Robert Ludlum - The Parcifal Mosaic.txt

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Robert Ludlum - The Parcifal Mosaic.txt Page 64

by The Parcifal Mosaic [lit]

  The press printed it all in the evening editions, the obituaries ranging

  from kind to cool, depending on the editorial stripe. But it should be

  noted that none was very long; no one really cared. Inconsistency was not

  compatible with that most desirable of political sins: typecasting. To

  change was to be weak. We want Jesus or the strong-jawed cowboy. Who the

  hell can be both?

  Undersecretary of State Emory Bradford, committed hawk turned passionate

  dove, was dead. By his own hand, of course.

  And there was no odd piece of equipment such as a video

  502 ROBEnT Lumum

  recorder in the stand beneath the television set. It had been delivered to

  the wrong office, a G-12 on the third floor confinning his original

  request. The set was rolled back against the wall. Apparently unused.


  "You couldnI have prevented It," said jenna firmly, standing in front of

  Havelock at the desk. "You7re not permitted to go to the State Department

  and it's a condition you accept. If the mole saw you, he'd either kill you

  quietly and remain where he was, or bolt and run to Moscow. You want him,

  and your being seen isn't the way to find him."

  "Maybe I couldn't have prevented it, but I might have let his death-bis

  life-mean more than it did. He wanted to tell me and I told him not to say

  any more. He said this phone was as sterile as the house and I woulddt

  accept that."

  "Thaes not what you said. You told him his phone, his office, might not be

  sterile. From everything you've learned over the years, everything you've

  seen, you made the logical decision. And I still believe there are

  pandnyatchiki in your State Department who would lie for this man, tap an

  office for hi="

  'You know, a paranoid named McCarthy said things like that and tore this

  country apart thirty years ago. Tore it apart with fear and frenzy."

  "Perhaps he was one himself. Who could have done it better?"

  "Ws possible. The paminyatchik is the total patriot. Hell call for a

  loyalty oath every time because he has no compunction abouttignin one."



  "That!s what you have to look for now, Mikhail. A total patriot; a man with

  an unblemished record. He will be the mole."

  "If I could find out what it was Bradford was waiting for yesterday, I

  think I'd have both. He said he wouldn1 know until 'late morning.' That

  means he expected something that would tell him where a man wasn~t, proof

  someone on the fifth floor wasn~t where he was supposed to be. The security

  desk said Bradford received a package at twelve-twenty-five, but no one

  knows what it was, and, naturally, it wasn't there later."

  "There was no return address or company name?"

  "If there was, nobody noticed. It was delivered by messenger."

  "Check the firms who provide those services. Certainly someone can recall

  the color of the uniform; that would narrow it down."

  'She wasn't that kind of messenger. She wore a fur-collared tweed coat, and

  the only thing Security remembers is that she was pretty high-toned for

  delivering packages."


  "Attractive, well-spoken, direct. I think that covers it."

  "Someone's secretary."

  "Yes, but whose? What sort of person would Bradford go to, what kind of


  "What was the size of the package?"

  "The guard who took it up said it was a large, padded envelope with a bulge

  on the bottom, and thick throughout. Papers and something else."

  'Tapers?" said Jenna. "Newspapers? Could he have gone to a newspaper?"

  "He might have. Four-month-old clippings that would describe an event or

  events during that time. Or he could have pulled in data from the CIA; he

  had friends there. Something from the files that pertained to the evidence

  against you, or perhaps Costa Brava . . . something we've overlooked. Or he

  could have been checking hospitals, or ski lodges, or hometown, small-town

  neig4borhoods or divorcecourt dockets-representation in absentia-or

  Caribbean resort reservations-signatures on meal and bar checks, a maitre

  & or a beachboy who makes his money by remembering. All of it's possible

  because everything Ive said pertains to someone

  . THE FA:asiFAL MosAic505

  in these records." Michael touched the sheaf of pages on the desk, running

  his thumb along the edge. "And a dozen other possibilities I haven't even

  thought about." Havelock leaned back in the chair, folding his hands under

  his chin. "Our man's good, Jenna. He'll cover himself with a layer of

  invisible paint."

  "Then go on to something else."

  "I am. A doctor in Maryland. Talbot County's most revered physician."



  "Before . . . you were reading the reports of your own therapy at the

  clinic. After the Costa Brava."

  "How did you know?"

  "Every now and then you~d close your eyes. Those pages weren't easy for


  "They weren't easy."

  "Did they tell you anything?"

  "No. Other than describing your execution and my reactions to it, nothing."

  "May I see them?"

  "I wish to Christ I could think of a reason to stop you. I canst..

  "Your not wanting me to is reason enough."

  "No, it's not. You were the one being killed; you have to know." He opened

  the drawer on his right, reached in and pulled out a thick, black-bordered

  manila envelope. He gave it to her, their eyes briefly locking. "I'm not

  proud of it," he said. "And I'll have to live with it for the rest of my

  life. I know what that means now."

  "Well help each other-for the rest of both our fives. I believed them too."

  She carried the envelope to the couch, sat down, and opened it, removing

  the file folders inside. They were in sequence; she picked up the first and

  leaned slowly back, looking at the object in her hands as though it were

  some horrible yet holy thing. She opened the cover and began reading.

  Havelock could not move, could not concentrate. He sat rigid in the chair,

  the papers in front of hun blurred, dark lines without meaning. While Jenna

  read he relived that terrible night; images flashed across his inner vision

  and ex-

  5W RoBE:aT LuDLum

  ploded inside his head. just as he had watched her die, she was now

  witnessing the naked thoughts of a mind in chemical therapy-his mind, his

  deepest emotions-and was watching him die also.

  The phrases-the screams--came back to him; she was hearing them too. She

  had to be, for it was she who now closed her eyes and held her breath, a

  tremor developing in her hands as she went on ... and on. She -finished the

  third folder, and he could feel her staring at him. It was a look he could

  not return. Ile screams were pounding in his ears, thunderbolts of

  intolerable violence, unforgivable errors. Betrayal.

  Go quicklyl Die quicklyl Leave me quicklyl You were never mine. You were a

  he and I loved a lie but you were never part of me! . . . How can you be

  what you are, yet so much that you are notP Why did you do this to us? To

  me? You were the only thing I had a
nd now youW my personal hell.... Die

  now, go nowl ... Nol For Gods sake, let me the with youl I want to the ...

  but I woO die for youl . . . Only for myself, against myself! Never for

  you. You gave yourself to me but you gave me a whore and I took a whore

  and I believed in the whore. A rotten slut of a whorel Oh, Christ, sWs hitt

  She's hit again. Go to her! For Cods sake, go to herl Hold herl ... No,

  never to herl It's overl les all over and ies history and I won't listen to

  the lies any longer. Oh, Jesus, sWs crawling, crawling in the sand like a

  cut-up, bleeding animal. She's alivel Go to herl Hold herl Lessen the final

  pain-with a bullet if you have tol Nol ... Shes gone. There's no movement

  now, only blood on her hands and streaked through her hair. Shes dead and a

  part of me is dead, too. Still, ies got to be history, as the early days are

  history ... Oh, my God, they're dragging her away, dragging the lanced, dead

  animal away. Who? Who are they? Have I seen ... photographs, files ... it

  doestet matter. Do they know what they've done? Did she? Killer, slut,

  whorel ... My once, my only love. Ies history now, it hag to be history. A

  killer is gone . . . love gone. A goddamned fool survives.

  She had finished. She placed the last ffle on the coffee table in front of

  her and turned to him; she was crying silently. "So much love and so much

  hatred. Hatred and self-hatred. I wasnI forced to go through what you did;


  THE PARsiFAL Mosmc507

  haps it was easier, if more bewildering, to be the victim. But when the

  bewilderment was replaced by anger, I felt the way you did. Hating you so

  very much, yet loathing myself for the hatred, never forgetting the love

  that I knew-I knew-had been there. It couldn't have been false, not so much,

  not all of it. The anger took over at the border and later at the airfield

  in Col des Moulinets when I thought you had come to finally kill me. Kill me

  with the violence you had shown that woman on the pier at Civitavecchia. I

  saw your face through the window of the plane and-if there's a God, may He

  forgive me-you were my enemy. My love was my enemy."

  "I remember," said Michael. "I saw your eyes and I remember the hatred. I

  tried to sbout, tried to tell you, but you couldn't hear me; I couldn't

  hear myself through the sound of the engines. But your eyes were weapons

  that night, more frightening than any Id ever faced. I wouldn't have the

  courage to see them again, but I suppose in a way I always will."

  "Only in your memory, Mikhail."

  The telephone rang; Havelock let it ring again. He could not take his gaze

  off jenna. Then he picked it up.



  "Mr. President."

  "Did you get the information on Emory?" asked Berquist, the Minnesotan's

  voice laced with sadness and exhaustion, yet forcing an illusion of


  "Nowhere near what I need."

  'What you need is a liaison. I'll pick someone here at the White House,

  someone with authority and a man I can trust. IT have to bring him on

  board, but that carA be helped. Bradford's gone and you do need a funnel."

  "Not yet, sir. And not anyone at the White House."

  There was a pause from Washington. "Because of what Rostov told you in


  "Possibly. The percentages are minor, but I'd rather not test them. Not


  "You believed himr

  "With all due respect, Mr. President, he was the only one who told me the

  truth. From the beginning."

  "Why would he tell you a truth like thatr


  "I'm not sure. On the other hand, why did he send Cons Op that cable? In

  both instances the information was sufficiently startling to force us all

  to pay attention. That's the first step in sending a signal."

  "Addison Brooks said very much the same thing."

  "He was talking diplomatically, and he was right. The Voermaya doesn't

  speak for Moscow."

  "I understand. Bradford-" Berquist paused, as if he suddenly remembered he

  was referring to a dead man. '~-Bradford explained it to me last night. So

  you really believe there's a Soviet agent operating inside the White


  "As I said, Im not sure. But there may be-or more than likely, may have

  been. I doet think Rostov would have brought it up unless he could have

  substantiated the reality, present or past. He was probing, looking for

  responses. The truth provokes,the most genuine answers in this business; he

  learned that when he brought up Costa Brava. In this case, I don't want to

  take the risk."

  "All right, but then, how can you function? You can't be seen walking

  around questioning people."

  "No, but I can question them without being seen. I can use the phone if its

  set up properly. I know what I want to ask and IT know what to listen for.

  From these conversations r1l refine whom I want to see and set up contacts.

  I'm experienced at this, Mr. President."

  I don't have to take your word for it. How is it set upproperly?"

  "Give me a name, and call me an assistant counsel to the President, or

  something like that. It's not unusual for the Oval Office to make its own

  discreet inquiries into certain matters, is it?"

  "Hell, no, I've got a staff for that, and it's not necessarily discreet.

  Hundreds of reports are sent to the White House every week. They have to be

  checked out, experts questioned, figures substantiated. Without it all,

  responsible decisions can1 be made. In Lincoln~s time he had two young men,

  and they took care of everything, including the drafting of letters. Now we

  have scores of aides and assistants to aides and secretaries to assistants

  and they cadt half handle the volume. The answer is yes."

  "What happens if someone is called by an aide or an as- TnE PARsrFAL MosAic509

  sistant aide and that someone doubts the authority of the person questioning


  "It happens a lot, especially at the Pentagon; theres a simple solution.

  He's told to call the White House switchboard and ask to be connected to

  the aide's or the assistanes office. It works."

  "It will work," said Michael. "Along with the lines already on this phone

  can you add another one, listing me in the White House index, the extension

  routed here?"

  "Havelock, one of the more exotic pleasures in being President, or close to

  a President, is the trunkful of electronic gimmickry available on short

  notice. Youll be indexed and patched into the switchboard within the hour.

  What name do you want to use?"

  "Youll have to choose one, sir. I might duplicate someone already there."

  "IT call you back."

  "Mr. President, before you bang up-2'

  "What is it?"

  "I'll. need another one of those things that may not be in your lexicon. A

  context backup."

  "It sure as bell isn1 What is it?"

  "In the event someone calls the White House index and wants to know exactly

  what I do, there should be someone else there who can tell him."

  Again there was the pause from Washington. '-fou were right, down on

  Poole's Island," said Berquist pe
nsively. "The words say exactly what they

  mean, don't they? You need someone to back you up in the context of what

  you~re presuming to do, or be."

  "That's right, sir."

  "Call you back."

  "May I suggest something?" said Michael quickly.


  "Within the next few days-if we have a few days-someone is going to come up

  to that someone else in the White House and ask where my office is. When be

  or she does, bold him-or ber-because whoever it is will bring us a step


  "If that happens," said Berquist angrily, "whoever it is may be strangled

  by a Minnesota farm boy before you get a chance to talk to him. Or her."


  'I'm sure you don't mean that, Mr. President."

  "I'm not going to throw a nuclear warhead on Leningrad, either. Call you


  Havelock replaced the phone and looked over at Jenna. "We can begin

  narrowing down the names. We'll start calling in an hour."

  "Your name is Cross. Robert Cross. Your title is Special Assistant to the

  President, and all inquiries as to your status and functions are to be

  directed to Mrs. Howell-she's counsel to White House internal affairs. She's

  been told what to do."

  "What about my office?'

  "You've got one."


  "You~ve even got an assistant. In the security area of E.O.B. You need a

  key to get in the main corridor over there, and your man is instructed to

  take into custody anyone who comes around looking for Mr. Cross. He's a

  member of the Secret Service detail and if anyone does show up asking for

  you, he'll alert you and bring that person down to Fairfax under guard. I

  assumed thaeswhat you wanted."

  "It is. What about the other offices in that area? Will the people in them

  be curious?"

  "Unlikely. By and large those assignments are temporaM everyone working on

  his own quiet project. Curiosit3es discouraged. And if it surfaces, you've

  got your man in place."

  "It sounds tight."

  "I think so. Where are you going to start? Emory showed me the list of the

  items you wanted and assured me you'd have it all in the morning. Did you

  get everything?"

  "Everything. Bradfor&s secretary is first, then the doctor in Maryland.

  MacKenzie's death."


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