First Love

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First Love Page 1

by Melissa Johns






  Copyright © 2012

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or

  stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


  This book is dedicated to my 7th & 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Susan Brese. She gave me the inspiration to write whatever was in my heart and gave me the strength to put it on paper.

  Also, my wonderful husband, Mark for dealing with me as I finally started my dream.


  You never forget your first love, even if you don’t end up with them. This tale will remind you of your story.






















  Have you ever felt lost or just out of place? I’m feeling that way right now as I stand in the lobby of my new high school. I should be thinking about where my first class is or if anyone wants to be friends with me but I’m not, I’m worried that I made the wrong decision about moving to New York and not sure if will I fit in. I’m eighteen years old and I’m starting over in a new school and a new life.

  I moved here from Texas during the summer. My home life wasn’t great. My father remarried and I couldn’t stand his new wife. She thought I was a nuisance and I monopolized all his time. She knew I saw right through her. With a blink of an eye, she got whatever she wanted. I couldn’t handle it anymore and decided it was a good time to spend some time with my mother.

  My mom left years ago and I didn’t want to leave so I was able to live with my dad. I always felt horrible about that decision because I do love my mother and wanted to be with her. But, at the time I was too scared to move away from what I knew. So, my parents came to an understanding and I was able to stay in Texas.

  So, I decided it was time to move to Buffalo, New York. I received no arguments from my step-mother. I’m sure she threw a party when I left. I arrived in late summer and my mother enrolled me into my senior year of high school at the local public school, which is where I started today.

  As I stood outside the main office, my eyes wandered the hallways and watched the students laugh with each other and mess around before homeroom. I felt like an outsider, I saw a guy with their arm around a girl, I watched as a couple snuck in a quick kiss before heading off to class. I never had a relationship in my old high school. I went out on one date with a friend of mine but nothing came of it but I don’t mind being by myself.

  My thoughts slowly drifted away as I heard my name being called out. “Emily Stone” the voice came from behind the desk. I walked over to the desk where a lady gave me a list of my courses and a welcome package.

  “If you run into any problems or have any questions, just stop by and I will be happy to help you out,” the sweet older lady said handing me all my information, “I thought maybe you needed help to at least find your homeroom, so I asked my daughter to stop by, since you are in the same room.”

  “Thanks,” I said quietly as I turned around to see this beautiful blonde waiting for me to finish up. I saw the guys stare at her as they passed by. I even heard a few catcalls, but it didn’t even faze her, she completely ignored it.

  “Hey Emily, I’m Samantha, but just call me Sam, that’s what everyone does.” She headed out of the office. “So, where are you from?” She asked as I quickly followed her.

  “I just moved here from Houston,” I said quietly.

  “So, why did you move to Buffalo? I couldn’t imagine moving to somewhere cold, we are all trying to move south after graduation,” Sam laughed softly.

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share all my family issues on the first day. “Um, Family, I moved to be closer to my mom,” I smiled.

  “I hear ya, my parents are divorced too,” she smirked as she stopped at the door and turned, “This is our homeroom.”

  I looked into the room and saw that most of the kids were already there and seated. They were all chatting to each other about summer vacation and looking through class schedules to see which classes they had together. At least some things don’t change in a different school.

  I walked into the room and Sam introduced me to the teacher. She pointed me to the empty desk and luckily Sam was sitting next to me. She must have read the look on my face as I looked around.

  She chuckled, “It’s ok, people are friendly here. You have your normal cliques but it’s not too bad. I can introduce you to my friends. I’ve been friends with them since we were little kids, they will welcome you with open arms. What’s your first class?”

  I grabbed the sheet of paper sticking out of my folder, “Chemistry.”

  “I’m in that class also so just stick with me today, I will help you out.”

  My focus turned towards the door as he entered. He was gorgeous, dark brown hair, dark eyes and he appeared to be in great shape. He wore a button down shirt opened to reveal a white t-shirt underneath it. He was with a group of friends, laughing and talking; as he got closer I could smell his cologne and realized I hadn’t stopped staring at him.

  I heard Sam laugh softly, “His name is Eric.” She was also watching him move to his seat. “You can stop staring I’ve seen him have one girlfriend in four years. He’s into football and believe me that’s it. I have flirted with the best of them and haven’t gotten anywhere. I think every girl in our class wants to date him but everyone knows it’s all about football and that’s it.”

  I just couldn’t take my eyes off of him, it wasn’t like me. He had this look about him that was irresistible to me. I wasn’t into “girl stuff” but noticed myself wondering if I looked ok. I was average looking and fit, or at least tried to be, my dark hair comes down past my shoulders, I wear it back to keep it out of my eyes. I have brown eyes and I wear contacts because I hate my glasses. My breathing stopped suddenly when his eyes met mine for the first time.

  His stare was intense, like he was trying to figure out who I was and where I came from. I quickly turned away and looked at Sam for guidance.

  She whispered, “That’s the most I’ve seen him look at someone in years, unbelievable, you are here for ten minutes and already have the eyes of the most gorgeous guy in our class.”

  I glanced back to him but he was already back talking to his friends. My thoughts were interrupted when the first bell went off.


  The day was going by fast, learning people’s names and trying to figure out where to go was getting easier. Thank God for Sam though, she stuck by me on the first day, I felt like a puppy dog never leaving her side.

  As we headed towards the lunchroom, I kept looking around, I don’t know if I was looking at all the new faces or trying to find his face again. I haven’t seen him since homeroom and was curious to find out more information about him. Though, if he was that big into football, that didn’t bode well for me seeing how I can’t play sports and barely can watch them. Sam kept talking to me but I couldn’t really hear her, I just kept thinking about Eric.

  The cafeteria was a lot bigger
then what I was used to. I could tell that every class was represented here from the small freshman to the tall seniors. I wasn’t into eating horrible cafeteria food so I told Sam I would see her back at the table and headed towards the salad bar.

  I scanned the lunchroom over the sneeze guard, watching all the kids laughing and enjoying their time off from class. As I looked around, I caught out of the corner of my eye, Eric. He just entered the room with all his jock friends. They headed to a huge table in the back of the lunch room. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, he had so much confidence in his walk. He seemed to know that all the girls were watching him but he didn’t focus on that. I didn’t know how it was possible but it made him even sexier. He walked passed a table of freshman girls who all turned to stare at him. I laughed lightly as they couldn’t turn away.

  Distracting myself, I continued to pick out my vegetables, I quickly grabbed my tray, realizing too late that my bottle of water was about to fall to the floor. As I tried to make a quick move for it, it didn’t end up on the floor but in someone’s hand. As I looked up, I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “Hi,” Eric said.

  I just stared at him, those eyes were just breathtaking and his voice was deep and so sexy. Speak Emily, “Hi.”

  He smiled as he placed my bottle back on the tray for me, “You’re the new girl, right?”

  “That’s me,” I said softly, trying not to focus on my shaky voice, “I’m Emily.”

  “Welcome to Buffalo, Emily. I heard you were from the South.”

  People were already talking about me, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, “Houston,” I said quietly.

  He nodded as his eyes never left mine, he looked as if he wanted to say something else but quickly decided against it, “Well, see you around.” Before I could blink he was off with his friends in the line for some greasy, nasty food.

  I got closer to my new lunch table as Sam quickly grabbed me and pulled me into the seat next to her. “What did he say to you? Spill!”

  I just laughed at her, “It was nothing, he stopped my water from falling on the ground.”

  “I saw you talking to him, come on start gossiping.”

  I laughed, “He said people were already talking about me.”

  “Yeah, some of the football guys think you are hot and the stuck up cheerleaders don’t like that too much. But, don’t think twice about it.”

  I smiled as I looked around the table and tried to remember names and faces. Everyone has been so nice to me so far, my nerves were starting to relax. As I ate my salad, I listened to all the gossip.

  Angie was the redheaded girl who kept discussing her summer trip to Spain. She had tons of pictures and wanted to share them with everyone.

  Next to her was Mike, he was cute and very nice. But, I think Angie liked him, her hands were all over him. He kept nodding at her as she described in detail her trip.

  Sam was busy discussing the upcoming Homecoming events with someone who just walked over to her with paperwork. I’m assuming she was on the committee, sounds like the school was big into supporting the football team.

  My eye spotted Eric again as a huge roar of laughter came from his table. He looked gorgeous as he harassed his friends. I could stare at his smile all day long.

  I didn’t understand where this was all coming from I was never this big into guys. Maybe it was something about the northern guys. I watched as his group left the cafeteria.

  “I have gym next, where do I go?” I asked grabbing my bag.

  “Come on, Emily. I have gym too, I will show you to the locker room,” Angie said as we got up from the table.

  “Thanks.” I waved goodbye to Sam and followed Angie.

  I followed her out of the room and headed over to the gym. As I walked in, I was shocked how big it was. It was a full size gym with a full size pool off in another room. Angie opened the locker room door as we walked in. Another surprise, it was bright with tons of lockers, full showers, bathrooms.


  “What?” Angie asked

  “We just didn’t have anything like this in our old school.”

  Angie laughed, “Yeah, well, you go to a school now that takes their sports very seriously. They remodeled everything about 3 years ago, after we won the state championship in football.”

  I smiled at her, as the coach came into the room. She discussed what we were going to do this year, mapped out all the activities, discussed the dress code for gym and said it was a free period since it was the first day.

  “Good, let’s go sit on the bleachers,” Angie said pulling me out of the room.

  We climbed up a few rows and sat down. The guys were already out on the court, playing basketball to pass the time. I saw Eric under the net, grabbing the ball and running back down towards me. He was so graceful, unlike me. He passed it to a teammate, who quickly passed it back to him, but in a blink of an eye, he passed it too wide and it headed straight for the bleaches. I didn’t have time to move as it hit me right in the face.

  My hands quickly went up to the nose as I heard Angie call for the coach to come over. They had an ice pack on me in no time. This was embarrassing, great way to start a new school.

  “Angie, can you walk her down to the nurse’s office? I want to make sure nothing is broken” the coach said as she helped me down the bleachers.

  That’s when I heard his voice, “I will take her, Coach Bennett, it’s my fault,” Eric said as he grabbed my arm.

  “Thanks Eric.”

  We headed out of the gym and I followed him down the hall.

  “I’m so sorry, Emily,” He remembered my name. “I got distracted for a second and before I snapped out of it, your nose got in the way.”

  “It’s ok. I should have told you that I’m prone to accidents.” I laughed softly.

  “I still feel bad. Are you going to be ok?” He looked into my eyes as he talked. I could have gotten lost in them.

  “I will be fine. I don’t think it’s broke, just sore. Your friend has a hard throwing arm.”

  “Yeah, Todd is a big jock. He gets so into it, he probably didn’t even realize that the girls had entered the gym.” He laughed.

  We entered the nurse’s office and he sat next to me. “You don’t have to stay; I know you probably want to get back to your game.”

  He smiled, “It’s ok. I want to make sure you are ok first.”

  He just kept looking at me, like he wanted to say something, but at that point, the nurse walked in.


  I walked into the house around four in the afternoon. My mom was still at work so I started cleaning out my backpack and doing my homework for the next day. I managed to get through day one with only a bruised nose. Not bad. I headed to my mom’s bedroom upstairs to look around her makeup case, hoping I could cover up the dark bruises around my nose.

  As I looked into the mirror, smearing the cover up around my nose, I noticed for the first time that I was attractive. It was the first time I ever thought about it or even noticed it. At some point, I grew up. I smiled at myself as I finished up.

  I heard my mom’s car pull into the driveway around five. I headed to the kitchen as I heard her come in the side door. I ran down the stairs and met her at the dining room table.

  “Oh my God!” She dropped her purse onto the table and ran over to me.

  “I guess the cover up, didn’t work, huh? It’s ok, Mom. I had an accident in gym class.”

  Laughing as she worked the cover up into the skin more, “Is it broke?”

  “No, just bruised. It’s ok. Just hurts a little.”

  “What a great way to start the first day of school, huh?” She smiled, “Well, whatever you want for dinner, you want to go out?”

  “Sure, where do you want to go?”

  “I will take you to place in town, great food.”

  She grabbed her purse again and we headed to a local restaurant. As we pulled in, I noticed a lot of kids
from school were there, must be a popular hang out in town.

  Mom walked in ahead of me as we were seated. I glanced around looking at faces, some people recognized my mother and said hello.

  “So, tell me about your first day, Em.”

  “It was ok. Classes were good, found a couple of friends."

  “Well, that’s good to hear! I know it must be tough meeting new people.”

  “Yeah, but people were really nice to me today, so it helped.”

  As our food came, we continued to discuss classes and my nose incident.

  As we were finishing up our meal, I saw Sam come in with her mom.

  “Hey Emily!” She said running over to the table.

  “Hey Sam,” I smiled, “This is my mom.”

  “Hey,” She smiled, “Can I talk to you before you go, Emily?”

  I looked at my mom, “Go ahead, I will just go talk to Mrs. Howell over there.”

  I got up from the table and headed outside with Sam. The air had already cooled down for the evening. I’m not used to that, as I started to rub my arms up and down with my hands.

  “What’s up?” I asked walking down the sidewalk and stopping in front of my mom’s car.

  “How’s the nose?”

  I rubbed it softly. “It’s ok. Hurts a little, but I will survive.”

  She smiled, “Well, rumor has it that Eric walked you down to the nurse’s office.”

  I smirked at her, “Yeah, he did. It was sweet of him.”

  “Well, I heard from Angie that when he got back to the gym, he told Todd that he better watch his aim next time.” She smiled at me.

  I just sat there staring at her. My heart was beating faster now. I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. This was not normal for me. “I’m sure he was just being macho in front of his friends, nothing more.”

  “You don’t understand, he has had one girlfriend since we started high school. Every girl in our class has asked him out and has gotten nowhere, his father is very strict about that stuff. It’s always been football, football, football. So, every girl in school is going to be talking about this, just a warning.”


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