Wish Upon a Party

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Wish Upon a Party Page 2

by Phoebe Bright

  Just then, Cassie had a great idea. “It’ll be easier to spot him if we fly,” she said.

  She took Alex’s hand and thought about the bird charm on her bracelet. Silver sparkles danced around them both . . . and their feet lifted off the ground. Whoosh! Together, they flew up over the trees.

  Suddenly, they heard a dramatic voice below them cry, “Abracadabra!”

  “I think we’ve found him,” Cassie said, nudging Alex.

  Looking down through the trees, she spotted Marcus standing on a stage. It was made of the wooden boxes that her parents used to collect juicy apples! He was using another crate as a table, with a shiny black box on top. Behind Marcus, an old sheet hung between two trees to create a backdrop. Poking out from under the sheet was a colorful bag full of magic props.

  “I don’t think we should interrupt him,” Cassie whispered. “It looks like he’s trying a really difficult trick.”

  Cassie concentrated on her bird charm again. The silver sparkles swirled around them as they dropped gently from the sky and landed behind a tree.

  As they watched, Marcus picked up a squishy apple from the ground and held it in the air.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, pretending he had an audience, “for my next trick, I will turn this apple into an orange!”

  With a flourish, he tapped the shiny black box three times and threw the apple into the air.


  Cassie held her breath. Would the trick work?

  Splat! The rotten apple came down on Marcus’s head. Though he did look funny covered in squishy apple, Cassie held back her laughter.

  “Oh, no,” Alex whispered. “His trick went wrong again.”

  Cassie knew she had to do something. She ran out from behind the tree, with Alex close behind.

  “What a cool stage, Marcus!” Cassie said.

  “It looks great,” Alex added.

  “Thanks.” Marcus grinned. “If only my magic act was great, too.” Just then, the side of the black box dropped open and an orange rolled out. “Oops!” he said. “That was supposed to happen earlier.”

  Cassie and Alex laughed.

  Marcus laughed, too, but then he sighed. “I can’t get any of my tricks right,” he said. “Lia’s going to be so disappointed. I wish I could make her birthday party special.”

  Cassie and Alex shared a secret glance. Marcus had made a wish, and it was up to Cassie to make sure it came true! On her wrist, the little flower charm twinkled in the sunlight.

  I need to find out what power this charm gives me, she thought. Then I can help! She knelt to pick up the orange and turned to Marcus.

  “You’ll make Lia’s birthday special. You just need some practice.”

  “Really?” Marcus asked.

  Cassie nodded. She looked over at Alex, who seemed to be frowning in concentration. “And we’ll help you, won’t we?”

  “Of course,” Alex replied. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. “In fact, I have an idea for a new trick! All we need are three cups big enough to hide a cupcake!” He held a cupcake out to Marcus.

  “But I don’t have any cups,” Marcus said. “Only magic tricks.”

  Both boys looked glumly at the bag of props.

  “I can go and find some in the B&B,” Cassie offered. “Be right back!”

  Cassie jogged up the hill to Starwatcher Towers and searched the kitchen cabinets. On one of the shelves she spotted two large mugs.

  These would be perfect, she thought. But I need three of them! If only an extra mug would appear.

  Without thinking, she gazed at the flower charm on her bracelet. The flower glittered . . . and then changed into a bunch of flowers! Silver sparkles swirled around the bracelet and over the kitchen counter. Poof! With a little burst of stars, a third mug appeared — out of thin air!

  “Wow!” Cassie breathed, remembering what Stella Starkeeper had said earlier. “So that’s what my flower charm does — it makes things appear. That’s the perfect kind of magic to help a magician!”

  Cassie ran back to the orchard. She could hear Alex saying something to Marcus.

  “Whatever you’re talking about sounds very scientific,” Cassie said, laying out the mugs next to the cupcake. They were exactly the right size!

  “I’m explaining the theory of probability to Marcus,” Alex said.

  “Isn’t that the theory you used to win Snap?” asked Cassie.

  “That’s right,” said Alex.

  Marcus scratched his head. “I don’t understand it.”

  “I think you’ll have to show us, Alex,” Cassie said.

  “Okay,” said Alex, nodding firmly. “I can show you with the cupcake trick.”

  Alex hid the cupcake under one of the mugs, turned the other two over, and slid them around on the table in figure eights.

  “Now guess which mug the cupcake is under,” he said.

  “The one on the right,” Cassie said.

  “No, the left,” Marcus cried.

  Alex lifted the two mugs — but the cupcake wasn’t under either of them!

  “Look!” he said, lifting the middle mug to reveal the cupcake.

  Cassie and Marcus clapped.

  “Most people will probably guess the left or the right,” Alex told Marcus. “There’s a two-thirds chance they won’t pick the middle mug. So you have to make sure the cupcake always ends up in the middle.”

  “Very clever,” said Cassie.

  Alex showed Marcus how to do the trick. “Now you try,” he said.

  While Marcus moved the mugs around, Cassie pulled Alex behind the curtain.

  “I figured out what my flower charm can do,” she said. “Watch this.”

  Cassie concentrated on her flower charm. It burst into a bunch of flowers, and sparkles swirled around her bracelet. Poof! A shiny green apple appeared in her hand.

  “That’s amazing!” said Alex. His mouth hung open.

  “Maybe I have to make something appear out of thin air to help Marcus,” Cassie suggested.

  “Maybe,” said Alex thoughtfully. “But what?”

  Just then, Marcus called, “I think I’ve got it!”

  Cassie and Alex ran to watch. Marcus moved the mugs so fast that they had no idea where the cupcake was when he stopped.

  “It’s under the mug on the left,” Cassie shouted.

  “No, it’s on the right,” Alex said.

  “You’re both wrong,” Marcus said triumphantly. With a flourish, he lifted the middle mug. But the cupcake wasn’t there.

  “Oops,” he said.

  “Try again,” said Cassie with a smile.

  Marcus tried the trick a few more times, but he just couldn’t get it right.

  “Oh, well,” he said, disappointed. Then he brightened. “Hey, when I do find the cupcake, I know a trick that will make it disappear completely.”

  Once again, Marcus moved the mugs around and around — and again he lost track of the cupcake. When he finally found it, he plucked the cherry off the top and ate the rest!

  “See?” he said. “It disappeared!”

  Cassie and Alex almost fell over laughing. Marcus grinned and stuck the cherry on the end of his nose, making them laugh even more.

  “Marcus, your tricks might go wrong, but you really know how to make people laugh,” Cassie said. “And that’s a special kind of magic.”

  Marcus frowned. “But I promised Lia that she’d get to see some real magic tricks,” he said gloomily.

  “Don’t give up,” Cassie said. “Lia will love your show. You’re a magician and a comedian, all in one!”

  “Besides,” Alex piped up, “I figured out a way for you to remember where the cupcake is.” He showed them a tiny chip on one of
the mug handles. “If you always place the cupcake under the chipped mug, you’ll know exactly where to find it.”

  Marcus tried the trick again with another cupcake under the chipped mug. It worked!

  Finally, they packed up the stage and the props, and headed back to Starwatcher Towers.

  “Well, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Marcus said. “It’s almost time for Lia’s party. I just hope I can remember my tricks with everyone watching.”

  Whatever happens, Cassie thought, I have to make Marcus’s wish come true. Lia’s going to have the best party ever!

  Her mom came downstairs and grabbed her car keys. “Your mom and dad are already at the party, helping set everything up,” she explained to Marcus. “I told them I’d drop you off.”

  Cassie, Alex, and Marcus piled into the car with Cassie’s mom. On his lap, Marcus held his bag of props — including a cupcake!

  Their first stop was the Fairy Cupcake Bakery, to pick up Lia’s birthday cake.

  “It’s beautiful!” Cassie told Kate’s mom when she saw the pink and white cake with the fairy castle and sparkly fairies on top.

  “Lia’s going to love it!” said Marcus.

  Cassie helped her mom place the large cake box in the back of the car for the drive to Flashley Manor Hotel. Cassie hoped it wouldn’t wobble around too much. She wanted it to be perfect for Marcus’s cousin!

  A few minutes later, Cassie’s mom dropped them off in front of the hotel. Cassie and Marcus carefully carried the cake up the sweeping steps to the large front door, with Alex behind them, ready to catch the cake if it fell.

  As they reached the top step, the door flew open and a girl wearing a sparkly leotard and leggings glared at them.

  Cassie’s heart skipped a beat. It was Donna Fox!

  “Who invited you?” asked Donna.

  “We brought Lia’s birthday cake for Mrs. Chen,” Cassie said, holding the cake box out in front of her.

  Cassie took a step back as Donna’s blue eyes narrowed. “And what are they doing here?” Donna asked, pointing to Alex and Marcus.

  “Helping,” Alex mumbled.

  “Marcus is Lia’s cousin,” Cassie added. “Otherwise known as The Great Fandango. He’s going to do a magic show for Lia’s party.”

  “The Great Fandango, huh? We’ll see if you’re so great,” Donna snapped. “Just remember, this is the great Flashley Manor Hotel, and it belongs to my parents.” With a flick of her ponytail she turned and marched ahead of them. “The party’s back there,” she said, pointing through a white and gold door.

  “Thank you,” Cassie said politely, but Donna was gone.

  Carefully, Cassie, Marcus, and Alex carried the cake down the thickly carpeted hallway. It led to a grand room with velvet-covered furniture and twinkling chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. But the party was supposed to be in the garden!

  “Donna sent us the wrong way,” Cassie realized with a sigh. Donna Fox was so awful sometimes!

  At last, they found the shiny glass doors that led out to the garden. Cassie’s heart lifted when she saw a sparkly banner strung across the trees that read, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIA! in big letters. Lots of kids were playing on the lawn and there were brightly colored balloons everywhere.

  Cassie and Marcus placed the cake on a table next to a platform with a red curtain across it.

  “Look, Marcus,” Alex said. “This must be the stage for your magic show.”

  Marcus’s mouth dropped open. “I really hope I don’t get my tricks wrong in front of everyone,” he said. He waved to his mom and dad, who were talking to some of the other parents.

  Just then, Mrs. Chen came hurrying over. “Hi, Marcus! It’s so nice to see you.” She kissed his cheek. “And, Cassie, thank you so much for bringing the cake.”

  Cassie and Alex smiled. It was turning into a great day!

  I’m sure I can grant Marcus’s wish now, Cassie thought.

  Marcus carefully placed the cupcake and the mugs for his trick on the table, next to the cake box.

  “Could you bring these props onto the stage when I do the cupcake trick?” he asked Cassie.

  “Of course,” she said.

  “Maaaaarcus!” squealed an excited voice.

  “Lia!” he cried, as a girl with long black braids ran across the lawn and threw herself into his arms. He grinned and spun her around.

  “It’s my birthday,” she said, her eyes sparkling. “I’m five!”

  “I know!” Marcus grinned. “Happy birthday.”

  “And Mom says you have a special birthday treat for me,” she whispered, pointing at the stage. “I’m so excited, I might burst!”

  Cassie, Alex, and Marcus laughed.

  At that moment, Mrs. Chen clapped her hands. “Could all the kids come and sit in front of the stage, please?” she called. “We have a special birthday treat for Lia — a magic show!”

  “Hooray!” Lia cried. “I can’t wait to see Marcus’s tricks!” She settled down in front of the stage with her friends.

  “Good luck,” Alex told Marcus.

  “You’ll be great,” Cassie added. “After all, you’re The Great Fandango.”

  Marcus grinned again and went behind the curtain to get ready.

  Cassie and Alex joined the other kids to watch the show. Cassie could feel butterflies

  fluttering in her stomach. She felt nervous for Marcus.

  If anything goes wrong, Cassie thought, I’ll find a way to help him. I have to make sure his wish comes true!

  “Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys,” announced Mrs. Chen, “please welcome The Great Fandango!”

  She pulled a cord and the red curtains swept open to reveal Marcus in his magician’s cape and hat. Everyone cheered — and Lia was the loudest of all! Marcus bowed.

  “For my first trick . . .” he began.

  But a screeching voice interrupted. “I want to do my acrobatic act!”

  Cassie looked around to see Donna Fox marching out of the hotel and toward the stage. Her parents were right behind her.

  “But, sweetie, they have an act already,” Donna’s father said.

  “You promised,” said Donna, her voice rising.

  “Yes, of course,” her mother agreed. “Mrs. Chen, would you mind letting Donna do her act first?”

  “Of course she doesn’t mind,” Donna said. “I’ll be amazing.”

  With that, she leaped onto the stage, doing cartwheels and somersaults. She didn’t pay any attention at all to Marcus, who scooted out of the way in surprise.

  Poor Marcus, thought Cassie. Donna is such a show-off! I have to stop her from ruining Lia’s birthday.

  Cassie stood up. But she was too late! Donna cartwheeled right into one of the poles that held up the stage curtain. It toppled sideways onto the cake table, dragging the curtain with it.

  Squish! The beautiful fairy-castle birthday cake was flattened — and so was Marcus’s cupcake.

  Lia burst into tears. Up on the stage, Donna took a bow. Cassie saw her give Marcus a smug little smile. His act was ruined.

  If only Donna had been splattered with icing, Cassie thought angrily. Then she wouldn’t look so happy with herself!

  To Cassie’s amazement, her flower charm started to tingle, then burst into a bunch of flowers. As Donna skipped past the table, the squished birthday cake plopped onto the ground by her feet, sending up a spray of gooey icing. It covered Donna’s costume and face in sticky drips! She shrieked in horror.

  Oh, wow! Cassie thought.

  All of the kids burst out laughing, even Lia. Cassie couldn’t help thinking that Donna looked pretty funny covered in sticky icing. But then she saw Marcus in his magician’s cape and hat, looking sad.

  This is terrible, Cassie thought
. How am I going to help Marcus now?

  Furious, Donna pushed her way past Marcus and stomped into the hotel, with her parents close behind. Cassie walked over to Marcus, who was holding Lia’s hand.

  “I can’t do my magic show,” he said, showing Cassie the squished cupcake. “Sorry that you can’t have your birthday surprise now, Lia.”

  “Thanks anyway, Marcus,” Lia said. “I’m just happy you came to my party.”

  Cassie thought about how brave Lia was trying to be, even though she was disappointed. Then Cassie looked over to where Mrs. Chen was clearing up the mess made by the ruined birthday cake — and she had an idea.

  Maybe I can make Marcus’s wish come true after all! she thought.

  “Marcus,” she said quietly, “you can still do your magic show.”

  “But how will I do the ending without the cupcake?” he whispered.

  Cassie looked around and spotted Alex helping set up the lucky dip game. He was pulling the last little gift out of a box covered in silvery paper. Under the table she saw the empty box from the Fairy Cupcake Bakery, and a striped box that had held the balloons and banner.

  “Just leave the ending to me,” she said brightly. “I promise it will work out!”

  Marcus still looked worried.

  Cassie straightened his black cape. “Remember, The Great Fandango never gives up,” she said gently.

  Cassie headed over to pick up the cake box and the striped box, then joined Alex.

  “Can I borrow this?” she asked, pointing to the silver box.

  “Of course,” Alex said, shrugging. “What are you going to do?”

  “A very special probability trick,” Cassie replied, winking.

  She and Marcus climbed up onto the stage. With some help from Mrs. Chen, they managed to hang the red curtain back on the pole.

  “Ready?” Cassie whispered to Marcus.

  He nodded.


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