Silver Wings

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Silver Wings Page 20

by H. P. Munro

  “I think I can arrange a tour for a small fee,” Lily replied in a flirty tone.

  Matty's eyes lit up, “Can I tag along? I'd love to see inside the bomber.”

  Both Helen and Lily tried not to let their disappointment show.

  Adrienne gave out a small groan, “I was hoping you could take me up for a quick spin in one of the pursuit planes first thing, Matty. Then I could show you the bomber afterwards?”

  “Sure. We can do that,” Matty said, sipping her coffee.

  Lily shot Adrienne a quick grateful glance, receiving a wink in reply.


  They walked so close that their arms brushed against each other, every now and again Helen would flex her fingers subtly allowing them to intertwine briefly with Lily's.

  “Adrienne knows about us,” Lily announced as they approached the bomber. She turned to look at Helen whose eyes were obscured by her aviator sunglasses.

  “How?” Helen asked surprised.

  Lily smiled at her girlfriend, her blonde locks were being tossed around her face. Her loose fitting white shirt billowed against her skin as the wind made it look like the material was breathing, “She says the way you greeted me plus the fact that I haven't slept in the room with her since we arrived may have confirmed what she already suspected.”

  Helen nodded thoughtfully, “What did she say?”

  Sighing Lily dug her hands into the pockets of her flight jacket, “You want the long or the abridged version?”

  “Gimme the highlights,” Helen smiled, sensing a reluctance in Lily.

  “That the World isn't ready for us, that our country can't even decide to make us military and that we will have to hide our relationship and we should think about our future because if we're together it will be tough. I think that covers the gist.”

  Helen stopped and pulled on the arm of Lily's jacket, the leather squeaking at her touch, she took a deep breath, “The World, the World may never be ready for us Liliana, but what is important is that we are ready for us. Things around us will change. People grow, society evolves and while they haven't decided to make us military, did you think three years, two years or even this time last year, that you would be flying one of those?” she pointed across to the large silver bomber sitting in the stand the morning sun reflecting off its body. “We may not be able to be affectionate in public, but, what we do in private more than makes up for me holding your hand at a movie.” Helen took a deep breath, “I know that it has been tough for Adrienne and Ben, but ask her about the times they are together and watch her face. Ask her whether she would rather live in a world with him or without him, because for all its faults this World and my World is perfect, provided that I share it with you.”

  Lily allowed her head to drop to the side and smiled broadly with soft brown eyes, “You Miss Richmond, know how to turn a girl to Jell-O.”

  “I try. Now show me your plane. I bet the wobble pump is huge on it,” she grinned, looking at Lily's chest suggestively her dimples making her appear even more mischievous.

  Helen climbed into the plane through the hatch under the wing. She was about to head off to the cockpit when Lily grabbed her hand spinning her round, she felt Lily tug her gently and soft lips press urgently against hers. The warmth of Lily's tongue parted her lips as hands worked the button and zip on her pants. She pulled away a look of shock on her face. “What are you doing?” she gasped, her cheeks flushed with arousal.

  “Making up for not holding your hand in a movie,” Lily growled against her lips.

  Helen let out a small snigger that turned to a moan as Lily's fingers worked their way between her skin and the material of her underwear. Her knees buckled slightly as fingertips grazed against her. Rolling her eyes back into her head Helen leaned backwards until her back thudded against the thick soft insulation that lined the fuselage. Lily moved her lips down Helen's neck pressing against the sensitive spot behind her earlobe, she wound her arm around Helen's waist holding her in place as her fingers continued to stroke. The blonde gripped Lily's shoulders for support as she raised herself onto her tiptoes, her hips bucking as the rhythm of Lily's caresses increased until finally the muscles in her legs weakened and trembled as she peaked. Slowly she lowered herself back onto her heels and gulped in a lung full of air.

  “So much better than holding hands at a movie,” she grinned, taking Lily's face into her hands and peppering her with soft kisses.

  They were sitting in the bomber’s cockpit, Helen half listened as Lily took her through the instruments.


  Lily stopped mid-sentence her hand pointing towards one of the dials on the dashboard to look at Helen.

  “I will understand if you don't want us because you no longer love me, it will devastate me, but in time I would be okay. I would never be okay if we don't give us a try because of fear of others reactions.” She reached over taking Lily's hand in her own, “We have an obligation to leave this world a better place than we found it and if all we do is make one person see past intolerance and ignorance, then we will have done something worthwhile. I love you and you love me,

  everything else we'll figure out as we go.”

  Lily smiled and took Helen's fingers to her lips, “There you go with the Jell-O again.”

  “Well look what it got me last time; you can't blame a gal for trying,” Helen smiled, cocking her head to the side.


  Standing on the flight line Helen watched as the silver bomber prepared for take-off, the large plane sped along the runway before slowly starting to lift off and up into a climb. Thankful that her aviators were covering her tear-filled eyes. Helen chewed on her bottom lip as Lily flew into the distance.


  Lily threw her duffle bag onto the bed that was tonight's sleeping place. Adrienne lay down and immediately started her ritual of comparing it to other beds from their trips.

  “Does Ben make you happy?” Lily asked loosening the toggle on her bag and deliberately avoiding Adrienne's gaze.

  “I see my comments have got you thinking,” Adrienne smiled affectionately. “Why don't you ask me the question you really want to know?”

  “Do you regret being with him?”

  Adrienne sat up and looked steadily into Lily's eyes, “Not for one minute.” She let her words sink in then slapped her thighs and stood up. “Do you suppose we can get something to eat here that isn't grits?” she asked, pausing by the door waiting on Lily to join her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  August 1944 – Las Vegas Army Air Field, Las Vegas, Nevada

  Stopping the steady rhythm that she'd built up with the boot brush on her shoes, Lily pushed her cap back on her head; using the back of her hand she wiped sweat from her forehead. She had been grateful that for the largest part of the summer she had been travelling with Adrienne in the B-26 around bases and not subjected to the Las Vegas heat. However, it was now the end of August and she'd been back on base for a week and it felt like her lungs were burning; she was used to heat having grown up in Florida, but that was a humid heat. In the Nevada Desert, it felt like the heat seared her insides every time she inhaled.

  Her mind played over the conversations she had had with Adrienne and Helen while in Dodge, her mind had started to divert towards the future, following the news in June that the bill to make WASP part of the military had been overturned in Washington and the recent events in Europe where Paris had been liberated. They didn't know what the future held in terms of being a WASP or how long the war would continue. The one thing that Lily was becoming more and more adamant about was that she wanted to be with Helen. Any doubt she may have had regarding that fact, had been confirmed by how she felt as she and Adrienne had taken off from Dodge. She pulled her cap back down, dipped the bristles of her brush into the tin, and worked the polish into the leather.

  “Rita, do you ever think about what you're going to do?” she concentrated on the circular motions of the brush. “You know after
all this is over,” she looked up at the blonde woman.

  Pushing her sunglasses up onto her forehead, Rita thought about the query, “I suppose, get married and have kids,” she shrugged. “That's what everyone expects.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is,” Lily gave her a small smile then resumed polishing her shoe.


  December 1944

  Marjorie quietly pulled clothes on top of her pajamas; she slipped her feet into her shoes, picked up her flashlight and headed out into the darkness. Walking towards the deserted flight line she was careful not to make any noise to alert anyone to her activities. Across the country, the women of Bay Four were making similar journeys.

  Adrienne dressed in several layers before heading out into the cold night; she was on leave and staying on her parent's estate in Martha's Vineyard. As a last minute thought, she dragged the comforter from the bed and swaddled it around her shoulders. Clutching it closed with one hand, she struggled not to trip on the material as she walked out to the center of the gardens, allowing the large flashlight in her free hand to lead her way.

  Lily padded silently across the bay.

  “Where are you going?” a sleepy voice asked.

  Turning Lily put her finger to her lips, “Sshhh, there's something I need to do Rita. Cover for me.”

  Rita nodded sleepily before dropping her head back down and resuming her sleep. Lily took a relieved breath, squeezed out of the bay’s door and headed towards the flight line.

  Lucy yawned widely and shook herself to try to wake herself up; the action did not appear to have any effect as she continued to yawn the entire way to the flight line.

  Helen checked her watch; she gave a small nod to herself before lifting the flashlight she had in her hand and, pointing the light into the night's sky, started to flick the switch in a sequence that she had rehearsed throughout the day; her fingers struggling with the button through her thick gloves warding off the Kansas cold.

  At exactly the same time, the other Bay Four women in their own locations were mirroring that same signal, this their agreed tribute to mark the anniversary of Adele's death. Each sent the message into the night's sky that they had repeated over her coffin that day in the funeral home.

  Chapter Fifteen

  19th December 1944

  The winter evening sun was starting to set in the distance as Helen neared their destination.

  “Tower, this is Army 344780. Permission to land?” the radio cackled while she waited for a response.

  “Army 347780, this is tower. Can you confirm the highest rank on board?”

  Helen turned to Stewie the engineer accompanying her on the trip to pick up a part for a bomber. Stewie shrugged in reply.

  Being a WASP Helen had no rank; she quickly checked the engineer's rank insignia and called back to the tower, “Army 347780. Corporal. Over.”

  “Can you repeat?”

  Frowning Helen repeated the message into the radio.

  “Permission granted. Proceed to landing. Over.”

  Helen set the plane down and taxied to the position that the tower directed her to. She completed her flight checks quickly and shut the engines down. She and Stewie jumped out of the small UC-78 utility plane onto the tarmac.

  Helen turned to close the door and looked quizzically at Stewie at the sound of approaching sirens. They were walking away from the plane towards the base when cars and Jeeps screeched to a halt around them halting their progress.

  “Put your hands on your heads,” a voice yelled from behind an open door of a Jeep.

  Helen and Stewie exchanged worried glances before slowly raising their hands up complying with the order as far as their winter flying gear would allow.

  “Is there a problem?” Stewie asked, his eyes scanning the number of guns currently trained on him and the small WASP pilot to his right.

  “We have reason to believe that you are flying a stolen plane,” the disembodied voice informed them as hands grabbed them from behind; their hands were roughly dragged from their heads and handcuffed behind their back.

  The military policemen that cuffed Helen shouted over her head to the officer in charge. “This one’s female, Sir.”

  “You sure?”

  Helen gritted her teeth, her jaw tensing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “If he's not sure, I sure as hell am,” she shouted in the direction of the query.

  Two hours later after repeated questioning the military police weren't getting anywhere, both detainees were consistent with their stories. They had thrown Helen and Stewie into separate cells to wait while they called the Dodge base to check out their story. Helen folded up her heavy leather jacket into a makeshift pillow, lay down on the small bed, and waited for them to come back. Automatically, when not thinking about flying, Helen's mind would settle on her other favorite thing in life... Liliana.

  Her lips curled into a smile as her mind conjured up an image of her lover. She hoped that their conversation during the summer had done enough to convince Lily that they had a future together, unable to discuss it openly it in their letters was proving frustrating, and with more and more victories announced on the radio, it started to feel like the war was going to be ending sooner rather than later. Greece, and Albania, had been reclaimed during the previous two months and Helen wondered whether their future may be closer than either she or Lily were prepared for. Her thoughts drifted to their impeding leave over Christmas, which she hoped would allow them to spend time to discuss what their future together would look like.

  The door to the cell opened and a rather sheepish looking military policeman cleared his throat, “So we've spoken to Major Chiswell and it appeared that your story checks out. We're sorry and if it’s any consolation he’s just chewed our asses off for arresting you both.”

  Helen raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him, “Why on Earth did you think we'd stolen the plane?”

  “Corporal is a low rank to be the highest on a plane. Tower thought it was either stolen or hijacked,” the young officer shrugged inspecting the cell keys in great detail.

  Standing Helen swept up her flight jacket. “So can we get our part and go now?” she asked walking out of the cell into the hall where Stewie was waiting on her, a look of relief on his face.

  “Sure…we just need to complete some paperwork and you're both free to go. However, you may want to stay tonight and fly back tomorrow. There's a storm coming in.”

  Helen rolled her eyes and followed the man towards the office.


  “Home, sweet, home,” Stewie sang as Helen taxied the plane back into the base. “Never thought I'd be relieved to be back here.”

  Helen gave him a quick grin, “Me neither!” she switched off the engine and waved to Matty who was standing on the line waiting on her.

  “Well if it isn't Bonny and Clyde!” Matty shouted as Stewie and Helen walked back from the plane. “Rumor has it that Chiswell asked them to keep you Hollywood but after only one night they said you were too much trouble.”

  Helen stuck her tongue out at her friend and thrust her parachute into her arms, pushing the her friend back onto her heels.

  “Very funny Matty, tell me again about the rampaging cows that were out to get you?” Helen smirked referring to Matty's emergency landing of the previous month; where she had landed in a farmer's field, only to find it full of his dairy herd, which were rather inquisitive at the new addition to their grazing patch. Being a city girl Matty wasn't used to animals of this size and immediately took to her heels in panic, with the herd in tow, she had thrown herself over the fence and had landed at the farmer’s feet much to his amusement.

  “Funny, for a fugitive,” Matty muttered as she followed Helen into the ready room.

  “Gordon, Richmond the Major wants to see you both, his office ASAP,” Lewis' voice filled the room.

  Matty looked at Helen confused, “I get why he wants to see you, but what did I do?”


landed in Romulus Base; she had been excited when she had seen the entry on the flight roster for a delivery of an AT-11 Kansan to the Michigan Base and had swapped with Rita for the duty. A trip to Romulus meant she could catch up with Adrienne, even if it was for only an hour or two before she made the return journey in a Bobcat.

  Adrienne was waiting huddled in her winter flying gear for Lily to climb down from the plane, As she jumped down Lily noticed the look on her friend’s face.

  “Hey Red, what's up?” she asked hugging Adrienne tightly.

  Adrienne blinked back tears and held out a piece of paper, “It's over.”

  “What do you mean, it's over?” Lily asked confused taking the paper, she looked down and started to read the orders that Adrienne had passed her.

  Her eyes scanned the order. The words ‘No longer needed,’ and ‘Program to be inactivated immediately and all WASP be released immediately,’ leapt off the page at her. She looked back at Adrienne her mouth open in shock.

  “It's over,” she repeated, her tone full of resignation.

  Adrienne nodded dumbly, choking back tears.


  Helen and Matty walked back out of the major's office; trying desperately to mask the bubbling emotion of disbelief and disappointment that their service had ended. Lewis waved at them as they passed.

  “Hey you two, hurry up! We've got a full schedule of flights planned today.”

  Shaking her head, Helen yelled back, “You're going to have to get someone else, we've been deactivated.”

  “What?” Lewis shouted. “Who the hell is going to fly these planes?” he asked gesturing around him.

  “Not our problem,” Matty managed to get out, her hand immediately going to her mouth to cover her trembling lip. “We're demobbed,” she squeaked.

  Helen put a comforting arm around her shoulder, “You'll have to get one of your pilots to take them up.”

  Looking around him at the empty hangar Lewis held his hands up, “Can you see them? ‘Cause I sure as hell can't.” He thumped his hands back down against his thighs and stormed off to speak to the major.


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