, it kills me afterwards that you’re not getting out of it what I am. I’m sorry for being so rude this morning. I could’ve been a little nicer about how I blurted out the fact that I know you’ve been faking it with me. For some reason, it was if I’d finally run into a wall—my male ego couldn’t handle the fact that I can’t make you feel the way you used to when we’re having sex.”

  “Andy, I—”

  His large palm raised in the air again. “I want to try to fix that this weekend. I want you to have as much pleasure out of my body that I have out of yours.”

  Payton’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “That’s why I sent the kids to my parents. I don’t expect every time to be…earth shattering…but I want to have sex with you and go away knowing that you’re thinking about the next time; that one fantastic sexual encounter will lead to another that’s even better. Give me this weekend. Let me show you how much fun we can have with one another. And, if you discover that it’s too much for you, I’ll understand. But you’ve got to at least give me the chance.”

  “What are you talking about exactly?”

  “I have a bag packed for you. I made reservations at a—” she noted the slight hesitation, “a resort…of sorts.”



  “Detroit? That’s quite a ways from here. I have a busy week at work coming up.” She wanted to take back the words as soon as she said them. Work was the reason they were having this discussion now.

  “You’re not going to work next week,” he stated firmly.

  Payton straightened in the chair and forgot her self-reprimand of a moment earlier. “Yes, I am. I can’t just call in Monday morning and tell them that I won’t be in.”

  “I called your supervisor already.”


  “Don’t be pissed, but I told your office that your father wasn’t feeling well and that you needed to go home to help your mother for a few days. I asked them not to say anything to you so you wouldn’t be upset while driving home.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Why would you tell them a lie like that? Everyone knows I don’t see my parents very often. You had no right to do that.”

  “I had every right. To hell with what they think anyway. That’s the only explanation I could think of. Your boss had no problem with it whatsoever. He said you’ve been working like a dog and it was time to take a few days off. I took next week off, too. We’re going away for the weekend. If we don’t feel like coming home on Sunday, then we’ll just get in the car and go somewhere; anywhere, Payton. It doesn’t matter. I just want to be alone with you.”

  Her anger left as suddenly as it had built. How could she be upset with him? He had manipulated her next few days simply because he wanted to be with her. Andy hadn’t done that in a long time.

  Payton rose from the chair, took three steps, and stood before him. She reached out a hand and cupped his cheek. The textured feel of his slightly whiskered cheek was wonderful beneath her fingers. He stared into her eyes and hope jumped into his dark gaze. She also saw a look of tender love and acceptance, even if she would have disagreed with him.

  * * * * *

  Five hours later, Andy eased Payton’s white Blazer into a brightly lit parking spot. When she wasn’t sleeping in the front seat beside him, she was begging him to let her in on where they were going. Andy remained firm. It was a surprise. Besides, he wanted to assure she was far enough from home before possibly blowing up at him and demanding they turn back. Even then she would admit they were too far from Minneapolis to turn back.

  He simply hoped like hell when she realized what he had planned that she wouldn’t freeze up on him. Andy put the vehicle in Park and pulled the keys from the ignition.

  Payton’s fingers gripped her purse strap as she glanced warily at the unassuming but very large building before her. Her gaze followed the cement walk to the front area, then along the wide porch that ran the length of the cream-colored structure. English ivy draped its way lazily up the supporting poles and across the roof.

  Andy glanced across at her to gauge her reaction. “Looks like a nice place, huh?”

  She could clearly see at first glimpse that the setting was purposely fashioned to put guests at ease, but breathed in deeply to control the erratic beat of her heart when she noted a dimly lit sign with etched letters that read Sex and Love.

  “What is this place?” she muttered into the darkness of the vehicle.

  “Just a place for us to spend the weekend finding each other again.”

  Payton pried her fingers from the leather strap, dug inside her purse, and silently pulled out her lipstick. A moment later, her compact followed. She flipped open the visor and immediately light flooded the area where she sat.

  Watching her dab on the lipstick first, Andy couldn’t help but notice the flash of disquiet when her eyes darted in his direction as she applied the berry color to her bottom lip.

  Payton’s eyes returned to the mirror when she ran a soft powered pad over her nose and cheeks.

  Andy waited quietly for her response.

  She drew in a deep breath and turned in the seat to stare evenly at him. “So, what is Sex and Love supposed to mean? What did you get us into?”

  “Absolutely nothing. This is a spa of sorts that caters to couples who seem to be having some sexual problems.”

  “Jesus Christ, Andy…”

  He reached out and gently laid his hand on her arm. “Just give it a chance; give me a chance. This isn’t a place that has you doing anything kinky. It just reminds couples to remember what they once had. The woman I spoke to explained that there are many different options, and we can pick and choose as we please—or we can simply spend the time alone—together.”

  Payton rubbed her temple. “You’ve talked to someone about us?”

  “No—I just answered a few questions. Come on, Payton. Let’s go inside and check in.” He waited patiently for her to make her decision. He’d gotten her this far and wasn’t about to chance ruining the weekend by letting her know she was starting to piss him off. He’d worked hard to arrange this getaway.

  Payton dropped the makeup into her purse and popped the car door open. Andy quickly stepped from the vehicle. It took him only a moment to grab their bags from the back seat, lock the door, and slide the keys into his jacket pocket. Walking around the front of the Blazer, he clasped her hand and headed for the softly lit porch.

  Chapter 11: Sex & Love, Inc.

  Payton was not prepared for the intimacy of the foyer interior when she walked through the double oaken doors. Instead of the usual bright lights of a hotel lobby, the check-in area was bathed in muted red lights. Soft guitar music filtered from hidden speakers somewhere within the room, lavender-scented candles sputtered from the top of every table, and a huge tabby cat slumbered on the back of an expansive leather couch.

  “This doesn’t look like any hotel I’ve ever seen,” she whispered. �
�I don’t even see a check-in area.”

  A movement to her right garnered her attention as Andy closed the big door behind them. A woman with exotic dark features and draped in silk came forward, a gentle smile curving her ruby-red lips. She held out her hand and took Payton’s palm in hers.

  “Welcome. You must be Payton and Andy.”

  Andy recognized the husky voice from the phone.

  “How…how did you know that,” Payton stuttered.

  “Your husband described you on the phone. You’re as beautiful as he said. I’m so glad you decided to spend the weekend.”

  An instant flush spread across Payton’s cheeks when she remembered why he had made the reservations. Before she could think of something to say, however, the woman escorted them forward toward the steps leading to the upper level.

  “Come. We’ll get you settled into your room. As soon as you’re comfortable, I’ll be up to have a little chat. My name is Velvet, and I’ll be your host for the weekend.”

  Payton swallowed back her embarrassment, sent her husband a look that could kill, and followed the woman up the sweeping staircase. Her round blue eyes widened even further as she eyed the pictures on the wall that lined the steps. Naked painted couples lay sprawled in various sexual positions, their limbs entwined together, in the different sized frames.

  Surprise hit her a second later when she realized she wasn’t offended by the portraits of love like she usually would be, but rather more curious at the total expression of love and pleasure in the faces as they stared into each others eyes.

  Her gaze met Andy’s. He winked, and she could have smacked him right then and there. Instead, she hid the tiny smile that threatened to appear when she turned her back to him. He was like a little kid in a candy store.

  “They’re beautiful portraits, aren’t they?” Velvet stated when they came to a stop before another massive oak door. “That will be you and your lover after you have finished our course. Payton, I want you to know that you didn’t make a mistake coming here. I know you’re probably a little apprehensive, but we’ll talk shortly, and I can put your fears at ease.” She opened the door and motioned her guests forward. “Just settle in. There’s a carafe of wine and a bottle of the vodka you requested on the counter. Pour yourself a drink and relax. See you soon.”

  Velvet nodded her head, turned, and retraced her steps down the wide staircase with a gentle swishing of her gauzy robe as it flowed around barely discernable slim ankles.

  Slightly more at ease, Payton walked a little less hesitantly into the room. Her slim brows arched high when she took in the plush surroundings of expensive furniture. Again, lavender scented candles flickered throughout the room.

  “Holy…shit…” she breathed out softly. Her jaw dropped in shock. If Payton had thought the pictures hanging along the staircase were enlightening as to the workings of sex, the ones she stared at now were audacious. Her purse dropped from numb fingers to the floor with a muffled thud. Andy took a few steps and set the two overnight bags beside it. A low whistle from his lips escaped into the room.

  They were both drawn to the far wall behind the king-sized bed. An expansive six-by-six-foot picture took up most of the area above the ornate headboard. They leaned forward in unison, hardly believing what they saw.

  A woman’s fiery red lips were wrapped around the shaft of an erect penis. That’s all that was in the frame—just the close-up of feminine smiling lips and a glistening penis. The painting was so real that Payton reached out, expecting her fingers to come away wet with the man’s semen and the woman’s spit. Her stomach constricted as instant moisture leaked into her panties.

  Shaking her head, she dragged her gaze from the portrait to find her husband staring at the other hedonistic representations decorating the walls of the room. One of the framed portraits was a vagina spread wide as two men’s tongues lapped at the sweetness it offered.

  Another was of a voluptuous woman. She lounged against a carpet of grass with her head thrown back in ecstasy as her lover leaned close to the apex of her legs. The man suckled his own fingers. Payton knew with certainty where the masculine digits had just been. Her heart thudded. She closed her eyes a second to regain her equilibrium.

  The rush of adrenaline caused from the picture of the sex act before her caused her body to tremble. As much as she felt like running from this room to escape, another more primal need urged her to stay. Suddenly, her work, the kids, and even the past problems she and Andy experienced seemed to melt away.

  She moved quickly to the crystal carafe, poured a splash of berry-colored wine into the goblet, and tossed it down with one swallow.

  “Whew,” the sound of her breath was invasive in the quiet of the room. Her voice lowered to a near whisper when she squeezed her eyes shut. “What the hell kind of place is this?”

  Her husband moved to stand beside her. He took the glass from her fingers, splashed some more wine into it, and repeated her actions. It was gone in a second. “After I called to make reservations, I went back on the Internet and accessed a few chat rooms to ask some questions. There wasn’t a person that had a bad thing to say. More than one couple said spending a weekend here saved their marriage.”

  Payton’s faced paled at his words. She sank to a velvet-covered chair and stared up at him with wide eyes. “Is that where you think we were headed?” she whispered out. “Have I been that awful that you thought of leaving me?” Her hands trembled in her lap.

  He set the glass on the counter before he stared down. “I don’t know, Payton. I didn’t think we would split because it was my idea. I wondered, though, if you found life with me too boring to try working at it anymore. That’s why I searched for this place. I thought you might want to leave me.”

  “That thought never crossed my mind. Do you know, this is the first time that I’ve stopped long enough to actually think about what my life’s been like.” She stood and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I made you and the kids take a backseat to my job.”

  He squeezed her waist and kissed the tip of her nose. “No apologies. We’re here now and, hopefully, this weekend will fix everything.” His gaze settled on the bags in the middle of the floor as he pulled her close. If everything goes the way I planned, I could’ve left those bags home. Payton, dear, I plan to keep you naked as a jaybird…

  Chapter 12: Let the Games Begin

  A knock from the hallway echoed through their suite. Payton sat up from the chaise she reclined on, sipping at the last of her third goblet of wine and watched Andy stroll to the door. A slight shake of her head helped to clear away the slightly fuzzy feeling that engulfed her brain.

  Payton was no dummy. Andy was transparent as hell with his drivel about completing some remodeling on the house as he continually kept her glass filled. That shit…she smiled inwardly. He’s trying to get me drunk.

  Velvet stood in the corridor with another carafe of wine. “I see you’re both relaxing. That’s good. It’s why you came here.” She floated across the thick carpet, poured herself a small bit of the amber-colored liquid, then draped herself across an overstuffed sofa. The woman’s fluid motions were feminine and sensual. Payton hugged her oversized sweatshirt to her body and sat primly on a chair—and waited.

  “I see that the two of you are relaxing. That’s good. Now, first I’d like to discuss why the two of you are here. The reasons simply help me to tailor the weekend to your needs.” Velvet’s statement drifted across to the couple.

  Payton shrugged her slender shoulders, glanced at her husband, and remained silent. Her nervous blue gaze darted about the room.

  Andy had no such qualms. “I guess my reasons are that we need a little more excitement in bed.”

  Payton wanted to crawl under the chaise, but stayed where she was.

  “We used to have a great sex life. I guess work, kids, whatever, has just got in the way.” He took his wife’s clammy hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “I want a weekend fill
ed with pure, unadulterated sex with my wife.”

  His hand was the only thing that kept her on the chaise rather than on her knees to try and find a hiding spot.

  Velvet smiled at her. “My dear, Payton. You look like you’re going to bolt. You can look at me.” Her guest tentatively brought her chin up. “While you are here, we need be truthful with each other, say exactly what we feel, and state exactly what we want. You two will leave on Sunday afternoon with a rare truthfulness to your marriage that not all couples have discovered. This is going to be a weekend of pure sex for both of you. It’s not going to be nasty or dirty. It’s going to be exactly as it should between a man and woman who love each other deeply.”

  Velvet rose from the divan and crossed to a cabinet. She clicked open the brass lock and let the heavy doors swing wide. “In this cabinet are various ‘tools’ that are at your disposal. There is every sex toy imaginable. Each comes with its own set of directions.” Her fingers ran across the outside jackets of stacked DVDs. “Visual aids are on this side and over here—” she pointed to the opposite side of the middle shelf, “are manuals.” She turned with a wide smile on her face. “Not that you need a manual after being married for so many years. But, always keep your mind open to possibilities that you haven’t thought about.”

  Payton’s breath caught in her throat when she turned her head to catch Andy staring at her. Her breasts instantly tingled with his hot look that nearly devoured her whole. A moment later, she blushed again when she realized Velvet was witness to her husband’s ogling.

  “You must not be embarrassed to have your husband show how much he wants you, Payton. That’s why you two are here—to rediscover and find anew the sexual experiences that you’ve only imagined. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  Andy chuckled. “That she is. I plan to spend the weekend letting her know that.”

  “Andy!” Payton hissed, but a smile curved her full lips. How could she help but feel sexy and loved? Andy’s desire and love for her blazed in his eyes. The idea of how much work awaited her when she returned to her office receded further.


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