The Lodger Shakespeare

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The Lodger Shakespeare Page 30

by Charles Nicholl

  5. /To the vth Interrogatory this deponent Can saye nothinge more then he hath alreddye deposed./

  Daniell Nicholas


  William Shakespeare of Stratford vpon Aven in the Countye of Warwicke gentleman of the Age of xlviij yeres or thereaboutes sworne and examined the daye and yere abouesaid deposethe & sayethe

  1. To the first Interrogatory this deponent sayethe he knowethe the partyes plaintiff and deffendt and hathe know[ne] them bothe as he now remembrethe for the space of tenne yeres or thereaboutes./

  2. To the second Interrogatory this deponent sayeth he did know the compt when he was servant wth the deffendant, and that duringe the tyme of his the compltes service wth the said deffendt he the said Complt to this deponentes knowledge did well and honestly behaue himselfe, but to this depontes remembrance he hath not heard the deffendt confesse that he had gott any great proffitt and comodytye by the service of the said complainant, but this deponent saith he verely thinckethe that the said complainant was a very good and industrious servant in the said service. And more he canott depose to the said Interrogatory:/

  3. /To the third Interrogatory this deponent sayethe that it did evydentlye appeare that the said deft did all the tyme of the said compltes service wth him beare and shew great good will and affeccion towardes the said complt, and that he hath hard the defft and his wyefe diuerse and sundry tymes saye and reporte that the said complt was a very honest fellowe: And this depont sayethe that the said deffendant did make a mocion vnto the complainant of marriadge wth the said Mary in the bill mencioned beinge the said defftes sole chyld and daughter and willinglye offered to performe the same yf the said Complainant shold seeme to be content and well like thereof: And further this deponent sayethe that the said defftes wyeffe did sollicitt and entreat this deponent to moue and perswade the said Complainant to effect the said Marriadge and accordingly this deponent did moue and perswade the complainant thervnto: And more to this Interrogatorye he cannott depose:/

  4. /To the ffourth Interr this deponent sayth that the defendt promissed to geue the said Complainant a porcion [of monie and goodes deleted] in Marriadg[e] wth Marye his daughter./ but what certayne porcion he Rememberithe not./ nor when to be payed [yf any some weare promissed, deleted] nor knoweth that the defendant promissed the [defendt deleted] plaintiff twoe hundered poundes wth his daughter Marye at the tyme of his decease./ But sayth that the plaintiff was dwellinge wth the defendant in his house. And they had Amongeste themselues manye Conferences about there Marriadge wch [afterwardes] was Consumated and Solempnized. And more he cann[ott depose./]

  5. /To the vth Interrogatory this deponent sayth he can saye noth[inge] touchinge any parte or poynte of the same Interrogatory for he knoweth not what Implentes and necessaries of househould stuffe the defendant gaue the plaintiff in Marriadge wth his daughter Marye./

  Willm Shaks [or Shakper?]

  b. Second session, 19 June 1612 [ibid./2]

  Inter to bee mynistred to witnesses to bee produced on the parte and behalfe of Stephen Bellott Complt againste Christopher Mountioy deft.

  1. Inprimis whether doe you knowe the parties plt. and deft and howe longe haue you knowen them and ither of them?

  2. Itm of what estate or ability is the said deft accompted to bee of and what Lease or Leases of howses or tenementes hathe hee, and where doe the said howses or tenementes lye, and what is the yeerely vallue thereof? and what tyme or tymes are to come in the said Leases and whether doe you not thinke that the said deft receiueth fforty poundes per annum de claro by his said Leases? or howe muche dothe hee receiue by the same as you haue Credibly heard or verily beleeue in yor Conscience to bee true, and whether hathe not the said deft giuen forthe speaches that hee will rott in prison before hee will giue any thinge vnto the said Complt yf the Cause should bee decreed agaynste him in this honorable Courte declare the truthe of yor knowledge herein as you knowe verily beleeue or haue Credibly heard./

  3. Itm who apparelled the said Complt. duringe the tyme of his seruice wth the said deft? whether not the ffrends of the said Complt. and for howe longe tyme did the said Compltes ffrendes soe fynde him wth apparell? whether not duringe the terme of two yeares or howe muche longer declare the truthe of yor knowledge therein.

  4. Itm whether did not the said deft or some other by his appointment send you or any other person to yor. knowledge vnto the said Complt. to make a mocion of marriadge betwixt the said Complt. and the said Mary Mountioy beinge the deftes sole Childe and daughter, and what wordes did the said deft vse vnto you or to any other to yor. knowledge touchinge the marryage of the said Complt. wth the said Mary? whether did not the deft then say that yf shee the said Mary did not marry the said Complt., that shee the said Mary should not Coste him nor haue a groate from him, and whether did not the said deft likewise promise that yf the Complt. and the said Mary did marry together then hee would giue a porcion wth the said Mary vnto the said Complt.? howe muche was the said porcion that hee then promised, whether not the somme of threescore pounds or what other somme as you thinke in yor. Conscience to bee true? and before whome did the said deft soe promise the same, whether before you or any other to yor. knowledge, and whether vppon the said promisses and perswac ions did not the said Complt. Contracte himselfe wth the said Mary?

  5. Itm whether after the marriadge betwixt the said Complt. and the said Mary did the said deft giue any goods or howsehold stuffe to the said Complt. and his wyffe? yf yea, to what vallue did the said goods or howsehold stuffe amounte vnto, whether vnto the somme of ffiue pounds or to what other somme declare the truthe of yor. knowledge herein./c


  Dannyell Nicholas of the parishe of Sct: Alphadge wthin Criplegate London gent of the Age of threeschore and twoe yeares or thereaboutes swoorne and examyned the daye and yeare abouesaid deposeth and saythe./

  1. /To the ffirste Interr this deponent sayth he hath knowne the plaintiff twelue yeares, and the defendt about twentye yeares.

  2. /To the seconde Interr this deponent sayth that the defendt is Amongest his neighboures thought to be a Suffitient man in estate and abillitie, and Reporte is amongste the neighboures that he hath Diuerse leases neere about wheare he dwelleth and at Braynforde woorthe by reporte thirtye poundes per Annum or thereaboutes. And by reporte he hath latelie takne newe leases of them./ but what yeares are yett to come in them his leases this deponent knoweth not./ And sayth he thinketh in his Conscyence the defendt Receiveth about thirtye poundes yerely Rent de Claro for the same houses/ And sayth he herd one Christopher Weaver saye that the defendt hadd A good estate to paye euerye man his owne and to geue the plaintiff his porcion yf he pleased./ but the defendt hadd made an othe that Althoughe the Lawe gaue him the plaintiff his porcion, he the deft would Rott in prison before he would geue the plaintiff any one groate thereof./ And more he Cannott depose

  3. /To the thirde Interr this deponent sayth that the pltes ffathr in Lawe [i.e. stepfather] Humphrey ffludd, reported in this deponentes presentes & the presentes of others that he the plaintiff was often and seuerall tymes Apparrelled by him the said Homphrey ffludd and the plaintiffes mother and others of the plaintiffes ffrendes, duringe the moste parte of the tyme of his service wth the defendt./ And more he cannott depose touchinge the same Interr./

  4. To the iiijth Interr this deponnt sayth that the defendt did never send him this deponnt vnto the Complainant to make mocion of Marriadge betwixte the Complainant and the said Marye Mountioye beinge the defendtes sole daughter and Childe but Mr: William Shakespeare tould him this deponent that the defendt sent him the said Mr Shakespeare to the plaintiff about suche a marriadge to be hadd betweene them, And Shakespeare tould this deponent that the defendt tould him that yf the plaintiff would Marrye the said Marye his daughter he would geue hime the plaintiff A some of money wth her for A porcion in Marriadge wth her./ And that yf he the plaintiff did not marry wth her the said Marye and shee wth the plaintiff shee
should never coste him the deft her ffather A groat, wherevppon And in Regard Mr Shakespeare hadd tould them that they should haue A some of money for a porcion from the fathr they weare made suer by Mr Shakespeare by geuinge there Consent, and agreed to Marrye, [geuinge eache others hand to the hande deleted]. And did marrye./ But what some yt was that Mr [Shake deleted] Mountyoye promissed to geue them he the said Mr Shakespeare could not remember, but said yt was ffyftye poundes or thraboutes to his beste Rememb eraunce./ And as he Rememberith Mr Shakespeare said he promissed to geue them A porcion of his goodes: but what, or to what valewe he Rememberithe not./ And more he Cannott depose./

  5. To the vth Interr this deponent sayth that after the Marriadge Solempnized betweene the plaintiff and Marye, one George Wilkins tould him this deponent that the defendt gaue them some Implemtes belonginge to househould, wch goodes weare in his the said Wilkins Custody, wch goodes the said Wilkins Reported he would not haue geuen ffyve poundes ffor./ And more he cannott depose

  Daniell Nicholas


  William Eaton apprentice wth the Complainant of the Age of nynteene yeres or thraboutes sworne and examyned the daye and yere abouesaid deposeth and saythe./

  1. /To the ffirste Interr this deponnt sayth he hath knowne the plt ffyve yeres or thraboutes. And the defendant about ffoure yeares and A halfe./

  2. / To the seconde Interr this deponent sayth he cannot certaynlie depose any thinge touchinge the deftes estate or habillitie, only sayth he knoweth the deft hath A house in Muggle streete & in Silver Streete London and another at Branforde, but what they are woorth by the yeare he knoweth not./ nor hath herd the deft vse any such speeches as in the Interrogatory is vrdged./ And more he Cannott depose.

  3. To the thirde Interr this deponent Can saye nothinge./

  4. To the iiijth Interr this deponent sayth he hath herd one Mr Shakspeare saye that he was sent by the defendt to the plaintiff to moue the plaintiff to haue A marriage betweene them the plaintiff and the defendtes daughter Marye Mountioye, And herd Mr Shakespeare saye that he was wished by the deft to make proffer of A certayne some that the defendt said he would geue the plaintiff wth his daughter Marye Mountioye in Marriadge, but he had forgott the some./ And [mr Shakespeare tould the plt deleted] more he cannott depose touchinge the same Interrogatory./

  5. /To the vth Interr this deponnt Can saye nothinge of his owne knowledge nor by Credible reporte./

  william Eyton


  George Wilkins of the parishe of Sct. Sepulchers London Victuler of the Age of thirtye Syxe yeres or thraboutes sworne and examyned the daye and yere abouesaid deposeth and saythe./

  1/ To the ffirste Interr this deponent sayth he hath knowne the plaintiff about Seaven yeres and the deft as longe./

  2.3. 4/ To the second, third and ffourth Interr this deponent is not examyned at the Requeste of the plaintiff./

  5 To the vth Interr this deponent sayth that after the plt was married wth Marye the deftes daughter he the plaintiff and his wyffe came to dwell in this deponentes house in one of his Chambers. And brought wth them A fewe goodes or household stuffe wch by Reporte the defendt her fathr gaue them, ffor wch this deponent would not haue geuen Aboue ffyve poundes yf he had bene to haue bought the same./ And more he cannott depose touchinge the same Interr:/

  George Wilkins


  Humfrey ffludd of the parishe of Sct: Gyles Wthout Criplegate one of his Matse: Trumpetores of the Age of ffyftye three yeres or thraboutes sworne and examyned the daye and yere abouesaid deposeth and saythe

  1. /To the ffirste Interr this deponent sayth he hath knowne the plaintiff about Eighteene yeares for he married his mother in ffraunce And the defendt he hath knowne about Eighteene yeres for he put the plaintiff to be the defendtes apprentice./

  2. /To the seconde Interr this deponent is not examyned at the Requeste of the plt./

  3. /To the thirde Interr this deponnt sayth that whileste the plaintiff was in service wth the defendt, this deponent gaue the plaintiff three suytes of Apparrell vz twoe Cloakes, And three suytes of Apparrell. And his mother gaue him good store of Lynnen wch apparrell and lynnen Could not serve him lesse than three yeres, besides the deft was so Stricte vnto him that he this deponent and the plaintiffes mother weare fayne manye tymes to geue him monney and to paye the Barber for Cuttinge the hayr of his heade./ And more he cannott depose./

  4. .5/ To the iiijth and vth Interr this deponent is not examined at the Requeste of the plaintiff./

  Homfrey Fludd


  Christopher Weaver of the parishe of Sct: Olaves in Sylver Streete London mercer of the Age of thirty Eight yeres or thereaboutes sworne and examyned the daye and yeare abouesaid deposith and sayth

  1. /To the ffirste Interr this deponnt sayth he hath knowne the plaintiff about twelue yeres and the deft about Syxteene yeares./

  2. /To the seconde Interr this deponent sayth he knoweth not the deftes Estate, but sayth he hath the lease of his house wherin he dwelleth. And A lease of A house in Braynford in the County of Middlesex. But he knoweth the deft hath lyen at Intereste these three or ffoure yeres for twenty poundes in one place, and hath neyther payed the principalle nor Interest money due for the same./ And lykewise hath takne vpp other monney, And soulde his plate and some houshold stuffe./ And furthr sayth that he herd that the deft payeth yerelye Rent for those leases some Seaventeene poundes per Annum./ And sayth that he thinketh the deft Receaveth some Eighteene poundes per Annum de Claro besides his owne dwellinge and hath A Soiourner in his house wth him but what proffitt he maketh thrby he knoweth not./ And sayth the deft hath said in this deponentes hereinge that in Regard the plaintiff and his daughter had vsed him so vnkindlie, And in Regard he promissed them nothinge he would Rather Rott in prison then geue them any thinge more then he had geuen them before./ And more he cannot depose./

  3. To the thirde Interr this deponent sayth he hath herd the deft saye that after the plaintiff came to be his apprentice he ffound the plaintiff all his wearinge apparrell. And othrwise he Cannott depose touchinge the same Interr./

  4. To the iiijth Interr this deponent sayth he was never made an Instrumt between the plaintiff and the deft by the deftes appoyntmt for the moveinge of A marriage betweene the plaintiff and deftes daughter. And more he cannot depose touchinge any parte of the same Interr for that he never herd the deft promise the plaintiff any some of monney or other thinge wth his daughter Mary in Marriadge wth the plaintiff nor saye that yf she married not the plaintiff shee should not coste him A groate/

  5. To the vth Interr this deponent sayth he hath herd the deft and his wyffe saye that they gaue the plaintiff wth there daughter Marye in marriadge the some of ten poundes in monney and houshould Stuffe of moste sortes somthinge viz in monney and goodes to the valewe of thirtye poundes And more he Cannot depose to his Rememberaunce/

  Chr: Weauer:


  Nowell Mountioye of the parishe of S.ct Olaves in Sylver Streete London Tyremaker of the Age of thirtye yeares or thraboutes sworne and examyned the daye and yeare abouesaid deposith and saythe./

  1. To the ffirste Interr this deponent sayth he hath knowne the plaintiff about ffyfteene yeres and the deft longer for he is this deponentes brother./

  2. To the seconde Interr this deponent sayth that his brothr the deftes estate is not muche ffor he hath but the lease of twoe houses one lease of the house wherein he dwelleth devided into twoe tenementes and a lease of a house in Brainforde by wch leases he gaineth An ouerplus of Rent more then he payeth to the valewe of about nyntene or Seaventeene poundes per Ann./ And hath A tyme in his lease of the howse wherein he dweleth of some thirty yeres to come wch he renewed but latelie, but howe longe tyme he hath to come in the house he hath at Brainford he knoweth not./ Albeyt the deft is much in debte, And sould or pawned his plaite A greate whileste sync so that his estate cannot be
verry greate./ And sayth that he herd his brother the deft saye that yf he weare Condempned in this suyte vndeserved he would lye in prison before he would gyve the plaintiff any thinge./ And more he Cannot depose.

  3. To the thirde Interr this deponent sayth that the plaintiff was A yeare A boorder in the deftes house before he became the deftes Apprentice duringe wch tyme he beleveth the deft did not apparrell the plaintiff: but after the plaintiff became the deftes servaunte the deft apparrelled him. Albeyt his ffrindes might send him somtymes A Cloake or payre of Stockinges or such a thinge./ wch he knoweth to be true for that he did serve the deft when the plt served him. And knewe the truth throf: And more he Cannott depose./

  4. To the iiijthe Interr this deponent sayth he was never sent by the deft vnto the Complt to make A mocon to him of A marriadge to be hadd betwixte the Complainant and Marye Mountioy the deftes sole Child and daughter, nor knoweth of any other that was by the defendt sent vnto the plaintiff vppon that messaiege: but the plt tould this deponnt that one Mr Shakespeare was Imployed by the deft about that buysnes: in what mannr: or to what effecte he knoweth not: And sayth he never herd the deft saye that yf his daughter Mary married not wth the plaintiff shee should never haue groate from him./ nor knoweth that the defendant promissed to geue the plaintiff Any porcion of monney wth his daughter Mary in marriadge nor howe much he promissed yf he promissed any, nor knoweth vppon what promise the Complt contracted him selfe wth the said Marye/. And more he Cannott depose.


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