John A

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by Richard J. Gwyn

  Feaver, George. “The Webbs in Canada: Fabian Pilgrims on the Canadian Frontier” CHR 58, no. 3 (1977).

  Fingard, Judith. “The Winter’s Tale: The Seasonal Contours of Pre-Industrial Towns in British North America” CHA Historical Papers 9 (1974).

  Forsey, Eugene. “The B.N.A. Act” Queen’s Quarterly, 1964–65.

  Flynn, Louis J. “Canada’s Greatest Scot: Sir John Alexander Macdonald, a Centennial Tribute” Historic Kingston 16 (1968).

  Gibson, James A. “The Colonial Office View of Canadian Federation, 1858–1868” CHR 35, no. 4 (1954).

  Gibson, Sarah, and Karyn Patterson. “A Tribute to Sir John A. Macdonald” Historic Kingston 33 (1985).

  Greer, Allan. “The Birth of the Police in Canada.” In Colonial Leviathan: State Formation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Canada, edited by Allan Greer and Ian Radforth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.

  ———. “Historical Roots of Canadian Democracy” JCS 34 (1999).

  Griffith, Rudyard. Speech to Kingston Historical Society, Jan. 11, 2005.

  Hall, D.J. “‘The Spirit of Confederation’: Ralph Heintzman, Professor Creighton, and the Bicultural Compact Theory” JCS 9, no. 4 (1974).

  Harper, Marjory. “Image and Reality in Early Emigrant Literature” British Journal of Canadian Studies, 1992, special edition.

  Heintzman, Ralph. “The Political Culture of Quebec, 1840–1960” CJPS 16, no. 1 (1983).

  ———. “The Spirit of Confederation: Professor Creighton, Biculturalism and the Use of History” CHR 52, no. 1 (1971).

  Hockin, Thomas A. “Flexible and Structured Parliamentarianism: From 1848 to Contemporary Party Government” JCS 14 (1979).

  Johnson, Keith. “John A. Macdonald and the Kingston Business Community.” In To Preserve and Defend: Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Gerald Tulchinsky. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1976.

  ———. “Sir James Gowan, Sir John A. Macdonald and the Rebellion of 1837” OH 60, no. 2 (1968).

  Jones, Ellwood H. “Ephemeral Compromise: The Great Reform Convention Revisted” JCS 3, no. 1 (1968).

  Lockhart, A.D. “The Contribution of Macdonald Conservatism to National Unity, 1854–78” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 18 (1939).

  Lower, Arthur. “The Character of Kingston.” In To Preserve and Defend: Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Gerald Tulchinsky. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1976.

  ———. “Political ‘Partyism’ in Canada” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 34 (1955).

  MacDermot, T.W.L. “John A. Macdonald—His Biographies and Biographers” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 10 (1931).

  ———. “The Political Ideas of John A. Macdonald” CHR 14 (1933).

  Malcolmson, Patricia E. “The Poor in Kingston, 1805–1850.” In To Preserve and Defend: Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Gerald Tulchinsky. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1976.

  Martin, Chester. “Sir Edmund Head and Canadian Confederation, 1851–1858” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 9 (1929).

  ———. “The United States and Canadian Nationality” CHR 18 (1937).

  Martin, Ged. “Archival Evidence and John A. Macdonald Biographers” Journal of Historical Biography 1 (2007) (

  ———. “John A. Macdonald and the Bottle” JCS 40 (2006).

  ———. “John A. Macdonald: Scotsman or Canadian” Standard Life Lecture in Canadian Studies, Edinburgh, 2004.

  ———. “Painting the Other Picture: The Case Against Confederation.” In From Rebellion to Patriation: Canada and Britain in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by C.C. Eldridge. Aberystwyth: Canadian Studies Group in Wales, 1989.

  ———. “Queen Victoria and Canada” American Review of Canadian Studies 13 (1983).

  ———. “Sir John Eh? Macdonald: Recovering a Voice from History” British Journal of Canadian Studies 17 (2004).

  Mathews, Robin. “Susanna Moodie, Pink Toryism and Nineteenth-Century Ideas of Canadian Identity” JCS 10, no. 3 (1975).

  McRoberts, Kenneth. “Canada and the Multinational State” CJPS, 2001.

  McSherry, James. “The Illness of the First Mrs. John A. Macdonald” Historic Kingston 34 (1986).

  ———. “The Invisible Lady: Sir John A. Macdonald’s First Wife” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 1, no. 1 (1984).

  Monet, Jacques. “The Political Ideas of Baldwin and LaFontaine.” In The Political Ideas of the Prime Ministers of Canada, edited by M. Hamelin. Ottawa: Éditions Ottawa: 1969.

  ———. “French-Nationalism and the Challenge of Ultramontanism.” In An Introduction to Canadian History, edited by A.I. Silver. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1991.

  Morton, W. L. “The Conservative Principle in Confederation” Queen’s Quarterly 80, no. 4 (1965).

  ———. “The Formation of the First Federal Cabinet” CHR 36, no. 2 (1955).

  ———. “The International Context of Confederation.” In Interpreting Canada’s Past, edited by J.M. Bumsted. 2nd ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1993.

  Ontario Historical Society. “Confederation: The Atmosphere of Crisis and the Ontario Fathers of Confederation.” In Profiles of a Province: Studies in the History of Ontario, edited by Edith G. Firth. Toronto: Ontario Historical Society, 1967.

  Otten, A.A. Van den. “Alexander Galt: The 1859 Tariff and Canadian Economic Nationalism” CHR 63, no. 2 (1982).

  Paquin, Stéphane. “The Myth of the Compact Theory of Canadian Federation”

  Patterson, Graeme. “An Enduring Canadian Myth: Responsible Government and the Family Compact” JCS 12, no. 2 (1977).

  Preece, Rod. “The Political Philosophy of Sir John A Macdonald,” Nicholas Nyiri and Toivo Miljan, Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1980.

  ———. “The Political Wisdom of Sir John A. Macdonald” CJPS 17, no. 3 (1984).

  Radforth, Ian. “Sydenham and Utilitarian Reform.” In Colonial Leviathan: State Formation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Canada, edited by Allan Greer and Ian Radforth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.

  Romney, Paul. “From the Rule of Law to Responsible Government: Ontario Political Culture and the Origins of Canadian Statism” CHA Historical Papers 23, no. 1 (1988).

  ———. “Provincial Equality, Special Status and the Compact Theory of Canadian Confederation” CJPS 22, no. 1 (1999).

  Scott, Frank. “Political Nationalism and Confederation” CJEPS, 1945.

  Smith, David. “National Political Parties and the Growth of a National Political Community.” In National Politics and Community in Canada, edited by R. Kenneth Carty and W. Peter Ward. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1986.

  Smith, David E. “Patronage in Britain and Canada: An Historical Perspective” Journal of Canadian Studies 22, no. 2 (1987).

  Smith, Donald B. “John A. Macdonald and Aboriginal Canada” Historic Kingston 50 (2002).

  Smith, Goldwin. “The Proposed Constitution for British North America” Macmillan’s Magazine, 1865, London.

  Smith, Jennifer. “Canadian Confederation and the Influence of American Federalism” CJPS 21, no. 3 (1988).

  Smith, Peter J. “Ideological Origins of Canadian Confederation.” In Interpreting Canada’s Past, vol. 1, Pre-Confederation, edited by J.M. Bumsted. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1993.

  ———. “The Dream of Political Union: Localism, Toryism and the Federal Idea in Pre-Confederation Canada.” In The Causes of Canadian Confederation, edited by Ged Martin. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1990.

  Stacey, C.P. “Britain’s Withdrawal from North America, 1864–1871” CHR 36, no. 2 (1955).

  ———. “British Military Policy in the Era of Confederation” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 13 (1934).

  ———. “Confederation: The Atmosphere of Crisis.” In
Profiles of a Province: Studies in the History of Ontario, edited by Edith G. Firth. Toronto: Ontario Historical Society, 1967.

  ———. “Fenianism and the Rise of National Feeling at the Time of Confederation” CHR 12, no. 3 (1931).

  Stanley, George. “The Man Who Made Canada, 1865–1867,” address to the Public Relations Society of America, Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education, 1963.

  Stanley, George F.G. “Act or Pact: Another Look at Confederation” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 38 (1956).

  ———. “The Macpherson-Shaw-Macdonald Connection.” In Historic Kingston 13 (1965).

  Stewart, Gordon. “Macdonald’s Greatest Triumph” CHR 63 (1982).

  ———. “The Origins of Canadian Politics and John A. Macdonald.” In National Politics and Community in Canada, edited by R. Kenneth Carty and W. Peter Ward. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1986.

  Stewart, Gordon T. “Political Patronage Under Macdonald and Laurier, 1875–1911” The American Review of Canadian Studies 10, no. 1 (1980).

  Stewart, Wallace. “The Growth of Canadian National Feeling” CHR, June 1920.

  Swainson, Donald. “Alexander Campbell, General Manager of the Conservative Party (Eastern Ontario section)” Historic Kingston 17 (1969).

  ———. “Sir Henry Smith and the Politics of the Union” OH 66 (1974).

  Talman, J.J. “The Impact of the Railway on a Pioneer Community” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 34 (1955).

  Trotter, R.G. “British Finance and Confederation” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 6 (1927).

  Turner, Allan R. “Mystery of the Confederation Table” Saskatchewan History 10, no. 1 (1957).

  Turner, Isabel. “Sir John A. Macdonald: The Person” Historic Kingston 46 (1998).

  Ullmann, Walter. “The Quebec Bishops and Confederation” CHR 44, no. 3 (1963).

  Underhill, Frank H. “The Development of National Political Parties in Canada” CHR 16, no. 4 (1935).

  ———. “Some Aspects of Upper Canada Radical Opinion in the Decade before Confederation” CHA Annual Report and Historical Papers 7 (1927).

  Upton, L.F.S. “The Idea of Confederation, 1754–1858.” In The Shield of Achilles, edited by W.L. Morton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1968.

  Vipond, Robert. “Federal Principle and Canadian Confederation” CJPS, 1983.

  Waite, Peter B. “Chartered Libertine? A Case Against Sir John A. Macdonald and Some Answers” Manitoba Historical Society, Transactions, 1975–6, Series 3, No. 32.

  ———. “Edward Cardwell and Confederation” CHR 43 (1962).

  ———. “The Political Ideas of John A. Macdonald.” In The Political Ideas of the Prime Ministers of Canada, edited by Marcel Hamelin. Ottawa: Les Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1969.

  ———. “Sir John A. Macdonald: The Man” Dalhousie Review, 1967–68.

  Wallace, Elizabeth. “The Origins of the Social Welfare State in Canada, 1867–1900” CJEPS, 1950.

  Wallace, Carl. “Albert Smith, Confederation and Reaction in New Brunswick, 1852–1882” CHR 44 (1963).

  Wearing, Joseph. “Pressure Group Politics in Canada West Pre-Confederation” CHA Historical Papers 2 (1967).

  Williams, Alan F. “Trunk and Branch: A Celebration of Railways in Canada, 1836–1944” British Journal of Canadian Studies 15, no. 1 (1990).

  Wilson, George. “New Brunswick’s Entrance into Confederation” CHR 9 (1928).

  Wilson, Ian. “Sir John A. Macdonald in History” Historic Kingston 41 (1993).

  Wise, S.F. “God’s Peculiar People.” In The Shield of Achilles, edited by W.L. Morton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1968.

  ———. “John A. Macdonald, House of Commons Man” Historic Kingston 42 (1984).

  Wright, Donald. “Reflections on Donald Creighton and the Appeal of Biography” University College of Fraser Valley, Journal of Historical Biography 1 (2007).


  Best, Henry. “George-Etienne Cartier.” Ph.D. thesis, Université Laval, 1969.

  Burns, Robin B. “D’Arcy McGee and the New Nationality.” Master’s thesis, Carleton University, 1966.

  Fraser, George Max. “Egerton Ryerson and His Political Relations with Sir John A. Macdonald, 1854–1872.” Master’s thesis, University of Toronto, 1922.

  Gatner, Joseph. “The Defence Factor in Confederation of the British North American Provinces.” Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa, 1961.

  Guest, Henry J. “Reluctant Politician: A Biography of Sir Hugh John Macdonald.” Master’s thesis, University of Manitoba, 1973.

  Hodgins, Bruce W. “Attitudes Towards Democracy During the Pre-Confederation Debates.” Master’s thesis, University of Toronto, 1955.

  Leighton, James. “The Development of Federal Indian Policy in Canada, 1840–1890.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1975.

  Lewis, J.P. “‘The Lion and Lamb Ministry’: John A. Macdonald and the Politics of the First Canadian Federal Cabinet.” Master’s thesis, University of Guelph, 2005.

  Lockhardt, A.D. “The Early Life of John A. Macdonald, 1815–1844.” Master’s thesis, Queen’s University, 1931.

  Owram, Doug. “White Savagery: Some Canadian Reactions to American Indian Policy, 1867–1885.” Ph.D. thesis, Queen’s University.

  Silver, Arthur I. “Quebec and the French Minorities, 1864–1917.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1973.

  Smith, Francis J. “Newfoundland and Confederation.” Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa, 1970.

  Smith, Peter J. “The Ideological Genesis of Canadian Confederation.” Ph.D. thesis, Carleton University, 1984.

  Sowby, Joyce. “Macdonald the Administrator: Department of the Interior and Indian Affairs, 1878–1887.” Master’s thesis, Queen’s University, 1986.

  Stewart, Alice. “The Imperial Policy of Sir John A. Macdonald.” Radcliffe College, 1946.

  Teatero, William R. “A Dead and Alive Way Never Does: The Pre-Political Professional World of John A. Macdonald.” Master’s theis, Queen’s University, 1978.

  Waite, P.B., “Ideas and Politics in British North America, 1864–1866.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1953.

  Picture Credits

  Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston

  Portrait of a young John A. Macdonald by W. Sawyer (Front Matter 1)

  Margaret Greene (originally thought to be Isabella Macdonald) (Chapter 6)

  Archives of Ontario

  Advertisement in Kingston Chronicle, July 3, 1821, microfilm N17-R1 (Chapter 2)

  Robert Baldwin S2071 (Chapter 7)

  Alexander Campbell S93 (Chapter 8)

  City of Toronto Archives

  Isabella Macdonald’s bedroom PA121569 (Chapter 6)

  Toronto, 1856 (Chapter 9)

  City of Westminster Archives Centre

  Marriage certificate for Agnes Bernard and John A. Macdonald (Chapter 23)

  Library and Archives Canada

  Helen Macdonald 68632297 (Chapter 1)

  Oliver Mowatt C008361 (Chapter 4)

  Isabella Macdonald C004815 (Chapter 5)

  The young John A. Macdonald C003813 (Chapter 5)

  Princess Street, Kingston PA062177 (Chapter 5)

  Isabella Macdonald miniature PA121569 (Chapter 6)

  Lord Durham, Edward Hall collection, C00618 (Chapter 7)

  Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine C005961 (Chapter 7)

  Lord Elgin and family C006728 (Chapter 7)

  Helen Macdonald in old age e007140959 (Chapter 8)

  John Rose PA025959 (Chapter 8)

  Ogle R. Gowan C023504 (Chapter 8)

  Hugh John Macdonald as a baby C004814 (Chapter 8)

  Margaret Macdonald e007140957 (C022818) (Chapter 9)

  James Williamson e007140958 (Chapter 9)

  Louisa Macdonald e007140956 (C022817) (Chapter 9)

  John A. Macdonald C002831 (Chapter 10)

  The Reverend Peter Jones PA215156 (Chapter 10)

  Sir Allan
McNab C005317 (Chapter 11)

  George-Étienne Cartier C006166 (Chapter 11)

  Huge John as a young boy C033956 (Chapter 12)

  Grand Trunk Railway PA149747 (Chapter 13)

  D’Arcy McGee CC21541 (Chapter 14)

  Alexander Galt PA013008 (Chapter 14)

  The Prince of Wales PA051553 (Chapter 14)

  Delegates arriving at Charlottetown by Rex Woods PA164727 (Chapter 17)

  Charlottetown Conference room C021421 (Chapter 17)

  Prelude to Confederation by Jarvis Studios, Ottawa C002780

  Étienne-Paschal Taché PA074100 (Chapter 18)

  John A. Macdonald 014918 (Chapter 19)

  Charles Tupper PA026318 (Chapter 20)

  Samuel Leonard Tilley PA026347 (Chapter 20)

  Joseph Howe PA025486 (Chapter 20)

  Queen Victoria CC001590 (Chapter 21)

  Westminster Palace Hotel C010377 (Chapter 22)

  The London Conference

  by John David Kelly, 1935, reproduced with permission of Rogers Communications Inc. C006799 (Chapter 22)

  Agnes Bernard Macdonald PA118099 (Chapter 23)

  Map of the Confederate Provinces by Chewett (Chapter 23)

  Parliament Buildings, military review, May 24, 1867 PA022399 (Chapter 24)

  John A. Macdonald, 1868 PA025336 (Chapter 24)

  Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

  Fort Sumter DRWG/US Key, no. 3 (B) [P&P] (Chapter 14)

  William Seward LC-B813-1431 A[P&P] (Chapter 15)

  McCord Museum

  Place d’Armes, Montreal M993X.5. 107 (Chapter 7)

  Parliament Buildings under construction I-16295.0 (Chapter 13)

  St. Louis Hotel I-21099. 1 (Chapter 13)

  Wilfrid Laurier MP-0000.1093.8 (Chapter 16)

  Lord Monck I-4437.1 (Chapter 21)

  McGill University Library, Rare Books and Special Collections

  Eliza Grimason (Chapter 13)

  Queen’s University Archives

  Orange Order arch, Kingston V23-Str-Princess-37 (Chapter 14)

  Kingston, reading proclamation V23-His-Con-2 (Chapter 24)


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