The Lodger Shakespeare

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The Lodger Shakespeare Page 41

by Charles Nicholl

  Silver Street

  Windsor House


  Strong, Roy

  Stubbes, Philip

  subsidy rolls

  Sugden, Edward

  Sully, Duc de

  ‘Sun Rising, The’ (Donne)



  Survay of London see Stow, John

  Survay or Topographical

  Description of France (Eliot)

  Swan Alley

  Swan with Two Necks

  Swanston, Jonakyn

  Swinburne, Henry

  Tailor, Cordelia

  Tailor, William

  Talbot tavern

  Tamburlaine the Great (Marlowe)

  Taming of the Shrew, The, Venice gold

  Tarlton, Richard

  Tatton, George

  Tatton, Joseph



  Taylor, John

  Tempest, The

  Terrors of the Night (Nashe)

  Testament of Love (Chaucer)


  actors and women


  dolled-up dames head-tires


  and prostitution


  Threadneedle Street

  Three Miseries of Barbary (Wilkins)

  Three Pigeons, Brentford

  Tillyard, E. M. W.

  Tilney, Sir Edward

  Times, The

  Timon of Athens


  John Mountjoy

  St Martin le Grand

  tires and wigs


  tires see head-tires

  Titus Andronicus






  Tofte, Robert

  top-gallant caps

  Topographical Dictionary (Sugden)


  Travells of the Three English

  Brothers, The (Day, Wilkins

  and Rowley)

  Treatise of Spousals (Swinburne)

  Treswell, Ralph

  Trick to Catch the Old One, A (Middleton)

  Troilus and Cressida



  troth-plight see handfasting

  Trundell, John

  Turner, Roger

  Turnmill (Turnbull) Street

  Twelfth Night

  Twine, Lawrence

  Two Gentlemen of Verona

  Two Noble Kinsmen, The (Shakespeare and Fletcher)

  Two Unnatural Murthers


  Valore, Clause

  Vansutfan, William

  Vautrollier, Thomas

  Venice gold

  Venus and Adonis

  Verstegan, Richard

  Volpone (Jonson)

  Walker, John

  Wallace, Charles William

  Wallace, Hulda

  Walsingham, Sir Francis

  Walton, Judyth

  Waters, Joan

  Watson, Thomas

  Weaver, Christopher

  Brentford house


  Mountjoy house

  in Queen Anne’s accounts

  Webster, John

  The Duchess of Malfi

  Westward Ho!

  Westward Ho! (Dekker and Webster)

  Whackter, Katherine

  Whetstone, George

  Widow of Watling Street, The (Middleton)


  Wilbye, John

  Wilkins, George

  and Belotts


  Jests to Make you Merrie


  The Miseries of Enforced Marriage



  and Shakespeare


  Three Miseries of Barbary

  as victualler

  as writer

  Wilkins, Katherine

  Wilkins, Thomas

  Wilson, J. Dover

  Windsor, Ann

  Windsor, Grizzel

  Windsor, Henry, 5th Lord

  Windsor House

  Winter’s Tale, The

  Wolfall, John

  Wolfe, John

  Wood, Henry

  Wood Street

  Wormlaighton, Ralph

  Wotton, Sir Henry

  Wright, Francis


  Yorkshire Tragedy, A (Middleton)

  Your Five Gallants (Middleton)


  Leonardo da Vinci

  Flights of the Mind

  “Nicholl’s life of Leonardo is fresh, detailed, vivid, and presents the most fully human Leonardo we have.”

  —Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker

  As the success of blockbusters like The Da Vinci Code shows, the incomparable and enigmatic Leonardo da Vinci continues to captivate. In this widely acclaimed biography, Charles Nicholl uncovers the man behind the myth of the Renaissance master. Painter, sculptor, inventor, draftsman, anatomist—Leonardo’s life and career encompassed so many of the creative achievements that made his era spectacular. Nicholl skillfully captures it all while tracing his subject’s journey from an illegitimate child in Tuscany to his service with some of the most powerful families of Renaissance Europe. Rich with historical background, packed with black-and-white and color illustrations, and utterly engaging, this is the definitive look at a figure whose genius reaches out to us through the centuries.

  ISBN 978-0-14-303612-8

  1. The deposition. Shakespeare’s statement at the Court of Requests, 11 May 1612.

  2. Plaintiff and defendant in a scene from a Jacobean law-court.

  3. Witness-list for the first session of the Belott-Mountjoy suit, including ‘Willm Shakespeare gent’.

  4. Signatures of (a) Daniel Nicholas, (b) William Eaton, (c) Noel Mountjoy and (d) Humphrey Fludd.

  5. Hulda and Charles William Wallace, discoverers of the Belott-Mountjoy papers, at the Public Record Office, c. 1909.

  6. The house on the corner. Detail from the ‘Agas’ map showing Silver Street and Muggle (or Monkwell) Street.

  7. The Coopers’ Arms, on the site of the Mountjoys’ house, from a photograph of c. 1910.

  8. St Giles, Cripplegate, with bombed-out buildings of Silver Street in the foreground. Drawing by Dennis Flanders, 1941.

  9. Commemorative stone on the site of St Olave’s, Silver Street.

  10. The surgeon of Silver Street. John Banister anatomizing a corpse at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall, 1580.

  11. The author in bed. Title-page illustration from Thomas Dekker’s Dekker his Dreame (1620).

  12. A Huguenot tailor at work, c. 1600.

  13. Subsidy roll for Aldersgate ward, 1582, listing Christopher ‘Mongey’ and his wife as tax-payers.

  14. ‘Mrs Monjoyes childe’. Burial entry in the St Olave’s register, 27 February 1596.

  15. Marie Mountjoy consults Dr Forman about missing valuables, 22 November 1597.

  16. Simon Forman, astrologer, physician and serial seducer.

  17. Henry Wood asks Forman about ‘Mari M’, 20 March 1598.

  18. Marie and ‘Madam Kitson’ in a jotting by Forman, c. January 1598.

  19. A woman visiting an astrologer, from a seventeenth-century woodcut.

  20. A French dancer of c. 1580, wearing a head-tire of the sort made by the Mountjoys.

  21. A lady (perhaps Lucy Harington, Countess of Bedford) costumed for the masque

  Hymenaei, 1606.

  22. Theatrical headwear in Henry Peacham’s sketch of a scene from Titus Andronicus, c. 1594

  23. Payments to ‘Marie Mountjoy Tyrewoman’ in Queen Anne’s household accounts, 1604-5.

  24. Queen Anne by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, c. 1605-10.

  25. Signature of George Wilkins.

  26. First edition of Wi
lkins’s Miseries, performed by the King’s Men in c. 1606.

  27. ‘A punk after supper’. Customers eating in a Jacobean brothel.

  28. The famous Southwark brothel called Holland’s Leaguer, in a woodcut of 1632.

  29. Tire-wearing courtesan from a painting by Isaac Oliver, c. 1590-95.

  30. A wherry on the Thames near London Bridge, 1614. These water-taxis took playgoers across to the Globe and adulterers upriver to Brentford.

  31. The Three Pigeons at Brentford, owned by Shakespeare’s colleague John Lowin, seen here in a nineteenth-century engraving.

  32. A handfasting. Detail from Gerrit van Honthorst’s Supper with Betrothal, c. 1625.

  33. Wedding of Stephen and Mary at St Olave’s, 19 November 1604.

  34. Burial of Marie Mountjoy at St Olave’s, 30 October 1606.

  35. Register copy of Christopher Mountjoy’s will, 26 January 1620.

  36. Burial of Christopher Mountjoy at St Giles, Cripplegate, 29 March 1620.


  All depositions and other documents in the Belott-Mountjoy suit are fully transcribed in the Appendix. Quotations from them in the text are sometimes pruned of repetitious legalisms.


  In Nicholas’s second deposition (19 June) these computations are, more plausibly, given the other way round.


  In the margin beside Interrogatories 3, 4 and 5 are written the names, respectively, of Humphrey Fludd, William Shakespeare and George Wilkins. They were expected to testify on these particular questions - but Shakespeare did not appear at the second session. Interrogatory 4 has phrasings attributed to Shakespeare by Daniel Nicholas.


  This entry is written in what Wallace calls a ‘flourished court-hand of Gothic-Roman very difficult to read’. I have followed his transcription and given a rather speculative translation.




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