The Rebellion

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The Rebellion Page 16

by S. L. Scott

  “Is there a date you prefer? I won’t know until last minute due to work and school, but I can start checking into it.”

  Now. I wish you were here with me now. “The soonest.”

  “Las Vegas next weekend? That’s five days.”

  “Four shows.”

  “I’m not sure that Vegas is a place for Ace.”

  “It can be what we make it. If you’re serious, I’ll get us the best suite in the city with two bedrooms. Ace can have his own and we can have another.” Too much? Too fast? “Unless you want your own private room. I can book that for you.”

  “No, a suite for all of us sounds amazing. Thank you.”

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “Five days. I’ll get back with you, but I’m excited.”

  “Me too. I look forward to seeing you both.”

  “I should go, but thanks for always thinking of Ace.”

  That cute kid is hers. It doesn’t matter that his dad is a fuck-up of epic proportions. Ace deserves the best chance at a future outside that neighborhood. If I can play a part in that, I will. “He’s important to you, so he’s important me, Jaymes.”


  “No thanks needed. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Reaching over, I push the button closing the curtains and turning off the lights. Lying there, I remember so much about us when we thought we owned the world . . .

  A rare night in LA—the stars shine above. Resting back on a pile of pillows in the bed of my truck, I stare up. Miles of universe make me feel small. Jaymes is strumming the guitar I gave her, singing softly along with the radio.

  Glancing over at her, I say, “You’re better.”

  “You only say that so you can get laid.”

  I laugh. “Put the guitar down.”

  With an all-knowing smile on her face, she passes it through the open window of the cab, setting it safely on the seat. I immediately grab her and swing her under me until I’m leaning over her. “I’m gonna get laid anyway, so when I tell you something, it’s the truth, baby.”

  Her fingers zigzag into my hair and then stop. Full lips are licked, her eyes telling me everything she wants. I press my mouth to hers lightly at first. Running my tongue over her bottom lip, I then take it between my teeth with just enough pressure to feel her bated breath exhale. I need all of her—her breath, her kisses, her love, her soul. Our tongues touch as I rub her thigh under the little floral dress she wore to tease. I stole her innocence years ago, but the sweet little dresses she wears remind me of when I met her.

  She tugs my shirt over my head and I lift up to remove my jeans. Her dress comes off next. Seeing her body highlighted in the moonlight, she’s an angel here on Earth, the whole of my beating heart. Pert tits barely covered in purple lace beckon me. Dipping one cup down, I cover her nipple with my mouth, tonguing until chill bumps cover her and her fingers tighten in my hair. Peeking up, I see her eyes watching me while her mouth is open. “I want your underwear off.” She lifts and I want to rip, but I pull them down instead. I can read her mood by the music she was playing and by the soft kisses.

  Gentle. She wants love and romance. I can do that.

  Her legs part for me and I run my fingers higher. Centered at the apex of her thighs, I rub small circles and tease until she’s coming on me. Her moans echo through the trees and I lean down to devour her.

  Fingers grapple with my shoulders to pull me up higher. “I need you,” she says, her whisper whipped away on the wind. “Make love to me, Derrick.”

  When I move up, her hands push my boxers down. Moving to where we’ll both feel so good, I hold myself above her. “See those stars in the sky?” She nods, her gaze heading high. “We’re going to fly higher and shine brighter. Together we’ll win the world over and conquer the universe.”

  “I’d settle for your heart.”

  “You already own it.” I move and her head dips back. Pushing slowly in until my lips caress the underside of her jaw. My breath escapes as ecstasy takes over. Thrusting my body, my heart is pulled—all of me under her spell. I drop my head down next to hers.

  Sliding her arms around me, she kisses my temple, and says, “Promise me life will always be this good.”

  “I promise you it will be better. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Our lips embrace as our bodies come together in all ways.

  . . . Wonder if we can conquer the universe this time around. I promised her a better life, and right now, I feel as though I’ve failed her. I did fail her. Why did I believe she would want to be with Reggie? Why did I let my stupid pride stop me from checking the facts? Idiot.

  I promised her the world, and now I intend to give it to her.



  “Pack the pink dress. You look so pretty in that one.”

  I send a glare my mom’s way. “What you think is pretty and what Derrick will find sexy are two different things.”

  She’s smiling and yes, I showed my feelings, but if I can’t share my happiness with her, then who can I? She’ll also help me when the time comes. The time will come when I have to deal with certain other people. Some guy I didn’t recognize with a large lettered tattoo peeking out the back of his wife-beater was loose-lipped to Leann at the convenience store on the corner. “Reggie was picked up. He’s in for the weekend. No judge will see him until Monday.”

  That’s when I knew I had to go. I could see Derrick without fear of being caught. Two nights and I would be back before anyone noticed I was even gone. The smile hasn’t left my face since I called him to confirm.

  Ace has effectively taken out the four shirts I’ve packed for him and messed up the jeans and shorts. “Hey buddy, can you help pack your suitcase while Mommy packs hers?”

  “What does sexy mean?” he asks.

  My mom grabs the pink dress and throws it at me. “Pack it.” Tugging on Ace’s sleeve, she adds, “Come help me make dinner.”

  Down the hall I hear him ask, “Where is Derrick going to find sexy, Grandma?”

  A laugh escapes from the relief I feel that I don’t have to answer that. Looking at the pink dress, it’s so pink, but when I glance over at the closet, I don’t have much of a selection for sexy. I pack the dress and then decide I’ll win him over with sexy lingerie, except I don’t have any. I’ve had no reason to want to feel or look sexy for anyone in a long time. I find my best underwear instead and pack it along with two pretty bras.



  I dash out of the room and into the living room. “What?”

  Ace points at the TV and says, “Look. It’s Derrick.”

  Following where he’s pointing, I watch the TV. The bleach-blonde reporter is wearing a skin-tight red sweater dress. She shoves the microphone toward the lead singer who ignores her question. Security rushes around clearing the paparazzi away. One of the guys with sandy-blond hair wraps his arm around Derrick’s neck and drags him over to the reporter. “Single? We sure are. What’s your number?”

  The dark sunglasses hide Derrick’s eyes but when a flash goes off, I catch a glimpse of his annoyance. And then they’re escorted into waiting cars and drive away.

  Ace turns back and says, “You colored the box that said single when we went to school.”

  “Huh?” I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but then I remember. “When I registered you for kindergarten?”

  He nods and smiles before pointing back to the TV. “Derrick is single too.”

  Laughing, I agree. “He sure is.”

  “Mommy, what is single?”

  Oh Lordy, here we go.

  * * *

  My mom adjusts Ace’s backpack on his shoulders. “You be good for your mommy, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She squeezes him in a tight hug while I pull our suitcases from the trunk of her car. How a carry-on for only two days weighs this much is beyond me. Oh wait, no it’s not. I packed everythin
g I could fit in there. As soon as I close the trunk, my mom is hugging me just as hard. I comfort her. “We’ll be all right.”

  “First plane ride for you both.”

  I take Ace’s hand. “We’re gonna do this together, aren’t we, bud?”

  “Yup. I’ll take care of her, Grandma, like I promised.”

  “Good boy, Ace.” She kisses my cheek, and whispers, “Try to have some fun and enjoy the time away.”

  “I will. I promise. Thanks for driving us.”

  “Call me when you land.”

  I hug her once more and then stack Ace’s small case on mine and take his hand again. When we check in we’re told we can wait in a lounge. I’m not sure where she says it is. It’s like trying to find a secret door in the middle of an enchanted forest and Ace is sidetracked by the pretzel place. “Please, can I have one?”

  “I don’t know, Ace. I have some snacks with me. Two Granola bars and two apples. Do you want one of those instead?”

  “No, it’s a treat on our adventure. Please?”

  They do look good and it will tide him over until dinner if he eats the whole thing. “Okay. But you know we have to be careful with money. This is an adventure, but not too many treats. Deal?”

  “Deal.” We shake on it and I give him a five-dollar bill. He steps up to the counter and orders cinnamon pretzel bites like a big man. I rub his back as he waits for his change. Twenty-three cents. Instead of handing it to me, he drops it all in the tip jar on the counter. I say a silent prayer right there that the world never ruins the good that is my son.

  We never do find that lounge, but we find our terminal and gate easily. The flight attendant calls us to the stand and greets us with a smile. “I heard you’re first-time fliers?”

  Ace answers, “We are.”

  “Well, you are going to love first class. We’ll make sure to take extra special care of you.” She looks at me and says, “You may board now.”

  “Thank you.”

  We find our seats and I let Ace sit by the window. I try to keep my mouth from falling open at how fancy this is. Derrick outdid himself. Ace and I are officially spoiled.

  The flight is short but I’m served champagne and berries. Ace fell asleep after the orange juice and his cookies and took a quick nap. I feel like we can ask for anything and they’ll have it. Flying is amazing.

  I sip a cup of coffee while Ace stares out the window, excited we’re landing soon. Reading my phone, I check the messages from Derrick again just to make sure I understand. A driver will be there to greet you in baggage claim. He’ll bring you to the hotel where we’re staying. Okay. I can do this.

  The landing was a bit rough. Ace got scared, but so was I. I’m amazed how Derrick can fly all the time. Wonder if he gets anxious like I was?

  A guy in a black suit, just like in the movies, is holding a sign up for us. He takes our carry-ons and we follow him to the private car waiting area. “Thank you,” I say when he opens the door. Ace springs in and I duck in after, but am surprised. “You’re here?”

  Derrick melts me to the seat with his killer smile. “I couldn’t wait to see you.”

  The door is closed and I’m brought in for a kiss, but right before we get to follow through, he peeks between us and laughs. “Hey there, Ace, my man. How’s it going?”

  “I got cookies on the plane and Mom bought me pretzel bites.”

  “Your mom’s the best.”

  Ace nods and I laugh. “Thank you for all this. The flight was incredible. A little rough at the end, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” When I look back into his eyes, they darken and I realize what I just said. We used to play around, a little rough sometimes, but so comfortable with each other that we didn’t have to hide any of our desires. That feels like another life. But I won’t be too quick to judge.

  Optimism fills the car, and while looking into those oceanic eyes, I start to believe it’s possible to capture the past. Or maybe this is not about recapturing our past. Maybe this is about finding our future. Should I think that?

  Derrick reaches his arm around the top of the seat, over Ace’s head, and rests his hand on my shoulder. His fingers tap and tickle. Looking into his cheerful expression, I know it’s possible.

  The hotel comes into view. Gold windows and grand statues welcome us, and as soon as we step out, Ace says, “Whoa.”

  “Come on,” Derrick says, putting his sunglasses on.

  His body is tense and I feed off his reaction, taking Ace’s hand. “Are we safe?”

  The question seems to surprise him. “We’re safe. I just don’t want to draw any attention.”

  “Neither do I.”

  The left side of his lips slides up and he takes my free hand. “Elevator’s this way. They’ll bring the bags up.”

  In the elevator, he pushes the button and I stand next to him, giddy as can be to be here with him. He sneaks a hand behind my back and rubs. “You look beautiful.”

  Touching my cheeks, I tilt my head down, knowing I’m blushing, and whisper, “Thank you.”

  The doors open and he leads us down the hall and opens the door. “Hey Ace, check out that view.”

  Ace runs to the window and presses his nose against it. “Whoa.”

  “I think we’re going to hear a lot of that this weekend. He’s never been anywhere like this before. I haven’t either for that fact.” But this is now Derrick’s norm. Surreal.

  Taking my hand, Derrick says, “Then let me give you a tour.” We only make a few feet inside the bedroom before he tracks Ace’s whereabouts and then presses me to the wall and kisses me hard. “God, I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.”

  Ace runs in and we jump apart. “Mommy, you have to see the pool. It looks so small with ants around it.” He grabs me and tugs me into the living room. I sneak a glance back at Derrick who’s laughing and joins us at the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “Those are people, not ants.” All three of us are pressed against the glass—biggest to smallest. Derrick reaches over and takes my hand. I reach over and take Ace’s. This. This is all I ever wanted. “I don’t need the view or the fancy suite.”

  Derrick looks over, and asks, “What?”

  “That out there. Or this fancy hotel. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but this,” I say, holding up our clasped hands, “is all I ever dreamed of.”

  The delivery of the bags interrupts a kiss to my cheek. We laugh and Derrick goes to the door. I remain while Ace points out all the things he sees, which is a lot. “I’m hungry,” he says, looking up at me.

  “Okay, let me grab an apple for you.” I grab my purse to rummage through it until I find the Granola bars and the apples, and then set them on the table.

  Derrick comes up behind me and his hands start to touch me, but he sees Ace and moves around to the other side of the table. “What’s all this?”

  “Ace is hungry, so I was getting him something to eat.”

  Holding up an apple, he asks, “You brought your own food?”

  My defenses go up, but then I realize how this looks, how it appears to him. Lowering my voice and those defenses that popped up too fast for my own liking, I reply, “We don’t have much money. We may be here on vacation, but I still need to be responsible.”

  He takes the apple and tosses it to Ace. When he turns back to me, he says, “You don’t need your own food. Charge anything you want to the room and if you want anything in the hotel, just charge it to me. I’ve got you both covered. Anything you want, it’s yours.”

  “This is so much. I don’t want to take advantage of your generosity.”

  “Please. Take advantage. I have my mom. Other than that, I don’t have anyone to spend all this money on. Let me spend some on you, and that guy over there.”

  “Were you always this charming, Derrick Masters?”

  “More. You’ve just forgotten.”

  “Well, you’re doing a darn good job reminding me.”

  “I try, sweet Jay
mes. I try.”

  Another knock draws our attention away from each other. I join Ace by the window and we continue to look at The Strip and all the twinkling lights. I look back and see Derrick hugging a woman and welcoming a man I recognize from the band. Two kids run in and up to the windows next to us. “Hi,” I say to the oldest. He’s older than Ace, so I ask, “What’s your name?”

  “Neil.” Not looking to carry on a conversation, he nudges Ace, and I smile. “This is a better view than ours. We got a parking lot. How old are you?”

  Ace is shy at first, so he glances to me, but then replies, “Five.”

  “I’m eight. My brother’s five like you. His name is CJ. Are you Uncle Derrick’s kid?”

  My heart sinks. This time Ace looks to me for more than a long second. He looks to me for answers. I’m about to step in and reply for him, but he beats me to it. “Yes.”



  Sadness overtakes his small frame. His shoulders sag and his sweet little brown eyes are aimed down. I want to say something, but I’m not sure what and I don’t want to embarrass him by correcting him in front of the others. “Ace?”

  A tiny hand rests on my knee, and when we look into each other’s eyes, he whispers, “Don’t be sad, Mommy.”

  Neil taps him on the shoulder. “Tag. You’re it.”

  They take off running and I’m left with the shame of what I’ve caused him.

  I fought.

  I didn’t fight hard enough, but if I had stopped Reggie, I wouldn’t have Ace.

  “Jaymes?” My attention shifts toward my name. Derrick is a few feet away with the others. All three are staring at me, expecting something from me. A hand is held out and a gentle smile welcomes me. “I want you to meet my friends.”

  Friends. Friends from a life I know nothing about.

  I stand, and join them.

  “This is Jaymes Grenier.” Pride is heard in the introduction as Derrick wraps his arm around my back. “Dex Caggiano, our drummer, and this is Rochelle Floros. Rochelle keeps the band running from our brand to our image and everything in between, including helping to organize the tour.”


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