Wilde Novellas

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Wilde Novellas Page 11

by Janelle Dennison

  He was definitely that. But for all she knew, he might already have plans for the evening. It was Saturday, and two days away from Christmas, a time when many people were booked up with parties, celebrations, or family affairs.

  Everyone except her, of course.

  Chasye stood and slipped the camera strap around her neck, her gaze suddenly serious, as if she had direct insight into the thoughts tumbling through Faith's mind. "By the way, you know you can always spend the holidays with me if things don't work out with Dr. Sexy."

  "Thank you." Faith smiled gratefully. "I might just take you up on that offer."

  "Good luck with Santa." With a quick, sassy wink, Chayse went back to taking pictures.

  For the next half hour, Faith watched the festivities along with April, waiting patiently for the little girl to come out of her shell and join the fun. Finally, all the children had their turn with Santa and were busy playing with the toys he'd given them, but there was still one present left.

  Holding a gaily wrapped gift in his hand, Santa looked over the rim of his wire-rimmed glasses, searching the room for the recipient. "Is April here today?" he asked.

  The little girl stiffened in surprise, and not sure whether April would speak up, Faith gently coaxed her to approach Santa for her gift. "Come on, sweetie, I'll go with you."

  With April clasping Faith's hand tightly, they made their way to Santa. The young girl didn't want to sit on his lap, but standing so close to him, she stared up at him in awe as he handed her the last present She opened the gift tentatively, and her entire face transformed with gleeful excitement once the box was unwrapped.

  "I got the doll I wanted," she squealed in excitement "Thank you, Santa!" She rushed off to share her gift with the friends she'd made during her stay in the hospital.

  Feeling warm and fuzzy inside, Faith smiled from April, to Matthew. "Very well done, Santa."

  "Thank you," he murmured in that low, velvet-lined voice that sent shivers down her spine. Before she realized his intent, his gloved fingers wrapped around her wrist and he pulled her onto his lap.

  Suddenly self-conscious with the nurses and kids looking on in avid interest, and very aware of his hard muscular thighs beneath her bottom and legs, she tried to make light of the situation. "Don't you think I'm a bit too big to be sitting on your lap?"

  "Not at all. You fit just right." His eyes sparkled playfully, and the tilt of his moustache hinted at the sexy-as-sin smile hidden beneath. "So, what about you, Faith? Have you been naughty or nice this year?"

  He'd placed his gloved hand on her knee, and the heat of his touch seeped through her slacks and spread upward, wreaking havoc with her sexually deprived body. She inhaled a deep steady breath, and the warm male scent of him invaded her senses, increasing the wanting unfurling in the pit of her belly.

  "Oh, I've been very nice." Too nice and good, but all that was about to change. And he'd just presented her with the perfect opportunity to act on her intentions, to be the kind of bold assertive woman she'd always admired from afar but had never been.

  "So, what would you like for Christmas?" he asked quite innocently, but there was no mistaking the sexy dare in his gaze.

  Caught up in the sensual awareness thrumming between them, Faith seized the moment and made it hers. Cupping her hand over his ear so that no one could hear her very private wish, she whispered, "I want to be naughty, Santa. Very naughty. With you." She gently nipped his lobe to prove how brazen she was willing to be, and heard him suck in a startled breath. "I want one night of unforgettable, anything-goes sex with you, any way I please, and any way you want."

  She pulled back, not certain what to expect, but the arousing heat and desire in Matthew's eyes reassured her that she'd definitely piqued his interest, and his libido, with her shameless request. And his next words confirmed her hunch.

  "Well now, since you've been so good this year, I think your request can be arranged," he drawled, and followed that up with a hearty, jovial "Ho, ho, ho!" that had everyone wondering what, exactly, she'd asked for.

  Chapter Two

  Finished with his St. Nick duties, Matthew headed into the nurses' lounge to change out of his Santa suit and wait for Faith to join him. After initially stunning him with her unabashed and very naughty proposition, he'd told her to meet him in the private lounge so they could discuss the details of her Christmas wish, which he was more than willing to fulfill, in every way.

  Taking off the fluffy white wig and beard he'd donned for the children, he set them in the rental box, along with the wire-rimmed glasses, then combed his fingers through his hair to restore some order to the thick strands. For the past six months, he'd been waiting patiently for a moment like the one Faith had presented this afternoon. He'd bided his time, subtly flirting and pursuing her despite her rejecting his invitations to lunch or dinner, hoping she'd eventually come around and take a chance on him.

  A slow grin lifted the corner of his lips as he unbuckled the wide black leather belt around his padded waist Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that Faith would turn the tables on him and make such a brazen advance, or issue such a seductive overture. Not that he was complaining. She'd just given him the opportunity he'd been angling for, and he had no qualms using her request to his advantage.

  There was no denying the chemistry between them, and while she might just want a one-night affair to sate her desires, he craved something far more long-term with her. Over the ensuing months he'd come to realize that she was the kind of woman he'd been searching years to find—genuinely sweet and caring, inherently sensual, and one of the few women who didn't have one eye on being the wife of a pediatric surgeon, and the other eye on his bank account and all that his money might be able to buy them.

  Since he'd had so much time to get to know Faith on a casual, amicable level, he'd learned that what you saw was what you got. And because she'd never tried to pretend otherwise like so many other women he'd dated, he was already half in love with her. Now, if all he had was twenty-four hours to convince her that what was between them was more than a sizzling attraction, then he was going to make the most of every minute with her—physically and emotionally.

  But first, they'd start with their basic mutual attraction because that was the reason she'd finally come to him. From there he was certain that trust and intimacy, the foundation of any solid relationship, would develop naturally.

  Just as he unzipped the fancy, fur-trimmed coat, Faith entered the room and leaned against the closed door. She tipped her head, causing her auburn hair to frame her classical features in soft layers, beckoning him to run his fingers through those silky strands like so many times before.

  An irresistible smile curved her glossy lips and her green eyes glowed bright with anticipation as they met his gaze from across the room. "Hi there," she said, the husky tone of her voice flowing through him, warm and smooth, like fine aged whiskey.

  He took in her black sweater top, embroidered with candy canes for the holiday, and admired the way the knit fabric outlined her full breasts, tapered into a trim waist, and followed the curve of her hips to a pair of black slacks. "Hi, yourself. I was beginning to think you'd changed your mind," he teased.

  She licked her bottom lip. "Not a chance."

  "Me either." He shrugged out of the heavy coat and removed the padding around his waist, which left him wearing a plain white cotton undershirt and baggy pants held up by nothing more than a pair of black suspenders. "Would you lock the door so I can finish changing?"

  "Oh." Her eyes widened as realization dawned. "I can come back in a few minutes when you're dressed."

  "No, I want you to stay," he said, before she could slip right back out of the lounge. "Lock the door, Faith."

  Cheeks flushed pink, she obeyed his order, but he could tell she did so tentatively. For as daring and impudent as she'd been with him in the children's ward less than an hour ago, now that she was completely alone with him she appeared much too reserved
for a woman supposedly intent on seducing him.

  That was about to change.

  "Faith, you're the one who asked for this, and in order for me to fulfill your Christmas wish, every bit of inhibition stops here and now," he said with purpose. "You wanted a night of unforgettable, anything-goes sex with me, any way you please and any way I desire. I plan to take you up on that offer, and that means no modesty allowed between us, in any way. Agreed?"

  "Agreed." She exhaled a breath and nodded, seemingly in need of that pep talk that gave her permission to embrace the wanton he knew was tucked inside that conservative facade of hers.

  "Good." Satisfied with her acquiescence that left the door wide open to all kinds of erotic possibilities, and needing her within touching distance, he crooked his finger at her. "How about you come on over here and help me take off these snug boots?" It was as good an ice-breaker as any, a way to dispel any last bit of tension with a more playful overture.

  He sat down in a nearby chair and watched her approach, enjoying the subtle sway of her hips and the sexy self-assurance that lit her eyes as she neared. Now that he'd established that he wouldn't accept anything less than an equal partnership in their affair, she wasn't holding back, and all that feminine confidence thrilled and aroused him.

  When she reached him, he motioned for her to turn around. "To get the best grip and leverage, I need to slip my foot between your legs from behind so you can grab the heel and give it a good firm tug," he explained.

  She lifted a brow skeptically but did as he suggested and faced away from him. When he had his leg positioned between hers, she leaned forward from the waist and grabbed the heel of the black vinyl boot. A surge of heat spiraled straight to his groin, making his cock swell thickly as he imagined her in this exact same position but completely naked—legs spread, bottom tilted in invitation, and the pink wet folds of her sex tempting him to take her in such a provocative position.

  "Tell me when to pull," she said, unaware of what an opportunist he truly was. But she was about to find out.

  "In a minute. I'm admiring the fantastic view and indulging in a very carnal fantasy." He reached out and gently caressed and squeezed her buttocks. "You have a great ass, you know that?"

  She glanced around at him, all that glorious hair of hers tumbling over her shoulder and framing her face in a wild disarray. "Are you trying to shock me?"

  "Not at all," he drawled, and grinned like the devious rogue he planned to be with her tonight. "I'm just speaking what's been on my mind for months now. And since we'll be spending the night together, hopefully most of it naked, I figure that gives me permission to speak what's on my mind."

  She laughed and relaxed. "I suppose it does."

  He let his thumbs drift along the crevice of her bottom and lightly stroked and teased between her legs. "Then I guess I can tell you that I'd love to fuck you in this position, with me taking you from behind, hard and fast and deep."

  Her breath caught and her eyes darkened at his frank sexual dialogue and very intimate touch. "Matthew…"

  He liked the way his name sounded on her lips, a soft, sweet plea that let him know she was his for the taking. When the time came. "But first, we'll take it slow and easy and work our way up to that particular fantasy," he said, and let his hands settle on the feminine curve of her waist. "Pull off my boot, sweetheart."

  Regaining her composure, she tugged hard on the heel, and the tight-fitting shoe slowly eased right off his foot. She grinned at him, looking amazed at her efforts. "Hey, that really did work well!"

  He chuckled. "Of course it did. The view was just an added bonus for me."

  She helped him remove his other boot and put both of them in the rental box. Then he stood, slipped the suspenders down his arms and let the bulky, red velvet trousers drop to the floor. Her gaze flickered down the length of him, taking in his snug boxer briefs that outlined every detail of his solid erection.

  He reached for his jeans and stepped into them. "If you don't quit staring at me like that, there's no way I'll be able to zip up my pants and walk out of here without being accused of indecent exposure."

  A light shade of pink swept across her cheeks. "Sorry," she said, not sounding apologetic at all for checking him out.

  Shaking his head in amusement, and despite his own discomfort, he did his best to fasten the front of his jeans.

  "There's something I want to ask you," he said, switching the mood from sexy and frisky to something more serious. He needed to know what was going through her head as far as he was concerned, which would give him a better idea of what he was ultimately up against with her. "You've been turning me down for the past six months. What made you change your mind about me?"

  Faith mulled over his question for a quick moment, thinking about how to best answer it. "I've been turning you down, yes, but that doesn't mean I don't want you."

  "Which makes your request all the more intriguing," he murmured, and covered his broad muscled chest with a beige cable-knit sweater.

  She shrugged her shoulders and strove for a nonchalant attitude. "Maybe it's a simple matter of wanting each other—"

  "And getting it out of our systems?" he finished for her.

  Hearing her thoughts coming from his lips, she had to admit that her plan had a shallow ring to it. Then again, she was being honest with him, and their agreement thus far was all about mutual pleasure, nothing more. "Sure. Why not?"

  He stared at her, his gaze direct and intense. "And you think one night together is going to accomplish that?"

  There was a wealth of doubts in his statement that surprised her, yet she had to remain firm. One night would have to be enough, because anything more would mean involving her heart and emotions, and she wasn't willing to risk that part of herself with him, knowing they had no real future together.

  Beyond their attraction, he was way out of her league socially, and she'd already traveled down that road with Martin. She was a simple schoolteacher who lived modestly, and from what she knew of Matthew Carlton, he'd grown up in a very wealthy, privileged household. And apparently, judging by his broken engagement and the slew of women he'd dated, he wasn't looking for anything long term or permanent.

  Well, neither was she, she reminded herself determinedly. "That's all I'm asking for, Matthew. I wouldn't think my request would be a problem for you."

  A slight frown etched his brows. "And why is that?" he asked, obviously interested in hearing her explanation.

  She leaned against the wooden table behind her that employees used for their meal breaks and braced her hands on either side of her hips. "You do have a certain reputation around the hospital for being quite the ladies' man."

  "Trust me, that reputation is highly overrated," he muttered, seemingly very bothered by her perception of him.

  She regarded him speculatively. "Are you denying that you've dated some of the nurses in this hospital and all of them on a short-term basis?"

  "No. I've gone out with a few of them, all on casual, friendly dates." He shrugged, as if the time he'd spent with those women was insignificant. "Nothing serious at all, but that's by choice, and the women knew that up-front."

  "Exactly." Those same women had shared intimate details of those dates, fueling the gossip around the hospital about Matthew's notorious reputation. "And I'm letting you know that I respect your rules, because I'm not looking for anything serious, either."

  He ran a hand through his hair, the gesture reflecting the sudden frustration she saw flitting across his expression, though she had no idea what had him so bothered when she was willing to make their affair as uncomplicated as possible between them.

  "One night is all I want," she told him again, her tone adamant.

  That brief moment of discontent faded, and his mouth quirked into a slow, sexy smile that tightened her nipples and made her melt inside, despite her convictions. "Okay, I'll agree to that," he said. "For now."

  A contradictory statement if she ever heard one. His
gaze glimmered with ulterior motives as he slowly stepped toward her, and her heart beat wildly in her chest as he grasped her waist and pushed her back against the table, giving her no choice but to sit on the hard wooden surface.

  "Umm, what are you doing?" she asked curiously, though she wasn't at all opposed to whatever he had in mind. Not when her body was already humming in keen anticipation.

  "Something I've been wanting to do for months now." Splaying his palms against her knees, he pushed her legs wide apart so her thighs bracketed his lean hips.

  A slow, insidious ache spread through her limbs, a need so strong it nearly overwhelmed her. A need as hot as the wanting that blazed like blue fire in Matthew's eyes. "And what's that?" she asked breathlessly.

  The grin that eased up the corner of his sensual mouth was pure unadulterated male. "I want to see how well we fit together."

  Chapter Three

  Matthew had no doubt that their bodies would be a perfect match, that physically they'd complement each other flawlessly. But this moment was all about giving Faith a preview of what was to come. A bit of foreplay to increase the hunger already smoldering between them, and show her just how amazing making love was going to be… his reputed reputation be damned.

  Cupping her bottom in his palms, he pulled her forward and pressed the hard ridge beneath the fly of his jeans against her sex. A moan slipped from her throat, and if it wasn't for their clothing, he would have been inside her by now. Deep inside her. Mindlessly lost in the softness and heat of her body.

  Pushing that erotic image from his mind, he framed her jaw in his hands, lowered his head, and nibbled delicately on her plump lower lip. "I want to see how compatible our mouths are, and I want to taste you deep inside," he whispered in between soft nips of his teeth and the lazy coaxing stroke of his tongue. "I want to feel your breasts against my chest, your belly against mine, and your legs wrapped tight around my waist."


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