Vinnie, Her Italian Billionaire: A BWWM Mafia Romance

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Vinnie, Her Italian Billionaire: A BWWM Mafia Romance Page 5

by Rosa Foxxe

  “Do you like that? Do you like it when the whole world watches us fuck?” Vinnie said as he pulled her hair and fucked her from behind.

  “Oh baby, I love it! I love it so fucking much!” Tyra said. “Don't stop! Please don't stop! My God it feels so good! So fucking good! Jesus Christ you are a good fuck! I love your fucking cock so much!”

  “There's no stopping me now!” Vinnie screamed. “Oh my God, fucking your pussy feels so good!”

  Tyra knew that he was going to come any moment and could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. Right when she felt Vinnie's cock start to pulse hot jizz inside of her pussy, her body started to convulse with pleasure. Her whole body was rocked with wave after wave of pleasure—she held onto the banister railing for dear life.

  “Fuck me!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping the people below could hear her. “Harder! Harder! Oh, fuck yes. You feel so fucking good! God, I'm coming so hard right now! Holy shit!”

  Tyra blacked out she came so hard. When she came to Vinnie was holding her and caressing her as they lay on the floor of their private box seats, using their clothes as cushions between them and the ground. She felt good, really good. The afterglow of the orgasm was radiating out from her like she was a small sun putting out her rays. Without a doubt it had been one of the best, and most fantastic, night of her life.

  She'd never thought that Vinnie would be able to make her feel like this. Not only did she feel good but she felt safe, like there wasn't anything in the world to worry about. It was a feeling that she wasn't used to getting from guys. But Vinnie wasn't like the rest of the guys she'd been with in the past. He was so different. He had a ton of money, but that wasn't really anything to do with how she was feeling. It wasn't like she was relieved that Vinnie didn't have to worry about making a house payment. It had to do with intentions and feelings and reality, how they all intersected, and what happened when that intersection occurred. It had to do with being the only girl in the whole world for Vinnie, at least for a little bit.

  The ceiling of the theater danced with lasers and lights. Vinnie stroked her back as she lay on top of him, her face on his chest. It was strange to think how romantic things were after they'd just been so erotic. But Tyra knew that she could certainly get used to this. If this were the norm for their relationship she wouldn't complain at all. But most likely they would never really get together or date, and she didn't want to let herself even think that maybe they could. At the same time, a part of her couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like if that was exactly what happened.

  What would it be like to be with someone so rich and powerful? Would she feel like a queen strutting around her castle? Would the whole city become her playground? Would they live happily ever after? Or would hard times steal the joy away? Would Vinnie start to look at girls more and more and fuck her less and less? Would they fire turn into a sputtering spark that eventually got put out by a strong draft from the harsh winds of reality?

  Questions like that swirled around her head as the beat boomed out from the giant speakers and bounced off the walls around them. Tyra didn't want to think about any of that now, though. She was having a good time in Vegas with a man who had no reason to like her except that he genuinely found her attractive and wanted her to be in his company. It all seemed too good to be true, like some kind of dream or something like that. Or maybe a fairytale. Yes, a fairy tale was much more like what was going on. People like Vinnie didn't like people like her unless it were some kind of fairytale.

  Eventually, Tyra felt Vinnie drift off to sleep underneath her, in spite of the music, and she wondered if she'd be able to to sleep or if she'd lay awake in what was seeming more and more an odd situation by the moment. But it was the good kind of odd, not the kind of odd that made her question what she was doing with her life. As she got closer and closer to drifting off, ghostly figures came out from behind the curtain behind their seats -- stage hands all dressed in black, to spread out a blanket over the both of them. Tyra was thankful for this. She wanted to slumber without a care in the world but it was hard to imagine that was possible considering what was happening, but the stage hands made it easier to believe that they wouldn't wake up in some kind of embarrassing situation. She was thankful they were there, as she fell asleep.


  The next morning Tyra woke up in Vinnie's room. He wasn't there, although she saw some of his clothes scattered about the room. She wondered when he'd woken up and carried her back to his bed and what he'd be up to today. She wasn't sure when exactly she'd be going home, but she figured it was soon. The whole idea of inviting her out and making love in the theater seemed like something that was almost a test.

  Maybe not a test in the way of right or wrong answers, but a test to see how they meshed and what went on. Tyra figured that since things had gone fairly well, if not really well, her stay would probably be wrapped up fairly quickly. If she'd been younger she'd have thought that since things had gone well Vinnie would want her around more, but really it was the opposite. Since the first visit was most likely meant to be a limited visit to test the waters, he'd want to end it on a good note, and things weren't going to get much better than last night.

  Tyra got up and walked around the room, looking at photos on the wall. There were plenty of pictures of Vinnie back in the old country, surrounded by dozen of men, some of them older, some of them younger than him and carrying machine guns. There were pictures of weddings, dances, fishing trips, people bird hunting, sailing, and other things that Vinnie's family seemed to enjoy very much. There weren’t any pictures of him with a girl, though. Tyra wondered why this was. Vinnie obviously knew his way around women, that much was certain. So why the decision to distance himself from them for years, and why did he want to be around Tyra now?

  She kept walking around the large room, lifting up scraps of paper to read what was on them and investigating other ephemera that had been left strewn out and about on the tops of coffee tables, end tables, and the dining table. Eventually she made her way to the bathroom. On the mirror an envelope had been taped. She carefully pulled it off the mirror and read what it said.

  “Tyra,” it started, “last night was truly wonderful. I want you to know that it has been years since I've had so much fun with anyone. To think that such a time could be had with a woman I didn't even know. The only problem is that I still don't know you, not really. I want to change that very much. I know that we just met, and just had sex, but I can tell that we click very well and that we are very attracted to each other. I hope you don't think me low brow for writing you a pseudo love letter, but I do have my moments of romanticism.

  You really have touched a special place in my heart Tyra, and your beauty has made a deep impression on me. I can only hope that I have made even half the impression you've made on me on you. Only time will tell, I suppose. But for now, I am gone to take care of business that I could not put off or delegate to someone else. Please do not think that my not being here is some kind of snub or slight, it is just the way things go for a business owner in my kind of business.”

  Then it ended with, “I'll see you soon.”

  Tyra thought the note was romantic and fun. She couldn't remember the last time a man had written her an actual note on paper about something that didn't have anything to do with groceries or something of that nature. She wondered what Vinnie had to take care of, but then thought better of prying too far into the inner workings of exactly what he did. Running a casino had a lot of sordid implications, she knew, even if Vinnie, and whoever else, liked to church it all up with lights and different glamor. The bottom line was it was a vice based industry, like drinking or weed. People came to Vegas to gamble, and that meant that a lot of people were losing a lot of money. Sure, some of them did so responsibly and knew when to stop. But others didn't. Some people came here and lost everything. Usually the casino was nice enough to buy them plane tickets home, but sometimes people ended up wandering the st
reets until someone got to town who could lend them some money, or until someone wired them some funds.

  It wasn't that Tyra thought something insidious was going on, it was just that she didn't want to ruin things by being nosey. She hoped that Vinnie would be back soon as she slipped into the tub and started to run a warm bath. The tub was big and ivory white, just like the rest of everything else in the giant wash room. Tyra looked around in wonder at all the expensive things in the small room. There was a big screen TV that at the moment was turned off, several giant mirrors, a drinking fountain, a fridge, and all other manner of luxury. She realized that much of what was around here was there for the sake of being luxurious, but she also knew that meant it was there for the sake of itself. She tried not to think of her mother's words about gluttony that she used to say about rich people when Tyra had been growing up.

  “Rich people,” her mother would say. “They don't know nothing. They think they do because most of them was born rich and that means they call the shots, but really they know less than the common street hustler. At least a man from the street has had to make his bones at some point in his life. Most of the rich people that you see have never done anything but be born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

  And while I'm not hating them for it, and I'm not suggesting you be bitter about it, I think it's important to know that the rich aren't any better than us and in fact most likely have lived their lives with enormous privilege that has made them lose touch with the real world and how it operates. Most of the rich think they know how the real world works but then you meet some of them that have never even made their own pot of coffee. Can you imagine that, girl?”

  Tyra's mother's words sounded clear as day in her head and made her think of her youth and how she'd been an ugly duckling who'd had trouble getting any of the boys in the neighborhood to pay her any kind of attention whatsoever. That wasn't the case anymore, though. Now she had a rich Italian casino owner very much interested in her, to the point where he was leaving long notes to her taped to the bathroom mirror.

  She wondered what her mother would think if she saw her now. Her mother was a strange sort that believed in some puritan ideals, but she also had grown up poor so she was very aware of how things worked. The first thing she would do is look around the place, and then come back smiling at her daughter. Her mother would say that even if the man didn't want to be serious why not date him or at least see where things went?

  Tyra could feel herself drifting off to sleep again as the warm water lapped at the cleavage between her breasts. It was so relaxing to not have anything to worry about at all. She'd checked her phone right after getting up and read an email from her work telling her to take her time, to take it easy. Tyra wasn't sure how but Vinnie had spoken with her boss, and then to corporate, and everyone had agreed that the best thing that could happen was whatever she and Vinnie wanted to have happen. Now all she wanted to have happen was to sit in this tub forever. There was something about it that she especially liked, and it wasn't just the way it had golden feet at the end of the legs that met the floor. Maybe what she liked about it had nothing to do with the tub and had everything to do with the situation.

  Maybe that was all right, she decided as she got out of the water. Maybe it was time for her to just enjoy her life and the much deserved turn for the better it had taken.


  Vinnie hadn't come back in an hour. Then another hour passed and Tyra wondered what she was doing sitting around the hotel room, even if it was super nice, when she could be out and about the casino grounds. There was a whole hell of a lot to do, and she hoped to maybe see Vinnie. So Tyra got dressed up in sexy casual attire and headed out to the horse track. There were all manner of people there, from the rich and well to do, to people obviously down on their luck. The track itself was of course, grandiose, so much so that it made Tyra wonder if there wasn't some quaint little flower garden somewhere on the premises for her to hang out, instead of all of these huge structures that seemed to stand like buildings in a bygone era.

  Were all of these monuments to men really what Vegas was about? Tyra always told herself not to look a gift horse in the mouth and this was one of the times she knew that she needed to lay off the critical thinking. She was just bored, she told herself, and needed to occupy her mind with Vinnie. But Vinnie was nowhere to be found, which was a rookie mistake no matter how much money and power the guy had. He was obviously used to women who didn’t do much thinking, if he thought it was a good idea to have sex like they had the night before, and then leave Tyra to her own devices to think it over.

  Even though it was a bad idea, Tyra started to cast a critical eye on the casino and its grounds. There was a lot to like, that much was certain. Everything had been made to be pleasing to the eye, and even to some of the other senses. The fountain had several swans that swam slow laps. But what would have been a beautiful scene was interrupted by a few signs that cautioned people not to mess with the swans. The signs went on to outline that a swan's blow to a human's arm could break bone very easily.

  Tyra knew that she was nit picking, but if the people that were here to enjoy the swans actually cared about what was going on around them, they wouldn't need to be told not to harass the swan because the animal would hurt them; they would just watch from a safe distance and then continue with what they were doing.

  Vegas, all of it, not just Vinnie's casino, seemed to be steeped in the notion that none of it was really real. Sure the visitors were real, but they would be there one second and gone the next, forever being replaced by people coming and going. The staff of the businesses in Vegas were real, but only as real as a stripper is real, and people treated the staff just as badly as strippers are treated. Tyra didn't know why she couldn't just enjoy everything, but it was hard to miss how most people treated any given thing they were there to do like s.

  As Tyra watched horses thunder around the track she wondered what it must feel like to be a horse, so beautiful and strong, only to be reduced to running around a track for the amusement of another animal that used to rely on horses for survival. What people would have really loved to see was the old Roman coliseum fights, or a bunch of people fighting ship to ship above waters filled with alligators. Or maybe they'd really like watching a lion rip apart a man. There were all sorts of things that could happen if the law allowed it, and would happen if the law allowed it. Not that Tyra was some kind of puritan, she thought that if two adults wanted to exchange sex for money then that was their business and no one should be able to tell them otherwise.

  Hell, Tyra even felt that most drugs should be legalized, even the ones that were really bad for people. If a person wanted to ingest a drug that would kill them, and they knew what was going on, then who was any person to stop them? Tyra believed that people should be able to make their own mistakes. But she did find it funny that one of the mistakes that history had shown would be made again and again was that man would turn living thing against living thing in an effort to escape boredom.

  She knew that somewhere close by there would be a boxing match either going on or about to go on, and that there was a good chance that both of the fighters would be black. But if she mentioned to anyone watching how much what was going on resembled Mandingo fighting of old, they would look at her like she'd lost her mind.

  “No, no,” they would say. “This is nothing like that. Nothing like that at all. In fact, this couldn't be further from that. You see, those two boys, until they had boxing, they didn't have anything at all. And because of boxing they get to come to Vegas to fight and you get to watch them fight.”

  No one would think that when the choices are between boxing and maybe getting out of the ghetto and working at the local gas station, then there really wasn't much of a choice. And that was because most of the people that she was surrounded by right now were very, very rich.

  Tyra hadn't grown up too hard, or anything like that, but she for sure hadn't grown up swimming in money. So
it was hard for her to relate to people that were unrelatable now. She thought that the reason that she felt like she could get along with Vinnie was that Vinnie seemed like he had struggled growing up, and if not with not having wealth, than with keeping it or getting it. But everyone else that flocked to this place in the middle of the desert came straight from money, and would go back straight to money. Most of them anyway.

  And as Tyra thought about this, she started to get lonely, even though she had people all around her betting on horses, laughing and talking, eating and drinking. She felt more alone than she had in a very long time as she watched the small jockeys ride their horses in lightning fast circles around the track. It was more than just not relating to those around her, it was knowing how those around her would relate to her if they knew more about her.

  Most people here wouldn't even talk to her if they passed her on the street back home. Most of the people here wouldn't be able to find “back home,” on a map because right now Tyra lived in Des Moines, Iowa, a place not known for anything, really.

  Just when Tyra was feeling at her most down, Vinnie appeared.

  “Sweetheart, what's the matter,” Vinnie said.


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