First Love

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First Love Page 7

by Melissa Johns

  It was around seven at night when the door bell rang. I knew who it was before I got up. Eric was supposed to stop by after all his family stuff was done. I got off the couch and ran to the side door, opening it up and seeing him look so handsome with snow in his hair and a breathtaking smile on his face.

  I let him in just enough so he could knock his boots off and I could put my arms around his neck, “Merry Christmas, Eric.”

  “Merry Christmas, Gorgeous,” He said as he lowered his lips to mine.

  I heard the clearing of my mom’s throat behind us and smiled underneath his kiss. I let go and turned around to face her.

  She was smiling at me, “I will let it go because it’s Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Stone.”

  “Same to you, Eric, come inside and I will grab some hot chocolate for you two.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Eric and I moved into the living room and sat on the floor by the tree. I reached underneath and grabbed his present.

  “I hope you like it I wasn’t sure what to get you.”

  He smiled as he ripped open the paper and opened his gift, “This is awesome.” He said as he held up a brand new football jersey of his favorite player, “You are the best girlfriend ever.”

  I laughed as I heard my mom laugh from the kitchen. She walked into the room and placed the mugs on the coffee table for us. She sat down and watched Eric hand me a small box, wrapped in a pretty red bow.

  I took the bow off and opened up the box, inside was a gold necklace with two charms on it. One being a heart and other one a football, I was so taken back, it was beautiful.

  “Thank you, Eric.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck, “It’s beautiful.”

  I took it out of the box and showed my mom, “Nice job, Eric,” She said.

  I turned back to Eric after she left, “You want to put it on me?”

  He smiled as he opened the clasp and I lifted my hair up. His arms came around me as I felt the necklace take its place around my neck. I felt his lips touch the back of my neck as he turned me back around to see the necklace.

  “It looks wonderful on you,” He said, “Merry Christmas.”

  I smiled at him, looking into his eyes, “There is something else I want to share with you.”

  “What’s that?” He said moving so that he sat behind me with his arms wrapped around me.

  I grabbed his hands with mine and played with his fingers, “I know it’s only been a few months since we started dating but it’s been a best time of my life so far. I didn’t know what to expect when I moved here, but I quickly found out that it was the best decision I could have made.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” He whispered into my ear, kissing it softly. I loved feeling his embrace around me. I felt so safe in his arms.

  I smiled as I turned slightly, so I could see part of his face behind me, his head moved so his eyes could see mine, “I love you, Eric Mason.”

  I sat patiently as I waited to see panic in his eyes or run screaming from my house, but in my surprise, he opened his lips and whispered, “I love you too, Emily Stone. I have loved you since the moment I saw you in home room, I just didn’t know it yet.”

  I moved my lips to his softly, feeling myself get lost quickly. He parted his lips as our tongues danced with each other. My body turned again so my fingers could run up into his hair. I heard him sigh as he pulled away, “Baby, your mom’s in the next room.”

  “Oh right, sorry,” I laughed. I moved back against his chest and smiled.


  The winter months flew by quickly. I wasn’t sad about that fact. I was so happy that spring was in full motion and summer was right ahead of us and I was looking forward to graduation. My parents were upset with me because I couldn’t decide on a college, I was accepted everywhere so far but my letter from Syracuse hadn’t arrived yet and that was the one I was waiting for.

  My relationship with Eric was definitely stronger now. We saw each other every night; did our homework together then watched some TV until my mom kicked him out. Our physical relationship improved slightly. I started to move past my fears as we explored our bodies together. He was always a gentleman and stopped when I decided I couldn’t go any further.

  My father and I had started talking to each other again. His attitude started to get better after he spoke with Eric a few times on the phone, I felt mortified every time he requested to speak with him.

  Beth had the baby and I think that helped my Dad to chill out a little. He emailed me pictures of the little bundle of joy. She was definitely adorable, I already felt like a big sister.

  As I walked to art class, I knew that Eric would be waiting for me. I smiled as I entered the room and took the seat next to him, “Hey Gorgeous.”

  “Hey,” I said grabbing my pad.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I still haven’t seen anything from Syracuse and I need to make my decision.”

  He pouted slightly, “Whatever happens we will work it out, ok?”

  “Yeah, you say that now, but a few months at your new school, all those girls around you, the new guy on the football team, you will start having new friends,” I said not looking at him.

  I heard him sigh as class started, “We will talk about this later.” I felt his hand run up my leg. I knew he was telling me that everything was going to be ok, but I wasn’t sure it would be.


  I headed back to my locker after class and Sam was waiting for me, “Hey you. Let’s have a girls night on Friday, is that ok?”

  “Yes. I think that’s exactly I what I need.”

  She smiled, “Good!”

  Eric came up behind me and put his arms around me, “Hey Sam, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing much, I’m stealing your girlfriend on Friday night, sorry to tell you.”

  “Oh really, why is that?”

  “Girls night, no boys allowed,” She laughed at him.

  I turned to look at him, “You cool with that?”

  “Yeah, but we still need to talk, Emily. You aren’t going to avoid the conversation.”

  “I know, we will. I think Sam is going to give me a ride home tonight, too, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Eric looked at me with worry on his face, it was the first time since we started dating that he wasn’t going to take me home after school.

  “Oh, ok, no problem,” He kissed my cheek and left to go see his friends.

  Sam looked at me, “Ok, what was that about, what is going on with you two?”

  “It’s nothing, we will talk tomorrow night, come on take me home.”

  I sat in my room that night just staring at the envelope that I had in my hand. It was addressed from Syracuse University. It was too small to be an acceptance package and I knew that. That’s why I couldn’t open it. I knew that my life was about to change and I didn’t think I could handle it.

  I heard a little tap on my door, “Come in.”

  My mom slipped in the room and sat next to me on the bed, “What’s wrong?”

  I moved to face her, “I know I didn’t get in.”

  “I’m sorry, Emily. You have been accepted at some other great schools though.”

  “I know, but they won’t have him.”

  She sighed softly, “I know it hurts, first loves are always painful, but you will see him on holidays and vacations. College is a time to grow into an adult, have fun and learn how life works.”

  “I know all that, but I have just fallen for him and I thought for sure I had a chance to continue the relationship but now, I know I can’t.”

  “He doesn’t want to continue it, honey?”

  “No, he does. It’s me who knows better. He’s going to start his football career, all new friends and all new girls,” I sighed.

  She chuckled, “Do you trust him?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Then maybe you should talk
to him about this. Just tell him how you feel about it.”

  “I will.”

  “Good, because he’s downstairs, he looks very worried about you.”

  I looked at her, “Really?”

  “Yeah, do you want me to send him up?”

  “Yes. Thanks Mom.”

  She kissed my cheek and left the room, moments later Eric walked into the room.

  “Hey you,” He said walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.

  “Hey, I’m sorry about earlier, I’ve just had a lot of my mind today.”

  “It’s ok we have all had bad days. I understand,” He said, “What’s that?”

  I handed him the Syracuse letter, “You can open it I can’t face rejection.”

  He smirked as he opened the letter and read it silently, “Sorry, Baby.”

  I felt the tears in my eyes. I was expecting it but hearing it was different.

  “It’s ok I told you I wouldn’t get in. Now, I just have to face my worst fears.”

  He sighed, “We are not breaking up, Emily. Get over it.”

  “How can you say that? You are going to be three hours away from me, whole new world and all new people, I can’t keep you from that.”

  He brushed his fingers across my cheekbone, as I moved into it.

  “Emily, I know it’s all going to be new experiences. Whatever college you pick, you will be going through the same things, so why would it make a difference?”

  “Because it’s you, you are a lot more interesting than I am, don’t you understand that? Every girl in the world wants you.”

  He didn’t say anything, we have had this talk before and I don’t think he wanted to head down that road again. He moved his fingers up into my hair and pressed his lips hard against mine. He parted them immediately, moaning into my mouth as he pushed me down on my bed, I never felt him this passionate before, his hands slid down my neck, over my arms and rested on my waist. He never let his lips leave mine. I responded with the same passion, my hands moved over his back and moved underneath his shirt. His body melted against mine perfectly, I wound my legs around his waist. Finally he pulled away just enough to let me breathe again.

  “I wonder if you will ever understand how much you mean to me and how much I want to be with you.”

  I looked up into his eyes as my hand moved along his back, feeling his muscles. I loved him so much and I didn’t want to lose him.

  “Tell me what you are thinking, Emily.”

  I didn’t say anything, I just responded with another passionate kiss. My hand moved down to his waistline and into the top of his jeans. He moaned deeply into my mouth as my leg moved tighter around his waist.

  He whispered, “You have got to stop that, your mother is downstairs, Emily.”

  “I’m tired of stopping.”

  He didn’t wait to respond to that as he kissed me again, his hands moved underneath my shirt and his fingers moved across my hot skin.

  He quickly realized what was happening and stopped again, “No, we can’t, not here, not now, are you crazy?”

  I looked at him, “I’m ready, Eric.”

  He looked at me, moving his hand off my skin, “No, you’re not. You are afraid of losing me and trying to give me what I want so badly.”

  “Baby, please.”

  He smirked, “No,” As he moved off my body and bed. He walked over to my desk and leaned against it, “You have no idea how bad I want you. It is taking every ounce of strength that I have to not continue this moment, Emily.” His breathing was deep and his eyes were extremely dark.

  I stared at him with my puppy dog eyes, knowing it would drive him crazy, “Prom then? It’s a week away. I will tell my mom I’m staying at Sam’s house and we stay at the hotel where the prom is.”

  He stared at me, “You are just evil. Let me think about it, ok?”

  I nodded.

  “I better take off, should I pick you up in the morning?”

  I got off my bed and found my way into his arms, resting my head against his chest, “Yes please.”

  “Ok, see you in the morning,” He said pulling my face to his and kissing me lightly, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”


  Friday night was so much fun with Sam. I spent the evening at her house as we talked about college and boyfriends. We also made plans to go shopping the next day for our prom dresses.

  “So, I have a question for you,” I said moving to sit on her window seat looking outside enjoying that everything was green again, “Have you had sex yet?”

  Sam smiled at me, “Yeah, last year. Todd and I did it after our junior prom.”

  She was so casual about it, I moved my arms around my knees and put on my head on top of them, “I haven’t.”

  “So? Is Eric pressuring you?”

  “No, nothing like that, half the time I’m too nervous to do anything about it. He’s been very patient about it.”

  “Well, that’s good. It’s no big deal, it was over in like ten minutes and I haven’t done it since.”

  I chuckled, “Ten minutes, huh?”

  She laughed, “Yeah, I figure maybe the next time it will be with someone I love or at least lust after a little bit. I think we were both more curious than anything.”

  “Well, I asked Eric if it could happen after prom next Saturday.”

  Sam stopped painting her nails and looked at me, “What?”

  “You heard me, so I need your help I’m going to sleep over after the prom, ok? I need an alibi.”

  Sam nodded, “That’s fine, but are you sure?”

  “Yes, I need to do it before he leaves for college, maybe it will remind him what he has here.”

  “Emily, that’s not a good enough reason. It should be something that just happens. He loves you I see it all over his face you don’t need to worry about him.”

  I just kept looking out her window, I knew she was right but I felt like this was something I had to do. I watched some little kids run down the street as their parents tried to keep up with them. I laughed as the little girl stopped and hugged her father, wondering if that was a future possibility for us. I felt Sam join me on the window seat and put her arms around me, “Stop worrying so much. Come on let’s get out of here. We will hit the dress store now before it closes at nine.”

  I smiled and grabbed my sweater as we headed shopping.

  We arrived at the dress shop around eight thirty, the lady looked annoyed that we showed up so late. We convinced her that we were just looking and wouldn’t make a mess.

  “I want red, Sam.” I said as I looked through the racks, “It’s his favorite color on me.”

  “Ok, hang on I’m sure we can find something here.”

  I dug through the racks and hangers and didn’t see anything I liked. I knew I was making this more than it had to be, but if prom night was going to be the night, I needed to look sexy and beautiful.

  “Wait, I got it!” She called out and ran over to me with a beautiful red gown. It was strapless, down to the floor, tight fitting and satin. There was small waistline of gems. It was elegant, beautiful and sexy.

  “I have to try this on, do you think she will be mad?”

  “Not if she wants the sale, come on.”

  We quickly went into the dressing room and removed my clothes as we slid the dress up and put it into place, it both made us gasp. It was beautiful. I was beautiful.

  “Please tell you that you have money, because you need to buy this right now!”

  “Yeah, I should be ok,” As I looked at the price tag, “He won’t be able to resist me now.”

  “Emily, stop it. You are turning into a horn dog!”

  I laughed at her as we started to take the dress off. We went back into the store and I told the lady that she had her final sale of the day. As we headed back to Sam’s house, we passed the local hang out and I saw Eric’s car.

  “You want to stop?” She asked.<
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  “Yes please,” I smiled at her as she found a space.

  We headed inside and it seemed like everyone from our school was here. I looked around and saw a few more friends and waved, Sam pulled me over to Angie and Mike.

  “Hey guys, how’s the girls’ night coming along?” Angie asked holding onto Mike’s hand. They have been dating for a few months now and seem really happy.

  “It’s great, I found my prom dress!” I said, “It’s so awesome.”

  “That’s great, now we just need to find Sam something.”

  “I will get there, Todd doesn’t care what I wear as long as I show a little leg.”

  I kept scanning the room for Eric, but couldn’t find him in the sea of people. Mike looked up at me, “He’s in the back with his friends.”

  I smiled at him, “Thanks, I will be right back.”

  I moved through the sea of people and headed towards the back of the room, I saw him seating between Chris and Rob and then I saw Janice also at the table. We managed to get through the school year without any more incidents. I honestly don’t think I ever spoke another word to her, but seeing her near him still made me feel uneasy.

  I walked over to the table, “Hey you.”

  “Emily! Hey, hang on, let me come over there,” He said as he tried to move around another friend at the table, making his friends move from their seats, he finally got to me as I held my arms out for him.

  He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly, “What are you doing here?”

  “Sam and I just bought my prom dress and I saw your car here so I figured I would say hi.”

  “I’m so happy that you did and congrats on the dress. I can’t wait to see it. Is it my favorite color?”

  I smirked, “I’m not telling. It’s a surprise.”

  He smiled, “Ok, I can live with that.”

  “Did you want to go outside and chat for a little bit?”

  “Absolutely, come on,” He said as he grabbed my hand and started walking through the restaurant with me. He passed Sam and thanked her for bringing me there. She laughed and asked that he wouldn’t keep me all night.

  When we got outside, we sat on the bench outside of the restaurant.


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