Wilde Novellas

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Wilde Novellas Page 17

by Janelle Dennison

  His thick erection nudged her mound, and he slid a muscular thigh up between her legs until his knee pressed against her sex, forcing her to ride him. God, he'd never, ever needed a woman as badly as he ached for Chayse. Despite how she aggravated him, he wanted to worship her with his hands, taste her everywhere with his tongue until she begged him to let her come. Then he wanted to fuck her until she screamed with the pleasure of it, and he finally gave himself over to the hot, pulsing release he'd denied himself for too long.

  She shuddered and moaned, and it was the pressure of her fingers digging into his arms that snapped him out of his carnal thoughts. He immediately let her go and stepped back so he wasn't crushing her against the door, so that he wasn't wrapped so intimately around her. They stared at one another, both of them breathing hard, panting. Her violet eyes were wide and dilated, her expression stunned and just a tad bit uncertain.

  He should have been gratified that he'd finally managed to crack that resolve of hers, but instead his gut twisted with contrition for his barbaric behavior. He'd never treated a woman so roughly before, not that she'd tried to stop him. No, she'd let him have his way with her, accepting his penchant for being assertive and in control.

  While he still had her off balance, he pressed his advantage. "If you insist on getting those pictures, you're going to have to spend the weekend alone with me at my cabin to get them. And I can just about guarantee that if you're enough of a risk-taker to join me, we'll finish what we started here tonight. Are you willing to take that chance?"

  Still seemingly dazed by all that had transpired, she shook her head and whispered, "No. "

  He unlocked the door and eased it open for her. "Didn't think so, and trust me, you'll be better off, in every way, by finding someone else to pose for your calendar. "

  For the first time ever, she issued no argument and slipped out of the bathroom, and most likely out of his life. Just as he wanted.

  He ought to have been overjoyed for accomplishing his goal. Unfortunately, the victory left a bitter taste in his mouth and generated yet another unwanted emotion—regret for what might have been.

  Chapter Two

  Adrian wasn't going to be happy to see her, of that Chayse was certain. Lying in the large hammock secured to the thick porch posts of his family's small, cozy cabin while waiting for her outdoor man to arrive, Chayse basked in the warmth of the early morning sun on her face and bare legs. She was more than prepared to deal with his wrath, more than willing to spend the weekend with Adrian to get the pictures she wanted, and ultimately rise to his dare and show him just how much of a risk-taker she could be.

  Especially after chickening out with him the evening before.

  Chayse winced at the cowardly recollection of how she'd bolted, a moment of weakness she didn't plan to repeat. After spending most of the night berating herself for letting Adrian intimidate her with the hottest, most provocative kiss she'd ever experienced, she'd gotten up early this morning, her resolve rejuvenated and her fortitude stronger than ever. She hadn't gotten through life by shrinking from a confrontation, or allowing anyone to coerce her into backing down from something that mattered to her.

  She'd learned the valuable lesson of being strong and determined at the age of fourteen, after the death of her ten-year-old brother, Kevin. Her mother's emotional withdrawal had followed, and her parents ultimately divorced, leaving her floundering for a place to belong. She'd learned to depend on no one but herself, and developed the courage to take chances and fight for what she believed in, or wanted. And she believed in this calendar project that was a tribute to her brother, and she wanted Adrian's gorgeous face and sexy body to grace not only the cover, but the pages within.

  She breathed the crisp, cool spring air, knowing she could have found another outdoor man to take Adrian's place. It sure would have been a much easier task than going head to head with the Wilde One himself—and she'd almost given up on him for good after he'd rattled her senses with his kiss last night.

  There was also her own burning curiosity about Adrian and his true reasons for refusing her request time and again. She knew he was hiding something. She'd always had an eye for that kind of thing, for seeing deeper than the surface. She supposed that uncanny ability came from being a photographer, of being able to really look into a person's eyes, or read body language and recognize subtle nuances that nobody else seemed to notice. Adrian was much too defensive about a photo shoot most men would have fun doing in the name of charity, and she was here to discover why. She'd always relished a good challenge, and Adrian was one big complex puzzle that intrigued her.

  She was back in the ring for another round, and this time she was doing so with a clear understanding of the ultimatum he'd given her. That if she made the decision to pursue him for the photos she wanted, not only was she going to have to spend the weekend alone with him, but there would be a heck of a lot more going on between them than picture taking.

  A shiver stole through her, puckering her nipples against her ribbed tank top and eliciting a tumble of excitement in the pit of her belly. Oh yeah, she knew and accepted his terms, and she was perfectly aware that her unexpected presence was the equivalent of handing herself over to him on a silver platter—naked and his for the taking. Willingly so.

  She hadn't had sex in a good long time, and if the chemistry that had ignited between them last night was any indication, she was in for one heck of a wild, satisfying weekend. And in the end, they'd both leave this cabin having gotten exactly what they wanted from each other—a win-win situation in her estimation.

  The thought put a smile on her face, and with the push of her sandaled toe against the porch railing, she set the hammock into a slow, relaxing swing. She sighed and closed her eyes, saturating her senses with the sounds of chirping birds and the rush of water flowing through the creek that ran alongside the cabin. She couldn't help but envy Adrian for having such a peaceful place to escape to, a hideaway retreat tucked away just outside of the Kankakee River State Park and surrounded by trails and trees and craggy rocks. She appreciated Mia giving her the directions she'd needed to get here and surprise Adrian.

  The rumbling sound of a vehicle driving up the dirt road leading to the cabin interrupted her peaceful interlude, and she opened her eyes to see Adrian's red Jeep appearing around a bend in the road. He came to a long, skidding stop in front of the cabin, creating a billow of dust that settled over her just washed Honda Accord. With his fingers wrapped tight around the steering wheel, he remained perfectly still and stared up at her in shock, as if he couldn't quite bring himself to believe she was for real. She grinned and waggled her fin-gers in greeting, making sure he realized she was no figment of his imagination.

  She saw him close his eyes, take a deep breath, then slide from the driver's side of the Jeep. He walked to the back of the vehicle and grabbed a duffel bag with one hand, and two plastic sacks of groceries with the other. Then he headed toward the cabin.

  That he wasn't happy to see her was an understatement. The man was downright furious, and he didn't have to say a word to express his simmering anger. The tense set of his body, his clenched jaw, and his fuming silence said it all.

  Despite the sudden rapid beat of her heart, she remained right where she was—on the hammock, waiting to take her cue from him. He climbed the steps, and without so much as looking her way or acknowledging her, he unlocked the door and entered the cabin with the screen door slapping shut behind him like a gunshot. The loud sound made her jump and question the wisdom of infringing upon his male domain.

  She immediately pushed that thought out of her head. She would not let him intimidate her this time.

  A moment later he came back out; still ignoring her, he returned to his Jeep to retrieve more bags of groceries. Once again, he entered the cabin without so much as eye contact, treating her as if she didn't exist. That if maybe he didn't acknowledge her, she'd go away.

  Nope, not a chance.

  She'd expected
him to verbally vent his displeasure, but his silent treatment and his barely restrained temper were almost worse than him just getting pissed at her and letting it out of his system. And sooner or later, she had no doubt his control would snap and he'd vent all that resentment shimmering off him in waves.

  Hearing him moving around inside, making no attempt to deal with the woman waiting for him on the porch, she realized she had two choices—to leave and forget about Adrian, or face the gorgeous, moody Adonis inside and let him know she was here to stay. Since going home wasn't an option, she headed down to her car to retrieve her overnight bag and camera equipment, and prepared herself for a confrontation.

  It took her two trips to bring everything inside, and she set her belongings in the living room. The cabin was small, but well kept and nicely furnished in oak, beige tones, and hunter green accents. In a sweeping glance, she was able to see the entire layout of the place. Two doors led to two separate bedrooms, one that looked slightly larger than the other. There was a bathroom, and a cozy dining area that adjoined the kitchen.

  Knowing Adrian was putting away his groceries, she headed in that direction. Her sandals clicked on the polished wood floor, announcing her presence, but he didn't turn around and kept stocking the shelves with canned goods.

  That was okay by her for the moment, since his backside was especially fine to look at. Leaning against the door frame, she eyed him from a professional standpoint, as a subject she'd be photographing. But it didn't take long for feminine instincts to take over, and soon she was studying him as a man in his prime, physically and sexually.

  He had an amazing body, athletic and honed to perfection from his business that catered to extreme sports and outdoor adventures, and his obvious hands-on dedication to rock climbing, water rafting, and skiing in the winter. He was tall, with wide shoulders that tapered to a lean waist. Faded, well-worn jeans hugged his tight ass and strong-looking thighs. There wasn't an ounce of ex-cess fiat on his lean, muscled frame from what she could see.

  He wore his pitch black hair longer than was stylish. The thick, glossy strands were tousled around his head from his drive in his open-air Jeep, adding to his bad-boy appeal. The man was outdoor rugged and a little rough around the edges, pure sex and sin in one breath-stealing package. An untamable rebel who tempted her to take a walk on the wild side with him.

  If only he'd acknowledge her.

  Tired of his silence, she opted to lighten the atmosphere. "The hospitality around here sure is lacking. "

  "If you want to be waited on, I suggest you go stay at the St. Claire." Finished stashing the perishables in the refrigerator, he twisted the top off a bottle of orange juice and chugged half the contents.

  The St. Claire was one of Chicago's finest hotels, and far beyond what her budget could afford. "Okay, so there's no bellman to help bring in my bags or room service to make my meals. I can live with that. I swear I'm not high maintenance at all. In fact, I don't need much—"

  He spun around so quickly, she lost her train of thought and her ability to speak. His intense blue eyes bore into her, searing her with that burning look. "What are you doing here?"

  She thought that would have been obvious, but it was clear that he'd never anticipated that she'd actually take him up on his offer. It was nice to see him off balance for a change. "If I remember correctly, you invited me here. "

  He set the bottle of orange juice on the counter with a loud thunk. "If I remember correctly, you said no. "

  "I changed my mind." She shrugged her shoulder, and felt her breasts rise and fall with the movement. "A woman's prerogative and all that. "

  High color slashed across his cheekbones, and his lips flattened into a grim line. His gaze raked down the length of her body, taking in her tank top and drawstring shorts in that one scathing glance, making her feel as though he'd stripped her naked. His eyes lingered on her chest, and in response her breasts swelled and her nipples tightened. She wasn't wearing a bra. She wasn't so huge that she needed one all the time, and since she'd never liked the feeling of being confined, she went without a bra whenever she could get away with it.

  She refused to cross her arms over her chest like a timid virgin, and he made no attempt to conceal his hot, hungry gaze, or the impressive erection making itself known behind the fly of his jeans. He'd made it abundantly clear last night that he wanted her body, and obviously a night's sleep hadn't changed his mind.

  "How did you find this place?" he demanded gruffly.

  She figured she owed him that much of an explanation. "I called Mia, and since she didn't know how to get here, she called your brother Steve and he was nice enough to give her directions, which she passed on to me. "

  He scrubbed a hand along his taut jaw. "I'm going to kick his ass when I get home," he muttered.

  "He was only being helpful. "

  "He's overstepping boundaries when this is none of his business." He pointed a finger at her, his defenses flaring again. "As for you, you wasted a trip, so you might as well take that sweet little ass of yours back to Chicago before I decide you're fair game. "

  A tiny thrill shot through her, bolstering not only her desire for this man, but her fortitude, as well. She was beginning to understand Adrian well enough to realize he was trying to instill a bit of fear in her with his words, and eventually, his actions. But she was ready to take whatever he dished out and give back as good as he delivered.

  "I don't consider my trip here wasted. Not according to the ultimatum you issued me last night." She smiled confidently. "I believe you told me that if I wanted the pictures, I was going to have to spend the weekend alone with you here at your cabin to get them. Well, here I am. I'll honor my end of the bargain if you honor yours. "

  "God, you are the most thickheaded woman I've ever met!" He slashed a hand between them. "You just don't get it, do you?"

  "No, I don't get your resistance at all." And she desperately wanted to understand his reasons.

  He stalked toward her, slow and predatory, his expression as dark as a summer storm. "You don't want me for your calendar. "

  She released an exasperated breath. "I wouldn't have come this far if I didn't." She shook her head, and the swish of her hair tickled her neck. "Mia told me you're one of the kindest, most caring and giving guys she knows, and even she can't understand why this is such a problem for you. "

  He stopped less than a foot away, the heat and male scent of him overwhelming her thoughts, arousing her body, and creating a heavy, tingling sensation between her thighs. The man's ability to turn her on, even during a confrontation, was nothing short of amazing. Then again, Adrian was an amazingly sexy guy who'd been a part of her most erotic fantasies for months now.

  He didn't reply, just glared and remained quiet, emanating a sexual kind of tension that seemed to increase with each passing second between them.

  "Give me a solid reason why you can't do this calendar project for me," she said, pushing him for an answer, even while she resisted the urge to reach out and touch him, to see if she could shatter that control of his. Instead, she provoked him with the only arsenal she had at hand—her words. "Quit skirting whatever it is that has you so bent out of shape, and convince me that I need to find someone else. "

  "You want a solid reason?" He was literally in her face, his tone low and furious as he yanked the hem of his gray T-shirt from his jeans. "I'll give you three reasons why you need to turn tail and get the hell out of here and find yourself another willing gay. "

  In one smooth move, he turned around and ripped his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the counter. For a moment she was confused, and then she gasped in startled surprise when she noticed that his beautiful back, sculpted from outdoor sports and physical labor, was marred by two long, thick, healed scars that slashed from his left shoulder down to the middle of his back.

  "That's two reasons," he bit out, and faced her again, his hands quickly unbuckling his belt, unfastening the button to his jeans, and ea
sing down his zipper just low enough for him to tug down the waistband of his pants and briefs to show her yet another imperfection. "And here's your third reason. "

  She swallowed hard and glanced down, following the black line of hair that bisected his abdomen, swirled around his navel, and arrowed down to his groin. Somehow, despite the raging arousal straining against the confines of his underwear, he managed to remain decent. But at the moment, it wasn't his erection that captured her attention; instead her gaze was riveted to yet another line of red, puckered skin that started just above his hipbone, traveled inward, and ended only inches away from the most masculine part of him.

  "Satisfied?" he drawled in a mocking tone.

  She lifted her gaze back to his face just in time to see a glimpse of guarded emotions before they were chased away with a scowl. There was a story behind those scars, she was sure. One that encompassed a whole lot more than sustaining a physical injury. Those wounds might have healed, but she was betting there were other memories that were still fresh and raw, which was the cause of those barriers he'd erected between them, along with his defiant anger. She ached to know what happened, but knew now wasn't the time to press that particular issue.

  "Adrian," she breathed, not sure what to say for pushing him to this extreme, but unable to regret finding out the truth. "I'm sorry. "

  "I don't want your pity or sympathy." He paced away from her, not bothering to zip up his jeans, and those scars on his back shifted and bunched with every move he made. "I just want you to leave me the hell alone. "

  She just bet he did, but he'd done nothing to convince her to find another guy for her project. She still wanted Adrian, and all he represented. Strength, athleticism, along with an untamable wildness that would prompt a whole lot of women to purchase the calendar.

  She followed behind him, uncaring that she was crowding his personal space. "I don't pity you. You wanted to shock me, and you did, because that was the last thing I'd expected. But those scars don't change my mind. In fact, they make you human and give you a sexy edge that makes you all the more appealing. "


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