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National Security Intelligence

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by Loch K. Johnson

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  Shorrock, T. Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008.

  Sims, J.E. “Decision Advantage and the Nature of Intelligence Analysis,” in L.K. Johnson, ed., The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 389–403.

  Snider, L.B. The Agency and the Hill: CIA's Relationship with Congress, 1946–2004. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 2008.

  Stuart, D.T. Creating the National Security State: A History of the Law that Transformed America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.

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  Travers, R.E., “Waking Up on Another September 12th: Implications for Intelligence Reform,” Intelligence and National Security 31/5 (August 2016), pp. 746–61.

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  A-12 spy plane

  Aberbach, Joel D.

  Abu Ghraib prison

  Abu Zubaydah see Zubaydah, Abu

  accountability see intelligence oversight

  active measures

  Acton, Lord

  aerial terrorism


  and Al Qaeda

  civilian casualties in

  counterintelligence in

  covert action in


  Northern Alliance

  Soviet invasion of

  Taliban regime

  use of torture in

  war in

  Agee, Philip

  agents see assets


  agents of influence

  agents provocateurs

  Aidid, Mohamed Ali Farrah

  Air Force intelligence unit

  al-Awlaki, Anwar

  Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (Oklahoma City)

  Al Qaeda

  in Afghanistan

  assassination plots against

  collection of intelligence about

  covert action against

  in Iraq

  9/11 attacks

  in Pakistan

  in Somalia

  use of torture and renditions against

  in Yemen

  Allende, Salvador

  Alwan, Rafid Ahmed (“Curve Ball”)

  ambition instinct

  American Pilots Association

  Ames, Aldrich

  Amiri, Shahram

  analysis see collection and analysis

  Angleton, James

  ante facto reporting

  anti-war movement

  Appropriations Committees

p; Arab–Israeli War

  Arbenz, Jacobo

  Armed Services Committees

  Army intelligence unit

  Aspin–Brown Commission

  Aspin, Les

  assassination plots


  Atta, Mohamed

  Backfire bomber

  al-Balawi, Humam Khali Abu-Mulal

  ballistic missiles; see also weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  Barrett, David M.

  Barrett, Richard

  Barry, James A.

  Bay of Pigs operation

  Bell, William

  Bennett, Donald

  Berger, Raoul

  Betts, Richard K.

  Biden, Joseph R.

  Bin Laden, Osama

  biological weapons; see also weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  Bissell, Richard

  Black, Cofer

  Black Panthers

  black propaganda

  black sites (secret prisons)


  Blair, Dennis C.

  blow back

  Boland, Edward P.

  Boland Amendments

  bomber gap

  Branch Davidian sect

  Brandeis, Louis

  Brennan, John O.

  British intelligence see MI6; United Kingdom (UK)

  Brown, Harold

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew

  Buchanan, Pat

  Buckley, David

  Bunga (parasite)

  Bundy, McGeorge

  Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)

  Burr, Richard

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Bush Administration (1st)

  Bush Administration (2nd)

  Butler Report (UK)

  cable and telegram intercepts

  Cali drug cartel


  Cambridge Spy Ring

  Carlos the Jackal

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carter Administration

  case officers see operations officers

  Casey, William J.

  Castro, Fidel

  Castro, Raoul

  Cavanagh, Thomas Patrick

  Center for Open-Source Intelligence

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  and appointment of chiefs of station

  assassination plots

  attack on employees at Langley

  co-location of operations officers and analysts


  Counterproliferation Center

  Counterterrorism Center

  covert action

  Covert Action Staff

  and the Cuban Missile Crisis

  definition of intelligence

  Directorate of Analysis

  Directorate of Operations

  Directorate of Science and Technology

  Directorate of Support

  DNI not allowed office at

  domestic spying

  economic covert action

  establishment of

  and the Huston Plan

  internal structure

  interrogation methods

  and 9/11

  numbers of operations officers

  Office of Security

  Operation CHAOS

  paramilitary activities

  penetrated by Russian intelligence

  Phoenix Program

  political covert action

  position in the Intelligence Community

  Project Jennifer

  Project NIMBUS


  relations with the FBI

  Reserve for Contingency Fund

  and the Senate Torture Report

  Special Activities Division

  Special Operations Group

  treason within

  use of torture

  Central Intelligence Group (CIG)

  Chambliss, Saxby

  CHAOS Operation (CIA)


  “cheerleader” intelligence overseers


  Chiefs of Station (COSs)


  Chin, Larry Wu-tai


  Christian Democratic Party (Italy)

  Chung, Dongfan

  Church, Frank

  Church Committee

  Churchill, Winston

  Citizens Intelligence Advisory Board (CIAB)

  civil liberties; see also domestic spying

  civil rights movement

  civilian casualties

  Clapper, James R.

  Clark, Kathleen

  Clarke, Richard A.

  Clausewitz, Karl von


  Clifford, Clark

  Cline, Ray

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton Administration

  Coast Guard Intelligence


  Colby, William E.

  Cold War; see also communism; Russia/Soviet Union

  collection and analysis

  analysis phase

  collection phase

  dissemination phase

  improvement of

  intelligence cycle

  intelligence disciplines

  intelligence reports

  as key intelligence mission

  planning and direction phase

  processing phase

  weaknesses in


  combatant commanders (COCOMs)

  Commager, Henry Steele

  communications intelligence (comint)

  communism; see also Cold War


  Conrad, Clyde


  contras, Nicaraguan

  Convention Against Torture

  Coons, Chris

  counterespionage (CE)

  counterintelligence (CI)

  counterespionage activities



  difficulty of catching spies

  domestic use of

  failures in

  as key intelligence mission

  motivations for treason

  oversight of

  security activities

  state secret protection



  Counterproliferation Center


  Counterterrorism Center (CTC)

  covert action (CA)

  assassination plots

  definition of

  economic activities

  environmental activities

  euphemisms for

  evaluation of

  funding for

  guidelines for

  as key intelligence mission

  HPSCI and SSCI briefings on

  implementation of

  ladder of escalation

  legal context

  levels of use

  methods of

  oversight of

  paramilitary activities

  political activities

  and Presidential approval



  Covert Action Staff (CAS)

  covert mail cover

  Coyle, Philip E.


  Cuban Missile Crisis

  current intelligence

  Curve Ball see Alwan, Rafid Ahmed (“Curve Ball”)







  D-Day landings

  Daesh see ISIS

  Damrosch, Lori Fisler


  data integration

  Daugherty, William J.

  deception operations


  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

  democracy, and secrecy

  Department of Defense (DoD)

  Department o
f Energy

  Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

  Department of Justice

  Department of State

  Department of Transportation

  Department of Treasury

  Deputy Director for Operations (DDO)

  Deputy Directors of National Intelligence (DDNIs)

  Deutch, John

  Dicks, Norm

  Diem, Ngo Dinh


  Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)

  Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

  Director of the CIA (D/CIA)

  Directorate of Administration (DA) see Directorate of Support (DS)

  Directorate of Analysis (DA)

  Directorate of Intelligence (DI) see Directorate of Analysis (DA)

  Directorate of Operations (DO); see also National Clandestine Service (NCS)

  Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T)

  Directorate of Support (DS)


  dissemination see intelligence dissemination

  domestic spying

  dominant battlefield awareness (DBA)

  Dominican Republic

  double agents

  drones see Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

  Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

  drugs-related operations

  Dulles, Allen

  Dulles, John Foster

  Dunlap, Jack E.

  Durban, Richard

  Duvalier, François “Papa Doc”

  economic covert action

  economic espionage


  Ehrlichman, John

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eisenhower Administration

  El Salvador

  electronic intelligence (elint)

  “Elimination by Illumination” (proposed CIA operation)

  Ellsberg, Daniel

  email intercepts; see also metadata collection program


  “Enterprise, The”

  environmental covert action

  Environmental Intelligence Center

  Ervin, Sam

  Ervin Committee

  executive privilege

  Exon, James

  ex post facto reporting

  external consultants

  extraordinary renditions

  false defector

  Federal Aviation Administration

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


  domestic spying

  establishment of

  and the Huston Plan

  and 9/11

  numbers of special agents

  and the Oklahoma City bombing

  Operation COINTELPRO

  penetrated by Russian intelligence


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