American Aurora

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American Aurora Page 134

by Richard N. Rosenfeld

  Peale, Charles Willson, portrait of Washington

  Peck, Jedidiah

  Pendleton, Edmund

  Penet, Pierre

  Penn, William


  American Revolution action

  anti-Alien and Sedition Acts movement

  anti-Federalist feeling

  Declaration of Rights

  dissent on bicameral legislature

  elections of 1799. See Pennsylvania gubernatorial contest

  elections of

  map of eastern counties

  presidential elector selection,

  significance in


  state government formation, (see also Constitution, Pennsylvania)

  tax revolt. See Fries’ Rebellion

  see also Philadelphia

  Pennsylvania Assembly

  Democratic-Republican control

  elector appointment

  Franklin as president

  Logan election to

  Paine as clerk

  physical attack on Logan

  Pennsylvania Committee of Safety

  Pennsylvania Gazette

  Pennsylvania gubernatorial contest (1799)

  Aurora endorsement of McKean

  Aurora on significance of

  and Cobbett move from Philadelphia

  Cobbett on significance of

  commentary on results

  Democratic-Republican strength

  Democratic-Republican triumphal song

  Federalist charges against McKean

  Federalist endorsement of Ross

  McKean’s induction

  national political significance


  Pennsylvania Packet (ship)

  Pennsylvania Senate

  dissent on Adams’ program

  elector appointment

  Federalist slim majority vs. power

  viability questioned

  Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery

  Penrose, Jonathan

  Perseverance (ship)

  Peter Porcupine. See Cobbett, William

  Peters, Richard

  Pettibone, Augustus

  Philadelphia (1776-1783)

  British occupation

  British withdrawal

  and French fleet

  and French minister

  French troop parade

  vulnerability to British

  see also Continental Congress

  Philadelphia (1798-1800)

  Aurora’s office site

  Democratic-Republican jubilee

  emigré population

  evacuation of

  federal government move from

  as federal government seat

  Federalist anti-French fervor

  Federalist charges of alien subversion

  Federalist newspapers

  Federalist “surveillance” of Republicans

  financial plight

  heat wave

  Independence Day parades

  Irish petition riot

  Jefferson inaugural


  petitions against merchant-ship arming

  petitions for Duane case reconsideration

  plan of

  population and size

  private militia. See Macpherson’s Blues; Republican Blues; Republican Greens

  unrest and violence

  Washington mourning ceremonies

  winter freeze and snow

  youth militia parades

  see also yellow fever epidemic

  Philadelphia (ship)

  Philadelphia Academy of Medicine

  Philadelphia Aurora. See Aurora General Advertiser

  Philadelphia Grenadiers. See Grenadiers

  Philadelphia Library

  Philosophical Hall

  Phoenix (ship)

  Pichon, Louis

  Pickering (ship)

  Pickering, Timothy

  and Alien and Sedition Acts

  and Bache possession of French packet

  on death of Bache

  dismissal as secretary of state

  financial irregularity charges against

  and Hamilton’s avowed monarchism

  and Logan messages from France

  and prosecution of Duane

  and war office fire

  on Washington’s character

  on Washington’s military inadequacies

  and XYZ affair

  Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth

  and anti-French war moves

  army rank

  and “British influence” letter

  as delegate to Federal Constitutional Convention

  as delegate to French Directory

  and Senate disputed presidential election bill

  and Senate resolutions on independence of press

  vice presidential candidacy

  Pinckney, Thomas

  Pittsfield Sun

  Pliarne, Emmanuel

  “Ploughshare.” See Fenno, John

  Plumer, William

  plural executive

  Polish immigrants

  political parties

  Adams’ view of

  see also Democratic-Republicans; Federalists

  Political Progress of Britain (Callender)

  Pompadour, Madame de

  Pontiac, Chief

  Poor Richard. See Franklin, Benjamin

  Poor Richard’s Almanacks

  Porcupine’s Gazette

  on Bache’s death

  on Christianity as part of law of land

  farewell issue

  front page, 24

  poem ridiculing Aurora

  sale of

  see also Cobbett, William

  Portsmouth (ship)

  Portsmouth [N.H.] Gazettes

  Prayer Day. See Fast and Prayer Day

  Presidency, U.S.

  Adams’ view of

  constitutional guards on

  election procedure, (see also Electoral College)

  first inaugural ceremonies

  Jefferson on term limits



  official house

  powers granted by Alien and Sedition Acts

  Sedition Act curbs on criticism of

  title debate

  veto power

  war powers

  Washington, D.C., as seat of

  see also Adams, John; congressional—presidential relations; executive power; Washington, George

  presidential election of

  presidential election of

  Adams and

  Aurora on significance of

  Democratic-Republican win

  election day

  elector selection

  Federalist efforts to contravene

  Federalist efforts to stifle press

  Federalist intraparty dissent

  Hamilton and

  Jefferson and

  Jefferson electoral votes

  key states

  New York electors

  Pennsylvania electoral division

  political impact of

  press on

  religious issues

  returns by states

  victory celebrations

  “President’s March” controversy, 91

  press freedom

  and Adams’ proposed government-owned newspaper

  assaults on editors and presses

  Aurora on Adams’ denunciation of

  Aurora on loss of

  as Aurora’s primary cause

  Bache championship

  Bache harassment as attempt to stifle

  constitutional guarantee

  as crucial to enlightened government

  Democratic-Republican press vigilance

  Democratic-Republican toasts to

  Federalist interference

  House of Representatives gag efforts

  Jefferson championship o

  landmark case (1964)

  opinions vs. facts issue

  Pennsylvania state constitutional guarantee

  Porcupine’s Gazette on

  presidential election of 1800 and

  publication of Senate proceedings and

  sedition bill as violation

  Senate privilege vs.

  see also seditious libel prosecutions

  Price, Richard

  Princeton, Battle of


  American authorization acts

  American-French incidents

  and arming of American merchant ships

  petitions/resolutions against

  British and French threats of

  Franco-American Treaty of 1778 on

  Franco-American Treaty of 1800 on

  Franklin-sponsored raids against British ships

  French declaration of war against

  Jay Treaty on

  law restraining U.S. trade with France

  as War of 1812 cause

  Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All Religions and Governments of Europe Carried On in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, Collected from Good Authorities (Robison)

  property ownership

  Adams on protection of

  British constitutional guarantees

  as monarchy

  as qualification for elective office

  as suffrage qualification

  property tax

  proportionate representation

  Prospect Before Us, (Callender)

  Prosser, Thomas

  Prosser slave rebellion

  provisional army. See army “Publicola” articles

  public trial, right to

  “Publius.” See Federalist, The

  Putnam, Israel


  Quartering Act of

  quartering prohibitions

  Federalist contravening of

  Quebec, Battle of

  Quebec Act of

  Quesnay, François

  Radcliff, Judge

  Randolph, Edmund

  “Rat Catcher.” See Duane, William

  Rawle, William

  Read, Jacob

  Reading (Pa.)

  federal army harassment incidents

  Gallatin’ travel through

  Reading Eagle

  Reed, Joseph

  Reign of Terror (France)

  Relf, Samuel

  religion. See atheism; Fast and Prayer Day; religious freedom; specific religions

  religious freedom

  Adams’ circumvention

  Alien Act and

  Aurora statement on

  Bill of Rights on

  Declaration of Independence on

  Federalist press against

  French decree

  as inherent right

  Jefferson’s statements on

  New England Congregationalist circumvention

  Pennsylvania state constitutional guarantee

  republicanism and

  Vermont statute

  see also Fast and Prayer Day

  Remarks Occasioned by the Late Conduct of Mr. Washington, President of the United States (Bache pamphlet)

  Renne, Joseph


  accountability and

  Adams’ view of

  as British colonial issue

  as confederation issue


  Franklin/Paine advocacy of equal

  French Constitution (1793) on equal

  proportionate advocacy

  see also elections; Electoral College

  Reprisal (ship)

  Republican Blues

  republican government

  Adams on meaning of

  Adams seen as repudiating

  Aurora defense of

  Aurora on meaning of

  Aurora on return of national belief in

  Aurora on trials of

  Federalist press attacks on

  Federalist press on delusions of

  France and

  Hamilton’s hostility to

  Jefferson administration vow to establish

  Jefferson on meaning of

  Jewish rights under

  long elective terms seen contravening

  Paine outline of

  presidential election of 1800 as crucial to

  Rush’s defense of

  Society for Political Enquiries supporting

  Webster (Noah) on

  Republican Greens

  Republican Society of St. Tammany. See Tammany Society

  Republicans. See Democratic-Republicans

  Revere, Paul

  revolutionary movements

  Adams on

  see also American Revolution; French Revolution; Irish Revolt

  Reynolds, James (securities speculator)

  Reynolds, Dr. James (“Jimmy”)

  Alien and Sedition Acts repeal petitions

  seditious riot trial

  suit against Fenno (John Ward)

  Reynolds, Maria

  Richmond Examiner

  Ridley, Matthew

  rights. See Bill of Rights; equal rights; human rights; specific rights

  Rights of Man (Paine)

  Ringgold, Samuel

  Riqueti, Honoré-Gabriel. See Mirabeau, Comte de

  “rising sun” quotation (Franklin)

  Robespierre, Maximilien de

  Robinson, Richard

  Robison, John

  Rochambeau, Comte de

  as American hero

  and American Revolution

  and French Revolution

  Rochefoucauld. See La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duc de

  Roderique Hortalez et Cie.

  Rodman, William

  Rodney, Caesar

  Roney, John

  Ross, James

  bill on disputed presidential election

  Federalist endorsement

  gubernatorial candidacy

  gubernatorial election loss

  as Senate president pro tempore

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Ruins of Empires (Volney)

  Rush, Benjamin

  Adams correspondence

  and Adams’ monarchist leanings

  bicameralism advocacy

  Jefferson correspondence

  republicanism declaration

  on Washington’s military deficits

  Rutgers, Henry

  Rutledge, Edward

  Ryan, Lewis

  “Sages of Old, The” (song)

  St. Mary’s Catholic Church

  St. Patrick’s Day celebrations

  St. Simon, Marquis de

  Sample, Randolph

  Sans Pareil (ship)

  Saratoga, Battle of

  Sarsfield, Count

  Sartine, Antoine

  Savannah, Battle of

  Schnyder, Jacob

  Schuyler, Philip

  Scollay, John

  Scottish immigrants

  search and seizure protection

  “season of terror” (1798)

  Sedgwick, Theodore

  sedition bill. See Alien and Sedition Acts

  seditious libel prosecutions

  Adams held responsible for damages done by

  Federalist benefits from

  first arrests under

  indictments/convictions, list of

  Jefferson nullifications

  opinion vs. facts as issue

  of private citizens

  sophistry of prosecution

  see also Adams, Abijah; Adams, Thomas; Bache, Benjamin Franklin; Baldwin, Luther; Brown, David; Burk, John Daly; Callender, Jimmy; Cooper, Thomas; Duane, William; Durrell, William; Frothingham, David; Haswell, Anthony; Holt, Charles; Lyon, Matthew; Peck, Jedidiah; Spooner, Judah P.

  seditious riot trial (Duane/United Irishmen)


  Adams on exclusivity of

  as c
heck on democratic innovation

  Hamilton on permanent

  as nonrepublican

  Paine vs. Adams on

  see also specific bodies

  Senate, U.S.


  alien and sedition bills

  breach of privilege case. See under Duane, William

  chambers described

  Committee of Privileges

  and death of Franklin, refusal to mourn

  and death of Washington, mourning for

  disputed presidential elections bill



  as exclusive/aristocratic body

  federalist majority

  France as enemy bill

  French treaties annulment

  judicial power assumption

  members’ qualifications

  members’ term of office

  on presidential title

  printing of proceedings contracts

  publication of proceedings as issue

  Sensible (ship)

  separation of powers. See checks and balances

  Serapis (ship)

  Settle (Bache farm)

  Sewall, Samuel

  Shaw, John

  Shaw, William

  antiforeigner sentiments

  aunt Abigail Adams letters to

  Shays, Daniel

  Shays’ Rebellion

  Shee, John

  Shelburne, William

  Shepherd, William

  Sherman, Roger

  shipping. See privateering

  Shnyder, John

  Short, William

  Silver Eagle cockade

  Simons, Moses

  single-chamber legislature. See unicameralism

  Sitgreaves, Samuel

  Sketches of the History of America (Callender)

  slave rebellion


  slave trade

  Slender, Robert

  Smith, Adam

  Smith, James

  Smith, Jonathan (banker)

  Smith, Jonathan (printer)

  Smith, Jonathan B. (judge)

  Smith, Joseph

  Smith, Richard

  Smith, Robert

  Smith, Samuel

  Smith, T. P.

  Smith, William

  Smith, William Stevens

  Society for Political Enquiries

  Society for the Abolition of Slavery

  Society of Cincinnati

  Society of United Irishmen. See United Irishmen

  Solomons, Moses S. (false name)

  Sons of Liberty

  Sophia (ship)

  Southwark Light Infantry

  Sparks, Jared

  speech freedom

  Bill of Rights guarantee

  in Great Britain

  Pennsylvania constitution guarantee

  sedition bill as violation

  toasts to

  see also seditious libel prosecutions

  Spooner, Judah P.

  Spotswood, Alexander

  Sprigg, Richard, Jr.

  Stamp Act of

  Stark, John

  State Department, U.S.. See Jefferson, Thomas; Pickering, Timothy

  Staten Island (N.Y.)

  states’ rights

  Alien and Sedition Acts as contravening

  Jefferson statement of

  Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

  Washington on problems with

  Stenton (Logan farm)


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