The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 3: Her Double Delite Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “So fucking incredible, baby. So good.” He kissed and licked her skin before he slowly looked up and locked gazes with her reflection in the mirror.

  “You’re okay? I can have you like this again?” he asked her.

  She nodded her head. “Definitely,” she whispered. He smiled then thrust into her once before slowly pulling from her body.

  He turned her around and lifted her up into his strong arms.

  “Lunch first and then you for dessert.” He kissed her, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and clung to him. She was in heaven, too, and ready for Chad and Michael to make love to her together.

  Chapter 10

  They spent the afternoon talking and looking at some of the pictures they had taken over at the park. Alexa sat on the couch, her feet tucked underneath her as she snuggled under a blanket with Chad. Michael watched her, looking at the way her long, blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders and down her back. She was pointing at a particular picture that Chad was describing to her. It was one taken on a trip to Hawaii.

  “You’ve been there how many times?” she asked. Her soft voice, laced with the slightest Southern accent, warmed his body. He sat beside them, caressing her thigh above the blanket.

  “Oh, about five or six times. A few were during my tours in the service and some for pleasure,” Chad teased her as he leaned closer to her face and kissed her cheek. She smiled as she scrunched her shoulders up and leaned into Chad.

  “It’s so beautiful. I’d never been outside of the Brooks land in Georgia until I moved here.” She gasped and quickly began to grip the blanket, pulling it higher against her neck, covering her shoulders on Michael’s T-shirt she wore underneath.

  Michael locked gazes with Chad, and Chad nodded his head. Michael knew that this might be a great time to find out more about her past and what she may have gone through.

  “Sugar, is that where you lived, on private land in Georgia?” Chad asked her. She stared at the picture, and he caressed the fingers that held the image of Diamond Head. She stared at it, nearly burning a hole. Her eyes got glossy as she nodded her head.

  “Can you tell us a little bit about your life, Alexa, since we shared some about ours?” Chad asked her, and she shook her head. Michael felt his gut clench. His heart ached just thinking about what possible bad things this beautiful young woman, his beautiful young woman went through.

  They had told her about their lives, some of the places they had traveled for their military missions and just hinted about the dangers they had gone through. Of course they wouldn’t share with her about the lives they were forced to take as survivors and soldiers. That was part of the reason he and Chad took the offers of working undercover and infiltrating different illegal organizations across the globe. More often than not they could get out, with the gathered information needed and without bloodshed. That had changed recently. Hatred for the United States was growing stronger, and more countries were initiating power fights and contradicting treaties, decades-old agreements and the unwritten rules of war. Chad and he no longer wanted to risk losing their lives. They wanted to live and be happy with the money they’d saved and earned. They could easily see themselves doing that with Alexa.

  Chad caressed Alexa’s cheek, causing her to look at him.

  “Just a little bit of something, baby, please? Do you have any other siblings besides Sally?” Chad asked.

  “No. Just Sally and I and, of course, our cousin, Susanna.”

  “What about your parents?” Michael asked, and she glanced at him, nibbled her bottom lip, and shook her head. He crinkled his eyebrows. No parents? He didn’t understand.

  “My daddy died when I was just seven. They found him dead in the woods out by my uncles’ property. Someone shot him with a shotgun several times.”

  “Oh God, baby, I’m so sorry.” Chad squeezed her shoulder.

  “And your momma?” Michael asked.

  Alexa closed her eyes and whispered in a shaky voice, “They killed her.”

  Michael locked gazes with Chad who appeared to be shocked and just as concerned as Michael felt.

  “Who killed her?” Michael asked.

  “My uncles did.”

  “What? Your uncles? Why?” Chad asked her. She looked up at him and then at Michael.

  “I don’t like to talk about it. I got out of there, thanks to Susanna. Sally and I went through a lot.”

  “Please, baby, help us to understand your fears. We don’t want to do anything to upset you. Why don’t you tell us why you freaked out last night when I came behind you?” Michael pushed. He couldn’t help it. He was a great interrogator, but he also needed to find out more about Alexa. She’d become so important to him in such a short period of time. He stared at her. Her glossy blue eyes misted over with tears about to be shed, and her delicate, perfect face, like an angel, just asked to be touched, caressed, and kissed. He could kiss and lick every inch of her. She was just so damn appealing. He felt his cock harden, and he shifted. He wanted some answers. He wanted to know more.

  “I suppose it’s only fair that I tell you, but I’m scared to remember it all. You’ve told me so much about both of you and it’s all so heroic and amazing. I don’t have anything amazing to share. I’m afraid my life up until six months ago was nothing but fear and uncertainty as I waited and started praying for death.”

  Michael cringed. This was major serious. He took her hand from the picture and brought her knuckles up to his lips. He kissed them as he held her gaze.

  “If it’s too difficult, we’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  She shook her head. “I should tell you.

  “You see, my family, if I can even call them that, is from the backwoods of Georgia. There are generations of them all involved with illegal activities. Well at least my uncles were until Susanna gathered the information she needed to save us. But there are still others out there. They’re just not interested in making us suffer. My uncles had an organized operation of hunting, gaming, selling illegal arms and then drugs. Our mother was killed after one of the dealers decided he no longer wanted her. She was raped and murdered, left for dead somewhere. The local authorities, who were on our uncles’ payroll, notified us. They were arrested, too, when our uncles’ operation was brought down. Monte and his connections helped to do that.” She looked at Michael and he nodded his head. He had only heard part of the story from Monte and of course Mason. Michael and Chad helped to gather some of the information about the location in Georgia but without knowledge of why or for whom. Things were falling into place as Alexa explained.

  “My sister and I were allowed to stay together. That wasn’t because my uncles cared to allow us that connection. They were heartless bastards that would kill their own mothers, never mind sell their own nieces to the highest bidder. That’s what their plan was. The more we grew and matured into women, the higher the price on us got.”

  “Sweet Jesus, they were going to sell you as sex slaves?” Chad asked with an angry expression on his face.

  “I don’t know what they were going to do, but I know they didn’t want us to lose our virginity. Any one of their men that came around and touched, harassed, and pushed themselves on us could have raped us easily. They were always armed and ready to kill.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Michael stated. He felt sick, damn sick, to his stomach hearing this. They must have been terrified.

  “One night, after one of their hunting exhibitions, they came for us. I’ll never forget that night, or the nasty, violent storm. We had been told to remain indoors whenever the hunts were on because of the danger.”

  “What do you mean by hunts?” Chad asked.

  “They would organize these terrible, brutal hunts when they had these men come from numerous places who brought a lot of guns or drugs for them. There were always deer and other things to hunt, but that particular night, they were hunting two men.”

  “What?” Michael asked. He must not have understood her, but t
hen he saw the tear roll down her cheek as she clasped her fingers together. The blanket fell from her shoulder and he could see her shaking.

  “Two men double-crossed our uncles, and their men tortured them then let them loose. The other men who were there, the ones who brought the guns and drugs, got to try out some of the sample weapons. They hunted those men, they let the dogs loose, and that was it.” She shook her head.

  “I’ll never forget that night. It was the last straw. It was the last time we would ever allow ourselves to be scared like that and treated that way. Sally was held in a different location that night than I was. I think our uncles knew that we were conspiring to escape, and they wanted to scare us into staying. The thunder was rumbling and the lightning was so fierce. No one in their right minds should have been out in it. I hate storms, Michael. God, I just hate them because I remember what I heard.”

  He caressed her leg. Now he understood about her fear.

  “As the hunt went on, we could hear the gunshots, the dogs barking, and men yelling. I covered my ears and was curled up on the bed when the door to my room opened and two men, wearing masks, came in. They grabbed me by my arms and yanked me from the bed. I was screaming for help and they hit me, multiple times.”

  Michael and Chad looked at one another. They’d asked for this revelation and now Alexa wasn’t stopping.

  “They took me outside. I could hear the tortured sounds of men screaming as the dogs tore at their flesh. It was terrible and I cried and prayed that Sally was okay. The men threw me against the side of the house. The thunder rolled.

  “‘You have five seconds to run. If you make it to the fences, you’re free to go. Your uncles gave the word.’ That’s what they told me. I–I looked around for Sally, but she was nowhere I could see. They did that on purpose. It was pitch-black, and only the slight bit of light from flashlights could be seen from where I stood. Then when the lightning struck, it illuminated the barrels from the guns that the men held and pointed at me. They yelled for me to go as they pressed the barrels of their guns against my ribs and breasts. They counted and I took off running.”

  She began to cry now as she sped through her story. Michael and Chad kept a hand on her thighs.

  “I ran like hell toward the fence line but not to the middle. I figured that was where they would be waiting for me. But then shots were fired. They were actually shooting at me and I felt the bullets whiz by my head, my shoulder. I stifled my screams, ducked behind trees and tried to see where I was. It went on for what seemed like an hour when I heard a bunch of dogs barking and then heard Sally screaming. I feared for her life as I retreated toward the direction I thought she was instead of for the tree line. As I made it to the edge of the woods, there she was, surrounded by vicious dogs. They were going to eat her,” Alexa cried.

  “What happened next? How did the two of you escape?” Chad asked.

  She was silent a moment as the tears continued to fall.

  “We didn’t. I was hysterical, crying, and sopping wet and cold. I was grabbed and brought to the cabin by two of my uncles’ closest guards. The dogs were called off from Sally, and we were both brought back to our cabin. I couldn’t see her, but I heard Sally screaming no and for them to stop touching her.” Alexa shook as she cried. She was speaking in a shaky voice, trying to get through the details.

  “They threw me against the wall, outside of the cabin. The two men took turns hitting me until I couldn’t stand up, and I cried for them to stop. They wore the masks but I knew who they were. I tried to escape and they laughed as I ran some distance away, but then they pulled me back by my hair and shoved me against the wall. Face forward, so the wood cut into my cheek. He was a mean, large man. Way stronger than me and so…big.”

  “You don’t have to, Alexa,” Chad whispered.

  “He shoved against me hard and started grinding his crotch against my butt. I was so scared. The only thing stopping them from raping me was my uncles’ orders. They were sent to scare me, scare Sally into remaining until they gave the order to give us up or kill us. I’ll never forget how his hands felt, touching, hurting my breasts and other parts. I was never so scared, and when he started losing control, he tore at my shirt and started unbuttoning my pants. I couldn’t fight him. He was behind me, pressing hard, so hard that I could hardly breathe. It hurt so bad, Chad. I was so scared.” She cried and Chad pulled her onto his lap and hugged her to him. He locked gazes with Michael, and Michael shook his head. He was shocked and outraged.

  “It’s okay, baby. You’re safe now. I’ve got you,” Chad whispered against her neck.

  “Susanna…Susanna, saved me that night,” she stuttered.

  Michael reached up and caressed her back.

  “It’s okay, baby. You don’t have to continue.”

  She turned to him and faced Michael. The tears rolled down her cheeks. She was red and blotchy. She reached her hand out, and when her palm touched against his cheek, Michael covered it with his and closed his eyes, absorbing her light, feminine touch. She was trying to console him. Meanwhile, she was the one who needed consoling, protection, and love. He loved her. Holy shit.

  “I’m sorry that I ran from you and Chad in the bedroom. There are certain things that trigger the bad memories, and unfortunately there are a lot of bad memories. I just can’t seem to shake the fear I have of thunder and lightning storms.”

  He kissed her palm then inched closer to her.

  “Baby, don’t apologize. You have Chad and I now, too. We’ll take care of you and always keep you safe.”

  * * * *

  The rest of the day was memorable. They made love to Alexa, and they shared more about their lives. They were sitting in the kitchen after taking showers. Alexa sat on the stool and watched Chad, shirtless, standing in front of the stove. He was making some nachos for them to much on until it was dinnertime.

  She looked at his smooth, muscular skin and the way his wide shoulders looked. Each muscle on his arm flexed as he prepared the snack. He had wide shoulders that dipped down to a lean waist. His stomach muscles were hard and chiseled. His jeans hung low on his waist, and she could see his hip bones and knew he wasn’t wearing any boxers. She watched him get dressed. Alexa felt sexy and aroused as she sat there wearing her black skirt and her green camisole with no bra. Her breasts were too large to go around braless, but Michael had insisted that she didn’t need it. He also told her she didn’t need to wear any clothes, but that wasn’t going to happen. She was self-conscious as it was. She had given her virginity to them, had sex numerous times with two men she was getting to know very quickly, and she wasn’t used to feeling content and relaxed. They made her feel this way. She couldn’t help but slide off the counter as Chad placed the nachos into the oven to bake. He closed the oven door, and before he could turn around, she reached for him and ran the palms of her hands up his back to his shoulders then back down again. He froze in place and released a sigh.

  She ran her fingers along the dips between muscles then wrapped her arms around him and laid her cheek against his skin. He clasped her hands that were against his belly.

  “You feel good, baby. I love when you touch me,” he told her. She lifted her cheek from his back and began to scatter kisses along his skin.

  He turned around and lifted her up, placing her on the island behind her. Her breasts were level with his chest. He held her gaze as she held on to his shoulders. She felt the straps of her camisole move off her shoulders, and the material was barely staying on. Her breasts were holding it upright.

  He looked her over and licked his lips.

  “You’re one sexy woman.” He squeezed her hips then pressed his crotch against her legs, parting them farther. He used his hands to push her skirt up, and she shivered with anticipation. They had both made love to her several times today. They cuddled and caressed one another’s bodies as if they were memorizing them.

  His hand came up to her breast, and he used his thumb to caress the nipple. It hardened
immediately and she licked her lips.

  “You look incredible.”

  She felt incredible.

  He reached up and covered her neck and cheek to pull her closer for a kiss. His mouth covered hers, and before long she was wrapping her legs around his waist and clinging tightly to him. They moaned into one another’s mouths as Chad maneuvered his hands under her camisole to her breasts. He squeezed and kneaded her flesh while he made love to her mouth.

  “I don’t like my nachos burnt,” Michael stated, interrupting them, but Chad wouldn’t have it.

  She felt him throw something at Michael and Michael chuckled. Alexa could barely register the fact that the oven door was opening, and then there was the sound of the large tray being placed on the stove. The oven door closed and Chad lifted her skirt higher, undid his pants, and was inside her in a flash.

  She gasped as he laid her down on the granite island and began to pump his hips into her as he massaged one breast.

  “I thought we were having nachos for an appetizer,” Michael teased as she tried to catch her breath and locked gazes with him. Chad continued to pump into her, and Michael reached for her camisole, pushed the material down, and latched onto a breast with his mouth.

  “Oh God!” She grabbed on to his head and held him tighter against her breast. Her pussy pulsated, and Chad rocked into her harder, faster as he gripped her hips and pounded away. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good. I’ll never get enough of you. Never.” He shoved deeply, yelling her name as he exploded inside of her.

  He leaned forward and kissed her belly as Michael released her breasts slowly.

  Michael caressed her hair then leaned down and kissed her mouth. His lips were inches from her when he released them. “So perfect and beautiful. I want you, too, baby.” Chad pulled slowly from her body and moved to the side to pull on his jeans. Michael undid his jeans and took his brother’s placed between Alexa’s legs.


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