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by Richard N. Rosenfeld

  66 See TJMD, III, 142.

  67 JCPB, II, 148.

  68 AGA, May 8, June 18, Nov. 8, 1794, Jan. 15, 1795, BFBS, 118-119.

  69 WCPM, 17.

  70 WCPM, 68-69, BFBB, 282-283.

  71 PG, Mar. 4, 1797.

  72 BFWE, 269.

  73 BF published Poor Richard’s Almanacks from 1733 to 1758. See PRA.

  74 BFPP, 72.

  75 AGA, Oct. 2, 1790.

  76 BF to Deborah Read Franklin, London, Aug. 14, 1771, BFPL, XVIII, 204-205.

  77 BF to Jane Mecum, Jan. 13, 1772, BFPL, XIX, 29.

  78 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, Nov. 11, 1784, BFSM, IX, 278-279.

  79 EHFJ, 6, as translated by FNE, II, 80.

  80 BFB to Margaret Markoe, May 2, 1790, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3. See BFBS, 102.

  81 SJPF, 111-112.

  82 TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-446.

  83 James Monroe to Unidentified, Apr. 23, 1794, Simon Gratz Collection, Hist. Soc. of Penn., Case II, Box 16.

  84 E.g., AGA, Oct. 21, Dec. 29, 1795, Apr. 11, 12 & 16, 1796, Jan. 23, 1797.

  85 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, in A&R, 223.

  86 AGA, Jan. 2, 1793.

  87 AGA, Jan. 21, 1793.

  88 AGA, Feb. 16, 1793. See GUS, Feb. 23, 1793.

  89 AGA, Nov. 23, 1795.

  90 AGA, Sept. 11, 1795.

  91 AGA, Jan. 23, 26, Feb. 4, 1793.

  92 AGA, Dec. 7, 1792.

  93 AGA, Jan. 29, 1792. See also AGA, Nov. 23, 1795.

  94 AGA, Feb. 5, 18, 1793. See also AGA, Dec. 7, 1792.

  95 TJ to Edward Rutledge, Monticello, Nov. 30, 1795, TJWF, VIII, 199, 200.

  96 AGA, Aug. 22, 1795.

  97 AGA, Jan. 1, 13, 1796.

  98 AGA, Sept. 18, 1795. See AGA, Sept. 11, Oct. 16, Dec. 1, 1795.

  99 AGA, Nov. 2, Oct. 23, 27, 29, 30, 1795. See James Thomson Callender on same subject, JCHU, 247-248.

  100 AGA, Nov. 20, 1795.

  101 AGA, Nov. 18, 1795. See AGA, Oct. 16, Nov. 26, 1795.

  102 AGA, Oct. 21, 1795.

  103 AGA, Sept. 24, 1795.

  104 AGA, Dec. 29, 1795. See AGA, Dec. 21, 1796.

  105 Letters from George Washington to Several of His Friends, in June and July, 1776 … (Phil.: Repub’d at Federal Press [by BFB], 1795), 42. REDX 28,969. See AGA, Nov. 13, 1795.

  106 James D. Tagg, “BFB’s Attack on GW,” PMHB, C (Apr. 1976), 194. See EMAF, 516.

  107 GW to Gen’l Henry Lee, July 21, 1793, GWW, XXXIII, 23-24. See JABW, 53-55.

  108 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, July 18, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 143-144. See JABW, 53-55.

  109 GW to Benjamin Walker, Phil., Jan. 12, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 363-364.

  110 JA to Abigail Adams, Mar. 25, 1796, JAFW, II, 214, DMAF, 92. See JABW, 55-56.

  111 GW to Alexander Hamilton, Mt. Vernon, June 26, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 101, 103.

  112 Farewell Address (first draft), [May 15, 1796], GWW, XXXV, 51, 59. See BFBS, 145-146, AHWL, VIII, 203, JABW, 56-57. GWF, IV, 285 gives May 1 as date.

  113 GW to Sec. of Treas., Mt. Vernon, July 6, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 125-126.

  114 GW to Sec. of State Timothy Pickering, July 18, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 144-45.

  115 GW’s Farewell Address is dated the 17th but was first published in Claypoole’s American Daily Advertiser (Phil.) on Sept. 19, 1796.

  116 AGA, Mar. 6, 1797. See GWFS, VII, 439.

  117 GW to Jeremiah Wadsworth, Mar. 6, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 420-421.

  118 GUS, Mar. 7, 1797.

  119 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, A&R, 223. See JABW, 57.

  120 GW to Rev. William Gordon, Mt. Vernon, Oct. 15, 1797, GWW, XXXVI, 48, 50.

  121 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, Feb. 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 155-156. See CRIS, 47.

  122 TJMD, III, xxv, 332.

  123 JCUS.

  124 JCUS, 204-230. See JBZP, 162-163.

  125 GUS, July 8, 1797. See JCUS, viii.

  126 AHO. See TJMD, III, 328.

  127 TJ to John Taylor, Oct. 8, 1797, TJWL, XVIII, 201-202. See JBZP, 169.

  128 JCUS, 220.

  129 JCSH, 100.

  130 1757 ed., PRA, II, 338.

  131 TPLW, 8, See BFB’s approval of Paine’s opinion, AGA, Dec. 22, 1796, and article to same effect, Sept. 24, 1795.

  132 JA to Abigail Adams, Dec. 4, 1796, JAFW, II, 231, JA to Abigail Adams, Dec. 8, 1796, JAFW, II, 233-234.

  133 James Monroe, A View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, Connected with the Mission to the French Republic, During the Years 1794, 5, & 6 (Phil.: BFB, 1797), REDX 32,491. See TJMD, III, 337-339.

  134 AGA, Aug. 13, 1795 republished material sent with a June 23rd letter from Monroe to BFB, JMOW, II, 292-304.

  135 Timothy Pickering obtained a copy of AGA. Pickering to Ed. Carrington, Dec. 9, 1797, TPPM. The disclosure persuaded GW to recall James Monroe. GW to Sec. of State, July 8, 1796, GWW, XXXV, 127-128 & 128n, TPAD, 55-5, BBMM, 9-79.

  136 WDLW.

  137 WDKP, 4, WDCA, 8.

  138 WDKP, 5, WDGE. See AGA, May 18, 1799.

  139 AGA, Mar. 13, 14, 1797. See also GUS, Mar. 12, 1797, BFBT, 284. Reply by Webster in American Minerva (N.Y.), Mar. 17, 1797. See also SDOP, 531.

  140 See JAPW, xxvi, GWMK, 59. Historian Rupert Hughes held the same view. GWRH, III, 412.

  141 The Jumonville event is well described in GWRH, I, 114-157, II, 106 ff. See GLBE, VI, 31, R. A. Brock, ed., Dinwiddie Papers, 2 vols. (Richmond: Virginian Hist. Collections, 1883), I, 120, 121, 151, 170.

  142 PG, Apr. 10, 1798 reports Callender’s relief application to the overseer of the poor.

  143 JCHT, 29-37.

  144 JCHT, 43-51.

  145 See AGA, Aug. 11, 1802, BFBT, 402, PG, Apr. 24, 1798, GUS, Apr. 24, 1798, JCHT, 105, 107, 200.

  146 JCHT, 63.

  147 It is clear that TJ’s and Thomas Leiper’s relationships to Callender were as charitable as they were political. On TJ, see TJJC, 9, 11, TJMD, III, xxv-xxvi, 332, 469-470, TJ to Stevens T. Mason, Oct. 11, 1798, TJWL, X, 61-62, SDOP, 473, JAPS, II, 978. On Thomas Leiper, see Richmond Recorder (Richmond), May 26, Aug. 4, 25, 1802, TJ to Madison, Apr. 26, 1798, TJJC, 9, JCHT, 106.

  148 1752 ed., PRA, II, 150.

  149 RJMP, I, 264.

  150 On use of “Peggy,” see Mary Coxe to Margaret Hartman Markoe, Phil., Nov. 22, [1789], BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.

  151 1746 ed., PRA, I, 320.

  152 Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of the College of the University of Penn.: 1749-1893 (Phil.: Society of the Alumni, 1894), 26.

  153 BFBS, 90, BFBT, 72-74.

  154 See letters from BFB to Margaret H. Markoe, Apr. 20, June 5, 15, 21, 27, Aug. 17, 18, 23, 27, Sept. 8, 15, 19, 23, Oct. 3, 4, 1791, in BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.

  155 BFBT, 73-78.

  156 BFB to Le Veillard, Apr. 6, 1792, BF Papers, Pierpont Morgan Lib., N.Y., quoted in BFBT, 77.

  157 SDOP, 198, TJAH, 273. BFBP, 115.

  158 Elizabeth Hewson to Thomas Hewson, June 5, 1797, HP, quoted in BFBS, 147.

  159 1751 ed., PRA, II, 114.

  160 PG, Mar. 12, 1798.

  161 On Nov. 9, 1793 (just before Robespierre ordered his arrest), Médéric-Louis-Elie Moreau de St. Méry sailed from Le Havre with his wife and two children. DMSM, xv-xvi.

  162 DMSM, x.

  163 Frank Luther Mott says Volney’s Ruins of Empires was America’s only French best-seller during the eighteenth century. MFBS, 63, 305.

  164 PAPS, XXII, 168 (Moreau de St. Méry) & 246 (Volney).

  165 Democratic-Republicans generally viewed violence in the French Revolution as regrettable but necessary to end monarchy. On BFB’s and AGA’s views, see BFBT, 119, 312-313.

  166 1750 ed., PRA, II, 98. On the use of terms “Jacobin,” “Democrat,” and “Anti-Federalist,” see AGA, July 4, 1799.

  167 GW to David Stuart, Jan. 8, 1797, GWW, XXXV, 360. See WCPM, 74-75.

  168 On June 2, 1797, Congressman William L. Smith reported, “
Porcupine is a great favorite at court,” JABW, 91.

  169 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 13, 1798, AANL, 142-143.

  170 JDBM, 11-25.

  171 Notes, drafts, and fragments of Presidential messages and proclamations, JAPM, Reel 387. See DAQW, 68-69, 399.

  172 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 13, 1798, AANL, 142, 144. See JABW, 93.

  173 ANC, 5C, 1S, 430, DMAF, 135.

  174 DMAF, 135. See CRIS, 44, AGA, June 28, 1800.

  175 JCHT, 52.

  176 See adv. in AGA, June 14, 1798.

  177 MCA. Originally appeared as series of letters in New-England Magazine (July 1833-Dec. 1834), Vol. VI, 60, 93, 227, 306, 400, Vol. VII, 61, 145, 239, 320, 401, 481. See Edward Carlos Carter, The Political Activities of Mathew Carey, Nationalist, 1760-1814 (Ph.D. Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, 1962) (Univ. Microfilms Int’l, 1964).

  178 Dr. James Reynolds is not the man of the same name with whom (and with whose wife) Alexander Hamilton had improper connections.

  179 JCPB, I, 37.

  180 JCHT, 76-77.

  181 Dr. James Reynolds is identified as the author of pieces which appeared in the AGA on Jan. 24 (“South Front Street”), 26 (“Thomas Pickering”), 29 (“James Reynolds”), Feb. 5, 27, 1798, charging Sec. of State Timothy Pickering with receiving gratuities for the issuance of passports. Timothy Pickering to BFB, Jan 25, 1798 and Timothy Pickering to Rev. John Clark, Jan. 26, 1798 TPPM, XXXVII, 264-266, Rawle to Pickering, Feb. 27, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 48.

  182 See WDKP, 47, 52, ITHP, 390, BCAN, 924, 955, WDBM, 5.

  183 [Abigail Adams] to [BFB], Mar. 17, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.

  184 1739 ed., PRA, I, 160.

  185 AGA, June 30, July 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 15, 20, 24, 28, Aug. 2, 1791. The responses of “Brutus” appear in June 30, July 1, 2, 21, 24, 1791. See BFBT, 125, SDOP, 536, TJAH, 84-85.

  186 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796, SDOP, 536.

  187 AGA, Oct. 25, 1796.

  188 AGA, Nov. 11, 1796.

  189 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796.

  190 AGA, Oct. 18, 1796.

  191 AGA, Nov. 11, 1796. See JAWO, IV, 553.

  192 AGA, Nov. 16, 1796.

  193 AGA, Nov. 17, 1796.

  194 AGA, Nov. 4, 1796.

  195 1736 ed., PRA, I, 88.

  196 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1271-1272, TJMD, III, 370.

  197 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 386-388. See also TJ to James Monroe, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 388-389, and TJ to Edward Pendleton, Phil., Apr. 2, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 394-397.

  198 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Mar. 20, 1798, AANL, 146-147.

  199 GUS, Mar. 22, 1798.

  200 TJ to James Monroe, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 388-389. In letters of this date to Monroe and Madison, TJ was correct that the constitution required Congress to declare war but incorrect that it required more than a majority vote.

  201 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Mar. 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 386-388.

  202 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1285-1296.

  203 RJMP, I, 268-270. See BFBT, 344.

  204 “Petition from the Quakers of Philadelphia to Congress,” Mar. 23, 1798, Logan Papers (Hist. Soc. of Penn.) as cited in MRFC, 104.

  205 WD gives the full story of his expulsion from the House in AGA, July 29, 1800. See also AGA Mar. 24, 1798, PG, Nov. 3, 1798.

  206 The $800 figure is elsewhere in AGA, Mar. 24, 1798. WD identified as the author of this letter on the basis of Carey’s United States Recorder (Phil.), May 3, 1798, which states: “In the Aurora of the 24th Mar. last, two essays treated mr. Harper with freedom and justice. At the bottom of one of them, the writer, mr. William Duane, gave notice, that his name, though not published, was left with the printer.”

  207 Abigail Adams to William Smith, Phil., Mar. 24, 1798, Smith-Carter Papers (MHS).

  208 TJ to BFB, Apr. 22, 1791, TJPB, XX, 246. See BFBT, 101, 114.

  209 TJ to GW, Monticello, Sept. 9, 1792, TJPB, XXIV, 351, 356.

  210 TJ to James Madison, June 9, 1793, TJWF, VII, 373, 376. See JABW, 53, 57, GWF, IV, 46.

  211 Benjamin Rush to JA, June 4, 1812, A&R, 223. See JABW, 56-57.

  212 GW to Henry Lee, July 21, 1793, GWW, XXXIII, 23-24. GW then spelled BFB’s name phonetically. See JABW, 53, 56.

  213 JMOW, III, 106-115.

  214 ANC, 5C, 2S. 3717.

  215 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1319-1320, 1327-1328, 1333.

  216 PG, Mar. 31, 1798. See AGA, June 14, 1800.

  217 GLP, 46-47, 3-4.

  218 GLP, 98.

  219 GLP, 111-114.

  220 GLP, 142.

  221 GLP,147.

  222 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1336.

  223 AGW, 103.

  224 AGW, 103.

  225 WCPW, III, 253.

  226 AGW, 114.

  227 It was reported in the gazettes, e.g. AGA, Apr. 6, Dec. 9, 1797, PG, Apr. 6, 12, 13, 1797.

  228 AGA, Dec 9, 1797 (“Comm of Penn vs. C. Humphreys”).

  229 Sec. of State Pickering to M. Clement Humphreys, Phil., Mar. 29, 1798, ND, I, 47.

  230 Detail, plate #29, BRP. On identification of shipyard as Humphreys’, see S. Robert Teitelman, Birch’s Views of Philadelphia: A Reduced Facsimile of the City of Philadelphia—as It Appeared in the Year 1800 (Phil.: Univ. of Penn. Press, 1983), plate #29.

  231 AGA, Apr. 6, 1797. See also AGA, Dec. 9, 1797 (“Comm of Penn vs. C. Humphreys”). PG, Apr. 6 (“Measure for Measure”), 12 (“Clement Humphries”), 13, 1797, BFBS, 159-160, BFBT, 328, Edmund Kimball Alden, “BFB,” in DAB, I, 462-463, BFBW, pref., GUS, Aug. 9, 1798. See also Papers of Joshua Humphreys (Hist. Soc. of Penn.).

  232 1736 ed., PRA, I, 88.

  233 PG, Apr. 2, 1798, GUS, Apr. 3, 1798.

  234 1754 ed., PRA, II, 224.

  235 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1358-1359, 1364, 1366, AGW, 106.

  236 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., Mar. 31, 1798, AANL, 150.

  237 GUS, Apr. 4, 1798.

  238 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1367, 1370-1371.

  239 JMAW, VI, 311-314.

  240 NJUV, 55.

  241 NJUV, xix-xxv.

  242 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1374-1375.

  243 ANC, 5C, 2S, 536-537.

  244 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 7, 1798, AANL, 153-155. See JAPS, II, 958.

  245 On AGA’s revelation that Pickering’s office was taking bribes, see AGA, Jan. 24 (“South Front Street”), 26 (“Thomas Pickering”), 29 (“James Reynolds”), Feb. 5, 27, 1798, Timothy Pickering to BFB, Jan 25, 1798 and Timothy Pickering to Rev. John Clark, Jan. 26. TPPM, XXXVII, 264-266, Rawle to Pickering, Feb 27, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 48. Pickering wrote about the whole matter to GW, Jan 27, 1798, TPPM, and GW responded to the Sec. of State, on Feb. 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 155-157. See BFBT, 330.

  246 PG, Apr. 21, 1798.

  247 Timothy Pickering to Alexander Hamilton, Phil., Apr. 9, 1798, AHP, XXI, 408-409.

  248 See ANC, 5C, 2S, 3336-3360.

  249 JA to Alexander Hamilton, Apr. 5, 1798, W&A, II, 44-44.

  250 PG, Apr. 13, 1798.

  251 1733 ed., PRA, I, 7.

  252 NJUV, 56-58.

  253 1736 ed., PRA, I, 84.

  254 1733 ed., PRA, I, 7.

  255 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1402 ff.

  256 Dunwoody’s was at 285 High between 7th and 8th Streets. PDS, 49.

  257 AGA, Aug. 15, 1798.

  258 GUS, Apr. 13, 1798.

  259 PDS, 140.

  260 1751 ed., PRA, II, 124.

  261 Anas, TJWF, I, 345-346.

  262 PG, Apr. 14, 1798.

  263 GW to Sec. of State, Mt. Vernon, Apr. 16, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 248-249.

  264 GUS, Apr. 18, 1798.

  265 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 17, 1798, AANL, 155, 156, JAPS II, 961.

  266 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1427, FETT, 26, DMAF, 152.

  267 See BFFC, 79-80, AANL, 164 n.

  268 Anonymous to JA, Apr. 18, 1798, JAPM, Reel 388. See FETT, 26.

  269 1742 ed., PRA, II, 228.

  270 Distance indicated in BFBL, 67.

  271 NJUV, 60-62, 308.

  272 TJ to Madison, A
pr. 19, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 409-411.

  273 See GLM, 57-60, TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-447.

  274 GLM, 54.

  275 1754 ed., PRA, II, 228.

  276 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1484-1485, FETT, 155.

  277 1745 ed., PRA, I, 300.

  278 NJUV, 62.

  279 PAPS, XXII, 270.

  280 DMSM, 352.

  281 DMSM, 350-351.

  282 PAPS, XXII, 270.

  283 1747 ed., PRA, I, 352.

  284 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 21, 1798, AANL, 157, 159.

  285 GUS, Apr. 23, 1798. See AGA, May 3, Aug. 6, 1798. Cameron’s is in PDS, 32.

  286 AGA, Aug. 15, 1798.

  287 GUS, Apr. 23, 1798.

  288 PG, Apr. 25, 1798.

  289 1736 ed., PRA, I, 81.

  290 An account is in SWHP, I, 493.

  291 ANC, 5C, 2S, 548, See FETT, Chapt. IV, SDOP, 465, TJAH, 374-375, DMAF, 165.

  292 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1545, 1553, DMAF, 304.

  293 Probably it was Callender. Fenno claims in GUS, Apr. 27, 1798 that BFB and Callender attended. In AGA, Apr. 30, 1798, BFB denies he was there and claims that Callender was not then very active at the paper.

  294 DMSM, 345-347.

  295 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil. Apr. 26, 1798, AANL, 164-165.

  296 “Hail Columbia,” sung to the tune of the “President’s March,” served as America’s unofficial national anthem until 1931. See Joseph Hopkinson, Song adapted to the President’s March: sung at the theatre by Mr. Fox, at his benefit (Phil.: J. Ormrod, 1798), REDX 33,895, FETT, 8-9, JAPS, II, 962-963.

  297 GUS, Apr. 26, 1798.

  298 GUS, Apr. 26, 1798.

  299 1739 ed., PRA, I, 155.

  300 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., Apr. 26, 1798, AANL, 164-165. See Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., May 26, June 23, 1798, AANL, 179, 195-196.

  301 TJ to James Madison, Phil., Apr. 26, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 411-413. See FETT, 95, PMHB, LXXVII (1953), 3-23.

  302 AGA, June 14, 1800.

  303 Margaret Morris to Milcah Martha Moore, Montgomery, May 11, 1798, SJRH, 296. See BFBP, 103-104.

  304 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 27, 1798, Phil. AANL, 166.

  305 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3722, DAQW, 90.

  306 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3722.

  307 Anonymous to JA, JAPM, Reel 388. Your author has dated this letter ten days after the Apr. 18 letter on the basis of Abigail Adams’ statement: “Another Letter of the same purport was sent ten days after.” Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.

  308 1740 ed., PRA, I, 176.

  309 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Apr. 28, 1798, AANL, 167, FETT, 9, 191.


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