Clever Compromises

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Clever Compromises Page 10


  The next afternoon, Elizabeth left her needlework in the parlor to follow Hill to the front door. Their guest would not enter the home and Elizabeth wondered who would behave so of their friends and neighbors.

  Her curiosity was answered when Mr. Collins leaned across the threshold to deliver a small note. “'Tis from Miss de Bourgh. I am to await your reply.”

  Elizabeth bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing at her silly cousin but she would not miss an opportunity to needle the man. Her expression grew serious. “Mr. Collins, why would she send you and not a footman or stable boy?”

  “Perhaps I have gained the trust of the young lady, Cousin Elizabeth.” He looked away as he said it and Elizabeth knew he was lying.

  Opening the missive gently, she read the brief invitation and stared at her cousin in confusion. “Why would she wish to walk with me in the gardens at Netherfield? I cannot imagine she is ignorant of Mr. Darcy’s feelings.”

  Mr. Collins shrugged his shoulders and rocked back on his heels. “Miss de Bourgh wishes to speak with you, cousin. She has not confided her reasons to me. I simply agreed to be her messenger as she will scarcely leave her mother's side. Will you come?”

  Elizabeth glanced at the paper in her hand and nodded. “I would not spurn a young lady of her standing but I will not argue with her, cousin. Only say that I shall come and make no other promises to the young mistress.”

  The breath the man held dissipated and Elizabeth noted the slump in his shoulders. He seemed much older and for a moment Elizabeth pitied the man. Before he might see the softening of her own features, she drew herself up and thanked him for coming. “I shall come in an hour and stay only a short while. Does Mr. Darcy know of this meeting?”

  Mr. Collins hesitated only a moment. “But of course. Miss de Bourgh would not extend such an invitation without his permission.”

  As she watched the parson strike out on foot back toward Netherfield, Elizabeth thought he was not such a good liar. She closed the door and hurried upstairs to ready herself to meet the young lady who would surely demand to know why Mr. Darcy would marry her instead of fulfill his expected duty to his family.

  Chapter 22

  When Mr. Collins returned to Netherfield, his nerves were as strained as Mrs. Bennet’s the day he first arrived at Longbourn. If Mr. Darcy found he had done Miss Anne’s bidding, he would be put out of Netherfield and Lady Catherine would not abide another failure. His future was uncertain at best.

  Pleased to find Miss Anne alone when he entered the parlor, he asked after Mr. Darcy while glancing about the room to be certain the man was not hidden in the shadows.

  “Is he in the library? I do hope he has not an inkling of our plan. Miss Elizabeth shall be along soon, shall we position ourselves in the garden and await her arrival? I would hate to wait here and chance Mr. Darcy distracting us from our aim.”

  Miss Anne rose from her seat and gave the parson a cold smile. “Yes, Mr. Collins, we shall. My cousin went out riding this morning and so we should not have to worry that he might interfere.”

  The parson offered his arm to the young mistress and listened attentively as she spoke of Lady Catherine. “Mother is well this morning and most pleased with my quick thinking after Fitzwilliam forbade me to have Miss Bennet to tea. I did mention your willingness to assist me after he threatened to warn the staff not to take orders from me. She believes Miss Bennet has bewitched my cousin and I am of the same mind. We shall set things to rights today, Mr. Collins, and Mother shall forgive you.”

  Mr. Collins began to believe their plan might work as risky as it was and for the first time in days, his spirits lifted. Certainly he must do his part to rectify the terrible situation and the de Bourgh’s confidence in him gave him courage. Mr. Darcy was well away from Netherfield and his cousin would not suspect their duplicity until it was too late.

  He helped Miss Anne into her spencer to keep from calling for the butler and escorted her through the front doors of Netherfield and into the gardens where they would conceal themselves and await his cousin.

  Elizabeth left Longbourn with a lingering sense of trepidation. Why would Miss Anne wish to walk with her in the gardens on such a chilly afternoon instead of sit in the warmth of the parlor and have tea?

  Mr. Collins had said she was sickly when he first sat to dinner with the Bennets. Perhaps Mr. Darcy’s cousin worried that he would interrupt their first meeting and she would be unable to speak her piece. Elizabeth could see no other reason why the young lady might behave in such a manner and so she directed her steps to the field between her home and Netherfield with a brisk pace. The sooner she arrived, the sooner she might take her leave and allow Mr. Darcy to deal with his family.

  Settled in her mind, she breathed deeply of the crisp air and hugged herself to keep warm as she moved easily across the now barren landscape. A figure off to her left atop a small hill caught her eye and she paused to shield her eyes from the sun.

  The breath of the steed that carried what looked to be a gentleman rose in the air in great plumes of steam. Her heart skipped a beat as the rider waved to her and turned his horse to canter down the hill. It must be Mr. Darcy!

  She had not thought to meet him on the way to Netherfield but was pleased she might confide in him and find whether he knew of this meeting his cousin had requested.

  He swung down from his horse as the beast stopped before her and Elizabeth fought the urge to run to him. How lovely it would be to bury her head against his chest and feel his arms about her after having been separated the many days since his aunt’s arrival at Netherfield.

  Mr. Darcy was of the same mind and for a moment, Elizabeth thought he might take her and leave Hertfordshire on horseback. The romantic notion caused her to laugh at her folly, so like Lydia she seemed whenever Mr. Darcy appeared.

  He took her gloved hand and the warmth of his lips radiated through the material. Elizabeth regulated her breathing and spoke willing her voice to remain steady. “Mr. Darcy, what a lovely surprise to meet you here.”

  He lifted his head and Elizabeth longed to move the lock of hair that had fallen as he bent to kiss her hand. In his eyes, the depth of desire startled her and she gave a small step backwards.

  Mr. Darcy pulled her into an embrace and Elizabeth gave a small squeak of surprise. “Please my dearest lady, it has been too long since last we met. You must know how ardently I admire and love you. When my aunt has recovered and left Netherfield, I shall come to your father and have you as my wife.”

  Elizabeth could not find the words to answer his impassioned speech and so she merely laid her head upon his chest and rested it there as she had wished only moments earlier. Mr. Darcy loved her and she would be his wife! Tears of joy stung her cheeks and she pulled away to gaze up into his face.

  They stood for what seemed an eternity there in the field, Elizabeth safe within the circle of Mr. Darcy’s arms. It was several long moments before she was able to speak. “Mr. Darcy, I would be the happiest of women to become your wife. I had not thought to have a man I so admire and respect return my affection.”

  Mr. Darcy kissed the tip of her nose in delight and quickly drew his greatcoat about her. “Where are you off to on such a cold day, my love? I shall see you home if you wish.”

  Elizabeth gave a sigh that their tender moment had passed. “Your cousin sent Mr. Collins to Longbourn an hour ago and asked that I meet her in the gardens of Netherfield. I admit I can find no sensible reason for her to wish to walk outdoors on such a day but I would not deny her as she is your family.”

  Mr. Darcy whistled for his horse and caught the reins. He took Elizabeth’s hand and walked with her towards Netherfield. “I cannot think why she insists on meeting you but I told her last evening at dinner that she must not send an invitation to tea. She and Mr. Collins have gone behind my back to achieve their aim. I believe Aunt Catherine has a hand in this. Let us see what it is my cousin and yours have planned so carefully with their deception.”
br />   Elizabeth’s heart sang at having Mr. Darcy’s confidence in regard to their meddling cousins. “Whatever they might wish to accomplish this afternoon, they shall be shocked to find us together in the gardens. I am so happy you appeared, Mr. Darcy. I feel safe in your presence.”

  Mr. Darcy gave his love the broadest smile she had ever witnessed upon his countenance and returned the conversation to the plans he held for marrying her and taking her home to Pemberley.

  Elizabeth was not pleased when the great house of Netherfield appeared, for Mr. Darcy had woven a fairy tale for her as they walked hand in hand across the fields. To have it shatter as the patches of ice beneath her feet made her most uneasy.

  Chapter 23

  Mr. Darcy left Elizabeth near the front door of Netherfield and whistled for the groom to take his horse. In moments, he strode to her side and offered his arm. “Shall we go into the gardens and bring my cousin inside before she catches her death?”

  Elizabeth nodded and placed her hand upon his arm, her expression one of adorable camaraderie. “Let us hope she shall not become very cross when she finds us together. I do not wish her ill, Mr. Darcy. In fact, my heart is full of pity for the girl. What else might I feel for a lady who shall never know your love and care as a husband? It cannot be a happy time for her.”

  Mr. Darcy thought himself so very fortunate to have the love of a lady as kind as Elizabeth Bennet and soon he and his beloved strolled the pathways of the barren garden. Elizabeth called out for Miss Anne as they went along hoping the young lady had given up before she arrived and gone inside to warm herself.

  After several more steps and another call of the young woman’s name, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy were startled when a cry arose further down the path. “Miss Bennet, I have turned my ankle! Won’t you please get a footman?”

  Mr. Darcy rushed forward with Elizabeth following close behind. She called out to the young mistress just as Mr. Darcy was about to speak. “Do not worry, Miss Anne. Mr. Darcy is with me and he shall carry you inside.”

  Anne de Bourgh appeared on the path ahead and stomped her feet in a fit of rage. “Why has Fitzwilliam come with you? You were supposed to come alone!”

  Mr. Darcy caught hold of his cousin and shouted at her. “What is the meaning of this Anne? You are as cold as a stone statue. Come, we shall all go inside and you will tell me what foolery you have devised for Miss Elizabeth.”

  Mr. Collins burst forth from his hiding place behind a large statue and barreled toward Miss Elizabeth. His lips were puckered and his eyes closed as he collided with his cousin.

  Mr. Darcy left Miss Anne standing though she tore at his greatcoat to keep him from Mr. Collins and Miss Elizabeth. “No, Fitzwilliam! Leave them and return to me!”

  Elizabeth stumbled under the weight of Mr. Collins as he nearly knocked her down with his blind attack. His lips came perilously near her left cheek but she dodged this clumsy effort while remaining on her feet. Before she might free herself of her cousin’s foolish attempt at compromise, Mr. Darcy appeared.

  He took Mr. Collins by the scruff and pulled him away from her with one hand. His other he used to steady her before pulling her close against his side in a protective gesture.

  Mr. Collins’s howls of pain mingled with Miss Anne’s angry shrieking and Elizabeth longed to race from the gardens and escape the madness that threatened to overtake her. Mr. Collins had meant to compromise her here as she met with Miss Anne!

  She shook with anger and Mr. Darcy released her cousin. Pulling Elizabeth into his arms, he lifted her chin. “Miss Elizabeth, I wished to propose in a more romantic setting but I cannot risk another attempt at compromise on your cousin’s part and so I must know, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I shall spend my life cherishing each morning I awaken with you by my side.”

  Elizabeth gave a whispered yes, happy tears springing to her eyes and he kissed her as though they were lovers parting for eternity.

  The enraged screeching of Anne de Bourgh faded in the safe harbor of Mr. Darcy’s arms as the wind whipped Elizabeth’s skirts. Her heart was as tempest-tossed as her clothing and he was her anchor. His tongue parried with her own and the fists that beat upon her back did not signify.

  When Mr. Darcy pulled away to shield her from the wrath of his cousin, Elizabeth came to the realization that Miss de Bourgh had torn her bonnet from her head and now delivered such insults as should never fall from the lips of a gentlewoman. Elizabeth was truly shocked but the young lady sounded as wicked as her mother had that night in the parlor.

  Mr. Collins, to his credit, took hold of the screeching lady and pulled her away from Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. “You must come away, Miss Anne! It is too late. He has chosen my cousin and achieved the compromise I could not. I have failed.”

  Anne de Bourgh struggled against Mr. Collins and spat at him. “You have disappointed our family for the last time you bottle-headed simpkin! There is not a bit of steel in your spine and I am grieved that my mother only may take your living away!”

  Mr. Darcy released Elizabeth and looked to their cousins. “I shall take mine if you will take yours. I believe he must not set foot inside Netherfield again. The storm that shall come once Aunt Catherine finds what has happened will be worsened by his presence.”

  Elizabeth agreed and rose on her tiptoes to steal one last kiss from the man she would marry as soon as they were able. “Poor Mr. Collins, he does not deserve such a terrible fate. I must see whether Father might allow him to offer for Mary now that he has lost all. It does not seem fair that he be punished so, though I would not mind were he to suffer for at least another day before being forgiven.”

  Mr. Darcy ran a hand through Elizabeth’s windblown hair and bent to whisper in her ear. “And this is why I love you so dearly, my Elizabeth. You are kinder than you ought to be and soften the anger I might hold to no good end.”

  “What have I to be unkind for Mr. Darcy? I have won the heart of a man most noble. More’s the pity I hold for my cousin that he felt he must perform such treachery and lose my sister.”

  Mr. Darcy walked with his love behind the parson and his hysterical cousin. “Do not be too forgiving my Elizabeth. He owes your sister and family a great deal for all that has passed. There is nothing he shall do that will stay my aunt’s hand in taking his living but I shall provide for him if Miss Mary accepts him.”

  Elizabeth leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked along and gave a contented sigh. In her mind, if Mary wished to make a match with Mr. Collins after all that had passed who was she to object. It was true the man was undeserving of her sister’s consideration but love was a healing force, one that could cover a multitude of sins whether the sinner was worthy or not.

  The foursome parted as they gained the front of Netherfield. Miss Anne was fighting against Mr. Darcy as he pulled her along to the door but Mr. Collins merely stumbled into the lane beside Elizabeth with his shoulders sagging in defeat.

  The servants of Netherfield would spend the coming hours avoiding the ladies upstairs as Lady Catherine and Miss Anne de Bourgh determined to take their leave before darkness fell. Mr. Darcy would not allow the staff to prepare their trunks nor bring the carriage round and so the ladies were made to remain. There was much destruction to the sparsely furnished Netherfield Park and Mr. Darcy was relieved that Mr. Bingley had not yet begun to furnish it in earnest for his bride.

  The walk to Longbourn was miserable for Mr. Collins but Elizabeth barely felt her feet touch the ground. Mr. Darcy’s kiss still tingled on her lips. The air had grown colder but her heart blazed with a warmth that would not be diminished. It was entirely possible that she would be Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy before Jane returned from her own wedding trip!

  No, she thought, she must await Jane’s return or her sister would never forgive her. Mr. Collins began to mumble and run his hands through his hair as they neared Longbourn.

  Elizabeth’s heart was pricked for the man’s predicament though a bit of
anger lingered at his foolishness. “Mr. Collins, do try and think of how you might improve your situation instead of behaving as though all is lost.”

  The parson whirled on her, his eyes wide and his face redder than Elizabeth thought was healthy. “All is lost! My living is lost, Miss Mary must hate me, and you will tell all to your father. I have lost my gamble to keep some shred of dignity and where shall I go now?”

  Elizabeth bit her tongue, for she wished to return his anger but a calmer head was needed. “Sir, you made a terrible choice to interfere with Mr. Darcy and his family. Had you not run back to Kent to report to Lady Catherine, you might have merely returned to your life and allowed some time to pass before coming to Longbourn again to seek my sister’s forgiveness and her hand in marriage. But, and I hesitate to give you hope, Mary does love you and though you have treated her most unfairly, her heart is kind and she will forgive you.”

  Mr. Collins brightened at this and begged Elizabeth not to relay his behavior in the garden to her father. “He will not allow me to marry your sister if he knows I made a second attempt to ruin your happiness. I cannot blame him but you are my only hope. Promise you will not give me away.”

  Elizabeth would not give the man any assurance. “Nay, Mr. Collins. I will not lie to my father willfully or through an act of omission. He will know all and then you may have your opportunity to petition him for Mary’s hand. Though I forgive you for your attack in the gardens, I will not allow you to escape your responsibility to my family. To be forgiven, you must repent. Surely as a man of God you know it to be true.”

  Mr. Collins turned away and seemed to accept his fate at last. The pair approached the front door of Longbourn in much the manner they had left Netherfield, Elizabeth contented and her cousin dejected.


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