The Time Hunters and the Spear of Fate (The Time Hunters Saga Book 3)

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The Time Hunters and the Spear of Fate (The Time Hunters Saga Book 3) Page 21

by carl ashmore

  Becky stiffened with horror. Then she heard a shriek. Layla made to run at the workers. Becky seized her arm at once, pulling her back. ‘No, Layla …’

  Layla struggled to break free. ‘But I must find my papa, he could be -’

  ‘Please.’ Becky leaned over and whispered in her ear. ‘If you run out there, they might kill you. Just wait… something’s about to happen… something good.’

  Layla’s brow furrowed, but she stopped struggling.

  Within minutes, the courtyard had filled with workers. The stench of hopelessness smeared the air. Heim seemed to be relishing every moment. He waited for the last worker to settle into line, and then nodded furtively at the Associates in the watchtowers.

  To Becky’s dismay, four giant guns were turned on the crowd. She tugged Uncle Percy’s sleeve. ‘It has to be now … Look!’

  Uncle Percy glanced up, then over at Heim, who had moved to the middle of the square and was readying himself for some kind of speech. ‘Just wait a second....’

  Heim extended his arms. ‘Workers!’ he bellowed. ‘Our time together is at an end. I commend you on your efforts. The Spear has been found and shall soon be in my possession. But as a farewell gesture I would like to present you all with a gift -’

  Uncle Percy glanced at Will and said in a low, steady voice, ‘Are you ready, William?’

  ‘For all that shall follow,’ Will replied coolly.

  Uncle Percy turned to Becky. ‘Then, Becky, the very best of luck…’

  Becky looked over at Heim; closing her eyes, she blocked out his voice, and focused on the detonator; she pictured it in his pocket, allowed its contours to fill her mind, until she felt she could reach out and touch it; at once, she felt the familiar watery sensation spread into her eyes, then –

  The detonator stirred in Heim’s pocket. Then it ripped through the material with an unstoppable force, hurtling through the air, towards Becky. Bewildered, Heim cut short his sentence. Staring down, he looked at his now tattered pocket, unable to form any words.

  Becky’s eyes shot open. She tracked the detonator’s course, steering its path, guiding it into Uncle Percy’s open hands, who caught it like a cricket ball. She watched him raise it to his lips.

  ‘Alpha, Beta, Omicron, Tau …’ he said clearly.

  At that moment, four explosions shattered the silence, one from each corner of the square, obliterating the watchtowers, propelling shards of charred wood everywhere. Screams echoed all around. Many of the terrified workers fell to their knees in prayer; others ran wildly in the chaos.

  ‘Nu, Sigma, Upsilon …’ Uncle Percy continued.

  Three more explosions blew gaping holes in the prison walls, showering the nearby Associates in hunks of limestone.

  Heim’s glare found Uncle Percy. ‘STOP HIM!’

  Two Associates rushed at Uncle Percy.

  Anticipating this, Will leapt at the first Associate, firing a punch at his chin, shattering teeth, sending him crashing to the floor. The second Associate jabbed the butt of his rifle at Will’s head. With astonishing speed, Will sidestepped the blow, before striking the Associate’s stomach like a battering ram. Doubling over, the Associate panted madly, winded. Will launched a knee into his face, and the Associate crumbled to the ground, unconscious.

  Will turned to Uncle Percy. ‘I shall return…’ Not waiting for a reply, he raced off into the panic-stricken crowd, swiftly disappearing from sight.

  “Where’s he going?’ Becky yelled frantically.

  Uncle Percy didn’t hear the question. Instead, he kept shouting into the detonator. ‘Delta, Zeta, Kappa…’

  More explosions shook the ground, clouding the air with sand and grit.

  He turned to the workers. ‘CITIZENS OF MEMPHIS!’ he yelled. ‘TAKE BACK YOUR CITY!’

  Some of the workers heeded his call to arms, scuttling to the containers and grabbing spades or pickaxes. As one, fury lining their faces, they charged at the bewildered Associates, weapons held high.

  Through the escalating mayhem, Becky saw an incredible sight: Will had re-entered the fight, his legs straddling a large grey horse. He was holding a Joe-bow, and firing a volley of arrows at the Associates, all of which hit their targets. Galloping over to the group, he dropped a Joe-bow and quiver at Joe’s feet. ‘Here, boy!’ he said. ‘There is a battle to win.’

  Joe’s face ignited. He scooped up the bow and threw the quiver across his back. Then he extended the Joe-bow to its full length and withdrew an arrow.

  ‘Lambda, Omega, Phi,’ Uncle Percy shouted into the detonator, his words instantly followed by three earsplitting blasts. Just then, a bull-like Associate barrelled into him, seizing him by the waist and hurling him to the ground like he was no weight at all, knocking the detonator from his hands. It skidded across the ground, before being crushed beneath countless pairs of rampaging feet. The Associate sneered at Uncle Percy and raised his mallet-sized fist.

  Becky saw this. ‘Uncle Percy!’ she screamed.

  The words still teased the air when Will’s foot struck the Associate’s jaw in a mighty kick. The Associate’s head snapped back, eyes whirling white, and he toppled like a felled tree on to Uncle Percy, pinning him down beneath his massive body.

  It was then, through the crook of her eye, Becky noticed a figure in white marching swiftly but surely away from the fight, looking back every now and again to ensure he hadn’t been followed. ‘Uncle Percy,’ she yelled. ‘Heim’s getting away!’

  Uncle Percy was too busy shifting the Associate to hear anything.

  Dismayed, Becky glanced again at Heim, to see his walk become a sprint. Fear engulfed her. He couldn’t escape. Filled with an unwavering purpose, she began to run, her eyes searching for her brother. ‘JOE! HEIM’S ESCAPING!’

  Joe heard her. He raced towards Becky, the bow gripped tightly in his right hand. Within seconds, he had caught up with her and they were dashing out of the square at a breakneck speed, the sounds of battle fading in their ears. In the distance, Heim followed the path’s curve, through the gates that marked the entrance to The Sanctuary.

  Becky and Joe accelerated, panting wildly, but entering the walled compound their stomachs’ sank.

  Drake was feet away from the military truck that had brought them to Memphis.

  ‘He’s going to make it,’ Becky said, as Heim clambered on to the front seat.

  ‘Not if I can help it,’ Joe replied, stopping dead in his tracks. In a flash, he had drawn an arrow and secured it to the bowstring. Focusing ahead, judging the distance, he arched his left shoulder to his target. Blocking out all sound, exhaling slowly, he relaxed his body and stared fixedly down the arrow’s spine. Then he fired. The arrow thumped into the truck’s control panel, thick swirls of smoke enveloping its shaft from the now destroyed time-pad.

  Becky gasped with admiration. It was an amazing shot.

  Heim cursed loudly. Seething, he glanced back and saw Becky and Joe running towards him. Leaping from the truck, he scurried frantically through the Sanctuary’s doorway and disappeared, consumed by the velvety darkness.

  Becky and Joe slowed to a halt, taking a few moments to catch their breath.

  ‘You stay here, Becks,’ Joe panted.

  ‘Get stuffed!’ Becky snorted.

  ‘I’m serious,’ Joe replied. ‘You haven’t got a weapon!’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ Becky snapped back. ‘I could pull your teeth out one by one without even touching you!’

  Joe nodded, impressed. ‘Top idea. But save that for Heim. He deserves it...’

  Becky couldn’t argue with that.

  Together, they entered the Sanctuary.

  Chapter 30

  Just Deserts

  Once inside, the temperature tumbled and the same putrid smell as before soured Becky’s throat like a poison. Stealing into the dimness, Joe only feet away, it struck her how out of their depth they were. She and Joe were hunting one the most dangerous men in history, without Will, without Uncle Percy,
without any amazing gadgets to save the day. Part of her wanted to turn and run, but she knew deep down she couldn’t.

  Heim had to be stopped.

  At that moment a cold, taunting voice filled the room, rising from the shadows, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. ‘You are both very brave,’ Heim gloated. ‘I applaud you for that.’

  His words stabbed Becky’s ears, burrowing into her eardrums like parasites.

  ‘You might as well give up, Heim!’ Joe shouted back, his eyes scanning the gloom, ready to shoot.

  Laughter rebounded off the walls. ‘Why? Because you’ve got a bow and arrow?’ Heim crowed. ‘If you had a crossbow, I would think you were playing Wilhelm Tell. Instead, perhaps I should assume you’re Robin Hood.’

  ‘I’m not Robin Hood,’ Joe shouted back. ‘But I know a bloke who is.’

  ‘Ah, you mean the groundsman,’ Heim replied. ‘I’ve heard much about him. Sadly for you, he doesn’t appear to be here. And somehow, I don’t think your little bow will fare too well against –’

  A thunderous crashing sound echoed all around; bullets punctured the air. The Sanctuary erupted in a tuneless chorus of squeals, whines and squawks from the creatures within.

  Becky leapt to the ground, followed by Joe. They glanced at each other, dismayed. Heim had a machine gun.

  Edgar’s voice rang out from the far end of the temple. ‘Miss Becky, Joe. What are you doing?’ he yelled. ‘You must flee at once.’

  ‘We’re not going anywhere,’ Joe yelled back over the din.

  Laughing manically now, Heim fired again.

  All around the cries reached deafening levels.

  ‘Becks, can you disarm him?’ Joe asked desperately.

  ‘Maybe, but I need to concentrate and –’

  Another volley of gunfire rang out; bullets screamed past their heads, missing them by inches.

  Joe knew they had to move. ‘RUN!’

  Becky didn’t need telling twice.

  At full pelt, Becky tailed Joe deeper into the temple, keeping low, weaving past the pens and cages to the columns that flanked the temple walls. In the distance, they heard Edgar’s loud, throaty grunts. She knew at once he was trying to break free of his chains.

  ‘You help Edgar,’ Joe insisted. ‘I’ll distract Heim.’

  Becky didn’t even have time to challenge when Joe sprinted off in the opposite direction.

  ‘OVER HERE, FREAKOID!’ Joe shouted loudly at Heim, launching himself behind another column, as bullets cracked above his head, hitting the pillar, showering him in stone splinters and dust. ‘MISSED ME, DIV!’ he yelled again.

  Becky ran as fast as she could, closing in on Edgar’s pen. Launching herself behind a cage, she concentrated on his collar. Closing her eyes, tiny beads of sweat spattering her forehead, she focused with every ounce of energy she had left. Then it happened again. The watery sensation grazed the top of her head and extended into her eyes. Moments later, she heard a shrill metallic crack. And then to her delight, she heard Edgar’s voice again.

  ‘HEIM. IT IS OVER FOR YOU!’ Edgar stood to his full height, his restraints dropping to the ground with a ringing clank. ‘LISTEN TO MY WORDS. YOUR EVIL IS AT AN END!’

  Heim laughed again, but this time it lacked assurance. ‘I think not, Minotaur,’ he shouted back.

  Edgar walked forward, his body swelling with confidence with each mighty stride. He looked regal, colossal, invincible. ‘You have harmed my friends, my family, my brethren. You will harm no more.’ Every now and again, he would stop at a cage, before tearing off its locks as if they were paper.

  As Edgar continued his advance, an idea occurred to Becky. She scanned the room, fixing her gaze on the cages Edgar hadn’t touched. She ploughed all her thoughts into their locks, concentrating with all of her might. It didn’t take long before locks were cracking open all around her, their chains clattering to the floor. Slowly, one at a time, creatures of all shapes and sizes, of all colours and hues, emerged from their prisons. Through the darkness, she spied the one animal she’d been searching for. Dashing over, she dropped at Adma’s side and threw her arms around her, pulling her close, careful to ensure they were both out of Heim’s line of sight. ‘Hello, Adma,’ she whispered in the unicorn’s ear. ‘You’re safe now.’

  Edgar saw all of it. ‘Thank you, Miss Becky. It is time my brothers and sisters were freed.’

  Seeing the blurred shapes move silently all about, Heim looked suddenly fearful. With a furious scream, he turned his gun on Edgar and fired. Bullets pounded Edgar’s chest, hundreds of them, in a relentless onslaught of metal on flesh. But they had no effect. Edgar emerged from the attack unscathed.

  ‘Your bullets are not crafted from orichalcum,’ Edgar said. ‘They cannot penetrate my skin. I urge you to lay down your weapon. Your wicked days are done!’

  Heim spun quickly, about to flee, when he stopped dead in his tracks.

  ‘Drop the gun!’ Joe demanded, pointing an arrow at Heim’s heart. ‘I think Edgar wants a word with you...’

  Knowing full well he was beaten, a deflated Heim allowed the gun to fall to the floor. Turning slowly, his eyes widened with terror as he took in the colossal sight of the Minotaur before him.

  ‘You killed my brothers,’ Edgar said coldly.

  Heim’s lips trembled. ‘And now you will kill me?’

  Edgar exhaled heavily. ‘I am not a killer. It is not in my nature, no matter who you are or what you’ve done. No, for my part I would let you live, that is true.’

  Hope lined Heim’s face.

  Edgar looked saddened. ‘Miss Becky, Joe. We must leave.’

  ‘But –’ Joe uttered before Edgar raised his hand to stop him.

  ‘No, Joe,’ Edgar insisted. ‘We must leave now.’

  At that moment, creatures crept into the half-light, moving soundlessly, menacingly, gathering in a vast circle.

  Heim’s eyes scanned left and right, front and back. In that moment, he knew he was surrounded. ‘No…’ He pleaded, voice aquiver. He looked fearfully at Edgar. ‘Please, Minotaur, you said I would not be killed.’

  ‘I said I would not kill you,’ Edgar replied miserably. ‘But it is not me you have to answer to now.’

  ‘Come, Miss Becky. No creature will harm you here.’ Edgar ushered her over.

  Nervously, Becky guided Adma across the floor, head down, passing the mass of animals, whose eyes were locked chillingly on Heim.

  His strength deserting him, Heim stumbled to his knees. ‘Please, no….’ He sobbed wildly. He looked over at Becky. ‘P-please, child, you cannot allow this…’

  Becky didn’t reply. As she looked over at him, horrific images of all he had done invaded her head. In silence, she and Adma joined Edgar and Joe, and together they proceeded to the doorway, to the light beyond.

  Not one of them looked back.

  Even when the screams came.

  Chapter 31

  Becky’s Memorial

  Becky found herself shivering as they left the Sanctuary. She tried to block Heim’s fate from her mind. She didn’t know how to feel. There was no doubt he deserved it, but could she have stopped it? Had she been responsible for handing Heim a death sentence? Feeling Adma brush her leg, she had her answer: no. Heim had made his choices in life, and had denied others the luxury of choice.

  Joe didn’t appear to share her doubts. ‘C’mon, let’s get back to the fight,’ he said eagerly.

  Gathering pace, they left the compound and moved on to the street, where an unexpected sound met their ears: cheering.

  Becky looked to the square ahead. In the distance, workers were jumping up and down in great outpourings of joy, waving spades and pickaxes like victory flags. The further they advanced, however, the more she detected a definite shift in atmosphere. Many of the workers had turned to look at them, expressions of astonishment lining their faces. Moments later, they were sinking to their knees, heads pressed against the ground. A new sound floated on the air.
br />   ‘Apis … Apis …’

  More workers dropped to the dusty ground.

  ‘Apis … Apis …’

  ‘Oh, Lordy,’ Edgar muttered.

  ‘Apis … Apis …’

  Just then, a hysterical scream rang out.

  For a fleeting moment, Becky felt a sharp jolt of dread, until Layla appeared, weaving frantically through the workers, tears splashing her cheeks. Reaching them, Layla dropped at Adma’s side, throwing her arms around the unicorn’s neck and sobbing uncontrollably.

  ‘Adma … my Adma…’

  Becky looked down and smiled.

  At the same time, Edgar stepped forward and gave a little cough. ‘Fair citizens of Memphis,’ he roared. ‘Please rise and be as you were. I am not Apis. My name is Edgar, and I am not a God, but I am your friend…’

  Many of the workers swapped confused glances.

  ‘Please, my most excellent friends, everyone stand,’ Edgar continued. ‘You do not owe me such veneration.’ He helped the workers closest to him to their feet. ‘I congratulate you on a great victory today.’ He glanced at the nearby Associates, many of whom languished miserably in chains. All of a sudden the ground rumbled slightly as two horses emerged from behind a building, Uncle Percy and Will sitting astride them.

  Relief flashed on Uncle Percy’s face. Looking over, he breathed, ‘Thank God,’ and drew his horse to a halt, trailed by Will. He dismounted and marched straight up to Becky, his arms open wide.

  ‘We were looking for you,’ Uncle Percy said, pulling her into an embrace. ‘I never saw you leave. Are you okay?’

  ‘We’re fine,’ Becky replied, hugging him back.

  Will approached Joe and shook his hand. ‘It pleases me you are safe, boy.’

  Joe grinned. ‘Can’t say the same for Slimy Heimy.’

  ‘Where is he?’ Uncle Percy asked at once. ‘What happened?’

  Joe chuckled. ‘He’s probably in pieces over treating those animals so badly.’


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