Lost and Found Family

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Lost and Found Family Page 27

by Jennifer Ryan

  “I have a terrific nanny. I’ve made it a rule for myself to never be gone more than three nights in a row, even if that means I have to fly home from France and then back to England the next day.”

  “You’re kidding, dear.” Lila looked shocked. “Why don’t you take the boys with you?”

  “I try to make their lives as normal as possible. I didn’t go to school all the time as a child. It’s important they have a routine and stability. When they’re a little older, I’ll show them the world. Right now, I want them focused on school.”

  “Why didn’t you go to school as a child? Were you sick?” Lila’s eyes held a mother’s concern and Sarah appreciated the heartfelt sentiment.

  “When I was in foster care, I attended kindergarten to third grade. But when my uncle took me, he needed me to work on his horse ranch. I was sixteen when I escaped him.” She’d survived him and his treacherous betrayal. “My father came into my life and he hired a tutor, who I worked with for almost two years to catch up. I worked very hard to get my high school diploma. Then, with a little help from him getting in, I went to MIT, where I graduated top of my class.”

  Margaret spoke for the first time since she’d learned about having another grandchild. “You’ve had a difficult and extraordinary life.”

  “The people I thought would love and take care of me either failed me or used me, or couldn’t be what I needed them to be.”

  Luke’s hand settled over hers on the table again. “Not anymore, sweetheart.”

  Lila’s words came back to her. When the men in this family love, they love deeply.

  She saw it in the way James looked at Lila, Jason supported Michelle, and Luke opened his heart to her.

  Here she sat with her sons, the man she loved, surrounded by Luke’s family and Margaret, a woman she never thought would ever accept her, but now did, and she felt for the first time like she was part of the family. Loved. Cared about. Important.

  She met Luke’s steady gaze.

  Needed in the right way.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Luke stood by the sink, looking out the window at the garden beyond. God. Sarah. She wasn’t like any woman he’d ever known. It barely registered with her that he was heir to the Thompson legal firm and what that meant. Other women he knew would calculate his net worth and have high expectations for what they wanted from him. Many of them seemed to quickly forget that he needed something from them, too.

  A real partner. Family. Love and respect.

  Sarah never asked him for anything. She found time for him, and time was something very precious in her life. And the time they spent together meant something to her because she used it to get to know him, to connect with him, and make really great memories.

  Like dinner with his family tonight.

  And because she thought about what he needed to be happy and build his dream, she’d had delivered two gorgeous mares for his breeding program. Under normal circumstances, he would have paid a fortune for them, but she’d just gifted them to him.

  Between what she made at Spencer Software and the bestselling games she produced under Andy’s Antics, she had the money to do and buy anything she wanted.

  She didn’t need his financial support.

  Which meant she was with him because he mattered to her.

  It had been a long time since he allowed himself to believe that. But for the first time, he knew it to be completely true. No financial strings attached.

  And that meant their relationship was built on a solid foundation of respect and other intangible and infinitely more important things.

  “Luke, honey, are you okay?” Sarah’s hand brushed up his arm and held his biceps. “You look so serious.” Her concern touched him.

  He stared down at her. “I was just thinking about you. Us. And how we got here.”

  “It started with an interrogation of my motives and quickly moved to us getting to know each other for who we are.”

  “And what we can give each other,” he added. “Not things you buy. Things that matter. Love. Support. Family.”

  “Exactly. All the things we need to feel connected and important.” She squeezed his arm. “So why so serious?”

  “Because I realized in the past I was my own worst enemy. I sabotaged so many relationships by thinking the woman I was with wanted me to buy them things or take them out to fancy dinners and on extravagant trips. After a while, I felt like that’s all I brought to the table that they’d want. But you and I are building a relationship without any of those things. I’ve never even taken you out to a fancy dinner or whisked you away to a Caribbean island.”

  “I wouldn’t say no to either of those things, to tell you the truth. But I don’t need all of that to see you for the man you are. Kind. Generous. Caring. Understanding. Smart. Dedicated to this ranch, your family, the people and things that matter to you. Protective. And drop-dead gorgeous,” she added, making him smile. “Being with you has shown me that the life I really want isn’t some young, lonely girl’s dream but a reality we can make together.”

  “I want that more than anything. I want to make you happy. For a minute I wondered how to do that. You can buy anything you want, so what did I have to give you, except to really make an effort to be kind and generous and caring and understanding and to protect you always, because I love you. And I do hope you see and feel that despite the fact I didn’t give you those other things at first and I should have because you deserve them. And I feel a little rotten that I purposely didn’t because I didn’t want you to disappoint me. I wanted this to be real. And now I know it is.”

  “Wow. You were thinking all that standing over a sink of dirty dishes?”

  “It started with me thinking I don’t know what to get you that you can’t get yourself.”

  “Maybe you should remember it’s the thought that counts.”

  “People say that, but they don’t really mean it.”

  “I do.”

  He brushed his fingers through the soft hair at the side of her head. “Yeah. I know that now, too.”

  “I love flowers. Did you know that no one has ever sent me flowers? There must be nothing like having a man send you flowers. Or a love letter.” She touched her hand to her chest over her heart. “I’ve never been on a romantic vacation anywhere. The only trips I take are for business or camping with the boys. I’ve never received chocolates on Valentine’s Day or held hands with a man and walked along a beach.” She put her hand on his chest. “I’ve never made love under the stars.”

  He leaned in close. “I want to do and experience all those things with you.”

  “I could tell you a hundred more things I’ve never been given or done with someone I care about, but it doesn’t really matter. What you have given me is more than anyone else ever did.

  “You’re the only man, aside from my father, who’s ever loved me. You’re the only man who ever gave me a gift that was so thoughtful and, well, just me. The music box is the most wonderful present I’ve ever received. You worry about me when I don’t sleep enough, you make sure I eat well, and you are the kindest man to my boys. When you make love to me, you make me feel like the most beautiful woman ever. When you look at me, I feel wanted and loved. And every time you try to convince me that you really mean it when you say you want to spend the rest of your life with me, it tells me just how much you need me. Every smile, every kiss, every touch, every kind word, is a precious gift. Those are the things I want from you but only if you want to give them to me.”

  “I want to give you that and more.”

  “The reason I’m happy is because of you. And I want to stay happy, because falling in love with you has been so unexpected and exciting and fulfilling. But it’s happened at a time when my life is crazy. The last six weeks, and especially today, have been completely overwhelming. Between dealing with Margaret, falling in love with you, finishing part of the Knox Project, and now Trish coming back into my life, I’m just stretched too thin.

  “If you really want to give me something, give me time to work things out and make living here with you less complicated. I have a stack of résumés from people who would kill to work at Spencer Software. I will sort through them and hire more people and free up my time. But before I can do that, I still have the charity benefit in a few days. The press is going to be wild and the thought of facing all those people makes me want to hide out here on the ranch for the rest of my life, but I know I can’t do that because people are counting on me.”

  He slipped his hands on her shoulders and brushed his thumbs up and down the sides of her neck. “And you’ll be great. I can’t wait to be your date. Do you know who this year’s honoree is? It’s usually someone who’s donated a lot of money or raised a lot of money over the past year.”

  “So I’ve heard,” she said cryptically.

  “It’s you, isn’t it?” He didn’t need her nod to know the truth. “Of course it is. Why else would you put yourself out there for public display if you didn’t have to?”

  “It’s really not my thing. I much prefer a quiet night in. With you.”

  “Me, too. And your dad and his family will be there, too, right?”

  “Yes. You know, I was afraid I was going to be completely embarrassed that night, but you could give me something so I won’t be.”

  “Anything.” He meant it. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable or out of place anywhere.

  “Dancing lessons.”

  That took him aback. “Seriously? You don’t know how to dance?”

  “I grew up alone on a ranch. I never went to school, let alone a dance or prom. The few ranch hands who came and went taught me a lot more . . . let’s say, colorful skills.”

  “Like lockpicking,” he said, remembering.

  Her cheeks blazed pink. “There will be dancing after the dinner. And, well, I’ve never actually danced with a man.” Her chin nearly hit her chest when she stared at the floor. “Please don’t laugh at me.”

  He touched his finger to her face and made her look at him. “I’d never laugh at you, sweetheart. I think it’s a shame you never went to prom and wore a pretty dress and had your feet stepped on by some klutzy, sex-crazed teenage boy.”

  She laughed and it eased the ache in his heart for all the things he took for granted as a kid that she’d never had.

  “Sing me a slow song, sweetheart.” He took her hand in his, wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her close, then started to sway right there in the middle of the kitchen.

  Sarah stared down at her feet as he began to dance them around the island. “You want me to sing? I’m trying to figure out all the steps.”

  “It’s easier if we have a song to move to. All you have to do is follow me. I’ll hold on to you.”

  Her sweet voice rose in a lovely ballad that matched the tempo of his movements.

  He held her close and lost himself in the feel of her moving with him, the sound of her pretty voice rising and falling with the poetry of the words about finding the one you love.

  Luke stared into her gorgeous eyes and lost himself in her, the song, and the tender moment. He smiled when his parents, brother and sister-in-law, and Margaret, swaying with Emma in her arms, joined them. The boys stood in the doorway watching.

  When the song ended everyone applauded Sarah.

  “You have a beautiful voice,” his mother praised. “Where did you learn to sing like that?”

  “Listening to the radio in a barn not far from here.”

  His mother’s eyes went wide. “You’ve never had any training? That’s quite a gift.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah’s cheeks turned pink with the compliment.

  His mom turned to his dad. “I think we played that very song at our wedding reception.”

  Sarah smiled. “I always imagined dancing to it at my wedding. I used to imagine seeing myself in a white dress and a man in a tuxedo swaying to the music and the lovely words of love and devotion.”

  Margaret stepped closer. “Sean said you didn’t want a proper wedding and reception.” Her sad gaze fell to the floor, then met Sarah’s again. “But that was just another lie. He’s the one who insisted the wedding take place at the county courthouse, not you.” Sarah was about to say something, but Margaret cut her off. “Don’t cover for him anymore, Sarah. I know he treated you poorly, but worse is that he did it without a single thought for your feelings. I’m so sorry he hurt you.”

  “It’s in the past now.” Still in Luke’s arms, Sarah looked up at him. “This memory will be with me for a lifetime. Dancing with you in the kitchen with our family. How can you beat that?”

  “We’ll dance to this song at our wedding,” he promised her. “You’ll wear a beautiful gown, and I’ll wear a tux. Every year on our anniversary, we’ll dance to the song in the kitchen and remember the first time we danced.”

  He kissed her with his whole family watching and sighing over them and the love they shared.

  They left the kitchen and went back into the dining room to enjoy dessert. Jack, Nick, and Emma ate chocolate cake and made a huge mess that nobody minded. The room was filled with the conversation and laughter of one big family, and it was everything Luke had in the past made even better by having Sarah and her boys with them.

  Everyone left that night happy. Margaret volunteered to take the boys home and coaxed Sarah to spend the night with Luke. She was happy for them. And he saw that Margaret’s acceptance lightened Sarah’s heart and mind.

  Finally alone, Luke led Sarah up to their room and into the big bathroom. He turned on the water and squeezed bubble bath into the luxurious tub, then took his time stripping Sarah bare and kissing every little sensitive spot he could find while the water rose to the top. He helped her into the steaming, citrus- and herb-scented water, then quickly removed the clothes Sarah hadn’t already stripped off him and tossed to the floor as her hands and mouth had explored his body. He sank into the water behind her and laid back with her head on his chest and stared up at the large picture window and skylight above showing off a spectacular night sky filled with a trillion stars. And to fulfill her wish, he made love to her under that night sky until she was panting at his ear, water lapped over the tub’s rim, and they both found heaven in a blaze of glory in each other’s arms.

  They were quiet and purposeful as they got out of the tub, dried each other, and made their way to the bed, neither of them ready to burst the intimate bubble. Luke followed Sarah as she lay back on the sheets.

  He’d follow her anywhere, but especially to bed.

  He steeped himself in the quiet, her scent, and the sound of her breath as he kissed and licked all her tantalizing hollows and curves. Her breasts were a temptation not to miss. Those hard nipples pressed against his tongue as he sucked each peak and made her moan his name.

  Needing more of her sweet gasps and sexy sighs, he headed south, down her belly to where heaven awaited his kiss. He parted her folds with his fingertips, sweeping them over the sensitive flesh as her body wept for more. He took her pleasure on his tongue, then drove his tongue deep inside her hot core. Her legs fell wide open and he feasted with her fingers curled in his hair, holding him to her as he licked and laved and taunted that sensitive bud that made her moan for more. And he gave it to her, sliding one finger deep, then pulling it back, and plunging it inside again as his tongue circled her clit in soft sweeps that made her body go tight then quake against his lips with her release.

  His pleasure hit hard and demanded he let it loose. He slid up her body, settled between her cradling thighs, and took her mouth in a searing kiss, his tongue sliding over hers as he buried his cock deep inside her. He took her hard and fast, her core tight around his throbbing dick until they both found the sharp edge of desire and fell over it.

  Luke came back to himself in increments. He felt the aftershocks from Sarah’s body echo through him. He held most of his weight off her, allowing her breasts to brush against his chest as h
er breath billowed in and out. She held him to her. He felt as close as he could get to her, and then she whispered in his ear, “I love you,” and he lost a piece of himself to her. He didn’t mind. She’d hold that piece of him in her heart and protect it forever.

  He somehow found the strength to settle beside her and pull her into his arms. He fell asleep with her head on his chest and her soft, long hair draped over his arm, thinking nothing would ever feel as good as this.

  And he’d been right, because he woke up the next morning furious and alone with nothing but a note left on her pillow.


  Had to fly to Chicago, and then I’ve got to go home to meet with Abby and my team.

  Call my cell.

  Love, Sarah

  What the hell was she thinking just getting out of bed and leaving him to go home without so much as a goodbye or a real explanation? He rolled over and grabbed his cell off the nightstand and tapped her picture to speed-dial her.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Her cheerful voice made him crave to have her near.

  “It would be if my girlfriend was still in bed with me,” he grumbled, feeling as surly as he sounded. “Where are you?”

  Sarah sighed. “Chicago. I left you a note.”

  “I got it. The one that says you’re going home. I thought that was here with me.”

  “Let me explain.” She gentled her voice to soothe him. “I’m sorry I left in the middle of the night like that. I wasn’t feeling well.”

  He sat up in bed and wiped his hand over his face, wishing his brain would boot up faster. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Just a stomach thing. I felt a bit queasy, got some water, watched you sleep, which made me think even more that you’re adorable . . .”

  Okay, he loved hearing that.

  “Then I checked my messages.”

  He wished she’d gone back to bed with him instead. “And one of them said you needed to be in Chicago to put out some fire that only you can handle.”


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