Wilde Novellas

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Wilde Novellas Page 24

by Janelle Dennison

  One Wilde Weekend

  from Perfect for the Beach anthology


  Janelle Denison


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter One

  I'm not wearing any panties.

  Alex Wilde shifted in his small, cramped seat next to Dana, those wicked words she'd whispered in his ear moments before they'd boarded the plane still echoing through his mind. Leave it to her to play such a seductive game with him, and make him horny as hell in the process—with no immediate relief in sight. They'd been together exclusively for one year and she knew how to get to him. This weekend getaway to Amelia Island in Florida was a celebration of their first date, and he hoped the beginning of their future together.

  The lights in the cabin had been dimmed in deference to the passengers watching the in-flight movie playing on the overhead TV screen. Others were engrossed in a book or other reading material, or were catching a bit of shut-eye like the older man occupying the window seat next to Dana.

  Resting his head back against his seat, Alex drew in a deep breath in an attempt to relax since they still had a little over two hours left until they touched down in Florida. But instead of the tension easing from his body, his mind raced to the weekend ahead.

  No doubt about it, Dana was going to be surprised when he popped the big question and asked her to marry him.

  Surprised. Shocked. Maybe even panic-stricken, Alex thought with an inward grimace. Especially since she had no idea what he had planned.

  He thought of the small velvet-textured box he'd been carrying with him for the past two days. Tucked inside was a diamond ring, a symbol of promises and love and a future together—if Dana accepted the piece of jewelry and all it stood for.

  Without reservation, he was ready to permanently commit himself to the one woman who finally made his life so full and rich, in so many ways. At age thirty-five, Dana might be four years his senior, but she was sophisticated and sexy and intelligent—she certainly hadn't become a senior account executive for one of Chicago's top imaging firms without having a whole lot of brains behind her incredible beauty. She was warm and genuine and everything he wanted in a lifelong mate.

  Ultimately, he was ready to settle down and start a family of his own—with Dana. He wished he could say that she wanted the same, but the truth was, he wasn't altogether certain she was prepared to take that next step in their relationship, or ever would be.

  This weekend he'd find out.

  Alex couldn't really predict Dana's reaction to his proposal, but he'd learned enough about her to know she was skittish when it came to the subject of love and marriage. And though she'd gradually opened herself up to him on an emotional level over the past few months, she still harbored insecurities and deeper fears that kept her from trusting in what they shared—completely and unconditionally.

  This weekend they were going to deal with those issues once and for all. And confronting her fears would either make their relationship stronger than ever, or tear them apart forever.

  His senses were given a jolt as he inhaled the exotic scent of the perfume Dana deliberately dabbed on the strongest pulse points on her body—a provocative fragrance that intensified to a warm, sultry scent when she was aroused. Or thinking about sex. With him.

  I'm not wearing any panties.

  He nearly groaned as the risqué thought dislodged his emotional upheaval and heightened his physical discomfort. There was no escaping the heat and feminine musk radiating off her skin. No escaping the way that familiar, irresistible scent of hers mingled into a darker, alluring fragrance that stimulated his mind, his thoughts, and his libido. It was like a powerful pheromone he couldn't resist, and despite the innocent look on her face as she casually flipped through the women's magazine she'd brought along for the flight, he had no doubt she knew the effect she was having on him. The minx.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she slowly, purposefully uncrossed then recrossed her legs, then released a shivery little sigh—the same exact kind of soft, sensual sound she made when he was buried deep inside her. Her fingers touched the base of her throat and absently slid down the open vee of her silky blouse, until a fastened button impeded her descent. He noticed her breathing had deepened, noticed the heavy rise and fall of her breasts, as well as the erect nipples pressing against her top.

  A hot ache settled low, in his belly, along his thighs, and in his groin. She was turned on, unmistakably hot and bothered, and all her touching and sighing and the scent of her was making him hard and crazy with wanting her. It was all he could do to keep from turning toward her, slipping his hand beneath the hem of her skirt, and making her just as wild.

  Needing some kind of distraction, he shifted his glance to the open magazine in her lap, and he swallowed hard as he read the title of the article she was reading: "Unpredictable, Spontaneous Sex Acts Designed to Blow His Mind." As if Dana needed any help coming up with innovative ways to keep things exciting in the bedroom, or even out of it!

  Sexually, she was more adventurous and uninhibited than any woman he'd ever met before her, her level of desire perfectly matching his own. She was passionate and daring and loved to take risks, except when it came to her emotions. When it came to her feelings and what was in her heart, she guarded those secrets just as fiercely as she clung to her determination to always be in control of her actions, as well as depending on no one but herself.

  Those issues were the sticking points in their relationship, areas which she avoided talking about with him in depth. They were issues he was driven to resolve one way or another this weekend.

  He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Dana's hand on his thigh. She gave him an affectionate, caressing squeeze, one that was underscored with a wealth of sensual possibilities. Unable to believe she'd be that brazen in plain sight of so many passengers, his gaze darted to her face to gauge her intent.

  Her thick, rich brown hair was tumbled around her shoulders in that naturally tousled style he loved. A mischievous smile curved her mouth, and her sea green eyes glittered with a reckless kind of dare. She wet her lips with her tongue and leaned up close to his side, so that her soft breasts pressed against his arm and her mouth was right up against his ear.

  "Care to make us a member of the mile-high club?" she whispered naughtily.

  His heart stuttered in his chest, then resumed at a maddening pace. "Are you serious?" he croaked. Stupid question, he realized. Dana was always very careful not to say anything she didn't mean or had no intention of following through on.

  "Oh, absolutely," she murmured in a low, husky tone, then nipped playfully at his earlobe. "If you're interested, come and join me in two minutes in the farthest rest room in the back, and tap on the door four times so I know it's you."

  With that, she stood and scooted past him on her way to the aisle, giving him a great view of her sweet ass and reminding him once again that she wasn't wearing any panties. That she was most likely wet and ready for him, and getting inside of her was just a matter of shoving her skirt up to her waist and sinking into the giving warmth and softness of her body in one long, easy thrust.

  The thought made him shudder, and a rush of heat raised his internal temperature a few extra notches. God, he'd follow her anywhere, and she knew just how weak he was when it came to her, how powerless he was to resist her alluring charms.

  Christ, she was killing him. He pulled at the collar of his polo shirt and reached up to adjust the air flow to high, which did little to cool his enthusiastic response to her suggestion.

  Like everything else in her life, Dana was certain she was in charge of this little fantasy of hers, that once Alex arrived he'd be hers to do with as she pleased. Normally, he didn't mind her being so assertive—what guy didn't enjoy a woman who was sexy and aggressive and took what she
wanted and pleased him in the process? But Alex decided it was time to turn the tables on her. Time to shift the power of control into his hands for a change. Time to coax her into submitting to him, to trust him physically and emotionally, without holding anything back. And he was prepared to use every forbidden desire to do so, if that's what it took to break past those barriers of hers.

  He wasn't so arrogant to believe that this one encounter would be the turning point for her, not after a year of letting her hide her true feelings and insecurities behind a tough, self-contained facade and a career that she allowed to consume much of her life. No, this seduction was just the beginning of stripping away her doubts and fears, and would set the tone for the rest of the weekend.

  Getting his body back under a semblance of control wasn't easy, but he wasn't about to go anywhere with a hard-on tenting his pants. As soon as he was able, and within her two-minute deadline, he stood and made his way to the back of the plane.

  To the woman he was going to make all his.

  Chapter Two

  Four light taps on the rest room door Dana had designated granted Alex entrance into the small quarters. He slipped inside as inconspicuously as possible, closed and locked the door behind him, and was instantly enveloped in the warm, feminine scent of Dana in the throes of sexual excitement and heated desire. The space was tight and cramped, with less than a foot of space between them to maneuver around in, but they didn't need much room for what he had in mind.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her body provocatively along his. "I was beginning to think you were going to leave me to my own resources."

  "Not a chance." Grinning, he slid his hands over her short skirt, squeezed her firm bottom in his palms, and angled her hips so that his erection pressed against her mound. "Though I have to admit, this is about the wildest thing I've ever done."

  "Me, too," she admitted, her expression glowing with exhilaration as she reached for the front of his pants and started unbuckling his belt with brisk, eager movements. Her lips were inches beneath his and curved into a come-hither smile. "But there's nothing like a bit of risk to heighten the thrill of what's to come, and make things more exciting."

  Not to mention that indulging in a hurried, forbidden tryst also meant Dana didn't have to deal with a deeper, more emotional level of intimacy. She expected a quickie, an awesome explosion of passion and lust that ended in a breathtaking rush of pleasure that would leave them both sated. He'd give her body the release and satisfaction it craved, but this time it would be at his pace, and within his terms.

  As soon as Dana finally managed to open the front of his trousers, her hands found their way inside his briefs and her cool, slender fingers gripped his fierce erection in a snug hold. She closed the scant distance separating their mouths and kissed him, deep and hot.

  He returned the kiss just as hungrily. With her tongue tangling seductively against his, she stroked him from the base of his shaft to the plump head, then glided her thumb across the swollen crown, lubricating him with his own slick moisture that had seeped from the tip.

  Shuddering sensation ripped through him. That easily, she cast her bewitching spell over him, making him a slave to anything she wanted or desired.

  Still holding on to him, she broke their kiss and scooted her bottom onto the edge of the small sink behind her, her knees rising to settle high around his hips so he was at the perfect angle to drive deep inside of her. The hem of her flirty little skirt slid down her tanned thighs, exposing her soft, pink, glistening flesh to his gaze.

  She was inches away from positioning his cock right where he ached to be when he finally found the fortitude to grasp her wrist and hold her at bay.

  "Alex?" she breathed, the one word questioning why he'd stopped her.

  Figuring his actions would speak louder than words at the moment, he turned her around so she was facing the mirror and braced her hands on the edge of the steel basin. He saw the uncertainty in her reflection, and knew the sudden and unexpected shift in control had thrown her off-kilter.

  Holding her gaze in the mirror, he first wedged his shoe between her feet to help widen her stance, then reached around her and began unbuttoning her silky blouse, slowly, leisurely, contradicting her own need for a mad dash toward fulfillment.

  "I want you just like this," he murmured, his tone insistent. "I want to take you from behind, watch as you come for me while we're flying up here in the clouds, and let you watch me, too."

  "Yes, "she whispered, obviously too far gone to realize the implications behind his ploy, or the fact that she was now under his command.

  Her breathing quickened as he separated the sides of her top, then pulled down the sheer, lacy cups of her bra. She gasped as her breasts spilled free, full and quivering and tipped with pouting nipples that begged for the touch of his hands.

  Not yet, but soon.

  He dragged his hands downward, tracing the curve of her waist and hips through her clothing until he came into contact with her bare legs. He skimmed his palms along the satin-soft skin of her inner thighs, letting the hem of her skirt pool around his wrists as he glided higher and higher toward his final destination. Once there, his long fingers delved between her nether lips, finding her hot and wet and ready for him.

  She whimpered impatiently, tossed her head back, and pushed her bottom against his groin. "Alex, please."

  He found her frustration incredibly sweet, because it didn't happen often during sexual situations. Not when she was the one who normally held the reins of their seduction.

  This time, and for the rest of the weekend, he was calling all the shots. "I'm getting there, baby," he promised.

  With her hips tilted at just the right angle for him, he slid his rod through her drenched curls from behind, found the entrance to her body, and with a hard, deep thrust, he buried himself to the hilt. Dana's mouth opened in a silent gasp, and though he knew he ought to be just as discreet considering where they were, there was no stopping the primitive male groan that erupted from his chest.

  At the moment he didn't care; his only thought was to possess her, completely and thoroughly. So when the time came later on tonight and he upped the emotional stakes between them, hopefully there would be no doubt in her mind as to how he truly felt about her.

  As he plunged and withdrew in a building, gyrating rhythm, he swept her hair aside and nuzzled her neck with his lips, his ragged breathing warm and damp against her skin. He used one hand to caress her breasts and lightly pinch her nipples, while his other hand dipped low to where they were joined. His fingers stroked her cleft in that knowing way that never failed to make her come, and it didn't take long for her breath to catch in the back of her throat and for him to feel the clench and pull of her body around his cock that signaled an impending climax. Hers and his.

  He drove inside her one last time, high and hard, lodging himself as deeply as he could get just as the plane rumbled through an air pocket, causing the carrier to unexpectedly descend, then rise once again. The momentary sense of weightlessness added to the barrage of sensations rippling through him, increasing the intensity of his release. Hers, too, it seemed, as she inhaled a quick breath then moaned softly, her entire body convulsing in a long, continuous orgasm that milked him dry.

  He secured an arm around Dana's waist to keep her trembling legs from giving out on her, his gaze drawn to her reflection in the lavatory mirror. She looked utterly debauched. Her face was flushed with passion, a light dew of perspiration had gathered between her bared breasts, and her normally bright green eyes were soft and dark and replete with sexual gratification.

  She released a contented sigh. "Thanks for fulfilling that particular fantasy of mine," she murmured, and reached behind her to place her warm palm affectionately on his cheek. "I have to admit that my mind didn't even come close to imagining how amazing the actual reality of doing it 'mile-high' would be."

  He chuckled at that and couldn't deny feeling a bit of male satisfa
ction for giving her such an erotic memory to remember. "So I exceeded your expectations then?"

  "Oh, absolutely." A slow, sultry smile eased up the corner of her mouth. "And then some."

  He brushed his lips along her jaw to the shell of her ear and felt her shiver against him. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, because I have an erotic fantasy of my own I plan to fulfill this weekend."

  One that would be satisfying and pleasurable, but would also ultimately test the strength of her trust in him, and their emotional commitment to one another.

  Dana sat on the edge of the four-poster bed in the elegant suite Alex had secured for the next two nights at the Ritz-Carlton, which was located on the secluded coast of Amelia Island in northeast Florida. The sliding glass door off the master bedroom was open, giving her a breathtaking view of the ocean and allowing a balmy breeze to drift through the room, as well as the relaxing sounds of waves lapping against the shore.

  With Alex waiting for her in the living room while she finished getting ready, she reached for the beige heels she'd set out earlier, along with the strapless, peach-hued dress she was now wearing. Crossing one bare, tanned leg over the other, she slipped a shoe on one foot, then the other, then stood and headed toward the dresser, where she'd laid out her jewelry before she'd taken a shower to freshen up for their late dinner at the resort's restaurant.

  As she put on the pair of freshwater pearl earrings Alex had given to her for her birthday a few months ago, her mind drifted back to the unforgettable flight to Florida. More specifically, the naughty tryst she and Alex had indulged in that had made them members of the mile-high club.

  She smiled at the recollection, more than a little surprised that he'd actually followed through on her illicit dare. Undoubtedly, Alex was adventurous when it came to sex—whatever she instigated, he was usually quick to follow, reaping the benefits of her provocative ideas—but making love in a plane's rest room with passengers only several feet away went far beyond anything the two of them had ever engaged in… with amazing, rapturous results, she thought with a shivery sigh of pleasure that puckered her nipples against the front of her dress.


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