
Home > Other > Arlen > Page 10
Arlen Page 10

by Catherine Lievens

  “I didn’t.” Mal bit his lower lip again and looked at his hands. “I know we didn’t talk about it on the phone, but, well, I kind of left my job and packed my stuff along with yours, at least what I could take with me. It’s all in the car.”

  Mal looked like he was afraid Arlen was about to kick him out, so Arlen leaned forward and hugged his best friend tightly. “You can stay here, of course you can.”

  “Don’t you have to ask Nick and Gentry?”

  “I will, but even if they’d rather not have you in the house I’m sure we can find you another room. Unless you don’t want to live with shifters you don’t know, of course. But that’s not going to be a problem. I’m sure you can stay here until you find another job and a house.”

  Mal chuckled into Arlen’s neck. “It’s going to be weird.”

  “What is?”

  “Not living with you. I tried that for the past few months, but it was very lonely.”

  Arlen leaned away and dried the tear that rolled down Mal’s cheek. “But you won’t be alone. Even if we don’t live together, you’ll still have me, and Gentry and Nick if you want, and I’m sure you’ll meet a lot of people if you decide to stay here.”

  “But I’m not a shifter.”

  Arlen shrugged. “So? You’re not the only human living around here. There are some in the pack, and they’re pack members just as much as any of the wolves or other shifters.”

  “What about Paul? What if he comes here?”

  “Is there any way he can find you? Did you tell anyone you were coming here?”

  “I told my landlord, you know, so that he could forward my mail. Do you-do you think Paul will try to find me?”

  “I don’t know, Mal. But if he does, you won’t be alone against him anymore. You have me, and Nick, and Gentry, and I’m sure we won’t be the only ones.”

  Mal moved closer to Arlen and hugged him again. Arlen let Mal bury his nose in the crook of his neck. Mal sniffed a few times and Arlen felt his skin dampened. His heart hurt for his best friend and he berated himself for not being able to do anything for Mal before. Not that it was his fault, but still.

  “Everything okay?”

  Arlen looked at the bedroom door to see Gentry hovering there with worry carved on his face. “I’m not sure, to be honest.” Arlen nudged Mal’s shoulder to move him away, but Mal shook his head and held Arlen even tighter. “Can I tell him?”

  Mal nodded against Arlen’s neck. Arlen sighed and looked at Gentry again. “Do you mind asking Nick to come too? And probably Kameron, too. Might as well tell him now, since we have to tell him anyway.”

  “Do you want me to call Jared too? Mal doesn’t look too good.”

  “Yeah, call him. I saw the bruises, but I’m not sure they’re the only ones.”

  Gentry nodded and disappeared again. Arlen looked down and realized Mal had actually fallen asleep, as if he hadn’t slept in a while. And maybe he hadn’t. Just the drive to Gillham was around six hours, and Mal had had to pack before leaving Lewistown.

  Arlen sighed and reached around Mal to grab a pillow. He slowly lowered his back and stuck the pillow under his head, then settled down with Mal half lying on top of him.

  Arlen hadn’t been able to do anything for Mal before, but he’d do anything he could to help his best friend now.

  * * * *


  Gentry found his lover in the office they shared. Nick was reading a file but looked up as soon as Gentry stepped in the room. “Yeah?”

  “Can you call Kam and Jared, please?”

  Nick’s expression changed to one of concern. “What’s wrong? Is it Arlen? Is he hurt?”

  “No, not him. Mal.”

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t know the story, not yet, but Arlen mentioned bruises.”

  “Yeah, I’ll call. You should go make some more coffee I think. This sounds like it’s not going to be easy.”

  Gentry was waiting for the coffee maker to be done when his phone rang. “Hi, dad.”

  “Gen. How’s your friend doing?”

  “You ask about Arlen before you ask about me? Do I have to think you care more about him than about me?”

  “Don’t be an idiot. I know you’re fine or you’d have called, but the only thing I got after the other night was a text that said Arlen’s fine. Thanks. I want details, son.”

  “Arlen is fine, dad. He’s human again, he had a checkup and he’s fine.”

  “Where is he living? With you and Nick?”

  Gentry hesitated. He didn’t want to do this on the phone, but with his parents living in Delaware he didn’t think there’d be another moment. He could wait for another phone call, but he had nothing to do but wait at the moment and he could hang up with a good excuse if his father didn’t take the news well. “Is mom there?”

  “Do you want me to put you on speaker?”

  “Yes, please. You both need to hear this.”

  “You’re almost worrying me there.”


  “Hey, mom.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just... something happened and I’m not sure how well you’re going to take it.”

  “Get to the point, Gen.”

  “Right. Well, I guess dad told you about Arlen?”

  “He’s human again.”

  “Yes, right. We found out he’s Nick’s mate.”

  “Oh, Gen. I’m sorry. Do you need me to come? Or your father?”

  Gentry chuckled. That was his mother, always ready to run to him if something was wrong. “No. I’m fine.”


  “Really, I’m fine. Arlen... well, he’s special. He told me and Nick that he didn’t want us to break up, that he fell in love with us while he was a wolf.”

  “With both of you?” There was a touch of incredulity in Gentry’s mother’s voice.

  “Yes. So he proposed a...” How could Gentry say it? Threesome sounded too sexual to his ears, as if it was only temporary or maybe only for the sex. “A throuple. He asked us if we’d be okay with including him in our couple.”

  “Oh, a threesome.”

  Gentry didn’t even want to ask why his mother seemed so comfortable with the concept. “Yes, but not only for the sex. He’s living with us and we’re like a regular couple, just... in three.”

  “And you’re all right with that?” Gentry’s dad asked.

  Gentry turned the coffee maker off since the pot was full and started gathering mugs. “I am. I know it might not be easy, but I love Nick, and I like Arlen.”

  Gentry’s dad sighed. “I’m not going to pretend I understand it, but if you’re happy...”

  “Oh, you’re just old,” Gentry’s mom exclaimed. “What’s the problem if they love each other?”

  “Honey, you’re the shifter. You tell me why mates always come in couples and not in three.”

  “Gentry isn’t only a shifter. He’s also a man, and God knows his heart is big enough to love two men.”

  “I never said he couldn’t, just that I wasn’t sure I could understand it.”

  Gentry heard a knock on the door and Nick passed through the hallway to open it. Gentry had to go, but first he needed to know. “Does that mean you’re not sure you can accept it, dad?”

  “Are you deaf, son? I said that as long as you’re happy I’m fine with it.”

  A huge weight Gentry hadn’t even realized was on his chest lifted. “That’s... great. Thank you.”

  “When can we come to visit?” his mom asked.

  “I’m going to ask Nick and Arlen and let you know, okay? Look, I have to go, but I’ll call back later. Bye, mom.”

  “All right. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  Gentry hung up and put everything he needed on a tray, then walked to the office. No one was there, so he headed to their bedroom, and sure enough, everyone was there
. Kameron was sitting in one of the chairs they kept there while Nick was on the bed next to Arlen. Arlen was on his back, Mal snuggled against him as Arlen tried to wake him up. Jared was patiently waiting to be able to examine Mal.

  Gentry put his tray on the dresser and filled mugs with steaming coffee, handing them around as he went before giving the men on the bed his attention again.

  Mal’s T-shirt had ridden up as he slept and Gentry could see the edge of a dark bruise. It had to be fairly recent to still be that dark, which meant whatever caused it had probably happened the day before, a few days at most.

  “Hey, Mal. I asked the pack’s alpha to come here to meet you.”

  Mal jerked upward in a sitting position. He raised his hands in defense as if he expected someone to hit him, and Gentry wanted to wrap him in a hug. Mal looked so different from the bubbly, loud-mouthed man they’d met only a few hours before. Mal had to be a very good actor, because Gentry hadn’t suspected something had happened to him.

  “I’m just a doctor. I won’t hurt you,” Jared said in a low and steady voice. Mal’s eyes blinked open and he looked around. He seemed relieved to see Arlen next to him, and even Gentry and Nick.


  Arlen gave his best friend a one-armed hug. “It’s okay. Jared is just here to make sure you have nothing worse than the bruises you showed me, and Kameron needs to hear everything if you want to stay here, but I swear everything you say will stay here. Right?” Arlen turned supplicating eyes to Kameron, and Kameron nodded.

  Mal looked a bit steadier. “Yeah, okay. There’s nothing much to say, really. I have—had—a boyfriend. Paul’s violent. He hits me. I never really tried to get away, not after the first few times, because I didn’t have anyone, but now that Arlen is back... I just packed my stuff and came here.” He looked at Kameron. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask before, and if you don’t want me here I’ll go. I know I’m just human, but I know about you guys, and I’m not scared.”

  Kameron held up a hand to stop the flow of words. “You can stay.”

  Mal snapped his mouth close. “I can?”

  “Yes. I just want to know your ex’s full name and a bit of info on him, just in case. And if Gentry and Nick are okay with it, I think it’d be better for you to stay here with them for now. Just in case.”

  “It’s fine with me,” Gentry said.

  Nick nodded. “With me, too. He can have the guest room.”

  Kameron smirked. “Isn’t that Arlen’s room?”

  “Ah hah, very funny.”

  “I take it you three talked?”



  Jared cleared his throat. “If Mal is all right with it, I’ll take him to the guest room to examine him.”

  “I’m fine. It’s not necessary,” Mal declared.

  “Go with Jared, Mal,” Kameron said. It wasn’t in his alpha voice, but Mal reacted to the words anyway and climbed off the bed. He followed Jared out, leaving Gentry, Arlen and Nick alone with Kameron.

  “So? Are you guys all together now?”

  “Yeah,” Nick answered.

  “Have you already told your parents?”

  “No, and I don’t look forward to doing it. You know they won’t be happy about it. They’re still hoping my mate will be a woman.”

  “Well, I’m not,” Arlen declared. He looked at Gentry and smiled. “And neither is Gentry.”

  “I know. Just be prepared to be called names and scowled at.”

  “My parents took it well,” Gentry said, deciding they needed positive news.

  “You told them already?” Nick asked.

  “Yes. My mom called earlier and I told them. She asked when they can come to visit.”

  Kameron rose from the chair and handed his empty mug to Gentry. “I’m going to go.”

  “I still have to talk to you,” Arlen told him.

  “You can come by my house any time you want. Bring Mal with you when you come. He might know about shifters but I don’t think he’s been around them a lot. It’ll do him good.”

  “Yeah. He needs friends. Other than me, I mean.”

  Kam gave Arlen a small smile. “We all do, Arlen.”

  * * * *

  Mal came out of the room looking a bit down, but one nod from Jared was enough to reassure the three of them that the man was fine. Nick wasn’t sure whether Mal wanted them to know exactly what happened to him, so he kept his mouth shut, but Arlen wasn’t so subtle.

  “So? How is he?” He looked at Mal. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. I just have a few bruises.” Jared cleared his throat and Mal scowled at him. “Fine, it’s a bit more than a few bruises, but I really am fine. Jared said I’ll completely heal without problems.”

  Arlen hugged his best friend and Mal yelped. “Dude, the bruises!”

  Arlen jumped away and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry. So, what do you want to do? Do you want to go to Kameron’s house, or do you want to bring your stuff inside and start to unpack?”

  Mal looked a bit overwhelmed, so Nick decided to help him. “Why don’t you help him unpack? You can go to Kam’s tomorrow.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Nick shrugged. “I thought I might pass by Andy’s house before going to see my parents.”

  Gentry grimaced and looked up from his book. “Want me to come with you?”

  “I’m not sure that’ll help.”

  “I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t help them, but it would help you.”

  “I’m fine. You know I don’t care much about what they think.”

  “Still. They’re your parents.”

  “You know our relationship wasn’t great to begin with.” Gentry opened his mouth to insist—Nick knew him well—and Nick cut him before he could. “Don’t worry. I’m used to insults and scorn, but Arlen isn’t and I know how much they hurt you, so stay here. You can help Arlen and Mal with Mal’s stuff or study one of your books.”

  Gentry put his book down and walked to Nick. He wound his arms around Nick’s waist and kissed his cheek. Nick felt another pair of arms going around his torso and looked to his other side, where Arlen was smiling up at him. Arlen leaned his head against Nick’s shoulder while Gentry kissed Nick again.

  “We’ll be here when you come back. Do you want pizza tonight?”

  “Only if you’re not the one cooking it.”

  Gentry tried to scowl at Nick but ended up laughing instead. “I was thinking about going to get one at Mario’s, actually.”

  Nick kissed his nose. “Great idea. Take Mal and Arlen with you, they can help bring the food back.”

  “And that way Mal can see a bit of the town,” Arlen added before kissing Nick on the lips.

  “God, you guys are hot together,” Mal exclaimed from where he was standing in front of Nick. Nick tried to scowl at him, really he did, but he kept seeing the bruises covering Mal’s torso in his mind and just couldn’t muster up a good enough scowl. So he just gave the man a tiny smile and kissed both his lovers on the forehead.

  “Go have fun. I’ll do my best to be back by seven tonight.”

  “You better, or we’ll eat all the pizza,” Gentry pointed out.

  Nick shook his head and headed for the front door. He decided to run to Andy’s, so he took his clothes off and stuffed them into the bag he kept on the porch just for that.

  “Oh shit! Guys, you’re sure you don’t want a fourth?” Nick heard from behind him. He smiled and shook his head, then shifted.

  Once in his wolf form he shook his fur out and huffed. Mal was standing just outside the door, still looking at him. Nick trotted toward the human and head-butted his knee until Mal leaned over and scratched the top of Nick’s head. “You’re a lot bigger than Arlen.”

  Nick yipped and Mal laughed. “I have no idea what you want from me, but I need to go get the first boxes from my car, so...”

  Nick lick
ed Mal’s hand and ignored his noise of disgust. He trotted to his bag, grabbed it with his teeth and headed toward the trees. It was a quick walk from his house to Andy’s, just about ten minutes, and it was over before Nick could really appreciate it. He resolved to go running with both his lovers soon—it had been a while since he’d done that with Gentry.

  Nick stopped just before walking into the clearing around Andy’s house and shifted, then dressed. He folded his bag and stuck it in his pocket, then walked to the house and up the porch. There was a loud yell and laughter coming from inside the house, then the sound of someone running—Nathan, Xavier and Andy’s son.

  Nick smiled and knocked on the door, which swung open almost immediately. “Uncle Nick!”

  Nathan threw himself at Nick’s legs and Nick stumbled. He almost fell flat on his ass but a hand shot forward and grabbed his wrist. “Thanks.”

  Andy smiled. “You’re welcome. Nate, how any times do I have to tell you not to tackle people? Especially when they’re not expecting it. You managed to make Samuel fall down the stairs the other day.”


  Nick patted Nathan’s curls. “It’s okay.”

  “Why don’t you go and play with your new construction blocks? I’ll take Uncle Nick to the kitchen to have a beer.”

  Nathan ran away without another word and Nick watched the fond expression on Andy’s face. His best friend really loved the kid he’d adopted, and along with Xavier they made a perfect family.

  Andy clapped Nick’s shoulder and steered him toward the kitchen. “What brings you here?”

  “What, I can’t visit my best friend?”

  Andy snorted and Nick waved at Xavier, who was cooking. “Sure, you can, but I haven’t seen you much since you started living in wedded bliss with Gentry.”

  Nick grimaced and sat at the kitchen table. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to abandon you.”

  Andy placed an open bottle in front of Nick and sat on the other side of the table. “So? I heard about Arlen, although Kam was pretty vague about everything.”

  Nick smirked and waited until Andy took a swig of his beer to say, “Yeah, that’s because we found out Arlen’s my mate.”


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