February Waltz (Rhythm of the Heart Book 3)

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February Waltz (Rhythm of the Heart Book 3) Page 10

by Jade, Scarlett

  Mimi spluttered. “How dare you!”

  “How dare I?” Layla chortled. “How dare you come into this house and stir up trouble!”

  Mimi held her head high as she hurried out of the house, her thin package firmly grasped under her arm. Zoe blew out a breath and shakily said, “I need another piece of cake.”

  Grams patted her shoulder and the ladies chuckled. “Let me get one for you, honey.”

  Layla walked past the couch. “Got your back,” she whispered as she passed.

  Chatter slowly picked back up through the room and Zoe blew out a sigh of relief.

  Amy came back with Layla a few minutes later, her eyes suspiciously red. Zoe patted the couch beside her. “Sit down, Amy.”

  Amy sat down stiffly. “Well since everyone knows, yes, Derek is the father of my baby. I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not asking his parents for a dime, I can raise him on my own.”

  Several women made sympathetic faces and whispered words of encouragement to Amy.

  Zoe smiled. “Well, the elephant in the room is my baby could be Derek's too. We all know it. I'm not ashamed of it.” She paused as Grams handed her another slice of cake. “My family isn't ashamed of it either. My husband and I are going to love this baby no matter what.”

  She buried herself back in the cake and as she finished, Grams took the plate. “Why don't you open some of these presents? Calvin had ordered some on Amazon and had some stuff sent here. Layla and I wrapped them up.”

  Zoe blushed. “Honestly, I've been so wrapped up in the book release I haven't ordered much. And then with the fire...” Her voice trailed off.

  Grams winked. “Ah well, we have it covered.”

  She took a jauntily wrapped present from Amy and began opening it. Present after present was unwrapped, revealing outfits for the baby, a swing, a bassinet, bottles, pacifiers, and more. Zoe smiled and thanked each person as she opened the present. This is completely overwhelming.

  The last present sat in front of her, a huge box wrapped in rubber ducky paper. “This is it, right?” she mumbled to Amy.

  Amy nodded and took another bite of cake. “Yeah, that's it.”

  Zoe began peeling the paper back and found an ebony crib ready to be assembled. “Who is this from?”

  “Calvin.” Grams stated. “You like it?”

  “It's great. Now who is going to put it together?” Zoe laughed. “Because I can't follow directions!”

  The ladies in the room chuckled. Grams smirked. “Pops will put it together. He'll probably have those screws so tight it will never come apart.”

  Zoe shifted on the couch and smiled tiredly. “Thank you all for coming. I appreciate everything you all have done for us.”

  Grams took the cue and stood from her chair. “Well ladies, we're going to have to cut this party short. Zoe needs to get back to bed and grow my great-grandbaby! Amy will you help her back to the bedroom?”

  Amy stood quickly, way too limber for a pregnant woman and held out her hand. “Come on preggo. Let's go to bed.”

  Zoe took her hand and grunted as she lumbered to her feet. “Look,” she panted. “I mean, I know we checked out each other's boobs as kids, but I'm not swinging that way, Amy.”

  Amy laughed hard and gripped at her lower belly. “Ow! He kicked me. Don't worry, no one is going muff diving anytime soon.”

  Zoe wiped her hand across her brow in relief. “Well, thank God for small mercies.” They moved down the hall and Zoe entered the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. “I don't know how I'm going to hold this girl in for another eight plus weeks. I just don't see it happening.”

  Amy shrugged. “I couldn't imagine being on bed rest. It has to be really draining.”

  “You have no idea,” Zoe admitted. “I would give anything to do more than my weekly crotch check at the doctor's.”

  “Well at least you've been productive and written a book. How is it doing?” Amy lowered herself on the end of the bed and blew out a breath as she stretched her legs forward.

  “It's doing okay. I've had some good reviews. Lots of paperback sales here in town. I've been consistently selling a few a day. I have plenty of time to advertise.”

  Amy ran her hand over her belly. “Isn't it kind of weird we could be carrying siblings? I mean, Zoe you were always like my sister so does that make it weird and incest-y?” She chuckled weakly, her brown eyes meeting Zoe's own. Worry filled her face. “What are we going to do?”

  Zoe shrugged and looked down at the bedspread. She picked at the edge of the blanket and chose her words carefully before speaking. “Amy, I don't know. I think it's kind of ironic that Derek forced us together like this. Did he know about the baby?”

  Amy glanced away, her jaw clenching and shoulders suddenly taut. “Yeah, he knew,” she finally choked out.

  “And?” Zoe prompted.

  “He wanted you,” she admitted sadly.

  “Me?” Zoe yelped. “I'm married.”

  Amy looked down at her fingernails and a tear splashed on the stained peach of her dress. “Maybe so, but Derek wanted you. He always did. I was just a booty call. You were the woman he always told me he would marry. He figured he'd settle down sometime and you'd still be there waiting.”

  Zoe leaned forward and touched Amy's arm. “Hey,” she said softly, pressing the warm flesh of Amy's arm until she glanced at her. “I'm sorry.”

  Amy shook her head ruefully. “No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I always wanted what you had. Hell, what you have. You have a husband, a home. I have a baby and a corner of the basement in my mom's house. You had Derek and Callie as your friends. I had you and no one else. I was always jealous. So I figured I'd get something you had, one way or another. I was wrong. Really wrong. I can't fix it now. I am stuck with a baby I don't really want and my life is ruined. Did you know I was going to be on Broadway? Then I passed out dancing and woke up in the hospital. They told me I was pregnant and that was it.” She wiped her eyes with trembling fingers.

  Zoe frowned. “I'm sorry. But there's nothing to be jealous of. There never was.”

  Amy sighed and her shoulders slumped. “The grass is always greener,” she finally whispered.

  “I guess it is. I was always jealous of you dancing and Callie being... Callie.” Zoe uttered.

  “Everyone was jealous of Callie,” Amy chuckled.

  “Yeah.” Zoe agreed, glancing back down at the comforter.

  “I want our kids to grow up knowing each other...And for us to be okay.” Amy declared.

  “I would like it too, Amy. Thank you for the party and thanks for being the bigger person. It's always been hard for me to reach out.” Zoe said quietly.

  “Yeah, you've always been that way. Calvin is good for you. He's really made you open up. I also wanted to say I'm sorry about your Daddy. I never really had a good time to tell you.”

  Zoe smiled. “It's all right. We worked through some things before he was gone.”

  Amy stood and moved toward the door. “Well, I'm gonna go. I think we've had enough heart to heart today. Rest.”

  Zoe leaned back against the pillows. “Sounds good to me. Thanks again, Amy.”

  “Of course. What are friends for?” She grinned sheepishly and left.

  Zoe pulled her phone from between the pillows and texted Calvin.

  Z: I loved the crib

  C: Good. I can't wait to see our girl sleeping in it.

  Z: I can't wait until you're home.

  C: Not long now, babe. Just hold on.

  Z: The party was great.

  C: No drama?

  Z: Always drama, but Layla handled it.

  C: Good. You rest.

  Z: Napping now.

  She dropped the phone and snuggled down in the bed. Just a little nap won't hurt. Her eyes slid slowly shut then popped back open abruptly at the sound of sirens wailing as they went by the house. What in the world?

  “Grams?” she yelled.

  “Yeah?” Grams hurried down the hall. “
You okay?”

  “What's going on with the sirens?” Panic unfurled in her chest and she swallowed against the lump growing in her throat.

  “Not sure, I'll turn the police scanner on. Give me a bit. Why? What's got you all worked up?” Grams came into the room and placed her cool hand on Zoe's forehead.

  “I just have a bad feeling, Grams, I can't place it.” she squeaked. “Something is wrong!”

  “Well don't you sit here and get all worked up. Calm your nerves down. Let me go to the scanner,” Grams frowned as she left.

  Zoe picked up her phone again.

  Z: Calvin something is wrong.

  C: What? With you? With the baby?

  Z: No. Just something.

  C: Don't scare me like that!

  Z: Sorry. :/

  C: Everything is fine. You need to rest.

  Zoe frowned as another siren roared past the house.

  Z: I'm telling you. Something is wrong.

  C: Everything is fine, Zoe. Stop stressing, it's bad for the baby.

  Zoe groaned and tossed her phone down to the end of the bed. I don't know how I know, but I do. Something isn't right. Why can't people just listen to me and believe me?

  Grams yelled from the living room, “Listening to the scanner, be there in a minute.”

  “Okay,” Zoe yelled back.

  She twiddled her thumbs and blew out some breaths. The baby rolled and pressed a foot directly up on her belly. She stared in fascination at the clear delineation of the little foot and tiny toes. Moving quickly she ran a finger over the arch of the foot and giggled as it disappeared. Someone is ticklish! Her smile faded as Grams peeked her head into the room.

  “You were right. Someone had a wreck out on the bridge.” Grams shook her head sadly.

  Zoe's eyes flew wide. “I hope it was no one from the party!”

  “Me too, honey, but we don't know more than that. You can't get yourself worked up. Want some more cake? There's plenty left over.”

  “Sure, why not. I may as well.”

  She shifted on the bed and found her phone. Her teeth worried her bottom lip and she paused for a moment before shooting a text out to Tim.

  Z: Who was in the wreck?

  A pregnant period of time stretched during which Grams brought more cake. Zoe took it gratefully and began shoveling bites into her mouth. Her phone buzzed against her leg and she swallowed the chunk of cake that was in her mouth. Suddenly the sickeningly sweet confection didn't taste good anymore.

  T: Amy.

  Zoe placed the cake on the nightstand and licked the icing from her fingers.

  Z: Is she okay?

  T: I think so. She was coherent. They're taking her to the hospital to make sure the baby is okay.

  Z: Thank goodness she's not... you know.

  T: We can't take no more of that. I'll let you know if I hear more. We're trying to figure out how she was going sixty on the bridge. Airbag saved her ass.

  Z: Sixty on the bridge? Amy?

  T: Yeah. Gotta go.

  I knew something was wrong. Why would Amy be going sixty on the bridge? That's not like her, at all. I mean she seemed fine when she left here.

  “Grams!” she called.

  “Girl if you don't stop calling me in there I swear!” Grams puffed as she came into the room. “What in the world?”

  “Amy was the one who wrecked.”

  “Aw, hell. Her and that baby. How did you find out?” Grams put her hands up on her doughy hips and stared Zoe down.

  Zoe held up her phone. “I sent a text to Tim.”

  “Girl, you leave that boy alone on the job.” She shook her head in irritation then pursed her lips. “Well, what did he say?”

  Zoe snorted. “You tell me to mind my business then demand details.”

  “Don't be sassy. You know details, I am naturally curious.” Grams shrugged.

  “He said Amy was awake and they are sending her to the hospital. She hit the bridge going sixty.” Zoe rubbed her arm absentmindedly.

  “Lord have mercy!” Grams wailed, her hand fluttering up to her chest. “Sixty on that bridge! The Lord was with her and protected her. I sure hope her baby is all right.”

  “Yeah, me too. I mean she said she really wasn't ready for a baby, but no one wants to lose their kid.” Zoe sighed and pulled the blanket up around her shoulders. “I'm cold.”

  “You're stressed out. You need to just relax honey. There ain't a thing in the world you can do to help that girl. The doctors will do their best. You have to protect your own baby now. You hear me?” Grams gripped her chin gently and stared deep into her eyes.

  Zoe nodded slowly. “I understand.”

  “What will be, will be. Worrying does nothing to change it.” Grams released her chin and smoothed her hair back from her face. “Just close your eyes, honey.”

  Zoe obeyed, but the thought of Amy's life hanging in the balance kept her from sleeping. She tossed and turned, huffed and ended up awkwardly curled around a pillow. Let her be okay.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Zoe waited with bated breath for someone to tell her something about Amy. Yet no one was talking. It had been three days since the baby shower and Amy's wreck. Zoe swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up slowly. Why is everyone so hell bent on protecting me? If she had her way she'd be pacing the floor, wearing grooves into the hardwood, but all she could do was sit up and jiggle her feet in annoyance.

  Tim and Layla were both ignoring her text messages. I know they know. It chaps my ass they won't just tell me. Don't they know the NOT knowing makes things so much worse? I need to know if she's okay.

  Zoe gasped in pain as the baby pressed up against her rib cage. “Okay, kid!” She yelped. “I'm laying back down.” She flopped back on the bed and the pressure against her ribs eased. “You're killing me.”

  Dr. Crist said she was measuring right on for about thirty-three weeks and so far the stitch was holding. He had been in conference with her high risk doctors in Mobile, and they'd shared ultrasounds. They decided that as long as the stitch was holding, they would let the baby stay. The longer, the better. Dr. Crist had patted her knee and smiled. “It's almost over, and you'll miss it.”

  Psh, I won't miss staring at four walls.

  She leaned back against the pillows and pulled her laptop into her lap. Since no one will tell me what's going on, I'll just go online. They should have something... She looked up the local news station, Mobile being the closest and scanned the most recent news. Nothing was on the site about an accident all the way down in Major. She sighed in frustration and closed the laptop. Of course not.

  A knock came at the door and she called, “Yes?”

  “Hey, it's Corey. Feel like walking a little? Can I open the door?” He queried.

  “Sure, I could use stretching my legs,” she admitted.

  He peeked in the room before throwing the door wide and stepping inside. “Here, let me give you a hand.”

  Zoe took his hand gratefully and came unsteadily to her feet. “Thanks. What do you need to show me?”

  “Well, we have a little surprise for you.” He tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and they walked down the hallway.

  Zoe frowned as they paused in front of the room Grams and Pops had been using. “Why are we going in their bedroom?”

  A small smile played at the corners of Corey's mouth and he chortled, “Why don't you see?” He turned the doorknob and the door swung inward, revealing a freshly pink painted nursery.

  “Oh my God! You guys did this? Wait, the other rooms are done?” she squealed.

  “The rooms are done. Pops had asked if I'd help him get the nursery straight, we wanted to give you something to smile about. Your little girl will have somewhere to sleep when she arrives.” He grinned then hurried on to say, “We just don't want her to come just yet! But when she's ready.”

  Pops spoke directly behind her. “What do you think?”

  Zoe squealed and jumped. “You
scared me!”

  Pops patted her shoulder and chuckled softly. “Sorry about that, honey. Do you like it? I went to the paint store and told them pink. This is what the little teeny-bopper picked out. It's not too loud.” Pops wrung his hands together like a nervous little boy waiting to see if his gift was accepted.

  Zoe turned and hugged him quickly. “It's great, Pops. I love it. I see you put the crib together too.”

  “Yeah, I figured we ought to get stuff put together, we've been living on borrowed time with this girl. She's ready to make her debut and we weren't close to ready. Go on in the room and check everything out.” Pops prodded.

  Zoe took his hand. “Mind helping me out?”

  “Who me?” he blurted. “Oh yeah, sure!”

  They walked into the room and Zoe sighed. “It's great, Pops. Where did the chair come from? It's a beautiful rocking chair.”

  Pops shrugged. “Well, I had some spare time and I used to build stuff like that. Remember the rocking chair in the old house? I gave it to Grams when we got married. Now I made one for you and your girl. There's a few extra holes, I forgot how to piece it together and had to take it apart, but it's been sanded and is smooth. You can rock all the babies you want in that chair and it will hold up.”

  Tears filled Zoe's eyes and she squeezed Pops' hand. “Thank you. It's beautiful.”

  “Aww, hell, don't go crying. You cry then I get allergies.” He wiped at his nose with the back of his hand and he glanced away quickly, batting his eyes.

  “Aww, Pops, thank you. Let me sit in it for a minute.” She lowered herself into the glossy chair and rocked back and forth slowly. “Pops, it's perfect. I love swinging and rocking.”

  He glanced down at his feet and smirked. “Well, good I'm glad you like it.”

  Corey watched quietly from the doorway and he finally spoke. “You want to see the rest of the house? Feel up to walking a little more?”

  Zoe placed her hands on the chair arms and pulled herself up. “Yeah, I would love to see it.” Pops took her hand and they walked out of the room. She glanced over her shoulder at the sunny little pink nursery again and couldn't help but smile.


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