Robert Ludlum - The Parcifal Mosaic.txt

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Robert Ludlum - The Parcifal Mosaic.txt Page 53

by The Parcifal Mosaic [lit]

  shoulders weakened. The wound from Col des

  THE PmLsxiFAL Mosmc413

  Moulinets was beginning to hurt; he had to be careful and use the weight of

  his body....

  Sound. Not his, not the abrasive creaking of oarlocks or the lapping of

  waves against the bow. A muffled sound ... an engine.

  A light, a searchlight, sweeping the water about half a mile to his right.

  It was a patrol boat rounding the far point of the island, veering

  starboard, directly at him. Did the islan&s security system include sonar?

  Sonic beams shooting over the water, rising and falling with the tides,

  capable of picking up small craft approaching the shore? Or was the boat on

  a routine patrol? It was not the moment to speculate. Keeping his body low,

  Havelock swiftly lifted the oars out of their locks, shoving both under the

  slatted seats so they rested on the floor of the hull. He reached foward

  for the mooring line, throwing it over the bow, and then slipped over the

  side into the ocean, breathing deeply and tensing his muscles to ward off

  the cold. He slid back and held on to the propeller shaft, splashing water

  over the outboard motor, cooling the top surface. He had traveled at very

  low throttle; in minutes only a sensitive hand would be able to determine

  whether the engine had been running-if anyone thought to check.

  The searchlight suddenly blinded him; the skiff had been spotted. The

  faraway engine roared through the wind, joined by the wobbling wail of a

  siren. The patrol boat accelerated, bearing down on him. He dived under the

  water, swimming out, away from the island, the current propelling him. The

  skiff was still nearly a quarter-mile from the shoreline, too far for a

  swimmer to attempt comfortably in these waters; it was a fact that might

  weigh in his favor when the boat was found.

  By the time the large patrol boat had side-slipped into the skiff and cut

  its motors, Michael was twenty yards behind its stem, breaking the surface,

  pulling the wet wool knit hat down over his head. The searchlight was

  crisscrossing the water everywhere; he went under twice, his eyes open,

  x-eemerging when the beam had passed. It continued scanning the area, but

  no longer behind, only in the front and the sides. Two men with grappling

  hooks had the skiff in tow; the one at the bow shouted.

  414 ROBERT LuDLum

  "Leo!s Marina, Lieutenantl Out of Savannahl Marker number CA


  "Tell base to raise Leds Marina in Savannah and cut us int" yelled the

  officer to an unseen radio operator in the open cabin. "The number's CA

  zero-eight-twol Get a readingl"

  "Yes, sirl" came the reply.

  "And inform base of our location. Have a security check run on sector


  rhis thing couldn~t have gotten in there, Lieutenant," said the man with

  the stem hook. "led be tripped by the flat nets. Everywhere there ain~t no

  rocks we got flat nets."

  'Men what the hell's it doing here? Are there any clothes, any equipment?


  "Nothin% sirl" yelled the first man, climbing down into the skiff. "Stinks

  of flsh, that's all."

  Havelock watched while treading and bobbing in the water. He was struck by

  an odd thing: the men on the patrol boat were in khald fatigues, the

  officer in a field jacket. They were army, not navy. Yet the boat had a

  naval registration.

  "Lieutenantl" The voice came from within the cabin as a face with a headset

  framing it appeared in the open archway. "The watchman at Leo's said a

  couple of drunks had that skiff out and brought it in late. He figured they

  didn7t tie it up proper and it went out with the tide. He!d appreciate it

  if we towed it in; Wd be his ass. The boat!s shit, but the outboard's worth


  "I don7t like it," said the officer.

  "Hey, come on, sir. Who!s gonna swim a half-mile in these waters? The

  fishermen~ve seen sharks around here."

  "Suppose ies been in?"

  'With the flat nets?" asked the man with the stem hook 'No place else to

  park, Lieutenant."

  "Fuck itl Throw up the line and lei!s circle around nearer the nets and

  rocks. This Leo owes us."

  And Havelock knew he owed a night watchman far more than the hundred

  dollars he had given him. The patrol boat's engines roared as the first man

  climbed aboard and another tied the skifFs mooring line to a stem cleat. In

  seconds the surface prowler was heading toward the shoreline, crisscrossing

  the waters as its powerful searchlight roamed the darkness.

  Flat nets. Fields of lightweight fabric, stretched and held


  afloat just below the surface by buoyant cork or Styrofoam, woven together

  with strands of piano wire. Fish could not break the wires, but propellers

  could, and if they did, the alarms went ofF. Rocks. Stretches of the

  island~s coastline that were prohibitive to vessels of any size. He had to

  keep the patrol boat in sight; it was approaching the rocks.

  sharks. He did not care to think about them; there simply was no point.

  What he had to concentrate on was reaching land. The current was almost

  intolerable, but by breaststroking between the waves and the undertow

  beneath he made slow progress, and when be could see the beams of a dozen

  flashlights shining through the pines, he knew he was getting closer. Time

  was irrelevant, its passage reflected only in the straining pain in his

  arms and legs, but his concentration was complete. He had to reach a net or

  a rock, or some other obstruction beneath him that told him he could stand.

  A net came first. He worked himself to the right, hand over hand, slipping

  on the thick nylon cord, until he felt a huge floating Styrofoarn barrel

  shaped like an ocean buoy. He rounded it and pulled himself in on the

  border of cord until his knees struck two sharp objects that told him he

  had reached the rocks. He held on to the net, his body battered by the

  incoming surf, and waited, gasping for air. The flashlight beams were

  receding into the pines; the security check in sector four had proven

  fruitless. When the last beam disappeared between the trunks, he inched his

  way toward the shore, holding on to the wired'net with all his strength as

  the waves crashed over him. He had to stay away from the rocksl They loomed

  above him-white, jagged points of stone made razor-sharp by millennia of

  rushing waters. One enormous wave and be would be impaled.

  He lurched to his left, spreading himself over the net, when suddenly it

  was gone. it was gonel He could feel the sand under him. He had crossed the

  man-made barrier reef and was on fand.

  He crawled out of the water, barely able to lift his arms; his legs were

  drained, weightless appendages that kept collapsing into the wet softness

  beneath him. The moon made one of its sporadic appearances, illuminating a

  dune of wild grass twenty yards ahead; he crept forward, each foot bringing

  him nearer a resting place. He reached the dune and

  416 RoBERT LuDLum

  climbed up onto its dry sand; he rolled over on his back and stared at the

  dark sky.

sp; He remained motionless for the better part of a half hour, until he could

  feel the blood filling his arms again, the weight returning to his legs.

  Ten years ago, even five, be reflected, the gauntlet he had struggled

  through would have taken him fifteen minutes, at most, from which to

  recover. Now, he would appreciate several hours', if not a nighes, sleep

  and a hot bath.

  He lifted his hand and looked at the dial of his watch. It was

  ten-forty-three. In seventeen minutes jenna would place her first call to

  Cons Op emergency. reception. He had wanted an hour on the island-to

  explore, to make decisions-before that first call, but it was not to be. He

  was forty-three minutes behind schedule. On the other hand, there would

  have been no schedule at all to adhere to if he had failed to cross the

  island's barrier reef.

  He got to his feet, tested his legs, shook his arms and twisted his torso

  back and forth, barely noticing the discomfort of his soaked clothing and

  the abrasive scraping of sand over his entire body. It was enough that he

  could function, that signals from brain to muscle still filtered through

  the proper motor controls. He could move-swiftly if he had toand his mind

  was clear, he needed nothing else.

  He checked his gear. The waterproof flashlight was hooked into a strap

  around his waist next to the oilcloth packet on his left; the hunting knife

  in its scabbard was on the right. He removed the packet, unzipped the

  waterproof flap and felt the contents. The thirteen folded pages were dry.

  So was the small Spanish automatic. He tDok'out the weapon, shoved it under

  his belt, and replaced the packet on the strap. He then checked his trouser

  pockets; the rawhide shoelaces were soaked but intact-each lace separate,

  rolled into a ball-five in his right-hand pocket, five in the left. If more

  than ten were needed, then none would. be needed. They would all be

  worthless. He was ready.

  Footsteps ... Were there footsteps? If so, the sound was incongruous with

  the sand and the soft earth that had to be beneath the ocean pines. it was

  a slow tattoo of sharp cracks-leather heels beating a hard surface.

  Havelock crouched and raced toward the cover of the tall trees and peered

  diagonally to his right in the direction of the sound.

  Tim PARsrPAL Mosmc417

  A second tattoo, now on his left, farther away, but coming closer. It was

  similar to the first-slow, deliberate. He crawled deeper into the pines

  until he came within several feet of the edge, where he dived prone on the

  ground; he immediately raised his head to see what the sudden new light

  would reveal. What be saw explained the sound of the footsteps, but nothing

  else. Directly ahead was a wide, smoothly surfaced concrete road, and just

  beyond it was a stockade fence at least twelve feet high extending as far

  as the eye could see in both directions. The light came from behind it; a

  roof of light hung everywhere. It was the glow he had seen from the water,

  now much brighter, but still oddly soft, lacking intensity.

  The first soldier appeared on the right, walking slowly. Like the crew on

  the patrol boat, he wore army fatigues, but strapped to his waist was a

  government-issue Colt .45 automatic. He was a young foot soldier on guard

  duty, his bored face reflecting the waste of time and motion. His

  counterpart emerged from the shadows on the left, perhaps fifty yards away;

  his walk if anything, was slower than that of his comrade. They approached

  each other like two robots on a treadmill, meeting no more than thirty feet

  from Havelock.

  "Did anyone fill you in?" asked the soldier on the right.

  "Yeah, some rowboat with a motor drifted out from Savannah with the tide,

  that!s all. No one in it:

  Anybody check the enginer

  "What do you meanr

  "The oil. The oil stays warm if Ws been running. Like any motor..

  "Hey, come on. Who the hell could get in here, anywayr

  "I dididt say they could. I just said it was one way to tell."

  "Forget it. They're still doing a three-sixty search-in case sornebody's

  got wings, I guess. The whips around here are all swacked in the head."

  'Wouldift you ber

  The guard on the left looked at his watch. "Yo&ve got a point. See you


  "If Jackson shows up, you will. Last night he was a half hour late. Can you

  believe it? He said he bad to see the end of a lousy TV movie."

  "He pulls that a lot. Willis told hun the other night that

  418 Roi3ERT LUDLUM

  someday someone's going to just walk off and say he took over. Let him


  "Re!d talk bis way out of it."

  Each man turned and began trudging back on his familiar, useless course.

  Michael pieced together the essentials of their conversation. A search

  party was combing the island and the guards' watch was about over-a watch

  that was apparently loose, if a midnight relief could be a half hour late.

  It was an inconsistency; the island was a security fortress, yet guard duty

  was treated as though it were a futile if necessary performance. Why?

  The answer, he surmised, might be found in an old observation. Barracks

  personnel and low-level superiors were the Rot to perceive unnecessary

  duty. Which could only mean that the shoreline alarms were matched by

  interior sensors. Michael studied the high stockade fence. It was new, the

  wood a pale tan, and it took little imagination to picture the trips wired

  behind it-dual beams set off by mass, weight and body heat, impossible to

  tunnel under or vault over or cut through. And then he saw what he had not

  concentrated on: the fence curved-as the concrete road curved-on both

  sides. Cates had to be beyond the sight lines, entrances manned by

  personnel at the only points of penetration. Not casual at all.

  A three-skay search.

  Soldiers 'With flashlights treading through the pines and over the beaches,

  looking for the shadow of a possibility. They had begun directly behind

  him, on a stretch of the coastline called sector four, moving

  quickly-perhaps a dozen men, maybe a thirteen-man squad. Wherever they had

  come fiom, they would undoubtedly return to the same place once they had

  completed the circle ... and the night was dark, the moonlight increasingly

  infrequent. Using the search party as part of his strategy was an outside

  possibility-the only .one he could think of-but for the tactic to work, he

  had to move. Now.

  The soldier on the right not only was closest but was the most logical to

  deal with first. He was nearly out of sigh4 rounding the bend in the road,

  disappearing beyond the angle of the fence. Havelock got up and ran across

  the road, then started racing down the sandy shoulder, furious at the sound

  of his waterlogged boots. He reached the bend; there were gate lights up

  ahead, perhaps six hundred feet away.

  TkE PARaFAL MosAic419

  He ran faster, closing the gap between himself and the slowmoving, guard,

  hoping the wind rustling through the trees muffied the spongelike crunching

  beneath him.

  He was within twelve feet when the man stopped, alarmed, his
head whipping

  to the side. Havelock sprang, covering the final six feet in midair; his

  right hand clamped on the soldier's mouth and his left grabbed the base of

  the man~s skull, controlling both their falls to the ground. He held the

  soldier firmly, his knee under the young man's back, arching the body over


  "Don7t try to shoud" he whispered. "This is only a security exercise-like

  war games, you understand? Half the garrison here knows about it, half

  doesnI Now, Im going to take you across the road and tie you up and gag

  you, but nothing7ll be too tight. You're simply out of maneuvers. Okay?'

  The young guard was too much in shock to respond other than to blink

  repeatedly with his large, frightened eyes. Michael could not trust

  him-more accurately, he could not trust him not to panic. He reached for

  the fallen barracks cap and rose with the soldier, pulling the young man

  up, his hand still clamped on the mouth; they both dashed across the road,

  turning right, and headed for the pines. Once in the darkness under the

  branches, Havelock stopped and tripped the soldier to the ground; they were

  far enough into sector four.

  "Now, Im going to take my hand away," said Michael, kneeling, "but if you

  make a sound, I'll have to chop you out, you got that? If I didn7t~ I'd

  lose points. OkayF'

  The young man nodded and Havelock slowly removed his hand, prepared to

  clamp it back at the first loud utterance. The guard rubbed his cheeks and

  said quietly, "You scared the shit out of me. What the hells going on?"

  "Just what I told you," said Michael, unstrapping the soldieis weapons belt

  and yanking off his field jacket. "It's a security exercise," he added,

  reaching into his own pocket for a rawhide lace and pulling the guard's

  arms behind him. "We're going to get inside." He tied the guards wrists and

  forearms together, weaving the rawhide up to the elbows.

  "Into the compound?'

  "That's right."

  "No way, man. You losel"

  'Me alarm systemr

  420 Roim= LunLum

  "It's seven ways to Memphis and back. A pelican got burned on the fence the

  other night; it sizzled for a goddamn half an hour. Son of a bitch if we

  diddt have chicken the next day."


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