National Security Intelligence

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National Security Intelligence Page 38

by Loch K. Johnson

  position in the Intelligence Community

  relations with the CIA

  treason within

  and the Waco siege

  Federalist Papers

  Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy

  Feinstein, Dianne

  financial political incentives



  First Amendment (US Constitution)

  Fisher, Roger

  Ford, Gerald R.

  Ford Administration

  Foreign Affairs Committees

  foreign instrumentation signals intelligence (fisint)

  foreign intelligence liaison

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court (FISA Court)

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FIS Court)

  Foreign Relations Committees


  Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests

  Fuchs, Klaus

  funding see intelligence funding

  fusion centers, intelligence

  Gang of Eight

  Gang of Four

  “Gang of None,”

  Gates, Robert M.

  Gayler, Noel

  Geneva Conventions

  geospatial intelligence (geoint)


  Giancana, Sam

  Gill, Peter

  Gingrich, Newt

  Glennon, Michael

  Goldsmith, Jack

  Goldwater, Barry

  Gore, Al

  “gorillas in the stovepipes,”

  Goss, Porter

  Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  Graham, Bob

  Graham–Goss Committee

  Grass, Günter


  Greenglass, David


  Guantánamo Bay

  “guardian” intelligence overseers


  Gulf War

  Hagel, Chuck


  Hall, James

  Hamilton, Lee H.

  Hanssen, Robert

  Hart, Gary

  Hayden, Michael V.

  Haynes, John Earl

  Health Alteration Committee

  Hellfire missiles

  Helms, Richard

  Herbig, Katherine L.

  Hiss, Alger

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hmung tribesmen

  Hoekstra, Peter

  Homeland Security, Department of see Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

  Homeland Security Committee

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hoover Commission

  hostage-rescue operations

  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)

  Houston, Lawrence R.

  Howard, Edward Lee

  Hughes, Howard

  Hughes–Ryan Act

  Hulnick, Arthur S.

  human intelligence (humint)

  human nature


  Hurricane Katrina

  Hussein, Saddam

  Huston, Tom Charles

  Huston Plan

  Hutton Report

  Ignatius, David

  imagery intelligence (imint) see geospatial intelligence (geoint)


  India–Pakistan War

  indications and warnings (I & W)


  information technology (IT)

  Inouye, Daniel K.

  Inouye–Hamilton Committee

  Inspector General Act (IG Act)

  inspectors general (IGs)

  intelligence agencies


  cooperation with police

  data integration

  dissenting views among

  domestic spying

  failures of

  funding of see intelligence funding

  generation of NIE proposals

  haphazard development of

  horizontal and vertical integration

  key intelligence missions

  lack of coordination between

  liaison with foreign intelligence services

  liaison with intelligence consumers


  organization of

  oversight of see intelligence oversight

  reform of structure

  reporting requirements for

  see also individual agencies

  intelligence analysis see collection and analysis

  intelligence centers

  intelligence collection see collection and analysis

  Intelligence Community

  civilian intelligence agencies

  intelligence centers and task forces

  intelligence oversight boards

  military intelligence agencies

  government organizations

  overall structure

  private contractors

  see also intelligence agencies

  Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (1998)

  intelligence cycle

  analysis phase

  collection phase

  dissemination phase

  planning and direction phase

  processing phase

  summary diagram

  intelligence disciplines (ints)

  intelligence dissemination

  intelligence funding

  intelligence fusion centers

  Intelligence Identities Act

  intelligence missions

  intelligence oversight

  agencies required to report

  and the Constitution

  and counterintelligence

  and covert action

  dynamic nature of

  evolution of

  failures of

  importance of

  incentives for overseers

  information to be reported

  legislation enactment process

  legislation on see Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; Hughes–Ryan Act; Inspector General Act; Intelligence Identities Act; Intelligence Oversight Acts

  lines of authority

  oversight boards

  panels of inquiry; see also individual panels

  persons to be kept informed

  proposed Citizens Intelligence Advisory Board

  role of citizens

  role of the HPSCI and SSCI

  role of the media

  roles played by overseers

  shock theory of accountability

  term limits for HPSCI and SSCI members

  timing of reports to Congress

  Intelligence Oversight Acts

  Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB)

  intelligence planning and direction

  intelligence, politicization of

  intelligence processing

  Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA)

  intelligence reports

  balance of current and research intelligence

  critical review of

  dissemination of

  essential qualities of

  National Intelligence Estimates

  President's Daily Brief

  intelligence–risk relationship

  intelligence studies

  intelligence task forces

  intelligence to please

  intercepts see cable and telegram intercepts; covert mail cover; email intercepts; metadata collection program; telephone intercepts

  International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT)

  interrogation methods; see also torture

  Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) (Pakistan)


  Iran-contra affair

  Iranian revolution


  absence of purported WMD

  and Al Qaeda

  assassination plots against Saddam Hussein

  civilian casualties

  covert action in

  Gulf War

  intelligence collection in
/>   Iraq war

  and ISIS

  NIE controversy

  outsourcing of security in

  use of torture in

  WikiLeaks release classified documents on

  Iraq war

  Iraqi Task Force

  iron pentagon

  iron triangle




  Jervis, Robert


  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson Administration


  Judiciary Committees

  Kahn, Herman

  Kampiles, William

  Kansi, Mir Aimal

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kean, Thomas

  Kean Commission

  Keating, Kenneth

  Kennan, George F.

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy Administration

  Kent, Sherman

  Key Judgments (KJs)


  “King George's cavalry,”

  King, Martin Luther

  Klehr, Harvey

  Kleindienst, Richard

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kim, Robert C.

  Kissinger, Henry

  Knott, Stephen F.

  Korean War

  Ku Klux Klan


  ladder of escalation

  Lake, Anthony

  Land, Edward

  Langley, VA; see also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


  Laurent, Sébastien


  “lemon-sucker” intelligence overseers

  Levi, Edward H.

  Levin, Carl

  Lewis, Anthony

  Liberty Crossing, VA


  Liddy, G. Gordon

  listening posts

  “lone wolf” attacks

  Lonetree, Clayton J.

  Lowenthal, Mark M.

  Lumumba, Patrice

  Madison, James



  Mak, Chi

  Manhattan Project

  Marines intelligence unit

  Marshall, George Catlett

  Martins, Mark

  Matthews, Jennifer

  Mayer, Jane

  Mazzoli, Roman

  McCain, John

  McCone, John A.

  McConnell, Mike

  McCubbins, Matthew D.

  McFarlane, Robert C.

  McNamara, Robert S.

  McNutt, Russell

  McVeigh, Timothy

  measurement and signatures intelligence (masint)

  media, role in intelligence oversight

  media assets

  metadata collection program


  Military Intelligence Program (MIP)

  Millis, John

  Mitchell, John

  mock executions

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh

  Mondale, Walter

  Morgan Bank (Wall Street)

  Mosman, Michael W.

  Moss, John E.

  Mossadeq, Mohammed

  Moussaoui, Zacarias

  Moyers, Bill

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick


  My Lai village massacre


  National Clandestine Service (NCS); see also Directorate of Operations (DO)

  National Command Authority (NCA)

  National Counterproliferation Center

  National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)

  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

  National Intelligence Board (NIB)

  National Intelligence Council (NIC)

  National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)

  accuracy and inaccuracy of

  improvements needed

  incorporation of dissenting views

  and internal liaison

  Iraq NIE controversy

  Key Judgments section


  preparation process

  range of topics

  special NIEs

  timing and frequency

  National Intelligence Managers (NIMs)

  National Intelligence Officers (NIOs)

  National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)

  National Intelligence Program (NIP)

  National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC)

  National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

  National Security Act

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  and appointment of chiefs of station


  domestic spying


  and the Huston Plan

  intelligence processing

  metadata collection program

  and 9/11

  Operation MINARET

  Operation PRISM

  Operation SHAMROCK

  position in the Intelligence Community

  Snowden leak

  warrantless wiretaps

  treason within

  National Security Council (NSC)

  national security intelligence (NSI)

  and accountability

  definitions of

  holistic view of

  as organization

  as process

  as secret information

  as set of missions

  national security letters (NSLs)

  National Student Association

  Navy intelligence unit

  Negroponte, John D.

  New York Times

  Ngo Dinh Diem

  Nicaragua; see also Iran-contra affair

  Nicolson, Harold J.

  NIMBUS, Project


  9/11 Commission see Kean Commission

  Nixon, Richard

  Nixon Administration

  “nondiscernible microbioinoculator,”

  non-official cover officers (NOCs)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  North Korea

  Northern Alliance


  Nosenko, Yuri

  nuclear espionage

  nuclear materials

  nuclear weapons; see also weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  Nye, Joseph S.

  Obama, Barack

  Obama Administration

  Odom, William

  Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security

  Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Treasury

  Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

  Office of National Security Intelligence

  Office of Security

  Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

  official cover officers (OCs)

  Ogonowski, Captain John

  Oklahoma City bombing

  O'Neill, Thomas “Tip”

  open source intelligence (osint)

  Operation CHAOS

  Operation COINTELPRO

  Operation MINARET

  Operation PRISM

  Operation SHAMROCK

  Operation SQUARE DANCE (proposed)

  operations officers

  opportunity assessment

  oral briefings

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Orlando shootings

  Ortega, Daniel

  “ostrich” intelligence overseers

  Oswald, Lee Harvey


  oversight, intelligence see intelligence oversight; Intelligence Oversight Acts; Intelligence Oversight Board


  Panetta, Leon E.

  Panetta Report

  paramilitary activities

  Pathet Lao

  Patriot Act

  Paul, Rand

  Pearl Harbor

  Pelton, Ron


  Penkovsky, Oleg

  Pentagon see Department of Defense (DoD)

  Pentagon P
apers case

  Perry, William J.

  Persian Gulf Wars see Gulf War; Iraq War

  personnel screening


  Philby, Kim


  photographic interpretation

  Phoenix Program

  physical security

  Phythian, Mark

  Pike, Otis

  Pike Committee

  Pipes, Richard E.

  Pitts, Earl

  plausible deniability doctrine

  Poindexter, John M.



  “police patrolling,”

  Policy Planning Staff (State Department)

  political covert action

  Pollard, Jonathan Jay

  polygraph tests


  Predator drones


  President's Daily Brief (PDB)

  President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB)

  President's Review Group

  prior restraint

  private contractors

  processing of intelligence see intelligence cycle, processing phase

  Project Jennifer

  Project NIMBUS


  provocation operations

  Qaddafi, Muammar

  Radio Free Europe (RFE)

  Radio Liberty (RL)

  Ranelagh, John

  Ransom, Harry H.

  Reagan, Ronald

  Reagan Administration

  Reagan Doctrine

  Reaper drones

  reconnaissance aircraft

  Redmond, Paul J.

  Reed, Harry

  Regan, Brian P.

  renditions see extraordinary renditions

  research intelligence

  Reserve for Contingency Fund

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  Rice, Condoleezza

  risk–intelligence relationship

  Roberts, Pat

  Rockefeller, Jay

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rockefeller Commission

  Rockwell, Norman

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosenberg, Ethel

  Rosenberg, Julius

  Roselli, John

  Rumsfeld, Donald H.

  Rusk, Dean

  Russia/Soviet Union

  Backfire bomber

  collection of intelligence about

  counterintelligence activities in Europe

  counterintelligence activities in the US

  counterintelligence against

  covert action against

  and the Cuban Missile Crisis

  fall of Soviet Union

  intervention in Nicaragua

  invasion of Afghanistan

  presence in Cuba

  propaganda aimed at

  shoots down US reconnaissance planes

  suspected involvement in US anti-war movement


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