Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1 Page 1

by Roberts, Jaimie

  For my sister, Jules.

  I smile because you’re my sister

  I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!

  I’m so glad we found each other.

  Her Guardians (Her Guardians Trilogy #1)


  Jaimie Roberts


  I felt someone tugging on my arm, but I just wanted to sleep. “Cassie,” the voice called to me. “Cassie, you need to wake up now. It’s important.”

  I slowly opened my eyes and saw my babysitter, Daisy, sitting on my bed. She looked frightened, which made me frightened.

  When I saw there was a big man in my bedroom, I got really scared. “What’s happening?” I asked, shooting out of bed as the big man held his hands up in front of me.

  “It’s okay, Cassie. I’m a friend. I am here to help you. I need to take you somewhere safe until we can reach your uncle.”

  Why? I didn’t understand why I needed to get up and go somewhere until my uncle came. “Where are Mummy and Daddy?”

  Daisy and the man looked at each other, and I didn’t like it. They looked like they were scared to tell me something and it was making me a little bit mad.

  “Where are Mummy and Daddy?” I asked again, getting angrier.

  “Cassie,” the man said calmly, sitting on my bed. “Your Mummy and Daddy were in a car accident. Something must have run out in front of them and they had to swerve really quickly to get out of the way. They hit a tree, and—.”

  I covered my ears because I didn’t want to hear anymore. “You’re lying. I don’t believe you. Why are you being so mean?”

  My Mummy and Daddy only went out for dinner. They had been married for ten years and they wanted to celebrate. They can’t be gone. I won’t let them be gone.

  “Cassie, you know who I am, don’t you?”

  Uncovering my ears, I latched onto my teddy bear. “You’re a policeman.”

  He nodded and smiled. It was a nice smile. He was black with soft brown eyes and big bear arms. I bet he could crush a melon with those arms.

  “That’s right, Cassie. I’m a police officer. You know that police officers should never lie. I would never lie, especially over something like this.”

  I believed him, but I shook my head. “I don’t want to believe they’re gone. That is what you’re trying to tell me, isn’t it?” He nodded again and tried to reach out to touch my hand. “Not there!” I shouted, pulling away. “You can’t touch me there!”

  The officer looked over at Daisy, but Daisy shrugged. “She doesn’t like it when people touch her hand.”

  He looked at me again. “Okay, Cassie. I promise not to touch your hand. But is it possible for you to get out of bed? Daisy has packed a few things for you to take to the hospital.”

  I was confused again. “Why do I have to go to the hospital?”

  “Because your uncle needs to go there, and once he is finished, he can come and collect you. I promise we will look after you until he comes. The nurses are very friendly there and will make sure you’re taken care of.”

  I shook my head, angry. “Why did I not see it? Why couldn’t they let me see it? I could have done something to stop it.”

  The officer looked shocked. “Cassie, there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent this. It was just a terrible accident.”

  I knew that was a lie. I could have prevented them from leaving. I could have seen it, but Mummy and Daddy always kept their hands away from me. They didn’t want me to see anything bad.

  I wanted to shout at the man that he was wrong. I could have saved them, but my mummy’s voice was in my head, telling me to be careful. She would always tell me to be careful. She said that my secret had to remain a secret for my protection.

  “I won’t go without Mr. Wigglesby.” I clutched onto my teddy, making the big man look at him.

  “Who is Mr. Wigglesby? Is it this little fella?” he asked, pointing to my teddy. I nodded. “Well, then, I will personally make sure Mr. Wigglesby never leaves your side.”

  Looking up into his big brown eyes, I saw he was telling the truth. “You promise?”

  He smiled. “I promise.”

  I got out of bed, but still didn’t let go of Mr. Wigglesby. He was my friend and he protected me from the monsters. I had a lot of monsters and they scared me, but I knew if I ever called Mr. Wigglesby, he would be there for me and would keep the monsters away.

  “What is your name?” I asked the big man once I was ready to leave.

  “My name is Terrance Bradley. In my car over there is my nephew, Simon. Do you want to go and meet him?”

  I nodded and clutched onto Mr. Wigglesby as Terrance led me down the stairs. “Daisy,” he said as we went outside. “Officer Brent, here, will take you home.”

  Daisy looked at Officer Brent, then back at me with a worried look on her face. “Is Cassie going to be okay?” she asked.

  Terrance nodded. “Cassie’s going to be fine. You just get yourself home to your parents. They’ll be worried about you.”

  Daisy nodded, giving me a hug and a big smile. “You take care, Cassie,” she said before walking off.

  I turned back to Terrance and he smiled. He opened the back door of the car and waved his hand for me to get in.

  “Hello, Cassie.” Simon was looking at me from the front seat. He looked very young and it made me wonder why he was here.

  “Are you a policeman?” I asked him as Terrance got in the car. “You look too young to be a policeman.”

  Terrance shut his door and laughed. “He is too young, but he wants to be one when he’s older. He likes to come for ride-alongs every now and then. He has been begging me to take him on a night shift. I eventually gave in.”

  Simon smiled at me and looked at my teddy. “Who’s this you’re holding?”

  “He’s Mr. Wigglesby. Everywhere I go, he goes.”

  Simon smiled again. I liked his smile. It was a polite smile and my parents always taught me to be polite. “You’re going to be a very big policeman. I can tell.”

  Simon and Terrance laughed as Terrance drove away from my home and into the dead of night. I didn’t know what time it was, but I knew it was very late.

  “I think being big just runs in our family, Cassie.”

  Shaking my head, I looked out of my window at the passing trees. They looked like blurry bushes as we passed. “I didn’t mean he would be big in that way. I meant he’s going to be big on the police force.”

  Turning his head towards me, Simon looked like he was interested in what I had said. “You really think so?”

  I squeezed Mr. Wigglesby and nodded my head. “I know so.”

  When we arrived at the hospital, Terrance went to talk to some people whilst I sat on a little chair. A nurse came by and gave me some hot chocolate as I waited. I liked hot chocolate. My mummy taught me how to make it and it always tasted really good.

  I didn’t know for how long I sat there. It felt like it was hours sitting in the chair with my little suitcase, Mr. Wigglesby in my arms. He was a beautiful light brown bear with a gold bow and the fluffiest fur you ever felt. There was no way I could be without him. I couldn’t let him go, not for a second.

  A door soon opened and my head snapped up. Standing there staring at me was my uncle, Billy. He looked like he had been crying and that made me hurt inside.

  “Uncle Billy!” I shouted as the tears came rolling down my face. I hadn’t cried until now. Just seeing my uncle so upset made me upset.

  “Cassie!” he ran towards me and took me in his arms. I snuggled into his neck and breathed in his familiar scent. I was crying, but I felt safer now. />
  “They’re gone, Uncle Billy. They’re gone forever.”

  He sobbed into my shoulder. “I know sweetheart. I know.”

  I felt better now that my uncle was here, but one thing still made me very frightened. “Don’t ever leave me, Uncle Billy. You can’t die. I won’t let you die.”

  I felt his arms tighten around me as he cried into my shoulder. “I will never leave you, Cassie. I promise. I’m going to take you home where Chris will be waiting. We will take care of you, Cassie. We will get through this together, okay?”

  I nodded and snuggled into his arms. I didn’t want Billy to let me go. I felt him bend down to retrieve my little case as he carried me out of the hospital.

  Now that I was with Uncle Billy, I felt my eyes grow heavy. I had been up for what felt like hours and I really wanted to sleep. Hopefully when I wake up, this would have all been a bad dream. Sometimes I do have bad dreams. Maybe this is one of them.

  That was the last thought in my head before my grip on Mr. Wigglesby loosened and my world turned into darkness.

  Chapter 1

  I was not an average person. Sure, I looked as average as anybody else with my light brown hair and bright green eyes, which I got a lot of comments about. I lived and worked at the local police station in Fulham, London, as an Administrative Officer, and I had a few people I thought I could call friends. That sounded about average for someone, didn’t it? I thought so, too.

  What was not average about me was that I saw things—things that a normal average person didn’t see. Some people say it’s a gift, but I found it was more like a curse.

  Because of it, I never had been able to hold down a relationship with anyone, as the minute I touched their hands, I would see it…their past, their present, and their future. I didn’t want to see it. The vision just came to me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  It didn’t stop some of the men at work from asking me out or making advances, though. I didn’t like letting people down, but I always had to because I knew they’d want to touch my hand. The other reason was because I was completely obsessed with a police officer named Michael Andrews. It’s funny, too, because he was the only man at the station that didn’t bat an eye at me. In fact, I would go as far as saying he despised me. I sometimes felt he looked at me as though I was something on his shoe, or a bad smell. It devastated me to think he felt this way and I should just give it up, but I couldn’t. Maybe I just liked torturing myself. I didn’t know. What I did know was that he didn’t like me—not one little bit.

  Today was like any normal day as I got ready in my little tiny studio flat that I had to struggle to pay the rent for every month. My uncle Billy said that I should use my “talent” more often to help me upgrade to a one bedroom. I didn’t want to do that, though, and would only resort to that kind of thing if it was really necessary. I didn’t like people to know about me because I thought it frightened people off.

  No one at work knew, except my friend Kali. I knew I could trust her to keep my secret, as we’d been friends since little school. When we were looking for a job, there were a few positions at the police station, and we thought it would be a laugh if both of us applied. I knew she would get the job. I could see it when I touched her hand. I also knew that I would get the position. Sometimes I suppose it had its advantages.

  I didn’t have much of a family. Both my parents died in a tragic accident, and my uncle Billy raised me. He was a photographer who I modelled for on occasion so he could build his portfolio. I didn’t mind doing it, but I did have an agency pick up on my photos once. Billy asked if I was interested and I said no. I tried to manage with what I had, kept my head down, and stayed out of trouble. Something inside me kept telling me this, and I thought I would like to listen to my gut for now. Instinct was a marvellous thing at times.

  It was October and bloody freezing! I chose a grey dress with tights underneath to keep me warm. I slipped on my black high heels and left my studio. The great advantage of living and working in the same area was that I didn’t have to use transport. Every day, I left my flat at ten to nine in the morning and always made it on time.

  As I headed down the stairs, a bitter wind hit my face and left me gasping. A part of me wanted to run back up the stairs and hide under my duvet. I may have a tiny flat, but it was cosy. I made it that way. As soon as I moved in six months ago, I painted it a beautiful pastel violet and hung lots of pictures on my wall to make it more homely. They’re mainly of my mum and dad, but some were of my uncle Billy and his partner, Chris. I was only six when the accident happened, but still old enough for me to remember them. I loved them to bits and the thought that they’re now gone and unable to watch me grow up, get married, and have children fills me with sadness at times. I just hoped they’re at peace, wherever they are.

  I made it, as always, at nine o’clock on the dot and swiped my pass to get in. I said good morning to everyone as I headed for the stairs to my office.

  Kali was sitting at her desk opposite mine and greeted me with that perfect smile of hers. She was completely opposite of me in many ways. She had blonde hair and brown eyes; she was short, I was quite tall; she liked her men, I’d never had any. Not in that sense, anyway. I was still a twenty-five year old virgin.

  Kali really wanted me to “pop my cherry” already so we could compare notes. She understood why I hadn’t yet, though. There were a few dates I had been on and all I could see was their past encounters. That’s enough to put anybody off, I would think.

  “Cassie, there you are. I’ve been waiting for you.” Kali winked at me as I strolled in.

  “I know that face. What have you been up to?”

  “Nothing. It’s just there’s a new policeman in town and, boy, is he steaming hot. I passed him on the way in this morning and he might be my rule-breaker.”

  I shook my head, laughing at her. Kali always said that she would never sleep with anyone at work, as it could get rather complicated later. I totally agreed with her on that front. It would be a terrible situation still seeing someone every day with whom you broke up. Not something anyone wants, especially if it ends badly.

  “So who is he? What’s his name, and where can I find this hunk of a man?” I giggled a little, waiting for her answer.

  With a gesture of her hand, she pointed to the end of the office where I found another very tall man of muscular build. He had dark, wavy brown hair and sexy stubble that reminded me of Michael’s. He was good looking, I’ll give her that. He wasn’t as handsome as the man I couldn’t have, though—although he reminded me of him in a way. I didn’t know why, but something was making me look at him quite a bit longer than necessary. He was certainly intriguing. I didn’t know what it was, but the more I gazed upon this sexy man, the more the butterflies started. He wasn’t Michael, though, and that was certainly floating around in my head as I stared.

  Just as that thought entered my head, so did Michael. He abruptly stopped walking when he saw me and stared a little. With a shake of his head, he quickly broke the stare and sauntered past my desk to talk to Kali.

  “I attended an accident about a week ago on the Fulham Palace Road,” he began. “It involved a Nissan Sunny and a child of nine, who was on a bike. I just wanted to know if any of the witnesses have responded to the statements sent out last week.”

  Kali politely smiled at him and my stomach instantly dropped. I knew about this case…because I was the one dealing with it.

  Shit, this isn’t good.

  “I believe Cassie is dealing with that, Michael.”

  With a gentle wave of her hand, she pointed in my direction. I watched his head follow her finger, and my heart immediately started drumming. I didn’t think he had ever said two words to me before and now it seemed that we were about to have a whole conversation.

  My hands were starting to feel clammy. I was nervous as hell as I didn’t know what to expect. His sparkling blue eyes danced as he roamed them all over me. He had obviously gotte
n a haircut since yesterday as his normally longer, dirty blonde hair was really short. It suited him, made the colour of his eyes stand out even more than normal.

  The way he was staring, though, was intimidating. Everything about him was intimidating. He was a monster of a man, at least six foot five, with a body I sometimes found myself fantasising over. I know I wasn’t experienced in that sort of thing, but it didn’t stop me from thinking about running my hands all over his chest.

  He sighed, which abruptly ended my fantasy. The look was back again—the same “shit on his shoe” look. I really would love to know why he hated me so much. I’d never done anything to him, but he still seemed to look at me the same every time.

  “I sent them all out last week, but I haven’t received anything back yet.” I was gripping onto my other hand for dear life. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was around him.

  He sighed again and, just for a split second, I saw the rise of his magnificent chest. Even when I knew he hated me, I still mentally fainted at the thought of him.

  “Okay. Can you let me know when they do come in? I would like to read them.” He breathed out, a little undignified, which had my nerves kicking in.

  “Sure thing,” I sputtered.

  He stared at me again and, for a moment, I thought I saw something different in that stare. For a brief second, I thought I saw appreciation. It didn’t last long, though. He cleared his throat, looked away, and thanked me as he headed back out the door.

  “Wow. That was pretty intense. You look like you need to sit, Cassie.”

  Snapping out of my trance, I took a seat at my desk. I didn’t even realise I was holding my breath until my lungs started screaming in protest. I let it out and looked across at Kali.

  “He really gets to you, doesn’t he? It’s written all over your face.”

  “I don’t know why he does, Kali. I wish he didn’t have this hold on me. Maybe I should try and find a situation where I can touch his hand because then this stupid, unhealthy obsession of mine will all be over with rather quickly, I should imagine.”


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