Dangerous Law (Suit Romance Series): A Rogue Operative Romance

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Dangerous Law (Suit Romance Series): A Rogue Operative Romance Page 8

by Marianne Morea

  “I don’t know yet. Like he said, he’ll give us further instructions once we see the tailor.” A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he lifted her fingertips to his lips. “Even if I did know, you sidetracked me.”

  She had to smile knowing she’d used the same excuse on him in Kyiv.

  “C’mon.” He kissed the end of her nose. “Let’s go find out.”

  He waited for her to fall in step beside him on the sidewalk. Typical for New York, the concrete was cracked and uneven and split by subway grates and dotted with bulkhead doors to underground storage for the shops in the city’s famed Little Italy.

  Jessica stumbled, catching the slim edge of her heel in one of the grates, and Devlin’s hand shot out catching her. Her foot slipped from the sandal, leaving her hopping on one foot like an idiot while she hung onto his arm.

  With a chuckle, he bent to wiggle her heel free, slipping it back on her foot with a grin. “Here you go, Cinderella.”

  His hand lingered on the back of her calf, lightly caressing her bare skin, and Jess swallowed against the butterflies that jumped in her stomach.

  Having his hand an easy slide from her inner thighs and what lay in between sent a punch to her sex and her panties dampened. Would she ever get enough of the man? God, she hoped not.

  “I should have known better,” she muttered. “New York is notorious for destroying heels.”

  He straightened slowly, letting his fingers drift over her calf to her outer thigh and up to her waist. “You destroy me every time I see you standing there looking so sexy.”

  They walked toward the shop and she had to shake her head to clear the sexual fog. They had business to attend to, even though all she wanted was to drag Devlin back to her hotel and straddle his cock. A year and a half was too long to be this close now and still not touch.

  Tiny bells jangled as Devlin opened the front door to the shop and the first thing that hit was the scent of lemon oil. The two walked in and Jessica looked around at the sumptuous clothes and accessories.

  The interior was a glow of rich mahogany from the gorgeous crown molding and wainscoted walls to the burnished fixtures and polished cases with their crystal-clear glass. Flocked wallpaper added old world elegance and a throwback feel to a bygone age, yet the word that sprang to mind was welcoming.

  Suit options, jackets, and vests to try for size and cut stretched across the far side of the shop while two islands on either side of the counter showcased ties and handkerchiefs and other accessories.

  Piles of fabric sample books lined the work tables behind the large mahogany counter and the front case displayed rows of watches, both pocket and wrist, as well as cufflinks and tie pins. Everything a well-dressed man could want.

  Devlin looked like he owed the place. Then again, he was in his element, where everything screamed elegance.

  Italian drifted from behind a non-descript curtain off to the side as a hand curled around the dark fabric, the last of a stream of instructions issued.

  The curtain slid open and a short, skinny old man with thick salt and pepper hair stepped out.

  “Signore! It’s good to see you again.” A bright smile split the little man’s face and he pushed his wire rim glasses farther onto his nose. “And your suit! Perfecto! As I knew it would!”

  The tailor circled Devlin admiring his handiwork, and as the two talked, she gazed at the man in the gorgeous suit.

  They say clothes make the man, but she couldn’t disagree more. Devlin would look good in a paper bag. It was his presence that mesmerized, and a classy wardrobe only added to his allure.

  “And who is this gem you have with you today?” the tailor asked, interrupting her ogling.

  The tailor had clear, blue eyes that crinkled at the corners and a well-groomed mustache that twitched in easy humor as he greeted them.

  “This is Ms. Banning. I believe you were expecting us, Lorenzo,” Devlin replied.

  Lifting one knotty hand, he gestured toward them. “Ah, yes. Please, come in.”

  A long tape measure hung around the man’s stooped neck as though a permanent part of his being. That along with the small ornate pinky ring on his left hand as he beckoned them forward.

  “Go through to dressing room number one. I’ll be with you in one minute. I have my assistant to watch the shop while I assist you.”

  Three dressing room doors flanked a center dais with an ornate trifold mirror and two winged-back chairs separated by a small table holding a crystal decanter and glasses.

  Before Jessica could open her mouth to ask, the small man called for his helper, yelling for her in Italian as he slipped through to the back again.

  “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Jessica snorted, listening to the commotion echoing from the workroom. “Or maybe not.”

  Devlin cracked a smile. “What Lorenzo lacks in volume control, he makes up for in taste. There’s not a better tailor anywhere in New York.”

  “I don’t doubt that,” she replied. “This place is an amazing combination of styles.” She picked up a tie and rested it against Devlin’s chest. “I can see why you like him so much. His merchandise is impeccable.”

  With a grin, he slipped the tie from her hand and wrapped the fine material around her wrist. “Maybe we should get one of these for later.” He raised a sexy eyebrow and ran a finger up her bare forearm.

  “Sounds like a challenge, Mr. Law.” She went up on tiptoe and went to kiss him, but nipped his bottom lip instead.

  His lips hovered over hers for a moment, but then he pulled back and unwound the tie from her wrist. He tossed the silk on the table before steering her toward the dressing rooms.

  “What just happened?” she asked with a confused chuckle as he towed her forward.

  “Hands to yourself, Banning. There’s nothing more embarrassing than facing a tailor’s tape measure when you have a raging hard-on.”

  At her laugh, he opened the dressing room door, slapping her butt as she walked through. He closed the slatted door behind them, and before he could say another word, she wrapped her arms around his neck and took his mouth as demanding and hungry as a year and a half of fantasies poured through her.

  “That was a pretty stealthy attack, Ms. Banning,” he murmured, breaking their kiss.

  “Being in close quarters with you does that to me,” she replied, and when his hands cupped her ass, her breath hitched at the hard bar of his cock pressed tight against her body.

  Her nipples ached, and wetness slicked between her legs at how much she wanted him to fuck her, right here, right now. The fact they were pseudo-public made the idea of riding his cock even hotter, and her clit throbbed at the risk.

  “In fact, if Lorenzo doesn’t show up soon, I’m going to show you how stealth I can be. Dresses provide the perfect camouflage and easy access. Especially when one is commando.”

  Devlin’s eyes darkened as his hands kneaded her flesh, pressing his hard length even closer. “There’s a lock on the door. Maybe we should use it,” he said, inching her dress higher and higher. “Care to demonstrate your stealth techniques? My dick can’t wait.”

  Her hem was hiked to the base of her ass, when the wall behind them slid open. Lorenzo stood for a moment and then coughed, moving aside in the hidden doorway.

  “If you’ll come with me, there’s much to be done in a short time.” The tailor gave Devlin a wink, curling his fingers for them to follow. “It’s the suit, amico mio. The ladies, they cannot resist.”

  Devlin slipped a protective arm around Jessica’s waist. “Lorenzo, where are you taking us?”

  The man didn’t turn, just continued down the dim corridor to a set of stairs. He stopped in front of a metal door.

  “I came to this country with my parents during World War II. We were lucky to get out of Italy and away from Mussolini’s reign. I was just a boy, but my parents told me stories.

  “We were refugees, without a penny or a friend. That is until my papa met G
iles Averill.”

  “Wait, did you say Averill?” Devlin asked. “As in General William Averill’s father?”

  The tailor turned with a nod. “That’s right, Mr. Law. Giles Averill helped us settle in New York. It was here Papa got into the procurement business. The general’s father worked for the State Department at the time, and my father helped procure certain items for him from time to time, especially during wartime.

  “Papa helped Giles until he couldn’t anymore, and when I opened this shop I continued the service until he retired.” Attiomo put a long metal key in the lock and turned the cylinder, opening the door.

  He pushed it wide and stepped through, but waited before snapping on the light. “About ten years ago, the general approached me, having known about my father and his connections. He wasn’t as high ranking as he is now, but he wanted me to resurrect my services. Of course, the items I procured were of a different nature than our fathers. More technology based.”

  The tailor reached around the side of the doorjamb and turned on the light. Weapons and high-tech gadgets right out of a James Bond movie lined the walls and tables.

  Devlin picked up a laser attachment for the nose of a gun and turned it over in his hand. “This looks like something Teddy had a year or so ago,” he murmured, sliding an eye to Lorenzo.

  “This place is surreal,” Jessica said, walking toward a table with shoes and accessories. “Are one of these a shoe phone?” She grinned, picking up a man’s loafer and putting it to her ear.

  “No, but I do have a shoe with a spring action retractable stiletto. The blade is formed from a new kind of plastic. It’s strong enough to sharpen to a razor edge, yet undetectable to the TSA since the shoe’s soles are made of the same material. In a man’s size, the blade can be as much as five inches. Less for a woman because your feet are smaller, but still just as deadly.” He picked up a slim-heeled ankle strap pump and held it up. “I’ll have a pair of these for you for your event.”

  She spared a glance for Devlin before looking back to the tailor. “Event, what event?”

  “Look in that purse, Ms. Banning.” Lorenzo gestured toward the evening bag on the table with the accessories. “The one that matches the shoes I just showed you.”

  Jessica lifted the black clutch purse and unsnapped the top. Inside was a gilt-edged invitation and a beautiful necklace with a drop pearl.

  She scanned the invitation, the necklace dangling from her fingers as she read. “This is an invitation to a fundraiser the day after tomorrow. It’s being given for some non-profit human rights group.” She handed the invitation to Devlin. “Global Anti-Slavery Foundation. I’ve never heard of them, have you?”

  He took the invitation from her hand and skimmed it, shaking his head. “GASF is a fringe organization. I’ve heard mention of them, but not as a mainstream group.”

  “This is your ticket to enter the arena and finish your fight.” Lorenzo nodded, answering their unasked questions. “Averill filled me in on the details. Everyone you seek will be there, in one room.”

  Jessica exhaled, putting the necklace back into the purse and snapping it closed. “We’re coloring outside the lines on this one as well, aren’t we?”

  Devlin nodded. “Looks that way, and I’m in the dark as much as you on certain things.” He shifted his gaze to Lorenzo, but the man lifted a hand, neutral.

  “My services are very select. Only a few people know what I do, and I keep it that way for a reason. My customers have to prove themselves. I only help those who truly seek the greater good. Averill is one of those people.”

  Jessica put the evening bag on the table, and a shiver took her and she rubbed her arms.

  “I’m sorry, cara. The room needs to be kept cool for obvious reasons, but I can get you a wrap if you like,” the tailor offered.

  She shook her head. “I’m not cold, Lorenzo. I don’t like the idea of going it alone again. I understand why this has to be handled under the radar, but I can’t help but wish we had backup.”

  “You mean Meade,” Devlin said with a nod. “I had the same thought.”

  Jessica shrugged. “Teddy may not be my favorite person, but he put his life on the line with you to help save me from Ivan and whatever deviancy he had planned. Misogynist or not, Ted took more than a bullet for me and nearly lost his life.”

  “I know, but he’s retired, love. I wasn’t about to ask him to go through it all again. You said you were given a litmus test to see if you passed muster, well, he and I were given the same and he opted out.”

  She threw a hand up. “I don’t buy it, Devlin. Teddy is many things, but he never struck me as the kind to go gentle into that goodnight. He’s more the rage against type.”

  “You know, sweet cheeks, if I didn’t know better I’d think you actually liked me,” a voice said from behind.

  Devlin whirled on his feet, grabbing a gun from the table and holding it point blank to the man’s forehead. He blinked for a moment and then burst out laughing.

  Ted Meade shoved a toothpick into the corner of his mouth, a sideways grin spreading across his lips. “And a fine how-do-you-do to you too, partner.”

  “What the hell are you doing here? How?” Devlin clicked the safety on the gun and put it on the table before pulling Ted into a bear hug.

  “After all the years we spent together, Law, did you really think I wouldn’t keep tabs? Especially when I know Banning was called into town?”

  Devlin stepped back with a grin, and Meade took the toothpick from his teeth and pointed it at the two. “I knew something was up, so I followed you guys.”

  Teddy shifted his gaze to Lorenzo and tossed the toothpick in the trash by the door before sticking out his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

  “Ah ha! I knew it!” Devlin pointed at his partner. He picked up the laser attachment again, and held it out. “That’s how you got this little beauty. How do you two know each other and I don’t?”

  Teddy grinned, sparing a look for Lorenzo. “What can I say, dude? I was willing to think outside the box on occasion.”

  “Yeah, right.” Devlin smirked. “More like you stuck your snout where it didn’t belong, snoopy. Like now.”

  Jessica picked up a shoe stiletto and waved it at the two. “Who cares who met who first? Stop posturing for a pissing match. We have a job to do.”

  The little man chuckled, raising his hand in a very Italianesque gesture. “Women. What would we do without them, eh?”

  Meade smirked. “Yeah, and you can’t just shoot’em, either.”

  “Glad you’re here, too, Teddy. Now can we get on with it?” She eyed both men, and when neither said a word she nodded. “Good.” She turned to the tailor and flashed a winning smile. “Lorenzo, show us what toys you have for us.”

  He inclined his head. “Ladies first. The necklace in the evening bag—it’s a beautiful piece of jewelry, but it is also a titanium garrote. Its pearl drop is an explosive, in case you need a diversion to buy you time.” He turned. “And for you, gentlemen, the general asked for the newest in covert weaponry, starting with these…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jessica swiped the key card to the hotel suite and opened the door. She walked in with Devlin and Teddy close behind, and turned on the light.

  “Yeah, baby. These digs will work out just fine,” Ted said, hanging the garment bags on the bookcase in the living room area. “Two bedrooms, two baths, and common rec room—” He gave Devlin a chin pop. “I’m guessing you’re still not into sharing, right?”

  A shoe flew across the room, hitting Teddy smack in the chest with a soft whoompf.

  “Hey!” he said, rubbing the mark just south of his collarbone. “Is that anyway to treat a house guest?”

  “I told you I didn’t need a blade to make my point, Teddy. This is my suite, which makes it my home away from home. That means manners matter.”

  Meade chuckled, picking up her sandal and toyed with the straps. “Whatever you
say, Nanny McPhee.”

  “I mean it, Ted. You either behave or I’ll show you first-hand how evil this Nanny can be.”

  Putting the shoe on the end table, he smirked giving her a mock salute. “I hear you loud and clear, princess, but since you and Dev are playing house on the opposite side of the suite, I trust you won’t mind if I send out for a little take out company to keep me occupied?”

  Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes. “Take out company? Really, Teddy, even you can do better than that, but suit yourself. Just no rent-a-dates or order-by-phone types, okay?”

  “What about online orders? Tinder app is so user friendly,” he teased back.


  The man laughed, tossing her shoe back. “Okay, okay. I’m just busting ‘em, Banning. I’ll hit the bars and practice my pickup lines the old-fashioned way.”

  Devlin took Jessica by the hand and tugged her with him toward the bedroom. “On that note, I think I’m going to grab a shower. We’ve got a day and a half to go over strategy and I want to make sure everything goes the way we plan.”

  He closed the door behind them and pulled her into his arms. She rested her head against Devlin’s chest and inhaled his clean, masculine scent. “I thought you wanted to take a shower.”

  “Care to join me?” he said with a soft chuckle. “I’ll wash yours if you wash mine.”

  She shook her head, slipping off her one remaining shoe.

  “What?” he pulled back forcing her to look at him.

  Jessica inhaled again. “We’re rogue again, right?”

  “Yes, but not like the last time,” he replied. “General Averill’s not like the others, Jess. He’s career military and all, but he had a niece taken last year. It happened after we got back from Germany. The ring leaders stayed on the down low for about six months, but then they got cocky.

  “Incidents skyrocketed, almost as if they wanted to make up for lost revenue. Averill used every ounce of his political pull to find her, but even then, the bastards protecting this filthy octopus cock-blocked him every step of the way.”


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