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Jagger Page 6

by Dee Garcia

  Turning my head toward her, I arch a curious brow at just how brazen her admission sounds. “So much for behaving, huh?”

  “I’m just saying.” She hooks a shoulder. “I’ll have to roll your pants a million times for them to fit, but I guarantee that shirt is long enough to cover the goods.”

  “What if I don’t want them covered?”

  Those lips curl in a chastising fashion. “Don’t start…”

  “Baby, you started it long ago.”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault I got soaked on my way up here.”

  “I’m not talking about tonight, I mean from the first night I saw you,” I counter, shoving the drawer closed and stalking to where she stands. My arms circle her waist. “You have no idea how badly you got me sprung, do you?”

  Vida gulps, her entire body trembling in my grasp as she shakes her head. “Are you sure it’s not just ‘oops, I fucked my client and happen to like her pussy’ syndrome?”

  “No. I’ll admit, I’ve bagged plenty of chicks from that club, but I’ve never liked any of them enough to want only their pussy. You though?" I scoff, pinning her roughly against the wall, a firm hand at her jaw. "I hadn’t even been inside you yet and I was already losing my fucking marbles over you.”

  There’s a hitch in her breath.

  A brief hitch in time as we stare each other down.

  “Can I be honest?” Her question comes after a beat.

  I nod. “Always.”

  She takes a deep breath, as if stealing herself for whatever she’s about to divulge, then lets it rip. “I’ve never felt this before, Jag, with anyone—not even with Carl. Quite frankly, it’s scary as hell, crazy-fast, too, and my brain keeps telling me this is nothing more than a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe it is, you know, but I’m so addicted to it, to you, and I can’t seem to find one good reason to let this thing between us fizzle out.”

  Her concession literally leaves me speechless. Reeling. I don’t know how to respond, what to do. She feels this, too, this urgency, this crazy chemistry between us.

  Fueled by renewed purpose and a deep sense of propriety, I’m quick to throw out my demand, eager to erase all doubts from her mind. “Take your clothes off, Vida…”

  “W-what? Why?”

  “Just do it,” I grit, the slight bite in my tone setting everything in motion.

  With shaky hands, she unzips her charcoal gray pencil skirt from behind. The sodden garment pools at her feet. Her thong follows, then her blouse and her bra.

  Any other woman would’ve stood there awkwardly, but Vida shines. Unashamed in her skin, she gives me a once-over that screams “you’re overdressed.”

  Neither one of us speaks as I strip, tossing my clothes aside. Lip caught between her teeth, she watches with greedy eyes.

  Drinks me in to the point I’ve never felt more fucking exposed and yet, somehow, so powerful too.

  On top of the goddamn world.

  I’m on fire for this woman, and I want her to burn for me too.

  Rushing her, I scoop her up in my arms and all but slam the door to my room. Our lips crash frantically, a chaotic blend of teeth and hungered tongues as I walk us over to my bed.

  A bed no woman has ever been in because I haven’t allowed it.

  Not even Calla.

  But Vida’s different. I want her here, in my bed, my home, my life.

  The mattress dips under our weight. Looming over her, seeing her beneath me rather than on top of me like the club seals the deal.

  “What are you doing,” Vida whispers as I placing soft, wet kisses anywhere within reach.

  “Showing you why letting this fizzle out isn’t an option,” I growl, sinking into her heat so fucking effortlessly, I almost bust my load on the spot.

  It’s the first time I take her raw, and there’s no going back now.

  She feels impossible more amazing, tighter, wetter.

  Like her pussy was made for me.

  Threading our fingers together, I raise her arms above her head, driving into her unhurriedly with deep, precise strokes. Those little mewls and moans going off in my ear make it damn near impossible to last as long as I want to. She just sounds so fucking sexy, panting my name, begging for more, her cunt squeezing my dick like a vise.

  “Still thinking about letting this go?” I ask as her legs lock around my waist.

  “No,” she breathes.

  “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.”


  “You sure?” I hedge, nipping the curve of her neck.

  “Yes, God, yes—I’m sure,” she moans, back arching off the bed.

  The way she looks right now…

  Mouth slack.

  Tits bouncing.

  Every inch of her body exposed for me.


  “No take backs, Vida; I’m serious. You’re mine,” I grate, increasing the pace.

  She nods mindlessly. “Yours, all yours.”

  Done. I’m done. Her admission sets me off like a ticking time bomb.



  I dig into her, maul at her lips like a man starved.

  Each stroke amplifies the intensity of her moans. Eyes hitting the back of her head, she brings a hand to her mouth and bites down on two fingers in attempt to quell herself. Despite the fact Mila could wake up, I keep on, racing us both to the finish line because we’re right fucking there.

  “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!” she hisses, trembling legs another warning in itself.

  And as soon as her cunt literally suffocates my dick, I throw my head back in ecstasy and spurt my release deep inside her, pounding her into the mattress until I collapse on top of her in a sweaty, breathless mess.

  Vida ended up spending the night that night. It wasn’t intentional so much as we both passed out and were awoken by a hungry Mila around nine the following morning.

  Mila was delighted.

  Vida, on the other hand, spazzed a little, worried Calla would flip her shit on me when Mila told her she’d met “daddy’s friend.” I assured her I’d handle it if she made it an issue which, knowing Calla, it would be.

  She was going to have to get used to it one way or another, especially since Vida wasn’t a random. Not that Calla knew that yet but, in any case, she would soon, and she was going to have to accept Mila would be around her, whether she finally allowed her to start staying the night or not.

  Mila made it impossible for Vida to remain in her wary state though. A simple pout of her little lips while she begged her to stay for breakfast was all it took.


  I’ve never seen someone cave so quickly, other than myself, of course. That pout could melt even the hardest motherfucker.

  In the end, Vida stayed. I cooked, they played—it was my own personal domestic heaven. She was a natural with Mila and I could tell Mila was loving it as much as I did.

  Made her leave hard on us both. She wanted Vida to play with her all day and I was just being flat-out greedy, knowing I wouldn’t be able to see her again until two weekends out.

  Unless she made time for me during the weeks leading up til.

  Which brings us to the here and now—a week and a half later.

  Vida hasn’t quite been herself these days. She did admit Carl has been more persistent than ever before, but I know there’s more she isn’t telling me. I’ve wanted to ask, have come close it a few times, wondering if our morning with Mila had scared her off, but I decided to wait until we got together.

  Wanted to wait until I could feel her our and gauge our interaction.

  “If you were trying to ensure you’d hook me forever, you definitely did it now,” I say to Vida, groaning around the last bite of lasagna on my plate. “You’ll never get rid of me now.”

  She laughs softly, shaking her head in the same semi-lifeless fashion she’s done all night. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I’m in looove.”

Well, there’s plenty for you to take home,” she adds, rising from her seat, her hand outstretched for my plate.

  Shooing her away with a playful tap to her wrist, I follow her into the kitchen of her apartment, noting the way she peers at me from over her shoulder.

  Yep. Something’s definitely off, and you’re damn sure I’m going to find out.

  “What’s up with you lately?” I question as she goes about opening the faucet and squeezing some soap onto a sponge.


  “Vida—you know that’s not gonna cut it, baby. Tell me,” I hedge, setting my plate in the sink from behind her.

  But she shakes her head and waves me off dismissively. “Just ignore me. I swear this is me over-thinking. I’ll get over it.”

  “What are you over-thinking?”

  “This. Us.”

  I still at her back, mentally cursing the fact that I was somewhat right. The way she said it stings, too, though I don’t think that was intentional.

  Taking the sudsy sponge from her grasp, I set it back in its little tray, shut off the tap, and spin her around with a quickness. The worry furrowing her brows didn’t go unnoticed. “Why?” I ask and, thankfully, her need to hesitate is short-lived, putting me out of my misery.

  “I told you the other night, Jag. This is scary, okay? How did this even happen? When? I mean, all I did was blink and I could never unblink you again. How is what I’m feeling for you normal?”

  “Because I feel it too.” I cup her face. “I feel it.”

  “Do you though? Do you really? ’Cause I’m over here trying to convince myself that this is real and not some weird convoluted figment of my deprived imagination.”

  “Trust me,” I nod surely. “It’s real as fuck. That’s why I want it.”

  She watches me for a moment and blows out a flustered breath. “This is crazy…”

  What’s crazy is how much of a bitch doubt was. How could one emotion hold the power to destroy the best things in our lives? It’d already robbed me of so much time with my daughter by haunting Calla.

  I wasn’t about to let that happen again.

  Rubbing my thumbs along her cheeks, I hold her befuddled, uncertain stare, hoping she’ll see the conviction in my eyes. “Why does the time frame matter? I’m still here, right?”

  “That’s what I question most,” she whispers.

  My head rears back of its own volition. “What? Why I’m still here?”

  A little nod.

  Sighing, I lure her in closer. “I told you this already. I just want you, and it’s not some low key thing either.”

  “Then what is it? A man like you, who does what he does, could have any woman he wants. Yet you’re after one with active baggage. Why?” she stresses.

  “I can’t explain it, Vida. You turned my world on it’s ass when I least expected it. After Calla, I lived up the single life. Didn’t think I’d ever want to be with one person again. But since you happened, this,” I motion between her and I, “us, whatever you want to call it, I only want you. Seeing you in my home, while Mila was there, watching you two giggle and play as I made breakfast, that’s all I want. It’s all I need…”

  Bang, bang, bang!

  The door.

  Someone’s at the door.

  What the hell?

  Vida looks as confused as I feel at the sudden intrusion, her hand falling flat at my chest to squeeze past me. She inches up on her tip-toes and looks through the peep hole, her eyes darting to mine nervously when she eases away, no words exchanged. All she offers is a finger to her lips, signaling me to keep quiet.

  With a quick flip of the locks, she pulls open the door and wedges herself between the jamb.

  “What are you doing here?” I hear her ask whoever stands on the other side.

  Her visitor clears his throat—yes, his, as in another man—and then he says, “I was cleaning out the cellar when I found this.”

  “Okay, and the point would be?”

  “It just brought back such good memories. I figured maybe you’d want to share it with me once you saw it. You know I’d never be able to drink this with anyone but you,” he adds the last bit in a rush.

  As I stand there in the kitchen, listening to their hushed conversation play out, the light bulb finally goes off in my head.

  Dude at the door is her ex, Carl. It has to be, and the fact he won’t let up in his feat to reclaim her puts me in an instantly foul mood.

  How often does he drop by?

  Does she ever let him in?

  Does he know anything about me?

  Considering the fact she asked me to keep quiet, I doubt it, and the possibility only serves to irritate me further.

  Regardless of the fact I don’t have the right to be.

  Still, that deep-rooted sense of propriety completely takes a hold of me and I can’t—for the life of me—stop myself from doing what follows—especially when Vida seems to be growing more and more agitated at the fact that he won’t fucking leave.

  Stalking over to where they converse, I pull open the door a ways more and make myself visible behind Vida. The moment she feels me at her back, her entire frame body goes rigid. She sucks in a deep breath as soon as I open my mouth.

  “You know, I was trying to be respectful of boundaries and all that good shit, something you obviously don’t seem to know how to do.” My head cocks to one side. “But when you come banging down my date’s door and interrupt my time with said date, I lose any interest in being considerate. Showing up at her door a little too late, don’t ya think, boss?”

  “Who the hell are you?” he asks on a growl, brown eyes narrowing into tiny slits.

  Fucker is big as hell, maybe a few years older than me, but I can give three shits.

  His cock is probably smaller than my pinky.

  “I’m the new guy and you should probably get used to seeing me around if you’re gonna make it a habit to drop by unannounced.”

  “She’s my wife, I think I’m allowed to be here whenever I want,” he counters, prompting me to choke back a laugh.

  “Uhhh, I think you mean ex-wife. She’s your ex, bro, and now, she’s mine, so as much as watching yet another feeble attempt to wi—“

  “Okay, enough,” Vida snaps, pushing me backwards until I’m out of sight. “Carl, you need to go, seriously. Please don’t show up here unannounced again—in fact, don’t show up at all. I keep telling you this but, you need to accept we’ve been over for a long time and, no matter how hard you try, I’m not coming back.”


  Oh yes she did.

  Slammed the door tight in his face which in turn drifted a huge smile across mine. Elated and proud of her assertion, I start toward her, my arms outstretched to scoop her up. “You just crushed his ego, baby. I’m so—“

  “Shut up, Jagger, just shut up,” she snaps, shaking her hands in frustration.

  I stop dead in my tracks like a deflating balloon. “What the hell did I do?”

  “Are you serious?” She motions to the door. “That. That’s what you did!”

  I’m so completely taken aback, I don’t even know what to say, much less do. “I was helping you get rid of him.”

  “No, you were pissing all over me, hoping to intimidate him. It’s bad enough he’s after me on a regular basis. Do you know how much he’s going to harass me now? Why was any of that necessary? What was the point of it all?”


  Shrugging, I rub a hand down the back of head. “I thought him seeing me might help him realize you’ve moved on.”

  “Yeah, well, you thought wrong. I may be over him but I don’t remember asking for your help. I’m a big girl, Jag, I know how to take care of myself. Have some damn manners and stop assuming you can just make decisions for people as you please.”

  “Vida, baby, I’m sorry, I had no idea…” I trail off as she lifts a hand, a disgusted expression etched on her face.

  “Save it, seriously. Just go.”
r />   “Go where?”

  “Go, as in leave,” she states, throwing the door wide open.

  My heart shoots up to my throat. My stomach churns. Had I known my actions would’ve lead to this I never would have stepped foot out of the kitchen.

  I was just trying to help…

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t—”

  Another hand in my face. “Don’t baby me, Jagger. Just go. I need some space.”

  “Space? For how long?” I ask, stopping beneath the threshold in hopes she’ll change her mind at the heaping dose of remorse I’m sporting.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Maybe forever.”

  And then I, too, had that damn door slammed right in my face.

  I was a mess.

  And this time it was far worse than my break-up with Calla. Only Vida and I hadn’t actually called it quits if you really think about it. All she’d said was she needed space, the time-frame undeterminable and non-negotiable.

  The outcome didn’t seem promising, though, if you asked me.

  She wasn’t responding to my texts.

  Continuously screened my calls.

  Wouldn’t return my voicemails.

  I didn’t know what to do and, honestly, I didn’t know how much more I could take. It’d been almost a month and I was on the verge of turning to old habits again—namely, alcohol.

  I know, I know, bad decision, but the drink helped numb young Jag when he needed it, and I really fucking needed it now.

  Was it so awful that I just wanted to forget?

  Erasing her from my memories was infinitely better than tormenting myself with that why’s and the what if’s.

  Don’t worry, the boys didn’t let me anywhere near the bar during my shifts, and Betty snuck me no more than two shots, so it wasn’t exactly the easiest coping method to grab a hold of anyway. Plus, allowing myself to reach that point would only prove I’d hit rock bottom, and I didn’t exactly think picking myself up from that downward spiral would be as easy as it was last time.

  Even if Vida had never really been mine, this shit hurt a hell of a lot more than watching the mother of my child walk away.



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