Healed by the Dragon: Part Three

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Healed by the Dragon: Part Three Page 3

by Jessie Donovan

  Without another word, Finn went to the foot of the stairs and looked up. His heart skipped a few beats.

  Arabella’s hair was half-swept up from her face and pinned to the top of her head. The bottom half of her long, dark hair cascaded over her shoulder and complemented the deep purple of her dress. The fabric hugged her small breasts and slim frame. Her tattoo was fully visible on her upper arm. If all of that wasn’t enough to turn his cock to stone, the light make-up on her face brought out the deep brown of her eyes and the plumpness of her lips.

  His female was sexy as hell.

  Then she turned her scarred arm away and he frowned. “Show me all of you, lass.”

  Lorna spoke up. “That’s not much of a compliment.”

  He raised his brows. “I could compliment her all day long, but I want to see her first so I can be truthful.” He met Arabella’s gaze. “Arabella appreciates the truth.”

  “Since when are you so concerned with the truth, Finlay?” Arabella asked.

  He motioned with his hands for her to descend the stairs. “Since I know it makes you happy.”

  Despite the blush on her cheeks, Arabella kept her shoulders back as she moved toward him. “I’ll remember that the next time you spout one of your lines. That might make you stop.”

  “I doubt it.” He raised a hand to her and she took it. Curling his fingers around hers, he guided his dragon-shifter goddess down the last few steps. Once she stood in front of him, all he could think about was kissing the living shit out of her. Needing a moment with his female, he murmured, “Come with me.”

  Pulling her down the hall and into his study, Finn shut the door and kissed her. After a split second of shock, Arabella parted her lips and met him stroke for stroke as she gripped his shoulders. The fact she was as hungry for him as he was for her only made his cock harder.

  His dragon growled. Be careful or I won’t be able to stop.

  With monumental effort, he broke the kiss to look into Arabella’s eyes. The urge to rip off her clothes and fuck her was overwhelming, but somehow he managed to keep his tone light as he said, “That was me saying how beautiful you look, by the way.”

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “I could wear a dress of weeds and I bet your cock would still go hard.”

  Rubbing his dick against her, he murmured, “True, but I’m not lying about how beautiful you look tonight. Say the word and I can snake a hand up your dress and make you come with my fingers.”

  She smacked his shoulder. “Finn, stop it.”

  He grinned. “You can’t blame a bloke for trying.”

  “You never stop trying. That’s the problem.” Arabella looked to the door. “Besides, we shouldn’t keep the MacKenzies waiting.”

  “Oh, aye? Have you formed a coalition with Faye and Lorna against me, then?”

  She gave a sly smile. “That’s for you to find out.”

  He laughed. “If this is you after two days with my clan, I better prepare myself for the rest of my life. I have a feeling you’ll always keep me on my toes.”

  Arabella’s smile faltered. “There’s still the threat from within your clan. I don’t want my presence here to cause a rift, Finlay.”

  The fact Arabella hadn’t dismissed spending the rest of her life with him only warmed his heart. He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Don’t worry, lass. Duncan has been a pain in my arse for a while and I’ll deal with him. However, most of the clan will love you, even if you talk in a funny accent.”

  Raising an eyebrow, she ran a hand across his chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is how to speak English properly.”

  As he took in Arabella dressed in her traditional dragon-shifter attire and added in her teasing him, for the first time in a long while Finn wanted to dodge his clan leader duties and be selfish; he wanted to whisk Arabella away for a weekend break and show her a good time.

  Yet he knew he couldn’t, and not just because of his clan leader duties. Between the dragon hunters, the Dragon Knights, and Duncan’s supporters, taking Arabella anywhere outside of Lochguard would be dangerous.

  With herculean effort, he stepped back and motioned toward the door. “You can debate how to speak English at the gathering. I have a feeling the Scots’ way will win.”

  “Maybe we should ask Melanie when she visits since she’s American and a little less biased.”

  Opening the door, Finn drew Arabella against his side and squeezed her hip. “I think not. She’s mated to your bloody brother. Of course she’ll side with him.”

  Amusement danced in Arabella’s eyes. “You clearly don’t know Melanie very well, do you?”

  “We have our whole lives to fix that, Arabella MacLeod, provided we survive tonight.”

  Arabella glanced up at him. “You’ll have to win my brother over before he’ll ever leave you alone with his mate. You really can’t know Melanie until you’ve spent an hour alone with her. That female is a force of nature.”

  Finn winked. “Winning over your brother should be a piece of cake.”

  She gave him a skeptical look. “The day you get along with my brother is the day I’ll let you tie me up and do what you like with me.”

  His eyes flashed to slits. “Is that a promise, lass?”

  Shaking her head, she answered, “It will never happen, so there’s no point in promising anything.”

  “Oh, I can be quite determined, Arabella. Promise me the reward, and I’ll find a way to make it happen.”

  Arabella sighed. “Fine. But getting along with my brother doesn’t mean sharing a pint. I want to see you two together at a gathering, singing and drinking as if you were the best of friends.”

  He placed a finger under her chin and kissed her. “Consider it done.” As Aunt Lorna’s voice boomed down the hallway, telling them to hurry up, Finn sighed. “I can’t believe my own aunt is cockblocking me.”

  Arabella grinned. “I’m glad.”

  “Glad? Why the bloody hell would you be glad? If nothing else, your dragon is probably roaring for my dick right about now.”

  She poked his chest. “Even if she was, I don’t need your clan thinking any worse of me. We need to go to the gathering. If you had your way, we wouldn’t, and rumors would start. I had enough of rumors back home. There are probably already a few because of what happened this afternoon, but I’ll never change their minds if you keep me locked in a bedroom.”

  Finn blinked before clearing his throat. “I think the version of you, who had wanted to be clan leader, is back with full force.”

  Her confidence faltered a second. “Maybe. I have a few things I still need to do, but I’m working on it.”

  Caressing her cheek, he murmured, “Let me know if I can help in anyway, love.”

  Arabella nodded as Lorna’s voice boomed down the hallway, “Finlay Ian Stewart, get your arse out here or I’ll come in there myself.”

  Arabella smiled and whispered, “We should listen to her, Finlay Ian.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Great, now you’re going to do the first and middle name scoldings, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe.” Arabella tugged at his clothing. “Let’s go, Finlay Ian.”

  Shaking his head, he opened the door and guided them back to the foot of the stairs, near the front entrance.

  Faye spoke as soon as she saw them. “Finn, we’re late. You need to learn how to keep your tongue and cock to yourself.” Faye gave Arabella a once-over. “But at least you didn’t destroy my work.”

  Finn sighed. “Of course not. I learned a long time ago not to cross paths with you and Aunt Lorna.”

  Lorna threw a cloak over her shoulders and looked at him askance. “I’m not sure about that. But rather than argue, let’s hurry up. We don’t want to keep the clan waiting too much longer.”

  After laying a cloak around Arabella’s shoulders, he walked out the door and toward the great hall with Arabella at his side. Only because of his dragon snarling inside his head did he not
wrap an arm around her shoulders and draw his little alpha goddess close.

  Finn only hoped the evening would go well. Faye’s Protectors were in place, as were the other Protectors stationed around the clan’s perimeter. After what had happened back on Stonefire, when a child had been kidnapped during a clan gathering, Finn was being overly cautious. If anyone tried to take Arabella from his side, they would have to deal with him.


  Despite Finn’s comforting heat at her side, the walk to the great hall wasn’t easy. Her stomach twisted a little bit more with each step. Public events had never been her favorite activity, even when she’d been whole and healthy. As much as she could be confident with Finn, it was going to take all of her energy to be strong in front of the entire Lochguard clan. She only hoped she could pull it off—not just for her, but for Finn, too.

  Her dragon sighed. I don’t like this lack of confidence. What happened to your fuck-the-past mentality? We are amazing. Act like it.

  Her beast’s tone stoked her anger. If we’re so amazing, why did you remain silent so long? If I’d had you around, I could’ve been strong a lot sooner.

  You wouldn’t let me out. That’s not my fault.

  Arabella growled and Finn touched her shoulder as he asked, “Do I need to charm your dragon a wee bit to calm her down, lass?”

  She forced her dragon into a mental cage. “No, she’s in time out and doesn’t deserve any charm.”

  Fergus slowed his pace to match theirs. Due to his sensitive hearing, he’d heard Arabella and jumped in. “I’ve found that time outs aren’t very effective. A mental maze, on the other hand, occupies them for a bit. My dragon tends to be a little less growly when he’s done with one of those.”

  Arabella blinked. “I’ve never thought of that.”

  Finn tightened his grip on her hip. “Don’t give Fergus too much credit. It was originally my idea.”

  Fergus raised an eyebrow. “It might’ve been your idea, but I perfected it.”

  When Finn growled, Arabella rolled her eyes. “Does the ‘who has the biggest cock’ contest ever end?”

  Lorna spoke up. “No, lass, it doesn’t. You’re starting to see why I have so many gray hairs.”

  Fergus looked toward his mother. “That’s not fair, Mum. It’s not as if Faye is the golden child of virtue.”

  Faye turned and glared at Fergus. “Say that again, brother, I dare you.”

  “Why, are you going to beat me with your tiny little handbag? I’m so scared,” Fergus taunted.

  While Arabella was getting used to the MacKenzies, spending time with them was still a zoo. Maybe she should invite her brother to Lochguard just to see how deep his frown could go.

  Before Arabella could think of a witty reply to add to the discussion, Finn’s voice boomed out, “Enough.” The dominance in his voice stilled everyone and he continued, “Tonight I am showcasing Ara to the clan. Inside the great hall, I’m clan leader and she’s my female. Given Duncan’s hatred, I don’t need any excuse for him to call me out on a challenge. What works in private won’t work inside the hall. Understood?”

  As the twins and Faye murmured, “Yes,” Arabella had a feeling Finn had to remind them of his status on a regular basis.

  “Good,” Finn answered. “Since we’re nearly to the hall, I want a few minutes alone with Ara. Go on without us.”

  The twins looked about to say something when Lorna placed a hand on each of their elbows. “Come, lads. Leave Finn to care for his mate.”

  It was on the tip of Arabella’s tongue to say she wasn’t his mate yet, but the MacKenzies were gone before she could.

  Finn sighed. “Given my family, I’m surprised you haven’t bolted.”

  Arabella smiled. “They’re fun. Besides, I have a feeling they’ll always help me out if I want to get back at you.”

  “Oh, is that right? They are my kin, so they should side with me.”

  Without thinking, she added, “We’ll see. There’s plenty of time to test out your claim.”

  Finn turned to face her and drew her closer. “Is that so, heather?”

  Slapping his chest, Arabella gave her best glare. “Don’t call me that.”

  Leaning down, he whispered, “Then promise you won’t conspire with my family, and I promise not to use the nickname.”

  “That isn’t fair.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “No, what’s not fair is the fact I can’t take you home, undress you, and tease you until you beg.”

  Her dragon roared to be let out, but Arabella kept her trapped. “What, Finlay, is your cock controlling your brain now?”

  The huskiness of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. “Aye, lass. And it very much wants you, and only you.”

  Heat flooded her body and her dragon roared louder. Arabella’s breath was barely a whisper when she replied, “We can’t. We need to attend the gathering.”

  Finn chuckled. “So, you admit you want to fuck me too?”

  Her dragon finally broke free. I want to fuck him.

  No, you promised you could last.

  I don’t care. I want him and his cock. Tell him to behave or I will take control.

  Besides sex, is there any way to help?

  Her beast huffed. As long as he stops talking about sex and what he wants to do to us when we’re naked, I can control the urges a little while longer.

  Fine. I’ll try.

  Her dragon grumbled, I don’t understand why you fight it. You like it when he teases you with words and his tongue.

  She paused a second and decided what the hell, her dragon would know if she were lying. Most of the time.

  It’s because he’s fun. Still, tell him no fondling or sexy kisses until we’re alone.

  Finn watched her and she finally sighed. “I have bad news, I’m afraid.”

  “What did your dragon tell you?”

  She blinked. “How can you tell it’s my dragon and not me?”

  Caressing her cheek, he answered, “Because I’m starting to get to know both of you. I’m fairly certain that whenever your dragon says something irritating or that makes you uncomfortable, you narrow your eyes.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know about that. I save my best glares for your shenanigans.”

  “Well, then let me educate you.”

  “Oh, so the big, bad male must explain things to me?” She rolled her eyes. “Can we just go inside, already? It’s chilly out here.”

  Her dragon’s tone was stern. You still haven’t warned him. Right now, a kiss is too much. Tell him.

  Shut it. I’m working on it.

  Liar. Don’t be weak. Just tell him straight or the frenzy will be your fault.

  Finn stroking her cheek quieted her dragon. Then the dragonman leaned close enough she could feel his breath on her lips as he murmured, “You did it again, just now. Since your eyes were slitted, I know you were talking to your dragon. So, what did she say, lass?”

  The fact Finn watched her so closely made her heart thump harder. Rather than let on she liked his attention, she shrugged. “Oh, just the usual. How you’re a randy bloke who can’t stop thinking with his dick.”

  Finn’s eyes flashed to slits. “Mention my cock again, and I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to my bed.”

  “No you won’t. I’ll escape first.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  As they stared at one another, Finn’s scent surrounded her. Combined with the heat of his breath on her lips, Arabella ached to close the distance between them and kiss him. Yet if she did that, the frenzy would overtake her. She couldn’t allow that to happen. At least, not yet.

  Clearing her throat, she answered, “Maybe later.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “That wasn’t the answer I was expecting. What’s going on, lass?”

  She paused a second. Just as her dragon moved around and was about to speak, she spit out, “My dragon is close to losing control.”

  Finn leaned back a few i
nches and she nearly pulled him close again. “How close?”

  Picking at the material of his kilt-like outfit, she murmured, “A kiss could set her off.”

  He cursed and stepped away. “If we don’t kiss in front of the clan, Ara, they’ll be offended.” Releasing her, he ran a hand through his hair before assessing her. “Can’t you help her control the frenzy? Just for the kiss? If it means I can’t hold you close all evening, then no matter how much I hate it, I’ll do it for you, lass. For all my talk, I won’t take you before you’re ready.”

  Studying him a second, she believed he was telling the truth; one word, and he would keep his distance. Sure, he would probably growl at any male who even looked her way, but he would restrain himself from touching her if she asked.

  Remembering every interaction with Finn since arriving, it hit her that he’d always held back. Even with all the flirting and ridiculous lines, Finn always thought of Arabella’s needs, no matter how difficult it had to be to control the mate-claim frenzy.

  He didn’t do it because he felt sorry for her. No, he did it because he cared for her.

  Searching his brown eyes, Arabella was no longer afraid of Finn, of sex, or even the possibility of a baby. True, if given the choice, she would wait a year before trying to have a child, but neither she nor Finn would last that long. Each day she held back was another day Finn could lose control of both his dragon and his clan. He was strong, but every dragon-shifter had their limits.

  Even if all of this was happening faster than she liked, Arabella knew that between Finn and the MacKenzies, she would never be alone again. They would help her if she asked.

  Her dragon spoke up. He is ours. Don’t be afraid of him or the frenzy. You’ll enjoy it.

  And how do you know that?

  Call it a dragon’s instinct. I just do. Besides, he will give us a child who will be strong, clever, and handsome. That is a good combination.

  Arabella smiled. I’m a bit worried about your priorities, dragon. But I do agree Finn is strong, clever, and handsome.


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