Irresistible Knight

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Irresistible Knight Page 11

by Tierney O'Malley

  “I don't know what to say.”

  “Thank you would be nice.” Man, why couldn't he stop offering people help. He mentally counted his promises. Perm for Astrid, OISC Membership for Teta, and now his home for Taylor. It was surprising he didn't work as a social worker.

  “Thank you. I already owe you one and three dollars for my slippers. I'll repay the favor, Bors. Promise.”

  “I'll ask for the payment—later. We're almost there.” He took the Cayou Valley road. Ten minutes of misery and they'd be at his home.

  Simms said Taylor wasn't available for anyone, was guarded, and rode the limo wherever she went. He would bet his badge that Jean controlled her accounts, too. She was Jean's precious gem. But what kind? Mistress, masseuse, secretary, or another woman Jean kidnapped, but became emotionally involved?

  “What is your connection with Jean?” He sneezed the same time Fawn let out a loud bleat.

  “I'm not supposed to tell anyone?” Taylor twisted around. “Hey, Fawn. We're here. No worries.”

  Worry about me! I'm dying here, can't you see, I'm allergic to the damn fawn. “You are going to tell my dad, aren't you? Might as well tell me.”

  “Isn't it considered breaching of confidentiality when Judge Knight shares his work cases with you?”

  “He's my dad. But whatever we discuss at home stays at home, Taylor.” Since she had already told him her trust with men in uniform was nonexistent, Bors did not to divulge what he did for a living. Perhaps if he kept his real job from her for now, it wouldn't hurt. Yeah. It would be wise not to tell her he worked for the FBI. Later, if necessary, he'd tell her the truth. “I want in on your case because I'm a servant to anyone in need of help.”

  Taylor's expression changed from surprise to a critical squint. “What's that supposed to mean? You're not a priest, are you?”

  “Hell, no.” He turned right to Quarry Lane. This dark, people from out of town would not find this place at night, but he knew the area inside and out. He flipped down his high beam when an oncoming car appeared.

  “So what kind of a servant are you? What do you do?”

  He turned the high beam back on again and tried to keep his attention on the road. “I trap vermin.” There. That was close to the truth.

  “So that explains why you were dirty and smelled ... funny. What do you do after you catch them?”

  “Shoot them if necessary. Incarcerate them, punish them for their sins.”

  “You're talking about various small animals, or insects that are pests like cockroaches or rats, right?”

  Jean, rats, what's the difference. “Yeah.”

  “What a dirty job. Like the police's or Jean's.”

  “My job may be considered dirty, but no fucking way that I'm like Jean.”

  “I didn't say you're like Jean. All I'm saying is that the FBI, politicians, lawyers, they are all tangled in the same ugly, dirty business. They all have dirty hands. I'm just making comparisons.”

  “There is a big difference between Jean and me, my dad and others. Big difference. Insult me, and the others all you want. But not my father, Taylor.”

  With the bright full moon, he saw Taylor's face pale before she looked down and fell silent. Christ, he shouldn't have reacted to her comment like a grumpy old ... troll. She was just making a statement. And didn't she tell him her aversion to men in uniform? Damn, he scared her.

  “Sorry. I'm an ass.”

  “I lived my life meeting people like Jean, Bors. I didn't mean to make the comparison.”

  “I should apologize. I didn't give you the heebbegeebbies, did I?” He took a brief look at her.

  A sad frown flitted across her face. “No. I talk before I think. Sorry for the insult. It wasn't intentional.”

  “I'm not sure if this'll help, but listen. I've been working for the same agency for years. I know countless men who lost their lives protecting people ... catching vermin, ruined their marriages because they are so devoted to their job. Perhaps you know men in uniform that are dickheads, but not all are like them. Dad made enemies left and right because of whom he was. If you don't feel comfortable talking about Jean and your association with him, I'm fine with that. Just so you know though, I will find out.”

  “Why do you have to involve yourself in this?”

  Bors winked at Taylor. “Because, like you said, I like you.”

  “Yeah, right. What is there to like about me?”

  “What? What's wrong with liking you? You always rise to the occasion when I tease you. You're fun to be with, you brought home a fawn, and I've never met a woman who would leave her shoes in the parking lot and walk barefoot.”

  “So I'm odd.”

  “I'm just saying you're ... fascinating.”

  “Fascinating. Me?”

  “Yeah. You fascinate me like the...” Bors snapped his fingers fast, trying to think of whom he should compare Taylor to. “I know! The Yanomami of Amazon Rainforest.”

  “Oh, my God!” Taylor pinched his arm. “You're mean! I don't poke my face with sticks like them or walk naked with my boobs hanging like ripe papayas. And for your information, I don't usually walk barefoot. Now, why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You just gave me a horrible visual of a naked woman with her boobs like papayas. God, not sexy.”

  Taylor laughed. “Serves you right for comparing me to the Yanomami.”

  “Excuse me. You compared me to a troll, remember?

  “Yeah. But I have a pretty good reason to do so. You know, some men, including Gawain, ooze with sex appeal. You, on the other hand, ooze bossiness. Deny it all you want, but you are a bully, Bors Knight.”

  “I am.”

  “Don't be offended. I know you said your dad is trustworthy ... but I have to ask. Are you eager to know more about me and Jean because you are what you said you are—a vermin catcher, or because Judge Knight is after my father and you're curious to find out the reason why I ran away?”

  Bors stepped on the brakes. The truck fishtailed, but he had it under control in a hurry. Poor Fawn though, ended up on the floor of the truck. He thought he heard Taylor say my father. He lacked sleep, but his hearing was still sharp.

  “What's wrong with you? You scared poor Fawn.”

  “Forget about that thing. I want you to repeat what you just said.”

  “Which part?”

  “The father part.”

  “You heard me. Congressman Bruno Jean is my father. I am Teejay to my late mother. My real name is Taylor Monte Carlo Jean.”

  For a moment, he just stared at Taylor. Digesting chili peppers was easier than what she just revealed. A part of him rejoiced that she wasn't Jean's woman, but another part hated the fact that her father was the same man he wanted to bury alive.

  Bors rubbed his face with his hands. Damn it. Thoughts that she was Jean's woman served as a barrier, a hurdle to stop his attraction for her. Now, the hurdle, like dust blown in the wind, disappeared with her admission.

  Taylor was the one he'd been looking for. Someone who would come forward and expose Jean's dirty laundry. As Jean's daughter, she knew more about Jean than anyone in the world. With Taylor, he was a step closer to trapping the man he hated with passion. He should shout eureka. Finally, here was the answer to his wishes. But how come he didn't feel excited about it. Oh, he knew. Because he was fucking attracted to her. This is bad. So fucking bad.

  Okay, she was Jean's daughter. That fact should be enough to squash his quickly growing attraction. She shared the same blood with Jean. But for some insane reason, he felt like grinning like a stupid idiot. Why? Because now he knew Taylor didn't share her bed with Jean and she was no mistress. So what? What the hell was wrong with him? I'm fucked up.

  He looked at Taylor, who was staring at him with a brow arched high. Good God! This goddess came from Jean's loins? How could Jean be her father? The man was an animal. A fuck-ugly man, inside and out.

  “Wow. Powerful Congressman Bruno Jean's daughter is in my truck


  “I don't believe you.” He started driving again.


  “You're too damn beautiful to be Jean's daughter.”

  “I should feel complimented, but the way you said that I'm beautiful, it sounds like it's a sin.”

  Yes it is. The damn woman had no idea what kind of sinful thoughts he'd been having from the moment he laid eyes on her. Right now, she looked like sweet candy sitting in his truck with her arms across her chest glaring at him. Bors decided to focus his mind on a safer topic. “I never heard anything about Jean having a wife, more so a daughter.”

  “It's because neither one of us exist. Jean made sure of it.”


  “Because I'm illegitimate. Bad for his candidacy, his reputation as a helpful God-fearing congressman.”

  Reputation? “You know your father has a bad reputation. You said it yourself.”

  “I know. That's why I want to talk to Judge Knight. To help me figure out how to save my dad.”

  Bors nearly choked on his own spit. Fuckin’ eh. So she wanted to talk to Dad to help her save Jean? He just had a conversation with his dad about how to trap Jean. Now, here was Taylor who wanted to ask the opposite.

  This is not good. Not good.

  “Maybe he's not really your father.”

  “Do you realize that you just implied that my mother is a slut?”

  “I apologize. It's just I'm having a hard time believing that Jean's blood runs in your veins.”

  “Believe it. He is my father. The only one.”

  “So you look like your mother. If you tell me she's Miss Universe, I'll believe you. We're here.” He parked the truck and reached for the garage door opener he hid in the glove box. Fawn would have to wait in the garage until the PAWS rep arrived.

  Taylor shrugged. “No. But she was Miss Italy. Trisha Monte Carlo.”

  “Isn't she looking for you right now?”

  “I wish. But no. She died when I was fifteen.”

  “I'm sorry, baby.”

  “Me, too.”

  When he met her eyes, he saw pain flicker there. He could not imagine losing his mother at a young age or at any age. Bors leaned closer to Taylor, cupped her cheek with one hand, then kissed the spot in between her eyebrows. He realized what he'd done, but it was too late.

  This woman is a danger to my sanity.

  * * * *

  She couldn't understand his actions after telling him about her mother. She supposed kissing her was his way of expressing his condolences. Well, whatever made him do it, she didn't know. All she knew was that he warmed her heart.

  “Are we going to put Fawn in the garage?”

  “We don't have to. I see headlights behind us. Must be the PAWS rep. We'll wait here.”

  Sure enough, a man in a van arrived and pulled beside Bors's truck. While Bors talked to the man, she stood beside the truck. Her eagerness to see inside Bors's home bubbled under the surface like a boiling pot of soup. The way he described it made her think about the house on the prairie.

  It was dark and late. From where she stood, she couldn't really see the whole house and the surroundings, but she could feel the cold air and hear the sound of night critters. God, she missed her bed. She yawned.

  “Hey, sleepy. Fawn's gone.”

  “I didn't get to say goodbye.”

  “We'll see him again. Ready to come in?”

  “Yes.” Her sleepiness went away as soon as Bors opened the front door and turned on the lights. Bors was right on when he said full round logs were used to construct the house, but he didn't say it was beautiful.

  Standing by the door, she could see the breathtaking view of dark glistening water and shadows of mountains through the expansive windows. A huge fireplace of native blue stone occupied one wall of the living room, and on the floor in front of it was the softest looking rug she'd even seen. The room held a romantic aura. It was amazing.

  “Wow. How come you don't live here?”

  “I work in Seattle. Commute is a bitch. So I bought a condo there.”

  “Homey. If someday I decided to buy a home, I want to feel like what I am feeling right now standing here.”

  “And how do you feel right now?”

  “I don't know how to say it really. It feels like, you know, when you've been walking for a long time and then you finally arrive at your destination. That's how it feels like. I could sit here all day and feel content. What a fantastic looking home.”

  “Thank you. You couldn't see it because it's dark, but this house is located at the end of the private road sitting atop a spectacular rock bluff. The circular drive in front is the only way a car can come in and out of this place. There is a medium-bank switchback trail to the beach below. I'll show it to you if you are interested tomorrow or whenever.”

  “Oh, I'm interested.”

  “Aside from the view, you know what I like about this place?”


  “No neighbors and no lawn mowing necessary. We are nestled in moss-covered glacial rock.”

  Taylor wondered if he realized he just said we. “I love it.” She ambled her way toward the glass window. “Even at night, the view holds one breathless.”

  “You should see the sunrise. There is nothing like it. Wanna see the whole house, or are you ready to call it a night. You look dead on your feet.” Bors moved the hair from her temple and tucked it behind her ear. “I think you should rest. You have bags under your eyes and I can see the beginning of your wrinkles. You look like my grandma.”

  Taylor punched him in the side. “Shut up!”

  Bors caught her hand and didn't let go. “You've had an exciting day today.”

  Taylor didn't resist when Bors laced their fingers together. “Yeah, I haven't had this kind of excitement since ... I don't know. Thank you for letting me stay here.”

  “I am lending it to you. Starting tonight, this house is yours.”

  “But you're staying here, too, right?”

  “Want me to?”

  “Yes. Please stay.”

  Bors nodded. “Master bedroom is through there. Two guest rooms are on the second floor. Both have private view balconies facing west, so you won't see the sunrise, but the sunset. You'll like it.”

  “Thank you. How about your bedroom? Is it facing east or west?”

  “West. As much as I love the sunrise, I hate for it to shine into my bedroom early in the morning.”

  “I wouldn't like that either. Are you sure about this? I mean, you're home for the weekend and you might want to entertain. I don't want to be a bother.”

  “Like I said, this house is yours for as long as you need it. I've never brought anyone here, Taylor. You're the first.”

  “Oh. Well, thank you,” she said, surprised. “I promise I won't break anything.”

  “And no throwing football in the house.”

  “Promise.” Laughing, she felt herself quickly drowning in the hot blue of his watchful smile. “You know, I didn't know Orcas is one of the islands of San Juan. I've seen the beauty of this place when Jean once took me flying and I've wanted to come here since then. But I never thought I'd find someone here who'd carry me across the street, pay for my slippers and offer his house to me. Thank you.” Standing on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his. It was chaste, almost like a childish kiss, but the effect was potent. Strong enough to render her speechless.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked the question as if she poked him with a stick.

  “Bors, it's just a kiss.”

  “No, baby. This is a kiss.” His lips came down on hers. Urging, caressing, forcing her lips open with his thrusting and insisting tongue.

  Taylor forgot everything. Jean, her lack of funds, why she was on the run. The sensuous probing of his tongue made her shiver and her knees weak. Taylor clutched at Bors shoulders, feeling heady and good as she felt herself entering the underworld of swirling heat and, by all God and holy lust.<
br />
  Bors's deep kiss turned demanding and devouring, stirring desire she never felt before. She'd been kissed and touched, but not like this. Bors's kiss made her want to rip his clothes off and touch his skin. But she wanted more. More of his taste, more of his kiss, more than this.

  Giving herself freely to the passion of his kiss, she leaned against him. Bors groaned and framed her face with his hands as he inhaled deeply. She loved it. When he moved his hand to run along the length of her arm, then down to the rise of her butt, any reservation about kissing a man she barely knew flew out of her head.

  With the heat radiating from Bors's hard, athletic body, Taylor could tell that she wasn't the only one affected by their kiss. Groaning, Bors gripped her butt tight and pulled her hard against his erection. In response, she spread her legs and cradled him.

  * * * *

  Jesus! He'd better slow down. But damn, she was so hot and willing and so responsive. One more kiss. Yeah, just a few more minutes of this cock-rising kiss, then he would stop. Still, his body dictated an altogether different decision. Truth be told, he didn't want to stop. Taylor was so beautiful, hot, sexy, and she made him burn. God, he wanted to feel her heat, bury his cock deep inside her until he touched her womb. He'd been thinking about it, wanting to do it since he met her at Tristan's clinic. Now, it seemed it would finally happen.

  He was hard, in pain, and ready to explode. The subtle scent of her shampoo, the little erotic sound she was making, her equally aggressive responses to his kiss, and the grinding of her hips filled him. Fuck, she was pushing him to the limit. He'd never had a woman that felt so right in his arms, so uninhibited as if her sensual side had never been tapped before.

  Bors thrust his hips, and Taylor groaned. So fucking good.

  From his face, she slowly moved her fingers up to comb his hair. When her fingers played with the hair on his nape gently, raw need hardened his body even more. Her fingers were light, but the sensual touch was as good as her hands touching his cock. Hell, she was pure pleasure bound in a delicious body.

  “Taylor, baby,” he breathed. “I want you. I want to feel you. Taste you. Please say you want this, too. I'm not going to force you if you say no.”


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