by Tim Wendel
231 caps off the 1968 season:
232 “partly truth and partly fiction, a walking contradiction”: Hayden interview;
Baseball Encyclopedia: The Complete and Definitive Record of Major League Baseball. Macmillan, 1993.
Brennan, Christine. Best Seat In The House: A Father, A Daughter, A Journey Through Sports. Lisa Drew/Scribner, 2006.
Brokaw, Tom. Boom! Talking About the Sixties. Random House, 2007.
Bulter, Hall. Al Kaline and the Detroit Tigers. Henry Regnery, 1973.
Cantor, George. The Tigers of ’68: Baseball’s Last Real Champions. Taylor, 1997.
Charters, Ann. The Portable Sixties Reader. Penguin, 2003.
Clarke, Thurston. The Last Campaign: Robert F. Kennedy and 82 Days That Inspired America. Henry Holt, 2008.
Drysdale, Don, and Bob Verdi. Once A Bum, Always A Dodger: My Life in Baseball from Brooklyn to Los Angeles. St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
Eldridge, Grant, and Karen Elizabeth Bush. Willie Horton: Detroit’s Own Willie the Wonder. Wayne State University Press, 2001.
Enders, Eric. Baseball’s Greatest Games. MLB Insiders Club, 2008.
Feldman, Doug. El Birdos: The 1967 and 1968 St. Louis Cardinals. McFarland, 2007.
Freehan, Bill, with Steve Geldman and Dick Schaap. Behind the Mask. Maddick Manuscripts, 1970.
Gardella, John. Official NBA Guide, 2010–2011 Edition. NBA Properties, 2010.
Gibson, Bob, with Lonnie Wheeler. Stranger to the Game: The Autobiography of Bob Gibson. Viking, 1994.
Gibson, Bob, and Reggie Jackson, with Lonnie Wheeler. Sixty Feet, Six Inches: A Hall of Fame Pitcher and A Hall of Famer Hitter Talk About How the Game Is Played. Doubleday, 2009.
Gillette, Gary, and Eric Enders, with Stuart Shea and Matthew Silverman. Big League Ballparks: The Complete Illustrated History. Metro Books, 2009.
Gitlin, Todd. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. Bantam, 1987.
Green, Jerry. Year of the Tiger: The Diary of Detroit’s World Champions. Coward-McCann, 1969.
Greene, Graham. Ways of Escape. Lester & Orphen Dennys, 1980.
Halberstam, David. October 1964. Ballantine, 1994.
Hoffer, Richard. Something in the Air: American Passion and Defiance in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Free Press, 2009.
Hillman, James. The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling. Random House, 1996.
Kaiser, Charles. 1968 in America: Music, Politics, Chaos, Counterculture and the Shaping of a Generation. Grove, 1988.
Kurlansky, Mark. 1968: The Year That Rocked the World. Random House, 2004.
Lazenby, Roland. Jerry West: The Life and Legend of a Basketball Icon. Ballantine, 2009.
Lipsyte, Robert. An Accidental Sportswriter. Ecco, 2011.
MacCambridge, Michael. America’s Game: The Epic Story of How Pro Football Captured a Nation. Anchor, 2004.
Maraniss, David. When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi. Simon & Schuster, 1999.
McCarthy, Eugene. The Year of the People. Doubleday, 1969.
McCarver, Tim, with Danny Peary. Tim McCarver’s Baseball for Brain Surgeons and Other Fans. Random House, 1998.
McCarver, Tim, with Phil Pepe. Few and Chosen: Defining Cardinal Greatness Across the Eras. Triumph, 2003.
McCarver, Tim, with Ray Robinson. Oh, Baby, I Love It! Villard, 1987.
McLain, Denny, with Eli Zaret. I Told You I Wasn’t Perfect. Triumph, 2007.
Mead, William. Two Spectacular Seasons: 1930 The Year the Hitters Ran Wild, 1968 the Year the Pitchers Took Revenge. Macmillan, 1990.
Norman, Philip. Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation. MJF Books, 1981.
Pappas, Milt, with Wayne Mausser and Larry Names. Out At Home: Triumph and Tragedy in the Life of a Major Leaguer. LKP Group, 2000.
Pattison, Mark, and David Raglin. Sock it to ’Em Tigers. Maple Street Press, 2008.
Risen, Clay. A Nation on Fire: America in the Wake of the King Assassination. John Wiley & Songs, 2009.
Pitoniak, Scott. Jewel of the Sports World: The Story of the Hickok Belt. RIT Cary Press, 2010.
Price, Reynolds. Letter to a Man In the Fire: Does God Exist and Does He Care? Scribner, 1999.
Ruck, Rob. Raceball: How the Major Leagues Colorized the Black and Latin Game. Beacon Press, 2010.
Russell, Bill, and Taylor Branch. Second Wind: The Memoirs of an Opinionate Man. Random House, 1979.
Schlesinger Jr., Arthur M. Robert Kennedy and His Times, Volume II. Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
Sides, Hampton. Hellhound on His Trail: The Talking of Martin Luther King Jr. and the International Hunt for His Assassin. Doubleday, 2010.
Snyder, Brad. A Well-Paid Slave: Curt Flood’s Fight for Free Agency in Professional Sports. Plume, 2007.
Stanton, Tom. The Final Season: Fathers, Sons, and One Last Season in a Classic American Ballpark. Thomas Dunne, 2001.
———. The Detroit Tigers Reader. University of Michigan Press, 2005.
Swirsky, Seth. Baseball Letters: A Fan’s Correspondence with His Heroes. Three Rivers Press, 1996.
Tiant, Luis, with Joe Fitzgerald. El Tiante: The Luis Tiant Story. Doubleday, 1976.
Ward, Geoffrey, and Ken Burns. Baseball: An Illustrated History. Alfred Knopf, 1994.
NOTE: The page numbers 116a–116p
indicate the photographs in the middle of the book.
Aaron, Hank “Hammerin’ Hank,”
All-Star Games
American Football League (AFL)
growing popularity
and Lombardi’s retirement
racial diversity in
and Super Bowl
American League
at All-Star Game
pennant races
America’s Game (MacCambridge)
Appalachia Wolves
Arledge, Roone
Aspromonte, Bob
Astroturf, effect of
Atlanta Braves
Auerbach, Red
August, Bob
Bahnsen, Stan
Balke, Bruno
Baltimore Orioles
Indians vs
and pennant race
Red Sox vs
Senators vs
Tigers vs
Yankees vs
100 years of
fans discontent
major league stats
popularity of
rule changes and new teams
See also American League; National League
Baseball (documentary)
Gibson’s career in
and King assassination
NBA Eastern Division Finals
and Russell
Bauer, Hank
Bauman, Bob
Beckett, Josh
Bedell, Howie
Behind the Mask (Freehan)
Bench, Johnny
Bengtson, Phil
Biederman, Les
Bing, Dave
Black armbands
Blower, Archer
Bosman, Dick
Boston Celtics See also Russell, Bill
Boston-Edison neighborhood, Detroit
Boston Red Sox
Boudreau Shift
Boyd, Bobby “The Rope,”
Boyer, Ken
Briles, Nellie
biographical info
on Cardinals’ camaraderie
on Gibson’s intensity
in World Series
Brock, Lou
and Cardinals/Reds brawl
Lolich on base stealing by
as perceived weak spot in Cardinals game
stealing bases
Tigers take advantage of bad habits
World Seri
es batting
World Series fielding
Broeg, Bob
Broun, Haywood Hale
Brown, William James “Gates”
absence after curfew
biographical info
on Gibson
and Horton
on McLain
as pinch hitter
on pitching
on Tigers’ fun
Buck, Jack
Bull Durham (movie)
Bunning, Jim
Burgmeier, Tom
Busch Memorial Stadium “Busch II,”
California Angels
Campbell, Jim
Candlestick Park, San Francisco
Cantor, George
Cardinals. See St. Louis Cardinals
Carew, Rod
Carlton, Steve
Cash, Norm
on Lolich
on Smith’s lineup
in World Series
World Series batting
Cater, Danny
Cepeda, Orlando
biographical info
and Cardinals/Reds brawl
on hitter difficulties
trade from Cardinals to Braves
trade from Giants to Cardinals
in World Series
Chamberlain, Will
Chicago Cubs
Chicago, Illinois
Cincinnati Red Stockings
Cincinnati Reds
Civil rights movement See also King, Rev. Martin Luther, Jr.
Clarke, Ron
Clemente, Roberto
Cleveland Indians
Cline, Ty
Cobb, Ty
Colavito, Rocky “The Rock,”
Connell, Scott
Cooke, Jack Kent
Cortisone shots, McLain’s
Cronkite, Walter
Cuccinello, Tony
Dalkowski, Steve
Daniels, Jack
Dark, Alvin
De Vicenzo, Roberto
Dean, Dizzy
Deane, Bill
Democratic National Convention
Denver Bears
celebration of 1968 World Series win
curfew in
newspaper strike
race riots
tension in, the year after the riots
Tiger Stadium
Tigers arrival from camp
touring the city
World Series decor
Detroit Free Press
Detroit Tigers
American League pennant
Angels vs
Athletics vs
and Brock’s bad habits
and Cardinals’ habits
Indians vs
Lakeland, Florida, training camp
Orioles vs
“Plane in a Pool” stunt
Red Sox vs
team spirit
White Sox vs
Yankees vs
Dierker, Larry
Dietz, Dick
Dobson, Chuck
Dobson, Pat
Drysdale, Don
Kennedy on
pat downs to check for illegal substances
on pitchers
scoreless streak
Eckert, William “Spike”
on baseball’s popularity
and Kennedy assassination
and McLain’s home run to Mantle
and rain during Game Four
splitting leagues into divisions
and steroid abuse
Edwards, Harry
Edwards, Johnny
Ehmke, Howard
El Birdos (Feldman)
El Birdos ritual
Ewbank, Weeb
Fairey, Jim
Fairly, Ron
Fall Classic. See World Series
Fans. See Sports fans
Feldmann, Doug
Feliciano, Jose
Final Season, The (Stanton)
Finley, Charles
Flood, Curt
biographical info
Sports Illustrated cover
in World Series
World Series batting
World Series fielding
Florida Marlins
at Busch II in St. Louis
and condition of baseball field
growing popularity
popularity of
racial diversity in
Super Bowl
See also American Football League
Franks, Herman
Free agent status
Freehan, Bill
on Astrodome
biographical info
and Brock
on Detroit newspaper strike
and Hayden
hit by pitches
and McLain
rifle in locker room
on Tiant
in World Series
World Series batting
World Series catching
Frick, Ford
Gabrielson, Len
Gagliano, Phil
Gibson, Josh
Gibson, Pack Robert “Bob”
on baseball rule changes
biographical info
on Brock’s character
Cardinals’ reaction to availability of
and Cardinals/Reds brawl
Carlton on
on Cepeda trade to Atlanta
and Flood
focus of
Horton’s autograph quest
on Howard’s hitting
importance of
on intimidation
Kaline on
on McLain’s gift to Mantle
and MLK, Jr
on Olympic boycott
on race and perception
scoreless streak
Smith on
World Series batting
World Series pitching
Goodman, Julian
Gorman, Tom
Gowdy, Curt
Granger, Wayne
Green Bay Packers
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Green, Jerry
Haller, Tom
Harlem Globetrotters
Harrelson, Ken “Hawk,”
Harvey, Doug
Harwell, Ernie
biographical info
and Feliciano’s National Anthem
on Kaline as World Series starter
on McLain
Havlicek, John
Hawaii Five-0 (TV series)
Hayden, Tom
Hefner, Hugh
Heidi (movie) and AFL game
Herzog, Whitey
Hesitation pitch
“Hey Hank” (Briles)
Hiatt, Jack
Hickok Belt
Hiller, John “Ratso,”
Hillman, James
Hitter challenges in “Year of the Pitcher,”
Hoerner, Joe
Hoffer, Richard
Honochick, Jim
Horton, Willie “the Wonder”
on All-Star teams
biographical info
and Brock’s base stealing
and Brown
and Detroit
and Detroit race riots
on early years of baseball
on Gibson
and Gibson’s autograph
homes on the road
on indoor lighting
on Tigers team spirit
World Series batting
World Series fielding, Brock out
in World Series, on sideline
Houston Astros
Howard, Frank “The Capital Punisher,”
Howsam, Bob
Hughes, Dick
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, Lamar
Hunter, Billy
Hunter, Jim “Catfish,”<
br />
I Told You I Wasn’t Perfect (McLain)
Ice Bowl (NFL)
Indoor lighting
Jackson, Reggie
Jaster, Larry
Javier, Julian
Jewel of the Sports World (Pitoniak)
Jipcho, Ben
John, Tommy
Johnson, Alex
Kaline, Al
biographical info
on Gibson
as pinch hitter
on Tiant’s pitching style
on Tigers team spirit
World Series batting
World Series fielding
and World Series lineup
Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City Royals
Keino, Kip
Kennedy, Robert
assassination of
baseball commissioner’s “day of mourning,”
baseball players’ mourning
and Gibson
Humphrey as successor
on MLK’s assassination
Kenyan runners in Mexico City Olympics
Killebrew, Harmon
Kiner, Ralph
King, Rev. Martin Luther, Jr. “MLK”
assassination of
and Gibson
Kennedy on assassination of
in Memphis
and sports
Kinnamon, Bill
Knoop, Bobby
Konstanty, Jim
Koosman, Jerry
Koppett, Leonard
Kosloff, Irving
Koufax, Sandy
Kurlansky, Mark
Kyles, Rev. Samuel “Billy”
on MLK and Gibson
on MLK’s assassination
on MLK’s last speech
Lakeland, Florida
Lamonica, Daryle
Lanier, Hal
Lasher, Fred
Lee, Bob “Man Mountain,”
Lemon, Jim
Life magazine
Lolich, Mickey
biographical info
and Brock stealing base
on Detroit fans’ violence
on Hickok Belt winner
hit in face with baseball
home run in World Series
on Howard
McAuliffe on
and McLain
as MVP for World Series
National Guard service
pitching problems
on Tigers’ wins preventing riots
in World Series, Game Two
in World Series, Game Five
in World Series, Game Seven
Lombardi, Vince
Lonborg, Jon
Los Angeles Dodgers
Los Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles Times
Lost Son of Havana, The (movie)
MacCambridge, Michael
Madden, John
Mankiewicz, Frank
Mantle, Mickey
Maraniss, David
Marichal, Juan
Maris, Roger
biographical info
and McLain
in World Series
Matchick, Tom
Mathews, Eddie