Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 7

by Jeana E. Mann

  He snatched it off the coffee table and slid his finger across the screen to answer Orlando’s call. “Where is she now? What’s going on? Is she alright? Does she need anything?” he barked into the small device.

  His breathing was erratic with his anxiety. Anxiety. Another emotion he had not experienced before yesterday. The past twenty-four hours proved to be a rollercoaster of varying emotions. It was exhilarating and exasperating at the same time.

  “Liege, she is fine. She just dropped her sister off at the airport. Talk to me. I don’t understand why you are so hung up on this human. Sure, we need to get a handle on SOVA, but this seems like something more,” Orlando said.

  Zander heard the hustle and bustle of the airport through the phone. He took a deep breath. News of his Fated Mate wasn’t something he wanted to share over the phone.

  “Get back to Zeum. I’m calling a meeting in thirty, and I need everyone here,” he ordered and hung up.

  He may not be able to tell the realm, but he had to inform his siblings and warriors. He’d need their help keeping his mate safe until they mated. She carried part of his soul as he did hers, and he yearned to claim her in every way.

  Goddess willing, he would win her heart and make his dreams come true.


  Elsie watched her sister rush through the automatic doors of the Southwest terminal at Sea-Tac. Tempted to ask Cailyn to return, Elsie shook her head and reminded herself that she wasn’t calling her sister to come back before her graduation in June.

  Elsie had been a burden for Cailyn for too long. Her pain wasn’t something she shared with Mack, or the others at SOVA. With them, she shared the bond of surviving a vampire attack, but the pain of losing Dalton was shared with her sister, and no one else.

  Put your big girl panties on and get it done, she told herself. She looked over her shoulder and signaled before she pulled away from the curb. A man in an SUV wasn’t paying attention and cut over from the outer lane, nearly hitting her. She slammed on her brakes and swerved as her palm slammed down on the horn. It blared and she cursed the man who continued as if she didn’t exist. Her car shuddered as she pressed the gas.

  “No, no, no, you piece of shit,” she cursed then heaved a sigh of relief when the clunker picked up speed rather than dying on the freeway. One crisis averted.

  That brought her thoughts to the disaster she created in her dreams. Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but she did feel guilt and shame for her desires. Still, she wasn’t a fool. Her subconscious was at work, acting out what her body craved from the moment she laid eyes on Zander.

  There was no denying she felt a connection to him. He was easy to talk to and was a great listener. It wasn’t only the undeniable lust. Zander was a friend. In fact, she confided in him and Orlando in ways she’d only done with Dalton and Cailyn.

  A friend with benefits, her inner-sex-fiend purred. Her black hole grew talons and pierced her chest wall. She was a total mess.


  Zander turned away from the maps he was perusing as his warriors joined him in the war room. He looked them over as they each took a seat at the large wooden conference table. Dressed head-to-toe in black leather, his warriors exuded a deadly aura.

  They could easily crush any being under their combat boots before they knew what hit them. Determination rode them hard. They wanted to do their job and eliminate the risk to the realm. Unfortunately, that was far more complicated now than it was before he met Elsie.

  Cutting to the chase, he pulled his shirt off and turned his back to them. Ever since his mate mark appeared, it was a minor irritant on his back. That discomfort had only increased since his dream with Elsie. He wondered why and searched through several realm documents Killian uploaded onto their protected website.

  Zander learned the mark would become more painful the longer their mating was delayed. He understood his mate was in no position to finalize their union, and he was prepared to deal with the pain. In fact, he was happy to endure the pain. He had found his Fated Mate. Eventually, his soul would be complete.

  The reaction to his mating brand was instantaneous and chaotic with everyone talking over one another.

  His sister’s gasp snagged his attention. “Your mark is so beautiful. Is it painful, brathair?”

  Zander thought about the pain that seared him the moment he climaxed. “Aye, but ‘tis an exquisite reminder of how verra fortunate I am.”

  Bhric stood and crossed to his side and reached out a hand, slapping him on the back near his mating brand. “I canna believe the Goddess has given us the first Fated Mate in over seven hundred years. ‘Tis a new beginning for the realm. Tell me, brathair, who is the lucky female?”

  Zander turned and faced the room. “Elsie Hayes.”

  Orlando’s mouth dropped open and anger crossed his features. When Zander met his gaze, the warrior schooled his reaction.

  “When did you bed her?” Orlando gritted out.

  Zander met his glare. “Watch it, welp. Doona forget who you are speaking to. I called this meeting to announce my news, but also to enlist your help keeping her safe. She is human which makes the situation verra complicated. Elsie isna aware of what she is to me and I’m no’ ready to tell her just yet.”

  “I am more than happy to keep my new sister safe,” Breslin offered as she waved her fingers, flames bursting from their tips. Still as awe-inspiring, Zander mused.

  As if it were yesterday, Zander recalled how Kyran lifted a tearful Breslin into his arms as blessings were bestowed on their parents’ funeral pyre. Without warning, Breslin spread her pudgy, three-year-old hand and called a flame to her palm. She tossed her fire to their parents’ bodies so lovingly arranged, shocking everyone with her power and control at such an early age.

  Santiago grunted his approval, interrupting Zander’s memory, as he slid his ammo clip back into his Glock and jumped into the conversation, “I’ll help you with that, too. If rumors are true, skirm will be able to see her mark when she patrols for them. It will set her apart from other humans.”

  “I didn’t see anything different about Elsie. Maybe it was Lena, Liege. Weren’t you with her recently?” Orlando asked.

  “You walk a dangerous line, shifter,” Zander warned. “Elsie carries my mark, plain as day to any supernatural. And, the rumors are true. ‘Tis an iridescent mark below her left ear. Skirm will see it.”

  Kyran rubbed his hand down his face. “I’m still in shock that Fated Mate blessings have begun once again.”

  Gerrick jumped out of his chair, causing it to hit the floor with a loud bang. Zander glanced at the warrior and noticed his hands clenched at his sides, anger darkening his eyes and his chest heaving.

  “Zander’s mate is not the first. There was another!” Gerrick roared.

  Zander gaped at the warrior’s outburst. What was he talking about? There had been no mates for over seven centuries. As the king of the vampires, he would have heard if there had been.

  “What the hell are you talking aboot? Explain now,” Zander demanded.

  The room was engulfed in silence as everyone watched Gerrick clench and unclench his fists. It was obvious the warrior was struggling to deal with the words that escaped his lips.

  Zander was incredulous. It was difficult to remain quiet while Gerrick found his words. Questions and scenarios tore through his mind but he refused to give them a voice. The entire realm was so bitter and angry about the lack of mates that most identified it as ‘The Mating Curse.’ It didn’t seem plausible to Zander that there was a previous mate.

  As much as Zander wished for the blessings to resume, they hadn’t. As a result, their population suffered. Most supernaturals only became fertile after sex with their mate. Every species underwent a transformation with mating. For Zander, as a vampire, his orgasms extended after intercourse with his Fated Mate.

  He jolted from the realization he had undergone changes after sharing dream-sex with his mate. Goddess, how the prolonged orgasm
had driven him to new heights.

  His silent ruminations derailed the moment Gerrick broke the silence. “I found my mate four hundred years ago. My family had moved from London to Draffen, and I met Evanna there. She was a vision with her long blond hair, fair face, and green eyes. I was in love immediately. I thought of little but Evanna. We snuck to the loch every chance we had and spent every spare moment together. She was an incredible sorceress and taught me many spells. She also helped me to gain better control of my ability to time travel. When we shared our first kiss, everything escalated quickly and she was soon out of her corset and shift…”

  Gerrick fell silent for several moments and finally met Zander’s gaze. He was nearly knocked on his feet at the pain he saw in those ice-blue eyes. He hoped to never experience whatever it was that Gerrick had endured.

  “I don’t recall the pain but afterward she pointed out our marks. We were terrified and kept it a secret for many weeks. The realm had begun to talk of a mating curse and I feared she would be taken from me.” The warrior seemed a million miles away as he recalled that terrible time in his life.

  “A fortnight after learning we were mates, my greatest fear came true. It was a warm spring day and I had been working for hours with my parents doing chores, anxious to get to my Evanna. By the time I reached her, she and her entire family had been killed by skirm,” the warrior explained.

  Zander detected anguish in Gerrick’s tone. It was impossible to ignore his fears of losing Elsie before they completed the mating. He longed to hold his mate and have his soul rendered whole. He didn’t want to become the tormented, hollow male he saw before him.

  “Through my red haze of rage, I called upon my power and was able to travel back longer than ever before…but it wasn’t enough to save Evanna. She was already gone when I arrived. I tried to stop the slaughter of her father. That day, I learned that my travels are limited to one trip. I also learned that there is a price to pay when I time travel. I lost my mate forever and was permanently disfigured. Her soul torments me daily,” Gerrick stated and thumped his fist against his chest as a tear slid from the corner of his eye.

  Zander was utterly speechless. Gerrick’s declaration didn’t seem possible, but there was no denying that he was telling the truth. Zander wanted to go to the Goddess to obtain the answers he and Gerrick deserved. So many questions filled him but the most pressing was why she would do such a thing to mates. Why make them suffer such loss?

  He met Gerrick’s solemn gaze. “I doona know what to say to you. I’m sorry doesna cover it. Before I found my Elsie, I wouldna have understood the shadows in your eyes. Now, I understand completely what that loss must have done to you. The thought of losing Elsie shreds my heart,” Zander confessed

  “I vow that I will do everything in my power to protect Elsie, and any other mate from harm,” Gerrick promised.

  Zander admired the strength it took for Gerrick to continue with such determination after his tremendous loss. He didn’t think he would be able to.

  “Thank you,” Zander muttered.

  Each of the warriors and his siblings offered their protection, as well as, vowing to seek vengeance for what Elsie had suffered. The Goddess gave Elsie to Zander but she also gave the realm a queen. Elsie signaled a turning point, symbolizing hope for the Tehrex Realm.


  Crazed, Zander looked at the clock for the millionth time. It was after seven in the evening. Surely, Orlando had had enough rest by now. As soon as Zander concluded the afternoon meeting, the warrior requested a few hours to rest since it had been a couple of days since he slept.

  He glanced at the clock again. It had been over three hours. Elsie’s distress was driving him beserk. Orlando was an immortal, for fuck’s sake. Enough with nap time.

  Zander was determined to check on Elsie and didn’t trust himself to be alone with her.

  Strapping on his blade, he hurried from his rooms and burst into Orlando’s. "Get up, arsehole! I must go to her. Her anguish is killing me. I need to see her, and you’re going with me."

  "What the hell, Liege? I asked for a few hours of sleep," Orlando grumbled as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

  "You’ve had three hours. Get up! I canna hear her exact thoughts with this much space between us but I’m certain she plans to patrol tonight. We must intervene.”

  "With all due respect, going there right now would be a bad idea,” Orlando said. Zander glared at his warrior, ready to drag him kicking and screaming, if necessary.

  “But,” Orlando hurried to continue, “I can see you’re not going to listen, so give me five minutes. I clearly don't need beauty sleep, seeing as I'm already devilishly handsome."

  Orlando tossed off his comforter and stretched as he unfolded to his six-foot frame.

  Zander’s eyes bulged at the sight of the nude male. What the hell had he done to himself?

  "What in the Nine Circles of Hell happened to your hair? That isna right. Shite, you look like you havena passed your stripling years."

  Zander struggled to understand why a male would shave his balls in such a manner. When he was young, he couldn’t wait to be a full-grown male in every way. And, he sure as hell wouldn’t make any part of his body resemble a young lad.

  "I have one word for you, Z. Manscaping. The females love it,” Orlando countered with a wide grin.

  The male looked ridiculous. Shaking his head, Zander tossed the warrior his clothing. “You have so much to learn, lad. Be downstairs in five,” Zander threw over his shoulder before he pounded down the stairs.


  Elsie surveyed her surroundings as she watched Mackendra park her motorcycle along the curb. As she removed her helmet, Elsie recalled when Mack found her. It was shortly after Dalton was murdered, and Mack had seen her on the news then showed up at her workplace one afternoon.

  Elsie thought the woman a little crazy, rambling on and on about vampires. But then Mack pulled the collar of her t-shirt, revealing several horrific bite-marks, and that grabbed Elsie’s attention.

  She was consumed by the sight of the injuries to Mackendra’s neck and arm. The ink started on the right side of her neck and wound down to a full sleeve on her right arm. A Great White shark, jaws wide and dripping blood, was tattooed near a bicep injury. Elsie was speechless as she played ‘Where’s Waldo’, trying to find the scars amongst the intricate ink designs.

  Mack’s whiskey-colored eyes were determined, yet held more compassion and understanding than Elsie had seen from anyone. The woman was attractive and stylish. Not many could pull off short, spiky hair but she owned it. Add to that her beautiful face and olive complexion, and she stood out in a crowd. Her sleeve of ink made her fierce, and added to her beauty.

  “Hey, Elsie. How was your visit with your sister?” Mack called out, bringing her back to the present.

  As Mackendra unzipped her leather jacket, it revealed a t-shirt that said ‘It’s irony, you dumb bitch.’ Elsie smiled at the snarky slogan that brought even more attention to her large breasts.

  Why did it seem like everyone had bigger boobs than her? Probably because they did, Elsie concluded with a sigh.

  “The visit was too short, but good. I always hate to see her go. Shall we?” Elsie asked as she motioned to the quiet park.

  It was an hour or so past dusk and most people were home having dinner with their families.

  They walked and chatted about what she had missed while her sister was in town. Apparently, things had been busy. Mack killed two vampires and mentioned their numbers seemed to be growing despite their increased patrols.

  “Hey, I wanted to ask you if you’ve ever heard of a vampire not turning to dust when they die,” Elsie asked Mack as they walked.

  “As far as I know, all vampires turn to dust when stabbed through the heart. Why?” Mack inquired.

  “Well, the new detectives assigned to Dalton’s case said they found the kid responsible. His body was in a dumpster and his heart was missing,” Elsie desc

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Did he have fangs? Did they mention if his eyes had that charcoal ring?” Mack countered.

  “They said he had fake fangs but they have no idea they’re real. They never mentioned…” Elsie trailed off as they hit the lottery and ran into two vamps.

  “Oh, look, Paul. Dinner. And this one is marked. Maybe she belongs to a Dark Warrior,” one said, pointing at Elsie.

  The other vamp made a comment Elsie missed as she pondered his comment. Mack had too many tattoos to count but she didn’t have any. And, neither of them belonged to anyone. Well, Elsie would always belong to Dalton, thanks to their kind. Her thoughts fractured as the pair attacked.

  Elsie pulled a knife out of her boot and dropped to the ground, rolling away from the one charging toward her. She threw her hand back, slashing at his legs and missed.

  She jumped to her feet as they circled one another. He lunged and Elsie didn’t see his fist until it landed on her cheek. Pain immediately exploded across her face, momentarily blurring her vision. Instinctively, she ducked and dodged more blows he sent her way. Her vision cleared and she got back into the fight with gusto.

  She danced around, striking out at every opportunity but after several minutes, was tiring and weakening which allowed the vamp to land every blow. Her side ached. Heaving, she knew she needed to get closer or risk running out of energy. She turned and he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing with supernatural strength. Elsie heard Mack cursing her opponent, but couldn’t respond as she was breathless.

  Now, her side ached for an entirely different reason, and she prayed her rib wasn’t cracked. She cradled the knife close to her chest and squirmed to a better position, hoping to end this fight.

  “That was a mistake. You’re mine now,” the vamp breathed in her ear. “I’m going to have fun with you before I drain you.”

  He lowered one hand to the zipper on her pants and Elsie had a moment of supreme panic. There was no way she was going to let him touch her. The bright flash of fire followed by the smell of smoke distracted the vamp, and she twisted then plunged her knife into his chest. His eyes flew wide right before he burst into flames, turning to ash a second later.


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