Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset

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Bad Boy Billionaire Boxset Page 30

by Jeana E. Mann

  What the hell? Had she lost her mind?


  Zander watched his lovely mate in disbelief. Her skin burned the moment the sun touched it. Understanding hit when she sifted from the float into his arms, and sank her fangs into his neck.

  Now, his blood glistened on her lips and his orgasm barrelled through his body. He held her tight to his raging body. Thoughts and emotions funneled their way to his brain. His mate was a vampire!

  How did this happen? It shouldn’t have happened. In fact, it had never happened in the history of the Tehrex Realm. But there was no mistaking the fangs, the glow, and the bloodlust.

  “A ghra, you’re a vampire,” he whispered.

  Wide, hysterical eyes gazed up at him. Her terror slayed him. “What? You’re wrong! You told me that vampires were born, not made. Remember?”

  She placed her hand over his heated cheek. His cock loved the contact, and pulsed again. This wasn’t the time for sex. He needed to reassure and calm his mate.

  “We will figure this oot—”

  “Can someone defrost this pool and get me out? My nuts are getting frost-bite!” Orlando hollered, cutting off Zander’s words.

  Jerking his head, Zander glanced to the frozen pool, and its three trapped occupants. “Did Bhric do that?” he asked as suspicion slithered through him.

  “Nay, brathair,” Bhric responded as he ran into the pool area, followed by the others. “I didna do it. I was in the kitchen with Kyran and Breslin when I heard the ruckus. Goddess…”

  The group gaped at the pool then at Elsie’s mouth. His protective instinct roared, and he wrapped his arms around Elsie, shielding her from scrutiny.

  Breslin extended her hand, slowly heating the water to release Orlando, Santiago and Rhys.

  “Want me to call Jace?” Orlando asked.

  “Aye. And the scientists. We have to figure oot what’s going on,” Zander acknowledged.

  Seven intense gazes reflected his concern.


  “I don’t understand it, Liege. Elsie’s blood work shows she has the DNA structure of a vampire. I don’t see any human markers left at all. It’s not the same changes that are typically seen with a mating. I highly doubt this is a temporary side effect of the vampire blood she was given. Somehow, she has become a vampire,” Jace explained.

  Elsie gaped at him from where she sat in the war room with the Dark Warriors and the council. She felt like a bug under a microscope, and rubbed her arms nervously as they stared at her. She had spent the last couple of evenings with the scientists, and Jace, while they inspected every inch of her body.

  “As disturbing as that is, it makes sense. Ever since I woke-up, I have experienced the world differently. I can hear, see, and sense my surroundings better than before. I was worried I had brain damage. Or, maybe that I was going crazy,” she whispered.

  “I’d like to repeat testing every few days to see if there are any changes, of course. Overall, she appears to be a healthy vampire,” Jace said and smiled at her.

  She leaned into Zander’s side, and he wound an arm around her waist. His deep baritone echoed loudly in her sensitive ears. “She is no’ a test subject, and we willna treat her as such. We need to protect her and figure oot if this is information we share with the realm. I plan to contact the Goddess aboot this, but no’ until after the mating ceremony. I doona want anything to stand in the way of completing our bonding. Do you think it’s actually possible to turn humans into vampires?”

  “From what I can see of the blood work, I highly doubt it. Her earlier samples had different markers from the average human and there is a magical quality present. Under the microscope, I can see purple, blue and green threads woven throughout her blood. I’ve never seen anything like it before,” Evzen explained, pouring over the printouts.

  “I noted that, too. I previously considered it a side effect of her precognitive ability. I never thought it could mean something more,” Jace added.

  “She has abilities from each of the four of you. I can’t fathom how that happened, given that special powers are not transferred through blood exchanges,” Jace added.

  “Whatever we decide to share with the realm I don’t think it’s a good idea to share that she has acquired these abilities. Otherwise, we will have greedy sups trying to steal powers from one another. It would be chaotic and dangerous. I’ll say this, nothing about your mate is normal, Zander,” Hayden pointed out.

  Great. One more thing that made her different. At least she no longer saw herself as a freak. She was going to be the Vampire Queen. Excitedly, she turned her thoughts to planning her mating ceremony.


  Elsie had taken to her supernatural status like a duck to water. She loved her new strength and was anxious to get revenge against the demons. They disappeared from the cave and had gone silent. She knew they’d return, and when they did, she and the Dark Warriors would be ready.

  She glanced in the full-length mirror as her mind came back to where it needed to be. Her mating ceremony. It would begin shortly. Zander didn’t want to wait another four weeks for the next full moon, so they were having it now. Less than a week after she was turned into a vampire.

  Carpe diem was her new motto. It was ironic. Now that eternity was stretched before her, Elsie refused to waste a single moment.

  She shifted her chaplet again, unable to stop wondering if the realm would approve of her. She was an abnormal, unexplainable, phenomenon, and would soon be the Vampire Queen.

  This was a powerful position, and she wanted to make Zander proud. She was young and didn’t have centuries of life experience, nor did she grow up with knowledge of the realm. She couldn’t have been more ill-prepared for the position, but was determined to be the best queen possible.

  A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. “Can I help you with that?” Cailyn asked.

  Elsie smiled tentatively. She was unsure how Cailyn was taking her new status. “Yes, please. With these new powers, I keep freezing the fresh flowers, and can’t seem to wrap them around the crown. I’m so nervous, and I want this to be perfect.”

  Cailyn shook her head. “I still can’t believe you’re a vampire, but I have to say, it suits you. I owe Zander everything for saving you. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, too,” she admitted.

  Tears welled in Elsie’s eyes as her sister crossed the room to her side. She wished Mack could accept her as easily. The fierce SOVA leader hated vampires and Elsie feared Mack would never accept what she’d become. It was the reason Elsie hadn’t seen her in weeks. She was running out of excuses, and would have to face her eventually. But that was consideration for another day. Today she was getting mated to her vampire.

  “I see why you’re nervous. Marriage is a nerve-wracking thing, and from what you’ve explained, mating is a huge deal. You’ll be bound to Zander for centuries, if not millennia. I can’t even fathom that. Here, give that to me,” her sister murmured as she took the crown and arranged the fresh flowers on it, then placed it on Elsie’s head. “It’s obvious how deeply Zander loves you. And, I’ve never seen you happier. You deserve only the best, El.”

  “Thank you, Cai. I’m so happy you’re here with me. I love him more than life. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much.”

  Cailyn wiped a tear from Elsie’s cheek then walked over and grabbed the gown from the back of the door. “I wonder if I’ll ever have even half the love you two share. Okay, let’s get this on you.” Elsie wondered what her sister meant by the comment. Did she not love John in the same way she loved Zander?

  Cailyn held out the dress, and Elsie slid into the long-sleeved silk gown. She chose an off-shoulder, white dress with light-gold trim around the collar and cuffs. A matching gold belt sat low on her hips. She loved the feel of the satin against her hyper-sensitive skin.

  “You look so beautiful,” Cailyn said as she gazed at her, tears brimming in her eyes.

  Elsie did
a final checkof her hair and make-up. “I think I’m ready,” she exhaled and the two headed for the door.


  Nerves froze her feet at the entryway to the enclosed patio. The room had been cleared of furniture. Again, Elsie wished Breslin had given her blood when she was on death’s door. It was an awe-inspiring sight to watch her wave a hand and light hundreds of candles. But it paled in comparison to the sight of Zander standing in the center of the room. He wore traditional, Scottish attire and was the most handsome man on the planet. He stole her breath every time she looked at him.

  Her feet automatically moved toward her vampire in his pristine kilt and crisp white shirt. The fabric draped over his shoulder matched his black and gray kilt. His broad shoulders pushed the material of his shirt to its limit. God, he was sexy.

  Kyran stepped next to Zander, near a tiled image of the Triskele Amulet, wearing identical clothing. She smiled. Did they have anything on under those kilts? A laugh bubbled up at the sight of the sporran around their waists, and the tiny flashes holding up their long, white socks.

  When Zander first told her that he and his brothers would be wearing kilts with all the Scottish finery, she imagined it being ridiculous. She should have known better. She eyed Zander hungrily as she approached her mate.

  “Friends and family, please form a circle around the couple,” Kyran instructed. Zander removed the amulet from around his neck, and handed it to Kyran. Kyran closed his eyes as he grasped the amulet, clearly overcome with emotion.

  “We have gathered here in this beautiful place, under the eye of the Sun and the glow of the Moon. Let the circle be blessed and consecrated with Fire and Water,” Kyran recited.

  Bhric and Breslin stepped forward, and with a flourish, fire shot forth from Breslin’s outstretched palm to flow around the outskirts of the circle. The fire rose from the earth to the heavens, like shooting stars. Bhric raised his hands and water cascaded down in a sheer waterfall, from heaven back to the earth, extinguishing the fire.

  Kyran squeezed the amulet. “We call to the Goddess Morrigan, and invoke her to bless this mating.”

  Smoke and mist filled the room. The light was blinding as strong power buffeted through the room. All the supernaturals of the Tehrex Realm must have recognized the source of the power because they went to their knees with bowed heads.

  Ignorant to what was happening, or why, Elsie and her sister remained standing. They needed a class or book on supernatural etiquette, she thought, as a shower of silver glitter brought her gaze towards the ceiling. She sensed the coalescing power, and gaped as a woman of incomparable beauty took form in the fog.

  She wore a blood-red, velvet cloak fastened at the neck with a silver broach that looked like the amulet in Kyran’s hand. A silver circlet that contained a bloodstone in its center was wound into her silky, black hair. She had soft features that opposed the strong power radiating from her. Small nose, pouty lips, and long, thick lashes framed ice-blue eyes. Her black gown accentuated her ample bosom. Elsie noticed silver streaks running through her long hair. She was barely five-feet tall, but Elsie knew she could crush anyone. Her power commanded the entire room.

  “I will take over from here, Kyran. Thank you,” Morrigan intoned.

  She extended her hand, and Kyran placed a kiss upon the back of it then he placed the mating stone in her palm. It was a smooth, round, granite rock.

  “It has been many centuries since the last mating. I regret the need for the cessation, but I’ve always had plans for the realm. Before we continue with the ceremony, I would answer one question that plagues all of you. Yes, Elsie is the first turned vampire. There will not be another. Now rise. We have a mating to complete,” the Goddess instructed as she smiled at Zander and placed the stone into his right hand.

  Elsie gasped at the electrical pulses that crawled up her arm when the Goddess grabbed her right hand. She felt power when her hand was laid on top of Zander’s hand that held the stone.

  “We call upon the spirits of the East, of Air, Spring and new beginnings. We call upon the spirits of the South and the inner Fire of the Sun, Summer and personal will. We call upon the spirits of the West, of Water, Autumn, and healing and dreaming. We call upon the spirits of the North, of Earth, Winter, and the time of cleansing and renewal. Join us to bless this couple with your guidance and inspiration,” the Goddess chanted.

  Magic cocooned Elsie and Zander. Emotion choked her while she watched the Goddess.

  The Goddess lifted her hand from where she had joined them, leaving theirs clasped together around the stone. Zander grabbed Elsie’s left hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart, then placed his left hand over hers.

  “I bless this mating under the Sun and the Moon. This circle of love and honour is open and never broken, so may it be,” the Goddess’ voice resonated with her blessing.

  Heat built in the stone as Elsie felt both souls leave her body to enter the stone. She wished fervently to keep a small portion of Zander’s soul, as it was the only thing that kept her alive during her torture. It was selfish yes, but it was such an integral part of her that she didn’t want to part with it.

  A brilliant light flashed between their fingers. Her skin tingled with the magic. The connection she felt to Zander strengthened, and she could now see the bond between them. A thick, golden ribbon wrapped around her heart and ran to his, entwining them. Her soul suddenly surged back into her body, causing her to gasp. Glancing up, she saw the joy and astonishment she felt mirrored in Zander’s eyes.

  She was complete in a way she’d never been before, and knew Zander was experiencing the same. Prodding her newly reformed soul, she discovered her and Zander’s souls were so entwined during the mating, now they both resided within her. Wishes do come true, she thought, and felt her chest may burst from joy. And then, Elsie became aware of Zander’s every thought and emotion.

  Without warning, she heard the Goddess’ voice whisper in her head. “No power, not even death, can ever sever this bond. Mating stones protect and bless different aspects for different couples. Yours blesses and protects your womb.”

  Unable to hold back her curiosity, she raised one of her fingers and gasped. The granite rock was now the biggest, most dazzling, blue sapphire she’d ever seen. It matched her vampire’s eyes.

  Zander raised their hands and the stone. “My Queen.” He then reached into his sporran and removed a large, pink diamond ring.

  “‘Tis the Queen’s ring passed down in my family, and last belonged to my mamai. Now, it belongs to you. I am yours, a ghra,” he declared.

  He slid the exquisite, platinum band onto her slim finger. The weight of the diamond was as surprise, and Elsie guessed it to be at least fifteen carats. Energy zipped through her skin as the ring sized itself automatically. She gaped at Zander in awe.

  “And, you are mine,” he declared.

  Kyran nudged her. “Give this to Zander. ‘Tis the King’s ring,” he whispered into her ear, handing her an intricate, platinum band with a smaller, black diamond.

  She raised her lids, meeting Zander’s bright, glowing eyes. “I am yours, my King,” she said simply, not knowing proper etiquette and slid the ring onto his finger.

  Even in her six-inch heels, she had to go to her tiptoes to reach his mouth. She twined her hands into the hair at his nape as their lips meshed together.

  “When is the blood exchange? I need you,” Elsie murmured against his mouth.

  The faint tinkling of laughter told her the Goddess disappeared. The evening was surreal, to say the least. And, it wasn’t over.

  Bluidy hell. I can see her nipples through that silky gown. I am a fully-mated male and my mate wants me. I willna make it two more minutes unless I am inside that sweet body.

  Elsie gawked at Zander. She heard him but his lips hadn’t moved. Were those his thoughts?

  I agree, love. How do we get out of here? She reached out to him, testing her theory.

  The telepathy has taken ef
fect, mate. Unfortunately, we must greet our subjects. Then we will make our escape. Or a quick visit to the pantry.

  A quickie will never sate me. Besides, Hayden is approaching, followed by too many others. Let’s do this.

  Hayden’s well-wishes blurred into hundreds, and Elsie’s cheeks hurt from smiling. She nearly wept with relief when she saw Rhys was the last in line.

  Rhys swore his fealty to the couple then whooped, “Let’s partay, warrior style!” He sidled up to Cailyn, “Hey, sweetcakes, want some of my hey juice?”


  Jace stared openly at Cailyn while she spoke with Rhys. This was the first time he had seen her face, and he was awed by her soft features and pouty lips. Her light-brown fell in loose waves around her shoulders, and she looked elegant in her green dress. He was immediately drawn to her. His body came to life and hardened, ready to take her. He braced himself for the nausea and self-hatred that always followed his arousal.

  His body zinged and his erection grew out of control. The familiar repulsion hit, and was compounded by a new level of disgust. Cailyn intruded in his recriminations when she slapped Rhys’ shoulder.

  “Not in your wildest dreams, playboy. I want to toast my sister, and that calls for champagne.” Cailyn grabbed a flute from the tray of a passing waiter and called out, “To Elsie and Zander.”

  “Here, here,” Elsie responded as she accepted her glass of bubbly and shared a drink with her sister.

  Jace’s gaze was riveted on the sight of Cailyn sipping her champagne. It was erotic, and brought images of her sucking and swallowing him. He groaned at the thought.

  Time to think of something else, he amended. The female had a fiancé. A complication he was happy to avoid. He was damaged goods, anyway.


  Millions of tiny, white lights sparkled in the solarium, around the pool, and in the trees of the backyard. Staff busily milled about, and within minutes, a buffet was laid out on the table and the band, Night Crawlers, was playing music.


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