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Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses

Page 43

by Sarah Gristwood

  Geoffrey of Vinsauf, 79

  George VI, King, 186n

  Germany, 81, 87

  Ghent, 21, 191

  Gillyflowers, 11, 73, 80, 120, 286

  Gloucester, 193, 196

  Gloucester, Anne, Duchess of. See Neville, Anne

  Gloucester, Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of, 100n

  Gloucester, Humfrey, Duke of, 7, 14, 24, 28, 72, 100n, 172

  Gloucester, Richard, Duke of. See Richard III, King

  Golden Legend, The (Legenda Aurea), 150, 158, 274

  Gordon, Lady Katherine, 275, 277–280, 279n, 299

  Grafton, 75, 77–78

  Gravesend, 155, 298

  Gray, Katherine, 253

  Great Chronicle of London, 64–65, 77, 86, 95, 122, 145, 222

  Great Lynford, 158

  Great Wardrobe accounts, 188, 260–261

  Gregory’s Chronicle, 54, 57–59, 61–62, 65, 86

  Grey, Jane, 324

  Grey, John, 63, 70, 172

  Grey, Richard, 175–176, 179–181, 186, 221

  Gruffydd, Elis, 50

  Gruuthuyse, Lord, 118–120

  Guildford, Jane, 297

  Hadington Castle, 301

  Hall, Edward, 60, 75, 77, 103, 111, 129, 165, 218, 271, 278

  Hallysworth, Doctor, 298

  Hampton Court, 298

  Harlech, 58

  Hastings, Lord, 111, 173–177, 179–180, 190–193, 283

  Hatfield House, 20, 288

  Haute, Richard, 129

  Hawkins, John, 95

  Haynin, Jean de, 79

  Headdresses, 134–135

  Hearne’s “Fragment,” 76

  Helton, John, 43

  Henry II, xxii

  Henry IV, King, 19, 100n

  Henry V, King, xxii, 4, 9–10, 20, 26

  Henry VI, King

  Cade’s rebellion, 28

  captivity, 57–59, 88–89, 109–110

  cession of French territories, 4–5, 14–15, 24–26

  childlessness, 26, 32

  defeat deposition, 57–59, 64–65, 70, 88–89

  Henry VII’s accession, 240

  his death, 112, 114, 200

  incapacity, 37–38, 40–41, 167, 172–174

  marriage, 4–6, 12–13, 22

  minority, 9, 20, 39, 166, 173

  personality, 9–10, 30–31

  Readeption, 105–106, 113, 113n

  Suffolk’s banishment, 27–28

  wounded at St. Albans, 41–42

  Henry VII, King

  accession, 236–238

  appearance, 241

  battle of Bosworth, 227–231

  birth, 48–51

  Buckingham rebellion, 197–200, 203

  claim to throne, 195–200, 204–205, 211–212

  Elizabeth of York’s death, 299–300, 306–308

  exile in Brittany, 126–127, 178, 191, 196, 203

  expedition against France, 268

  French support, 211–212, 223, 226

  his reign and pretenders, 241, 246–250, 266–273, 276–286

  his tomb, 322

  household ordinances, 257–258

  illness and death, 312–316

  Katherine Gordon, 277–280, 279n

  Lancastrian opposition, 96, 101, 114, 166

  marriage, 163, 195–196, 198, 200, 204–205, 211, 217–218, 237–238, 240–243, 255–266, 291–292

  miserliness, 260–262, 308, 312

  Prince Arthur’s wedding death, 291–292

  Prince Henry’s upbringing, 299–300, 310, 316

  Princes in the Tower, 195, 199–200

  religiosity, 315

  Richard’s marriage to Elizabeth of York, 225215

  wardship, 71, 96

  Warwick rebellion, 106

  Yorkist line, 200, 235–236, 255–256, 260, 272, 278–280

  Henry VIII, King

  accession, 316–317

  appearance, 21, 75, 317

  Arthur’s wedding, 291

  chivalric traditions, 6, 310

  his marriages, 138, 171, 307, 310–311, 317

  Margaret Beaufort’s death, 319

  Margaret Beaufort’s religiosity, 305

  Mary’s marriage, 315n

  minority, 263, 272, 280, 282–283, 288–289, 310–313

  mother’s death, 300

  strict upbringing, 310, 316

  Suffolk’s execution, 312

  Tudor succession, 307–308

  Yorkist line, 317

  Herbert, Edward, 316

  Herbert, Sir William, 71, 96

  Hereford, 58

  Herman, Bawder, 113

  Higdon, Ranulf, 158

  Hilton, Walter, 150, 306

  History of the Arrivall of Edward IV, The, 106, 108–109, 111

  Hitchin, 35–36

  Holinshed, Raphael, 60, 129, 163

  Hooh, Hans van, 298

  Hookham, Mary Ann, 166

  Hospital of St. John, 221

  Humber, river, 108

  Hume, David, xxii

  Hundred Years War, 4, 8, 36–37

  Hungary, 4

  Hunsdon, 272

  Inns of Court, 283

  Ireland, 26–27, 29, 54, 61, 246, 248, 269, 275, 277

  Isabel, Infanta, 219–220

  Isabella of Castile, 42, 44n, 81, 254–255, 258, 269, 271, 280–281, 306, 310–311

  Isabella of France, 9, 28, 39

  Isabelle of Lorraine, 9

  Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford

  Anne Neville marriage, 124

  Burgundian marriage, 93

  dowry, 76–77

  Elizabeth Woodville’s marriage, 81

  her death, 118

  Marguerite’s return from France, 62

  vendetta, 95

  Warwick rebellion, 107

  witchcraft accusations, 100, 205

  Yorkist claim, 89

  James III, King of Scotland, 59

  James IV, King of Scotland, 275–276, 281, 292, 300

  James V, King of Scotland, 313n Jerusalem, 4

  Jesus College, Cambridge, 309

  Joan of Arc, 9, 20, 42, 62

  Joan of Navarre, 100n Joana of Portugal, 219–220

  John of Gaunt, xxii–xxiii, 21, 120, 142, 219, 225

  Juana of Castile, 288, 311–313

  Katherine of Valois, 31–32, 39, 247

  Katherine of York, 158, 206, 267, 273, 289, 297–298

  Kempis, Thomas à, 150

  Kendal, 289

  Kenilworth, 44, 248

  Kent, 28, 105, 157–158 382

  Kerver, Wechon, 298

  Kings (biblical book), 269

  Knights of the Bath, 83, 252

  Knights of the Garter, 31, 160, 260

  Knowsley, 204, 284

  Lathom, 204, 284

  Latin, 160–161, 270, 281

  Leicester, 28, 227, 231

  Leland, John, 251–252, 292, 322

  Lessy, Richard, 274

  Liber Niger, 118

  Liber Regalis, 188–189

  Life of Our Lady, The, 158

  Lincluden Abbey, 59

  Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of, 144, 173, 244, 248, 252, 285, 302

  Little Device, 188

  Livre de Coeur de l’Amour Epris, 11–12

  London Bridge, 82, 156

  Louis XI, King of France

  accession, 69–70

  designs on Burgundy, 139–140

  English negotiations, 128–129, 139, 157, 162

  his death, 211

  Lancastrian opposition, 101

  Machiavelli and, 102

  Margaret of Burgundy, 271

  Marguerite’s death, 166

  Marguerite’s flight to France, 88

  Mary of York, 142

  sexual accusations of Princess Margaret, 93–94

  support of Jasper Tudor, 95–96

  Warwick rebellion, 107

  Louis XIV, King of France, 315n

  Love, Nicholas, 149–150

  “Loveday,” 51<
br />
  Lucy, Elizabeth, 147

  Ludford Bridge, rout of, 54

  Ludlow, 23, 31, 54, 120, 174–175, 191, 272, 292–293, 310

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 102

  Maine, 4, 14–15, 26

  Malines, 154, 249

  Malory, Thomas, 11, 38–39, 78, 81–82, 158, 217n, 298

  Mancini, Dominic

  Anthony Woodville, 120–121

  Cecily Neville’s morality, 21

  Clarence death, 145

  Edward’s paternity, 80–81

  Elizabeth Woodville marriage, 76

  Richard III’s accession, 174–175, 177, 181, 184, 188–189, 192–193

  Tudor-York marriage, 164–165

  Manner and Guiding of the Earl of Warwick, The, 102

  March, Edward, Earl of. See Edward IV, King

  Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy

  Clarence death, 153

  Clarence marriage, 141–142

  early life, 23, 72–74

  Edward IV, 128, 140

  Elizabeth’s coronation, 83

  English negotiations, 155–158

  Henry VII’s accession, 236, 249

  her death, 302

  her tomb, 323

  love of books, 73–74, 157–158

  marriage, 94–95

  Mary of Burgundy’s death, 162

  Perkin Warbeck affair, 266, 269–272, 274–276, 279–280, 282, 285–286

  political role, 138–140

  religiosity, 74, 150, 154–155, 306

  sexual accusations, 93–94, 271

  the Treaty of Arras, 191

  Warwick rebellion, 106, 109

  Margaret, Duchess of Savoy, 281

  Margaret of York, 118

  Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots, 49, 262–263, 281–282, 287, 292, 300, 313n

  Marguerite of Anjou

  Anne Neville marriage, 102–103, 107

  appearance, 6–7, 81

  as queen, 10–15, 24–25, 27–31, 40–44, 51–55, 57–58, 61–62, 128–129, 167, 173

  birth of Prince Edward, 35–39

  Cecily Neville, 22, 35–36, 54–55

  childlessness, 25–26

  daisy emblem, 73

  defeat Henry VI’s deposition, 64–65, 69–70

  entry into London, 7–9

  estates, 9

  finances, 29–30

  Henry VII’s accession, 240

  her character, 271n her death, 166–167

  her household, 13

  her tomb, 323

  Lancastrian opposition, 80–81, 85–90, 95, 101–102

  marriage, 4–9, 22

  matchmaking, 24

  poverty, 7, 88, 166–167, 292

  renunciation, 129

  sexual accusation, 38–39, 43–44, 59

  Suffolk’s banishment, 27–28

  Warwick rebellion, 108–112

  Mariona (laundrywoman), xxiv

  Marteaux, 119

  Mary, Duchess of Burgundy, 153, 157

  her death, 162

  her marriage, 98, 139, 142

  marriage of her son, 155

  Treaty of Arras, 191

  Mary, Queen (“Bloody” Mary), 324

  Mary, Queen (Mary of Teck), 186n

  Mary, Queen of Scots, 134n, 313n, 323, 324

  Mary of Guelders, 59

  Mary of York, 90, 135, 159

  Mary Tudor, Queen of France, 276, 282, 292, 297, 311, 313, 315n, 317, 319

  Massy, Alice, 245

  Matilda of Hackenborn, 150

  Maundy Thursday, 260

  Maxey, 31, 195

  Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, 142, 154, 157–158, 162, 191, 269, 271–272, 279, 285, 307

  Medici, Catherine de, 38–39

  Meno, Pregent, 277

  Mercers’ Company, 221

  Merchant Adventurers, 158

  Merton Priory, 148

  Michelangelo, 322

  Middleham Castle, 74, 124–125

  Milan, Duchess of, 5–6

  Milford Haven, 226

  Mirror of Gold for the Sinful Soul, The, 319

  Mirror of the World, 158

  “Mixed life, the,” 149–150, 306

  Molinet, Jean, 193, 212

  Mondrot, Bernard de, 148

  More, Thomas

  birth of Richard, 36

  Clarence death, 145

  death of Elizabeth, 299–300

  Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, 77, 81

  Princes in the Tower, 193, 199

  Richard III’s accession, 173, 176, 179, 181–184, 190

  York children, 282–283

  Mortimer, Roger, 28

  Mortimer’s Cross, battle of, 64

  Morton, John, Bishop of Ely, 179, 182, 196, 199, 212, 239, 276

  Mowbray, Anne, 143–144, 147–148, 159

  Muscatel, 305

  Musicians, 260

  Mylling, Abbot, 105–106, 121

  Naples, 4

  Nattres, James, 298

  Nene, river, 133

  Nesfield, John, 194

  Neville, Anne, xxiii

  as queen, 192–193, 255

  Duke of York’s reburial, 136

  early life, 41, 45, 74, 111

  Elizabeth of York, 214

  her coronation, 188

  her tomb, 323

  illness and death, 214–219

  marriage (Prince Edward), 102–104, 107–108

  marriage (Richard III), 122–124, 209

  Richard III’s accession, 175, 178, 188–190

  son’s death, 209

  Neville, Bishop George, 65, 74

  Neville, Isabel, 45

  Neville of Raby, Lord, 179

  Newport, 50

  Ninepins, 119

  Norfolk, Elizabeth Talbot, Duchess of, 144, 146–147

  Norfolk, John Howard, Duke of, 216

  Norfolk, Katherine Neville, Duchess of, 92n

  Norman Conquest, 82, 231

  Northampton, battle of, 57, 70

  Norwich, 25, 100

  Nottingham, 225, 227

  Observants, 306

  Orléans, Duke of, 8

  Ormond, Earl of, 276

  Oxford, Countess of, 252–253

  Oxford, Earl of, 91, 212, 226, 229

  Oxford University, 309

  Parker, Henry, 204, 280, 305, 317

  “Parliament of Devils,” 54

  Parron, William, 297–298, 298n

  Paston, John, 94, 101, 122, 124

  Paston, Margaret, 49, 53n

  Paston, Margery, 24–25, 62n

  Paston, William, 259

  Paston letters, 29, 39, 43–44, 91, 120

  Patronage, 89, 158, 161

  Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, 217, 296

  Pembroke Castle, 45, 48, 50–51

  Pertriche, John, 262

  Philip, Duke of Burgundy, 162, 191, 271, 275, 282, 287, 302, 311–313

  Pietro di Milano, 6

  Piracy, 51–52

  Plague, 48, 287

  Plymouth, 289

  Pontefract, 132–133, 192

  Popplau, Nicolaus von, 200

  Porchester, 3–4

  Portugal, 87, 219–221, 277

  Prince, The (Machiavelli), 102

  Privacy, demand for, 119–120

  Privy Seal, 43, 176–177

  Psalms, 73

  Queens’ College, Cambridge, 89, 136, 309–310

  Queen’s Wardrobe accounts, 30

  Raglan, 296

  Reading Abbey, 82

  Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne, The, 290

  Reginald the idiot, 280

  Religious enthusiasm, 149–151, 154–155

  René, Duke of Anjou (King of Sicily), 4, 9, 11, 113, 129

  Rennes Cathedral, 204

  Richard II, King, xxii, 18, 172, 174

  Richard III, King

  accession, 167, 172–186

  Anne Neville’s death, 218–219, 221–222

  as king, 191–192, 209–212

  battle of Bosworth, 227–231<
br />
  Buckingham rebellion, 198–200, 203

  Clarence’s execution, 145

  Duke of York’s reburial, 133, 136

  early life, 36, 63, 73–74

  Edward IV’s French expedition, 128

  Elizabeth of York, 214–218, 220–222, 240–241

  his coronation, 188–189, 253

  marriage, 122–124

  murder accusations, xxiii, 145, 199–201, 218, 222

  Princes in the Tower, 192–195, 199–201, 207–208, 210, 218, 240–241, 294

  son’s death, 209

  the death of Henry VII, 112

  Tudor threat, 203–209, 211–212, 223, 226–231

  Warwick rebellion, 106, 108, 111–112

  Richmond, 292–293, 297, 299–300, 311, 315–316

  Rivers, Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl, 157–158, 296

  bolstering Woodville power, 172

  Edward’s council, 117

  his arrest and execution, 175, 186, 221

  his character, 120–121

  imprisonment, 174–175

  love of books, 161

  Mowbray marriage, 144

  refuge in Burgundy, 104

  tournament, 94

  Warwick rebellion, 108

  Rivers, Elizabeth, Countess, 119, 253

  Rivers, Richard Woodville, 1st Earl, 76, 91, 99–100

  Rivers, Richard Woodville, 3rd Earl, 212

  Rockingham Forest, 133–134

  Rome, 156

  Romsey, 248

  Roos, Mary, 257

  Rotherham, Thomas, Archbishop of York, 176–177, 182, 218

  Rouen, 8, 21–22, 26, 29, 85, 108, 184

  Rous, John, 124, 218, 231

  Roxburgh, 59

  Roye, Jean de, 148

  Rozmital, Leo von, 89–90

  Rutland, Edmund, Earl of, 21, 54, 60, 71, 132

  St. Agatha, 50

  St. Agnes, 50

  St. Albans, first battle of, 41–42

  St. Albans, second battle of, 61–62

  St. Anne, 138

  St. Anthony the hermit, 144

  St. Barbara, 50

  St. Bridget of Sweden, 150, 158, 257

  St. Catherine of Alexandria, 50

  St. Catherine of Siena, 150

  St. Cecilia, 50

  St. Christopher, 274

  St. Colette, 138

  St. Erasmus, 158

  St. George, 160, 260

  St. John, Sir Oliver, 18, 31

  St. John’s College, Cambridge, 309–310

  St. Katherine, 274

  St. Leger, Thomas, 72, 138

  St. Malo, 163

  St. Margaret, 44, 50, 87

  St. Margaret of Antioch, 138

  St. Matilda, 274

  St. Michael’s Mount, 277

  St. Michel-sur-Bar, 88

  St. Nicholas, 32

  St. Paul’s Cathedral, 291

  St. Paul’s Cross, 183

  St. Stephen’s Chapel, 144, 165

  St. Waudru, 138

  Salazar (mercenary), 228

  Salic law, 39–40

  Salisbury, Alice, Countess of, 54

  Salisbury, Richard Neville, Earl of, 41, 60

  Sanctuary, 176, 180–181, 194, 204–208, 246, 277

  Sandal Castle, 60

  Sandwich, 99, 129

  Scala Perfectionis, 257


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