Emerald Dreams (The Dream Traveler Series)

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Emerald Dreams (The Dream Traveler Series) Page 18

by Nicole Knight

  When we got outside on the front porch, I laid my hand on his arm to make him look at me. I still wanted to know what was going through his head. That's when I felt a jolt.

  The only way I could describe it was like electricity. I hadn't felt it any of the other times I touched him before, something about this moment was different.

  I suddenly felt a wave of emotion overcome me. They all felt foreign to me, and then I realized why. They weren't my emotions, they were his.

  There was a wave of strength and bravery, followed by a wave of desperation and fear. They were consuming the forefront of what I thought were his conscious thoughts. I couldn't read what he was thinking, but I could just feel the emotions behind whatever his thoughts were. Something made him think he had to be brave, yet he still must be scared. It worried me.

  Following all of those intense emotions was an easier one to understand, love. I could see my own face when he felt it. It was him looking at me through his eyes, how he saw me.

  He didn't see me as an awkward eighteen-year-old girl struggling to fit in at school. He saw me, laughing and smiling and happy. He saw the girl who wanted more than anything to prove she was strong, like him.

  It made me so happy to learn that he sees me for me. In his eyes, I was already strong and just as brave as him.

  Why I was experiencing this now was beyond me. Sometimes things in the universe can't be explained; I have a feeling this is one of those things.

  I couldn't tell if this exchange was one-sided, and part of me wished to find out. Then I quickly realized that invading someone's mind was a total violation of privacy, and should be impossible altogether. I reluctantly pulled my hand back and broke contact.

  I was back in my own head. I was trying to make sense of it all. That was one of the coolest and yet most confusing experiences of my life.

  How can I just invade someone's head like that on accident by a simple touch? Again, figuring out all of this on my own without Wisdom's knowledge may be one of the biggest challenges I ever face. This makes flipping a bully over my shoulder seem like a cakewalk.

  Axel's facial expression didn't change much, if any. Which means he didn't feel a thing. I felt his feelings without him knowing.

  "How did everything go?" I asked, hoping to break his silence that must have occurred during my inner monologue.

  "Fine, got the vials you got. Can we go do something, please?" he asked.

  I felt his desperation.

  "Sure," I answered.

  It would be like our last little date before crap hit the fan.

  Axel and I placed our vials into the bags that I had packed. We left the little cabin for the last time. I could see Wisdom watching us through a window as we disappeared into the dark forest.

  Axel led me to a nearby pond using the light from a magic orb I created. It had cast a yellow glow over everything we walked near. When we got to the pond, Axel stopped.

  "Wisdom told me about this place. He told me that he and Victoria once spent some time here. He thought it would be nice if I brought you here," he told me.

  Look at Great Gramps giving dating advise.

  He turned his back to me and pulled off his shirt. He kicked off the shoes that he wore and started climbing a tree that grew from the water's edge. He had hauled himself ten feet high up the tree or so before he approached the first branch. He crawled out onto the branch and slowly stood up.

  His arms were spread out in an attempt to keep his balance. After a few seconds of wobbling, he was stable and proceeded to do a pencil dive into the water. He made a small splash, and after a few seconds, his head bobbed above the water.

  I had started to worry, who knows how deep this pond is? He could have seriously injured himself. Then how would I be able to fulfill the Prophecy? I can't do it without his help, I am sure of that. I am confident that somewhere in that old book that held the Prophecy it was predicted I would have help. It must have just been long forgotten because that's too much faith put into one person.

  "Come on in," I heard him say.

  I needed to stop worrying. Worry would only slow me down. I needed to be careful sure, but I needed to leave my intense anxiety here, on the shore, never to be found again.

  I peeled off my shirt, still wearing a bra and shorts that had been under my dress. I walked to the water's edge. I wasn't all about making a glamorous entrance into the water. I just waded right on in.

  I tried not to think about the other creatures we were sharing this pond with.

  Every time I lifted my foot to place it down on the sand in front of me, I hoped I wouldn't step on or feel one of those creatures. I got a few steps closer to Axel and thought I was in the clear. One more step proved that I was wrong.

  I stepped on something slimy; it had a sharp point which pricked my foot. I could feel its scales slide against my other leg as it swam away.

  I let out a shriek and picked both of my feet off the bottom. I began treading water and started swimming doggy style back to the shore. I didn't want to touch anything else. Before I could make it anywhere close to the safety of the sand, Axel came up behind me and grabbed me. His arms closed around my middle, and he pulled me closer to him.

  "Violet, what's wrong?" he asked.

  He was laughing, like he already knew the answer. He was just making sure.

  "I stepped on something, it pricked me. I'm getting out of here," I told him.

  I kept kicking and paddling, trying to get out of the water, but Axel wasn't letting me go anywhere.

  "Calm down. It's okay; nothing will come near us now. You have effectively scared everything away," he said.

  "You have to rush into a castle to kill a king, but you are more afraid of a simple fish you cannot see."

  I felt him chuckling.

  Was he actually laughing at me? Some nerve he has.

  "I won't calm down! Hey, don't you laugh at me! This isn't funny!" I was shouting now but didn't care.

  This wasn't funny, it was terrifying. I regretted even getting in the water.

  "Violet, I have you. It is okay, trust me," he told me.

  I did my best to force myself to relax at his words. I stopped fighting him and the water. I shifted my position so that I was treading water again but staring at Axel. His hands were around my waist, supporting me.

  "See, that's better," he said.

  "Don't push me, Axel. I have a growing fear of water from the river, and now this," I said.

  I was only kind of teasing but mostly serious.

  Axel flinched a little with the mention of the Red River. It was almost like I had insulted him, even though I wasn't trying to.

  "Sorry, my lady," he gave me a little smile.

  "It's okay; it isn't your fault I stepped on something," I replied, trying to make peace before this turned into something else.

  "Good, if you hadn't forgiven me, I wouldn't be able to do this without feeling bad."

  With that, he splashed me.

  A small wave of water went over my head and drenched the small portion of me that was still dry.

  I sucked in some water accidentally and spit it back out. I rubbed the water away from my eyes and pushed the wet hair in my face out of my way.

  He was asking for war, and I was going to give him one. It might not be playing fair, but whatever; he started it, not me.

  I called on my magic and sent a five-foot wall of water crashing down on his head. I started swimming as fast as I could away from him while he recovered. The force of the wave sent him under the water's surface.

  I waited for him to come back up gasping for breath and to chase after me. I kept waiting when he didn't pop up to the surface. It had been a full minute since he went under the water. I was starting to worry.

  Oh my god, did I just kill my boyfriend?

  Suddenly something grabbed my feet and dragged me under. I could feel the fingers wrapped around my ankles and tried not to panic too much.

  It was just Axel, thank

  From the light glowing right about the surface, I could barely see his face floating right in front of mine. He was smiling ear to ear with little bubbles coming out from beneath his teeth.

  I did my best to engrave this sight into my brain. I wanted to sketch it and remember it forever. Right then, I couldn't ever remember being as happy before as I felt right then. It was a freeing feeling. To know I was able to feel so happy.

  I let out a laugh forgetting that I was underwater. I felt all the air bubbles tickle my face as they shot up towards the surface. I saw the rainbow fish from the creek swimming around us. My light above us was causing them to cast rainbow colors all around the pond. It was a breathtaking sight I hoped I would never forget.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and could feel his emotions again. This time there wasn't fear or bravado, just a deep peacefulness, joy, and love. All three emotions were fighting for equal space in that beautiful head of his. I felt all three of those as well, for once, it felt like we were on the same page. We were finally equal somewhere, and that was with our shared feelings and emotions, even if he didn't know it.

  The meaning of this moment would never be lost to me. I knew at this exact moment, this would be what kept me pushing through all of the hard times ahead.

  Once this was all said and done, when I was Queen, I wanted to come back here and relive this moment. When we were freed from the weight of the world, and the Prophecy.

  I broke away from Axel, and his emotions, and we both swam towards the surface. When we cut through the surface, we both gasped for air while struggling to control our laughing.

  When we got our laughter under control and our breathing steady, I watched Axel. He was a faster swimmer than I, and he closed the remaining gap between us.

  He looked up to the sky for a moment once he got directly next to me. I watched him. Water was dripping off his face. He was so handsome that it almost killed me.

  Who knew that in another world, I would find a man who liked me for me? It was a crazy thought. How many other people out there would never meet their soul mate because of a divide like this?

  "What did Wisdom say to you?" I asked him.

  I knew I caught him off guard, but I couldn't help it. I knew I took the chance of ruining this moment, but I still couldn't stop thinking about what Wisdom might have told him. His face still haunted me.

  He looked like he was debating on what to say. I could practically see the gears turning in my head. He couldn't make eye contact with me. Then finally, when I thought I couldn't wait any longer, he spoke.

  "He told me that I could not allow our romance to get in the way of my judgment. It was better to not court right now, but I simply don't agree," he said.

  "Then what's the problem, why the gloomy look?" I asked.

  "If you don't agree, then we keep dating," I said.

  "I am afraid of messing up the Prophecy and fear that Wisdom could be right. I don't want our relationship to cause me to make the wrong choices," he answered.

  "That's so silly. I was told that sometimes I might have to ignore you and go with my own judgment even if it puts us in danger. So there, problem solved. I will make all the important decisions. We can keep dating, and you don't have to worry about messing up the Prophecy. Okay?" I said.

  I wasn't going to let a prophecy come between us. We just shared this beautiful moment, and I wouldn't let it be followed by something so sad. If anything, the Prophecy brought us together. I was a reincarnation of some goddess who made the Prophecy. I should be able to keep a boyfriend and save a Kingdom at the same time, right?

  "Sometimes, you amaze me," he said.

  "You can have the wisdom of a man like Wisdom, and sometimes you can be so innocent like a child. It is something I hope you never lose my dear Violet. That is the part of you I most hope to protect."

  What he said stirred up so many things inside of me, and I didn't know how to put a lid on the emotions brewing.

  It's a good thing he couldn't feel my emotions like I could feel his. If he could, I don't think there would ever be enough water to put distance between our bodies. There wouldn't be enough water to chill the heat I could feel developing between us.

  "Sometimes, it amazes me that I found someone so willing to put me first that he is willing to sacrifice how he feels to make sure I accomplish my destiny. I hope that is something you never lose, your compassion and bravery," I shared with him.

  This was a new type of intimate moment between us. There were so many raw emotions around us. I wanted Axel to feel it all. I wanted him to know that I felt better with him at my side. I had more confidence in myself with him next to me. I felt special and loved because of him. He opened up a new world of emotions and experiences to me.

  Screw it, I'm willing to tempt fate and hope the water would cool us down after all was said and done.

  I put my hands on the side of his head and figured it was worth a try to show him everything. I opened my mind and let him see everything. I wasn't sure how it happened, but it was like a floodgate. Everything I had been feeling surrounded him, everything for him to see.

  He could see the small part of me who was still scared, but the more significant piece of me that felt ready. He could see the places in my heart that he had filled and the places that he would soon fill. It was remarkable. Somewhere along the way, he must have made a conscious decision to open up to me because I could see into his head.

  He felt messed up. I could sense that was how he thought about himself. But he felt that somehow I was the fix to that. I made him better; I gave him a reason to care about somebody besides himself. He looked at me as his future and swore to himself to treat me how I deserved and always put me first.

  It was remarkable, this exchanging of deep emotions and thoughts without saying a word. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, my lips were attached to his. We stayed that way for a long time, enjoying this moment, our moment. I didn't even let the fish brushing up against my legs ruin it.

  When things got too hot, Axel pulled away, and we separated a little to cool off.

  Maybe this pond did have what it took to cool my jets.

  We swam slow circles around each other. I was still sorting through all the new feelings and emotions that Axel had shared with me.

  "Violet, float on your back and open your eyes. Can you turn off the light, please?"

  I looked over to Axel.

  He was floating and looking up at the black sky. I listened to him and did the same. I released my control over the light and let my eyes adjust to the new darkness.

  Once I got myself floating and was sure I wouldn't sink, my eyes began to take in the sky. I hadn't paid much attention before, but I could see stars dotting the sky. Some were very bright, almost like yellow diamonds floating in the blackness. Most of the stars were small and very distant looking. It was beautiful.

  In some spots, I could see colors in the sky. There was pink, purple, blue, and orange barely visible in the blackness beyond.

  "Do you wonder if you're from somewhere up there? And that necklace just instantly takes you between the two?"

  I felt Axel swim beside me and grab my hand.

  "Yeah, I wonder what galaxy that is, and if my planet is in it."

  "What is a Galaxy?" he asked.

  Of course, I should have expected this. They weren't nearly advanced as us on earth with science and astronomy.

  "It's this big section of space. It holds different solar systems, which revolve around stars. There could be a million stars or more just in one Galaxy. I'm not sure how many Galaxies there are, but in my world, we are constantly learning more about it," I answered.

  "I sort of understand what you are saying. What Galaxy can I thank for your existence?" he asked.

  "The Milky Way," I responded.

  I was wearing a small smile. He could be really charming when he wanted to be. It was another thing I was beginning to cherish about him.

"Is it covered in milk?" he asked.

  I could hear the laughter in his voice at his own question.

  "No, silly, it is just the name," I told him.

  "Can I ask you some more things about your home?" Axel asked.

  "Of course, ask away," I said.

  I liked that he wanted to know more about Arlington and Earth. I hoped I could find a way to maybe bring him there one day; if that was even possible.

  "You mentioned before that your family owns a house, what does it look like?"

  "Well, it is big for just three women, but we make it work. It is two stories and its paint is wearing off. It starting to slowly fall apart, but I still love it. I have the coolest bedroom in the house. Maybe one day I could show it to you. It's so hard to truly explain the little details about something you have known your old life. I can't do it justice."

  "I would like that, to be able to go see it," he said.

  "Me too," I answered.

  "What is the most precious thing you own?" he asked.

  "This necklace," I answered as I used my free hand to reach up and touch it.

  "It brings me here to you."

  I was smiling at my confession, and somehow I knew he was too. He didn't ask me any more questions about home after that.

  We floated like that until our bodies turned into prunes, discussing the universe, how it works, and holding hands.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The next evening I came back to Morthshadow after taking care of everything I needed to at home in Arlington.

  Madison and I worked out and talked. She informed me that she and Tommy had started dating, but she wasn't going to let that come in between her and I.

  I hoped she was right.

  Mom and Grandmother had both made a big dinner, and I was scrutinized the whole time while I was eating. I made sure to take even more food than usual and eat it all. I was stuffed full, but I could see some relief in my Mom's face.

  I was asked to do the dishes, so I washed them. Mom went to the laundry room to wash clothes, and Grandmother made her way beside me.


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