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by Perec, Georges

  GRATIOLET (Olivier), son of Louis, 48, 58, 60, 74, 77, 120, 124, 156, 197, 215, 216, 227, 271–276, 301–303, 396, 397, 419, 470, 472, 496, 499.

  GRAVES (Ernest), French lexicographer, 1832–1891, 289.

  Graz (Austria), 108.

  Great Battles of the Past, television series, 66.

  Great Britain, 87, 142, 144, 334, 440.

  Great Dictionary of Cooking, by A. Dumas, 473.

  Great Parade of the Military Tattoo, engraving by Israël Silvestre, 26.

  Great Women of French History, 396.

  Great Works at Risk, television series, 66.

  Greece, 425.

  GREEN (Silas), music hall show producer, 413.

  GREENFIELD (Albert), pseudonym of Rémi Rorschach, 43.

  Greenhill, school in England, 35.

  Green Pastures, film by Marc Connelly, 30.

  Green River University (Ohio), 296.

  GREGORY IX (Ugolino de Segni), pope, 1145–1251, 36.

  Grenoble (Isère), 198, 350.

  GRESSIN, 187.

  GREUZE (Jean-Baptiste), French painter, 1725–1805, 459.

  GRIFALCONI (Alberto), 120, 121, 122, 123.

  GRIFALCONI (Emilio), Italian craftsman, 59, 120–123, 128, 273.

  GRIFALCONI (Laetizia), his wife, 59, 120–123, 124, 128, 273.

  GRIFALCONI (Vittorio), 120, 121, 122, 123.

  GRILLNER, Canadian artist, 35, 481.

  GRIMAUD, Athos’s valet in A. Dumas’s Twenty Years After, 362.

  Grimaud (Var), 442.

  GRISI (Carlotta), known as La Grisi, Italian dancer, 1810–1899, 103.

  Grisons (Switzerland), 120, 431.

  GRODECK (Georg), Austrian psychosomatician, 1866–1934, 478.

  GROMECK, an art dealer, character in G. Berger’s story, 159, 160.

  GROMECK (Lisa), his wife, 159, 160.

  GROMYKO (Andrey Andreevich), Soviet diplomat, 457.

  GRONCZ, mayor of New York, 259.

  Groove, Indian tribe, 453.

  GROUSSET (Jean-Paul), 466.

  GROZIANO (Vecello), 421.

  GRUNDTVIG (Svend), Swedish musician, 181.

  Guadalcanal, 382.

  Guadaloupe, 198.

  Guam, 382.

  Guatemala, 55.

  GUELIS (Jean), French ballet dancer, 440.

  GUEMENOLE-LONGTGERMAIN (Astolphe de), Duke, 259.

  GUENE (Louis), king’s violinist to Louis XVI, 473.

  GUERIN (Eugénie de), French writer, 1805–1848, 289.

  GUERNE (Louisette), 397.

  Guimet Museum, 204.

  GUIMOND DE LA TOUCHE (Claude), French playwright, 1723–1760, 364.

  Guinness, type of Irish beer, 52.

  GUION (Captain Louis), 459.

  GUITAUT (Madame de), 402.

  GUITRY (Sacha), 487.

  Gulf of Honduras, 387.

  Gulf of Papua, 389.

  Gustav Line, 5.

  GUSTIN (Dr), inventor of ‘lithium tablets’, 61.

  GUTENBERG (Johannes Gensfleisch), German printer, 1400–1468, 349.

  Guyana, 385.

  GUYOMARD (Gérard), painter and restorer, 23, 231, 434.

  GUYOT, landowner.

  GYP, pseudonym of Sybille Gabrielle Marie-Antoinette de Riquetti de Mirabeau, comtesse de Martel de

  GYP – cont.

  Janville, French novelist, 1850–1932, 103.

  HACHETTE, French publisher, iv, 302.

  Hadriana, a collection of coins at the Museum at Atri, 173.

  HAGIWARA, painter, 35.

  Hainault Bank, 400.

  HAJ ABDULAZIZ ABU BAKR, see Carel van Loorens, 373.

  Halcyon, Bartlebooth’s yacht, 246.

  Halle (Belgium), 425, 426.

  Halle (Germany), 371.

  HALLER (Bernard), French actor, 64.

  HALLEY (Edmund), English astonomer, 1656–1742, 466.

  HALLOWELL (Bobby), police doctor, 499.

  Hamburg (Germany), 21, 139, 231, 281, 315, 410, 448.

  Hamilton (river, Labrador), 281.

  Hammamet (Tunisia), 335.

  Hammertown (Vancouver Island), 270.

  HANDEL (George Friedrich), English composer, 1685–1759, 21, 348.

  Handkerchief, The, engraving, 105.

  HAPI (Laurence), American painter, 482.

  HAPSBURG, 87, 285.

  Harbour Near Tintagel, watercolour by Turner, 40.

  HARDING (Warren Gamaliel), 29th president of the USA, 1865–1923, 259.

  HARDY (Alexandre), French playwright, 1570–1632, 364.

  HARDY (Alfred), French doctor, 1811–1893, 326.

  HARDY (Françoise), French singer, 460.

  HARDY (Oliver Norvell), American comedian, 1892–1957, 21.

  HARDY (René), French novelist, –1987, 295.

  HARDY (Thomas), English novelist, 1840–1928, 18.

  HARDY, olive oil merchant, 214, 254, 416.

  HARDY (Madame), his wife, 416.

  HARGITAY, urologist, 479.

  HARIRI (Abû Muhammad al-Qâsim al-), Arabic poet, 1054–1122, 263.

  Harlequin, character in the commedia dell’arte, 136.

  HAROUN AL-RASHID, Abassid caliph, 766–809, 467.

  Harrow (England), 35.

  HART (Liddell), English historian, 326.

  Harvard Journal of Economics, 48.

  Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 92, 93.

  Haute-Marne, department of, 410.

  Hautvillers, abbey, 455.

  Havana (Cuba), 385, 388.

  HAVERCAMP (Sigebert), Dutch numismatist and philologist, 1683–1742, 89.

  HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel), American novelist, 1804–1864, 382.

  HAYDN (Joseph), Austrian composer, 1732–1809, 99, 100.

  HAYWORTH (Rita), pseudonym of Rita Consino, American actress, 1921–1987, 83.

  HAZEFELD (Anton), Dutch musician, 1873–1942, 181.

  Haze over Being, book by E. Nahum, 35.

  HEARST (William Randolph), American newspaper proprietor, 1863–1951, 281, 284.

  HEBERT (Joseph), 187, 188.

  HEBERT (Madame), 170.

  HEBERT (Paul), called pH, 59, 120, 121, 124–125, 184, 185, 187, 188, 303, 405.

  Heian-Kyô (Kyoto), 310.

  Heili, Heilo, German song, 218.

  HELENE, Bartlebooth’s maid, 114, 115, 393, 496.

  HELIAN (Jacques), conductor, 363.

  HELIAS (Pierre-Jakez), Breton novelist, 295.

  Heliopolis (Egypt), 39.

  HELMLE (E.), 581.

  Helvetica physiologica et pharmacologica acta, 479.

  HELY’s, 186, 188.

  Hemmings & Condell, London waterproof clothes merchants, 465.

  HEMON (Philippe), friend of Gilbert Berger, 158, 161.

  HENNIN (Lucette, née Commine), 450.

  HENNIN (Robert), postcard trader, 450.

  HENRI III, King of France, 1551–1589, 360.

  HENRI IV, King of France and Navarre, 1553–1610, 198, 388.

  HENRIETTA OF ENGLAND, Duchess of Orleans, 1644–1670, 219.

  HENRIETTE-MARIE DE FRANCE, Queen of England, daughter of Henri IV of France, wife of Charles I of England, and mother of the above, 1609–1669, 388.

  Henriette, three-master, 459.

  Heptaedra Illimited, pop group, 137.

  HERCULES, legendary figure, 377.

  HERDER (Frank F.), sausagemaker, 238.

  HERMAN (Woody), conductor, 1913–1987, 363.

  Hermitage (Leningrad), 427.

  He that with his soup will drink, 18.

  HETZEL (P.-J. Stahl), French publisher and storyteller, 345.

  Hieracium aurantiacium, 458.

  Hieracium pilosella, 457.

  HIERONYMUS, pseudonym of Blunt Stanley, 309.

  Highpool University (Connecticut), 259.

  HILBERT (David), German mathematician, 1862–1943, 173.

  HILL (W. H.), English cartoonist, 334.

  Hilversum (Holland), 471.

  HIRSCH (Robert)
, French actor, 64.

  Historia, illustrated monthly magazine, 156.

  History of France in Riddles, The, 366.

  History of the Church, by Fliche and Martin, 241.

  History of the World War, by Liddell Hart, 326.

  HITCH (William), Mormon missionary, 197.

  HITCHCOCK (Alfred), English film-maker, 362.

  HITLER (Adolf), German statesman, 1889–1945, 135, 187, 232, 238, 297, 456, 457.

  Hitler’s Punishment, (unfinished) essay by M. Echard, 457.

  HJELMSLEV (Louis), Danish linguist, 1899–1965, 110.

  HOBSON (William Robert), the Fox’s first mate, 192.

  Hodeida (Yemen), 126.

  Hof (Germany), 273.

  HOGUET, clockmaker, 421.

  HOKAB EL-OUAKT (The Eagle of the Instant), Barbary pirate, 373–377.

  Holiday Inn, 422.

  Holland, 87, 228, 371, 425, 489.

  HOLLIDAY (Doc), legendary Western hero, 412.

  Hollywood (California), 382.

  HOLMES (Sherlock), amateur detective, 138.

  Honduras, 258.

  Honfleur (Calvados), 387.

  Hong Kong, 55, 309.

  Honolulu (Hawaii), 31.

  HONORE (Corinne Marcion), 398, 403–405.

  HONORE (Honoré Marcion), 398, 402, 403–405.

  HOOKER JIM, Mohawk chief, 453.

  HOOVER (Herbert Clarke), 31st president of the USA, 1874–1964, 259.

  Horatio, see Nelson, 326.

  Horby (radio transmitter), 471.

  HORNER (Yvette), French accordionist, 134.

  “Hortense” (formerly Samuel Horton), pop singer, 137, 181–183, 497.

  HORTON (Fletcher Thaddeus, known as the Captain), character in novels by Paul Winther, 68.

  Hospital Weekly, The, 195.

  Hôtel de I’Aveyron, 172.

  Hôtel-Dieu (Beaune) (see also Paris, Hospitals), 277.

  Hot Nights in Ankara, by H. Elliott (A. Flexner), 175.

  HOURCADE (Madame), 40–41, 65, 66, 127, 170, 194, 332, 435.

  How to marry a millionaire, film by Jean Negulesco, 293.

  Hudson’s Bay (Canada), 193.

  HUFFING, American painter, founder of Arte brutta, 39, 429.

  HUGO (Victor), French writer, 1802–1885, 59, 198, 199, 232, 271, 290.

  Huixtla, 425, 428.

  Humanité, L’, French daily, 30.

  HUMBERT, eighteenth-century art historian, 171.

  HUMBOLDT (Wilhelm von), German scholar, 1767–1835, 372.

  HUMPHREY (Hubert Horatio), American politician, 457.

  HUTTING (Franz), Franco-American painter, 33–35, 37–39, 51, 58, 215–218, 228, 276–285, 330, 343, 398, 406, 429, 450, 480–484.

  Hutting portraitiste, book by A. de Xertigny, 35.

  Hutting: vor Angst hüten, 34.

  Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (The Dream of Poliphylus), by F. Colonna, 271.

  I Am the Cookie, American TV series, 260.

  IBN ZAYDUN (Abû al-Waild Ahmed), Arabic poet from Spain, 1003–1071, 321.

  Icarie, 464.

  Icarus, literary review, 331.

  If You’re So Funny Why Don’t You Laugh, anthology of puns by J.-P. Grousset, 466.

  Igitur, a nightclub, 292.

  Ile-de-France, 116.

  Ile-de-France, liner, 31.

  Ile-de-Ré (France, Atlantic coast), 445.

  Ilion (Troy, Turkey), 425.

  Illustration, L’, French weekly magazine, 26, 156.

  Image et Son, specialist film review, 469.

  Images du Monde, French magazine, 156.

  I’m Homesick for Being Homesick, song by Sam Horton, 181, 182.

  Immortals, The, comedy, 487.

  Imperium Japonicum … Descriptum, map by Hadrien Roland, 389.

  Incertum, opus 74 by Pierre Block, 331.

  Incorporated Hostellerie, 423, 425.

  India, 14, 45, 55, 67, 334, 387, 425.

  Indian Ocean, 54, 179, 434.

  Indifférent, L’, painting by Watteau, 151.

  Indochina, 55.

  Indonesia, 55.

  Indre, department of, 69.

  Inès de Castro, by Lamotte-Houdar, 364.

  INGRES (Jean-Auguste-Dominique), French painter, 1780–1867, 281.

  Inhakea (Mozambique), 425.

  INNOCENT 11 (Gregorio Papareschi), pope 1130–1143, 9.

  Innocents Abroad, The, by Mark Twain, 467.

  Institute for the History of Religions (Paris), 204.

  Institute for the History of Texts (Paris), 449.

  Institute of Archaeology (London), 144.

  Institute of Ethnology (Paris), 108, 109.

  Internal Revenue Legislation, 40.

  International Cycling Federation (ICF), 351.

  International Hostellerie, 422, 423, 429, 431, 435.

  International Union of Historical Sciences, 383.

  Internationale Zeitschrift für Urologie, 480.

  In the Abyss, short story by Luigi Pirandello, 17.

  Inverness (Scotland), 56, 463.

  Io, nymph, 369.

  Iowa, 316, 464.

  Iphigenia, by Guimond de la Touche, 364.

  Iran, 249.

  Iraq, 310, 425.

  Ireland, 52.

  IRON HORSE, Indian chief, 453.

  Isaura, 375.

  ISIDORE, actor in Fresnel’s troupe, 255–257.

  Isla Margarita, 179.

  Israel, 425, 454.

  Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), 280.

  Istanbul, 84, 87.

  Italian Straw Hat, The, farce by Labiche, 463.

  Italy, 289, 333.

  It Happened at the Inn (Goupi Mains-Rouges), film by Jacques Becker, 185.

  IVANOV (Paul), a comparative philologist from Lille, 263.

  Iwo-Jima, 382.

  JACQUARD (Joseph-Marie), an engineer from Lyons, 1752–1834, 199.

  JACQUET (B.), art critic, 34.

  JADIN (Godefroy), animal painter, 470.

  Jaén (Spain), 8, 9.

  JANET (Pierre), neurologist, 1859–1947, 394.

  Japan, 83, 284, 338, 425, 448.

  Japanese Garden IV, watercolour by Silberselber, 151.

  JARMAN (Pete), American politician, 413.

  JARRIER, landlord, character in a story by G. Berger, 223–225.

  JARRIER (Madame), his wife, a doctor, 223–224.

  JARRY (Alfred), French writer, 1873–1907, 579.

  Jason, by Alexandre Hardy, 364.

  Jason, opera by J. S. Kusser, 21.

  JAVA, 107.

  JAVERT, character in V. Hugo’s Les Misérables, 281.

  Jazz Review, 328.

  JEFFERSON (Arthur Stanley) (Stan Laurel), songwriter, 6.

  JEFFERSON (Barry), pseudonym of Rémi Rorschach, 43.

  Jefferson (Missouri), 308.

  Jehovah’s Witnesses, religious sect, 184.

  Jemima Creek (Florida), 75, 410.

  Jenaer medizin-historische Beiträge, 326.

  Jerez (Spain), 9.

  JEROME (Adrien), 59, 124, 128, 168, 169, 170, 197, 203–206, 210.

  Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 84, 85.

  JESUS CHRIST, 84, 85, 86, 88.

  Jiminy Cricket, character in Pinocchio, 257.

  JINEMEWICZ (Trim), pseudonym of A. Flexner, 175.

  JOHANNOT (Tony), Romantic engraver, 1803–1852, 384.

  JOHNSON (James Louis, known as Jay Jay), American trombonist, 328.

  Joiner in the Rue du Champ-de-Mars, drawing by Priou, 330.

  JONES, 451.

  JONES (Ernest), 581.

  JOSEPH OF ARIMATHÆA, 81, 85, 88, 231, 281, 283.

  JOSSERAND (Laurent), puppeteer from Lyons, 403.

  Jouet Français, Le, toy-trade journal, 27, 191.

  Journal des Voyages, Le, 242.

  Journal de Tintin, Le, children’s comic, 371.

  Journal d’un prêtre, Le, novel by Paul Jury, 17.

  Journal of Clinical Investigation, 479.<
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  Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 171.

  Journey to the End of the Night, novel by L.-F. Céline, 47.

  Jours de France, illustrated monthly, 164, 203.

  Jouy, wallpaper factory originally located at Jouy-en-Josas, see next entry, 13.

  Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), 134.

  Joy, a novel by Georges Bernanos, 437.

  JOYCE (James Augustine Aloysius), Irish novelist, 1882–1941, 281, 300, 579.

  JUAREZ (Rosendo), “The Thumper”, an Argentinian gangster, 356.

  JULIET, heroine of Romeo and Juliet, 171.

  Jura, 162, 255.

  JURY (Paul), French writer, 17.

  Jutland, 186, 187.

  Juvisy-sur-Orge (Essonne), 211.

  Kachinas, Indian tribe, 453.

  KA-E-TEN-A, Indian chief, 453.

  KAFKA (Franz), 1883–1924, 579.

  Kara Sea, 55.

  KARGER (S.), Swiss publisher, 480.

  KAYE (Danny), pseudonym of Daniel David, American comedian, 160.

  KEATON (Buster), American film producer, 1895–1966, 43.

  KEINHOF, see Cinoc.

  KEITH (Lord George Elphinstone), Admiral of the British Navy, 1746–1823, 39.

  KELLY (Una), 581.

  Kentucky, 315.

  Kenya, 347.

  Kerguélen Islands, 471.

  Kerkennah Islands (Morocco), 363, 364.

  KERRIGAN (A.), 581.

  KHEINHOSS, see Cinoc.

  KHINOSS, see Cinoc.

  KILMARTIN (Terence), 581.

  KINDERLERER (J.), 581.

  KING (Arthur), 93.

  KING DRI, Indian doctor, 478.

  King Wenceslas, cabaret at Montmartre, 488.

  King William Island (Canada), 192.

  KINOCH, see Cinoc.

  Kiowa, Indian tribe, 453.

  Kirby Beard, 243.

  Kisàszony (Hungary), 288.

  KITCHENER (Horatio Herbert, 1st Lord Kitchener of Khartoum and Aspell), British soldier, 1850–1916, 448.

  KLAJNHOFF, see Cinoc.

  KLEBER, Bartlebooth’s chauffeur, 20, 114, 115, 393, 434, 496.

  KLEBER (Jean-Baptiste), French general, 1753–1800, 39, 232.

  KLEE (Paul), German painter, 1879–1940, XV, 429.

  KLEIN (Yves), artist, 1928–1962, 429.

  KLEINHOF, see Cinoc, 287.

  KLINE (Franz), American painter, 1910–1962, 429.

  KLINOV, see Cinoc.

  KNICKERBOCKER (Diedrich), pen-name of C.-A. Beyssandre, 431.

  Knight of Cups, tarot card, 63.

  Knock on Wood, film by N. Panama and M. Frank, 160.

  KNÖDELWURST, German officer, 120.

  KOBINZ (Harry), pseudonym of Rémi Rorschach, 43.

  KODAMA, commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, 447.

  KOHN (Félicien), poster artist, 481.

  KOLLIKER, American engineer of German origin, 298.

  Koran, 180, 229, 267.

  Korea, 55, 229, 308.


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