by Hal Lindsey
Britain Enacts Harsher Restrictions on Jews
From 1920 on, partly as a result of anti-Jewish terrorism, British policy focused almost exclusively on limiting the immigration of Jews into Palestine. For the Arabs, a different set of rules applied. “In actuality, British restrictions against Jewish emigration were harsher and more discriminatory than even those of the Turks.”226
There were dissenters among the British officers’ corps—men who were disgusted by the seemingly official tolerance of Arab violence against Jews. They were ridiculed by their colleagues and often reassigned. They were overruled because an even-handed approach might alienate the Arab leaders and jeopardize Britain’s tenuous imperial plans for Arabia.
The Infamous White Papers
By 1930, the British began to rationalize and justify their anti-Jewish policies in Palestine with a series of papers—first being the “Hope-Simpson Report.” Prompted by the 1929 Arab massacres of Jews and other disturbances, it concluded that the best way to prevent further bloodshed was to limit Jewish immigration and land purchases even more. The report admitted that illicit Arab immigration had, in fact, crowded out many opportunities for Jewish refugees in their designated national homeland. But its solution was to deny any more Jewish settlement.227
Now that was a splendid display of justice—stop further bloodshed by punishing the victim and rewarding the criminal. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Arabs would be encouraged to pour on more violence to ultimately get the Jews removed from Palestine altogether “in order to avoid more bloodshed.”
The Passfield-White Paper
Shortly after the “Hope-Simpson Report,” came the infamous “Passfield-White Paper” of 1930, which mandated that Jewish emigration would be suspended and that landless Arabs would be given property to cultivate. In the future, the “White Paper” stated, a resumption of Jewish immigration would depend on an improvement in the Arab employment picture. In effect, the Jews were now being relegated to a permanent minority status, subject only to the future whims of decidedly pro-Arab British officials.
Keep in mind that under League of Nations mandate, Britain was charged only with facilitating the immigration of Jews, not Arabs. And also bear in mind that the British were seeking to give to those migrant Arabs things that their own Arab brothers had never considered giving them. But the whole process—per usual in the Middle East—was turned upside-down by British administrators who had little or no knowledge of the region’s history. Not that it would have made any difference to most of them.
Israel “Downsized” Again
By 1937, the situation in Palestine had deteriorated greatly and the British conducted another of “their many studies.” The “Royal Commission Report,” somewhat more evenhanded than its predecessors, at least acknowledged the primary purpose of the mandate was to facilitate the creation of a Jewish homeland. But it also came to the conclusion that the original mandate for the homeland would have to be downsized significantly and partitioned into one Jewish state and one Arab. (See map No. 4, i.e., the Partition into a Jewish and an Arab State in the territory mandated to the Jews.)
So the Arabs once again succeeded in slicing off another piece of the mandated land that was originally given to the Jews by the League of Nations. Never mind that the Arab Muslims had been given 98 percent of the Middle East land liberated from the Ottoman Turks. Glaringly apparent in the history of this era is this familiar theme: If Israel owned even one square meter of land in the Holy Land, it would still be too much for the Arabs to bear.
Accessories to Mass Murder
It is particularly striking that the illegal Arab immigration into Palestine continued and the British continued to place roadblocks in the way of Jewish immigration—even at a time (1937-38) when wholesale persecution of the Jews by the Nazis was under way in Poland and Germany. At this point in history, Hitler was eager to permit Jews to emigrate, but no nation in the world was willing to accommodate their vast numbers, including the United States, which was in the Great Depression.
“I can only hope and expect that the other world, which has such deep sympathy for these criminals [Jews], will at least be generous enough to convert this sympathy into practical aid,” Hitler mocked in a 1938 speech. “We on our part, are ready to put all these criminals at the disposal of these countries, for all I care, even on luxury ships.”228
In spite of this clear and apparent danger posed to the Jews by Hitler, Britain refused to allow anything more than “very limited” immigration into Palestine.
In fact, a year later in the 1939 “White Paper,” they completely reversed the intent of the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations mandate. They had the audacity to announce that Britain had no intention of facilitating the re-creation of the Jewish state. And why? Because, the British Foreign Service said, “This would be contrary to our [England’s] obligations to the Arabs.”229
Lost Honor! Lost Empire!
Talk about lack of honor and character. I believe that these very actions are responsible for God destroying the British Empire. Shortly after the end of World War II, the mighty world empire of Great Britain became a memory. Remember, God promised Abraham and his descendants, “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you.”
These actions also guaranteed that Hitler’s gas ovens would be full. It is not overstating the case to say that the British policy of appeasement of the Arabs was the direct cause of hundreds of thousands of Jews going to the gas chambers. The British version of their “final solution”—outlined in the 1939 “White Paper”—would limit Jewish immigration to ten thousand a year for five years, at which point it would be terminated unless the Arabs of Palestine were willing to accept more! Is there anyone stupid enough to think they ever would accept more when they wanted only to annihilate the ones who were already there?
The leader of the Arabs in Palestine was our old friend Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had by now been appointed by the British as grand mufti of Jerusalem. Since the early 1930s, he had made no secret of his close affinity for the Nazis and their final solution for the Jews. He kept a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf next to his Koran.
Haj Amin was in fact a pathological murderer who masterminded the killing of Arabs as well as Jews. He secretly fomented the anti-British, anti-Zionist riots of 1936-1939. When this became known, he had to flee Palestine, escaping through Iraq to Nazi Germany where he became a confidante to Hitler. He also organized Muslims from Bosnia to fight alongside the elite German Waffen SS troops.230
Britain’s Most Shameful Hour
The anti-Jewish attitude among the British had reached a zenith. After the latest restrictions on Jewish immigration were announced, the British cabled their ambassador in Berlin and instructed him to ask the Germans to discourage Jews who might think of illegally traveling to Palestine! That was like pleading with the hangmen not to let their victims escape.
Let me say here that it is not fair to characterize British policy as reflecting the will of all Englishmen. In fact, quite a few outspoken leaders harshly criticized their country’s betrayal of the Jews. Winston Churchill, for one, saw it clearly as a continuation of Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement.
Nevertheless, the strict limits on Jewish immigration remained throughout the war. And by 1945, over six million Jews had been systematically murdered in Europe. Only fifty-one thousand had been permitted to immigrate to Palestine. Incredibly, however, at the same time, the British continued to wink at illegal immigration into Palestine by the Arabs.
The Turning Point
This was the thanks from the British that the Jews got for their loyalty and patience and long-suffering. But the issuance of the “White Paper of 1939” sparked a new attitude among some of the Zionists. Now the Jews, while fighting alongside the British against the Nazis, would also defy British attempts to isolate and neutralize the Jews in Palestine.
It was only through this newfound Jewish milita
ncy—an antidote to the pressure constantly exerted by the Arabs upon the British—that Israel was reborn in 1948.
Had the British followed their own declaration and the League of Nations mandate they were honor-bound to implement, the rebirth of Israel would have happened a lot sooner.
Had the British enforced their own laws against the effendis’ usury, extortion, and exploitation of the Arab peasantry instead of defending Muslims’ anti-Jewish incitements, the rebirth of Israel would have happened a lot sooner.
Had the British had the good sense to allow more Jews to immigrate to Palestine, the Nazi Holocaust might have been avoided.
The Price of Britain’s Betrayal
Great Britain received a terrible punishment in World War II. London and other major cities were bombed and ravaged by Hitler’s Luftwaffe. Before England’s infamous treatment of the Jews and the betrayal of the mandate, “the sun never set on the British Empire.”
Even though the Allies won the war, the British Empire came to an end. Britain is only a shadow of its former glory. I don’t believe this is a coincidence. I believe it was a direct result of the British betrayal of the Jewish people and the Jewish nation. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still keeps His Word: “I will curse those who curse you.”
And now, the United States is the main party pushing Israel into a further reduction of the land originally allotted to it. The Obama Administration has adopted the most anti-Israel policies of any American president in history. We are foolishly pushing Israel to accept a Palestinian state filled with Muslim terrorists who believe it is their duty to Allah to destroy Israel.
President Obama continues to favor the Muslims and to give them more advantages than ever before. We have learned to not listen to what he says, but to watch what he does.
The new borders now being pushed upon Israel will make it indefensible by conventional military means. Once those borders are established, Israel will have only one assurance that they will not be attacked—“the promises of the Muslims.” No one in his right mind would base his survival on those empty words. History and the doctrines of Islam teach the folly of relying on such an assurance.
In the interest of short-term peace, we are courting nuclear war. Israel already has the “Samson Option” plan in place in case the Muslim armies overrun them. This “Option” will vaporize the Arab capitals with thermonuclear warheads. I will have much more to say about this in the final chapter.
Are we in the U.S. not presently doing the same thing the British did—only worse? Let us pray that our leaders will not continue this insane policy. For the God of Israel will certainly keep His Word—but this time against us, the United States of America.
The rapid disintegration of the once mighty British Empire is an object lesson in recent history that should not be ignored.
It is a fearful thing to defy the Word of the living God. If you don’t believe that, buckle up. You will soon find out.
“This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD Almighty is his name: ‘Only if these decrees vanish from my sight,’ declares the LORD, ‘will the descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before me.’”
“We shall never call for or accept a negotiated peace. We shall only accept war—Jihad—the holy war. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah.”
—ABDUL AZIZ IBN SAUD (Founder of Saudi Arabia)
The original birth and founding of the nation of Israel was a miracle. Its deliverance from Egyptian bondage was a miracle. Its restoration from the Babylonian/Persian captivity was a miracle. Its rebirth in June 1948 was a miracle.
Its continued survival through four all-out wars—1948-49, 1956, 1967, and 1973, all of which were launched by the combined might of Islam for the express purpose of annihilating Israel and its people—is a miracle. Do you begin to see a pattern here?
It has been a colossal miracle that the race of Israel has survived. It is equally as great a miracle that the modern state of Israel has survived. Many people have tried to explain the miracle of Israel’s modern survival in purely natural terms—but frankly, it takes more faith than I’ve got to explain it that way.
The Muslims say that it’s because Israel has been furnished with so many modern weapons by the U.S. But the Soviet Union, France, China, and so on, have also furnished the Muslims with modern weapons. The Muslim forces always outnumbered the Israelis at least 4 to 1. They have had more modern tanks, aircraft, missiles, and artillery.
It is certainly not because Israelis are individually more courageous. Arab-Muslim soldiers are as brave as any in the world. Militarily speaking, there is only one advantage that stands out for the Israelis; they fight more with their reason than with their emotions. And they fight more as a unit than do the Muslims.
1967 Six Day War
An Israeli friend of mine was a young flight leader in the Israeli Air Force during the 1967 Six Day War. He related to me the extremely difficult battle plan they had to execute at the beginning of the war.
They had to coordinate multiple flights of fighter-bombers so that they all arrived on target at the same time. If timing and navigation were off, the whole war could have been a disaster. Israel’s outgunned and outnumbered forces had to seize air supremacy at the very beginning to have any chance at all.
Multiple flights of jet fighters screamed toward multiple targets from multiple directions at supersonic speed. The planes flew so low that some were taking in spray from the ocean and others were just above the sand dunes. They had to maintain absolute radio silence, so no timing coordination or course corrections with each other were possible.
This is my friend’s account:
I glanced out of the cockpit to glimpse the Nile River streak by underneath. I pulled up lightly to get over a bridge. I was flying so low that I nearly hit the mast of an Egyptian fishing boat. Just three hours before, I was on my honeymoon. A helicopter picked me up off the roof of the hotel. I still remember waving goodbye to my beautiful new bride as she stood on the hotel roof in her negligee.
I went over the battle plan in my mind. The great pyramids of Egypt flashed by off my starboard wing. I looked over my shoulder—all the young pilots were in tight formation behind me. I glanced at my airspeed indicator—Mach .85. I reminded myself, “Must keep just under the sound barrier so as not to set off alarms.” We were counting on the populace thinking we were Egyptian fighters on maneuvers. “One thing for sure,” I thought, “at this speed and low altitude, they will never be able to identify the planes. We are gone before they know we are there.”
I checked my watch again. “Will we all arrive at the same time?” I wondered. “Will one of the squadrons hit a base early and alert the other bases to launch their fighters?” We had timed the strike to hit just after the Egyptians early morning patrols. “They would be having morning tea about now,” I thought.
“Oops! There is my landmark.” I instinctively pulled the stick back hard and went into a vertical climb to line up for attack. “Are we on time? Where are the other squadrons?” I rolled my fighter so that I could see. To my amazement, the other two attack units that had come in from different directions were all climbing in the vertical staring back at me. “Amazing! We had all arrived at the same precise moment.”
I pulled over the top and rolled into a screaming dive right down the center of Egypt’s main fighter base just outside of Cairo. There before me was the pride of the Egyptian Air Force parked in neat rows on the airport tarmac. I lined up and delivered my two 500 kg bombs. Three MIG 21s exploded in fireballs. I whipped my
plane around in a tight turn for another pass. My little Mirage fighter’s delta wings dug in hard against the g-forces. A large Tupelov bomber filled my gunsight. I fired a quick burst from my two 30 mm canons and it exploded in flames. In minutes, every aircraft on the Egyptian base was destroyed. The Egyptian base was in such chaos that not one shot had been fired at us.
As we turned and streaked across the Sinai for home, I thought, “What a way to enter a war. Less than four hours ago, I held my bride in my arms. Now I have just completed the first mission of a desperate war that will determine the survival of Israel.”
My friend had not yet learned how great a victory the Israeli Air force had just completed. Virtually the entire combined air forces of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were destroyed on the first day. Every airfield was hit at approximately the same time. Reconnaissance photos showed that at every airfield in Egypt, almost every warplane had been hit dead center. The absolute necessity of achieving air superiority was accomplished.
In six days the outnumbered Israeli Defense Forces destroyed the best of the combined Muslim armies of the Middle East.
There are some who would say this happened because of superior training. My friend believed that played a part—but he also believed that Israel’s God must have been with them.