Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth

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Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth Page 13

by Barbara G. Tarn

  Lady Blandina, Tristan and William sulked as he met everyone at Ker Noran and tried to remember all the names and faces at once. Which was of course impossible, but his mistakes were endearing, especially to the ladies who swooned even more for him.

  Kurtis showed him the easier dance steps, so his first official ball went smoothly. No, it was actually a success, he decided, as he passed from one lady to another, not wanting to leave anyone out. Of course by the end of the evening he was exhausted and his feet ached, but he felt he had found his place at the castle.

  He retired with Kurtis who had quietly watched him all night, nodding his approval from time to time. The prince had hit the dance-floor less often than him, but then, he was probably bored by those noble pastimes that were so new to Rohan.

  "Have you found anyone in particular that you fancy?" Kurtis asked as they stopped in the corridor between their rooms' doors.

  "Ah, no, they're all so pretty and sweet and..." Rohan didn't know how to voice how he was feeling. Exhilarated but tired but happy but scared but... "I wonder if I should ask the king to choose one for me."

  "I wonder if you should just wait until your heart settles on someone," Kurtis said. "You're young, you don't have to marry within the year, you know?"

  "Right, sorry, I don't know what's bugging me. I guess too much at the same time."

  Kurtis put his hands on Rohan's shoulders. "Get some sleep, Rohan. Give yourself time. Don't make hasty decisions, will you?"

  Of course, he wants me to consider him as well. And why shouldn't I? He's handsome, sweet... Kurtis's stare made him feel warm and his touch made him shiver, but he didn't want to give in to that fire burning inside him until he tried women.

  "Good night, Your Highness," he said, bowing his head. "I shall not oversleep tomorrow morning in spite of the late hour."

  "Do you want me to call you when I wake up?" Kurtis asked with a smile.

  "Why not?" Rohan blushed.

  "Then don't lock the internal door, and I'll make sure to let you know I'm up."

  Kurtis winked and headed for his door. Rohan exhaled and went to his own room, slumping onto the bed and staring at the canopy for a moment.

  He could have done what he wanted ever since I came here, even though I locked the internal door... I may as well leave it open. He won't do anything I'm not ready for.

  He didn't know why he trusted Kurtis. Maybe because he was attracted to the prince. Or maybe because Kurtis had promised to wait.

  Rohan sighed and prepared for bed. He was about to switch off the lamp when a soft knock startled him.

  Barefooted, he went to the door and found one of the noble maidens in the corridor with a candle, her hair loose on her shoulders, wearing only a pale nightgown.

  "May I?" she asked, batting her eyelids.

  "I don't think it's proper..."

  She pushed him back and entered the room. She put down her candle and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed him hungrily.

  He didn't even know her name, but he played along. It was a wonderful night to lose his virginity.


  Kurtis had heard some clearly female giggles come from Rohan's room as well as some very sexy moans from the handsome young man, but he hadn't bothered watching. Well, at least now Rohan had tried women, maybe he'd soon be ready to try something else.

  When he opened the internal door, Kurtis hoped that whoever had spent the night with Rohan was gone. He was wrong. He recognized the blond curls of Isabel, William and Tristan's cousin who had also tried to convince him to marry her.

  Considering the high contempt Lady Blandina had for her stepson, Kurtis wondered why Isabel had bothered seducing Rohan. Probably the young man's new position had made him a most wanted bachelor at the castle.

  Kurtis cleared his throat and shook Rohan's foot. The young man was startled awake and he blushed when he realized he was naked and with a nude young woman by his side.

  "I'll be ready in a moment, Your Highness," he grumbled, trying to cover both himself and his lover with the bed-sheet.

  "I'll be next door." Kurtis went back to his own room, a little pissed off. Not at innocent Rohan, but at the bitch who had carved her way into his bed. He'd better talk to Isabel before she broke Rohan's heart.

  Isabel laughed when he told her to handle Rohan with care.

  "Don't worry, Your Highness, he hasn't fallen in love with me," she said with a smirk. "Unless tonight he comes to my room, in that case you might start to worry. He may have liked last night more than you ever did."

  "Stop going around and breaking young men's hearts," he said sternly. "Or I'll tell my father to find you a suitable husband."

  "Sir Rohan would be perfect, Your Highness," she teased. "Besides, I haven't broken your heart, have I?"

  "Just because my heart isn't touched by women's arts doesn't mean that I don't see what you do to others," he replied. "You did break my brother's heart."

  She rolled her eyes. "Oh, Gods, that was so long ago! We were both still children!"

  "He might have been a child, but you definitely weren't anymore. Quit fooling around, Isabel, or I'll have you evicted from the castle."

  She frowned at him and grumbled something.

  "What did you say?" He glared back at her.

  "As your highness wishes," she said with a mock curtsy before storming away.

  Kurtis snorted. But now he was curious to hear Rohan's side.

  "Ride with me to the pond," he said. "I fancy a bath in that natural pool."

  Rohan nodded and obediently followed him to the stables and out of the castle. They didn't speak until they were both immersed in the warm water, naked.

  Rohan was very modest, taking off his clothes while trying to hide his privates as much as he could. He obviously wasn't used to communal baths.

  "So, how was your night?" Kurtis asked, relaxing in the pond.

  "Interesting," Rohan answered without looking at him.

  "You realize she's your stepbrothers' cousin, don't you?"

  "Ah, yes, Isabel... I hadn't met her until I came to live at the castle. She made sure to introduce herself as soon as she could. Although I admit at first I couldn't remember her name when she knocked on my door."

  "Do you regret letting her in?"

  "Uh, no, but... I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have? Will I have to marry her now?"

  Kurtis chuckled. "No, not really. You're not her first lover, and probably not the last either. Her father has given up hope of marrying her off – unless he sends her far from Ker Noran, which wouldn't be that bad."

  "I guess not..." Rohan stared into space. "I'd like to try more if you don't mind."

  "As long as you don't let them break your heart."

  "What if you break my heart?" Finally Rohan looked him in the eyes, serious.

  "I wouldn't," Kurtis assured him. "I'd never hurt you or do anything against your will. I'd love to spend my life with you, but if you're uncomfortable with the thought and want to get married instead, that's fine too. I'll help you choose your bride. Just forget Isabel, you deserve much better."

  "Thank you." Rohan's smile blossomed and made Kurtis's heart beat faster.

  After weeks of watching Rohan adjust to his new life, the prince only fell for him more. It would be very hard to give up on Rohan. But if he really loved the young man, he must set him free.


  Another week passed. Rohan was getting used to the crowds of Ker Noran. Whenever he felt overwhelmed, he retired to the manor for an hour or two to recharge his energies, spoiled by the cook and the gardener and their daughter and husband and children who had gone back to the servants' quarters, like when his parents were alive.

  Rohan didn't go to Isabel's room, but tried a couple more noble maidens. Somehow he felt he wasn't living up to their expectations, so he even asked a whore working at the village tavern to show him some tricks to please women.

  Kurtis's eyes always followed him everywhere, but the prince
hadn't repeated his offer. He hadn't followed him to the manor or met him at the pond again, as if Kurtis was giving Rohan time to make up his mind.

  Rohan was very conflicted. Sometimes he wanted to nestle against Kurtis and just let the prince take care of him. But he wasn't Cinder Boy anymore and he couldn't afford to be so dependent on someone else.

  The old king was always very benevolent towards him, and often asked him how he fared, and if he wanted to settle with a wife and start his own family. Rohan didn't feel like lying to King Konan, so he answered invariably that he was still young and hadn't made up his mind, which made the king both smile and sigh.

  "Just like Kurtis," the old man muttered, but he didn't look angry.

  Prince Ewan was Tristan's age, but seemed to like Rohan and often invited him to his table to play games or chat with him and his noble friends. Kurtis seemed to be more introvert, never really mixing with the castle life and often riding off on his own along the river shore.

  "Would you like to come with me?" Kurtis asked one day before leaving for a stroll.

  "I thought you treasured these lonely walks," Rohan answered, a little embarrassed.

  "You can be very quiet, and I'm sure you wouldn't bother me with useless chatter," Kurtis replied with a smile.

  Rohan was kind of curious to know more about the prince, so he followed him along the river bank. They sat under a willow and Kurtis told him that was his secret place.

  "I've discovered yours, the warm pond in the woods, it seems fair that I introduce you to mine," he said with a grin.

  "It's... very peaceful," Rohan said.

  The river flowing in front of them made enough noise to cover any man-made sound coming from the castle. The branches of the willow provided shelter from view. The grass was soft and green.

  "You can't come here in the winter," Kurtis said. "I hope you don't mind if we go to the pond instead. It must be great even when it's surrounded by snow."

  "Well, you need to get in the water quickly if you don't want to freeze," Rohan replied, amused.

  "So you've done it, I take it?"

  "Yes, quite often. Although it wasn't easy to sneak out of the house in winter, when my stepmother didn't leave to visit her relatives."

  Kurtis chuckled.

  "We could move to your manor this winter. Things slow down at the castle anyway, and nobody would be so foolish to start a war in winter."

  Rohan nodded, thoughtful. It was an interesting thought. Luckily winter was still a few months away. Who knew what could happen between now and then.


  Kurtis knew he was in love. Totally head over heels for Rohan. Sometimes he thought he'd never have the patience to wait for Rohan to open his door to him. Sometimes he was content with watching him interact with people, thinking Rohan deserved all the honors he was receiving after winning the tournament.

  Maybe I should let him marry and breed, Kurtis thought, lying on his bed as the sun went down. Maybe I should just go back to Moriana and find someone there. Although even Michael wasn't Rohan and we'd gotten sick of each other.

  When would he get bored with Rohan? And would he get bored? Apparently his crushes didn't last more than two or three years, and then he yearned for freedom again. Maybe he'd better stay away from Rohan, lest he indeed broke Rohan's heart, even though he had promised not to.

  But then, he'd been obsessed with Rohan for two full months already. What if it was just because Rohan resisted him? What if when Rohan surrendered, he started looking for another pastime?

  Sometimes he really wished he could consult with someone – anyone. But Mekhi would tell him to get that love and his father... Kurtis wasn't sure what his father would say anymore. Maybe the old man was more similar to him than he thought.

  He heard noises in the next room. Maybe Rohan had finally come to bed. Kurtis had left the discussion for the upcoming royal hunt before it was over, knowing his "lieutenant" would stay until the end and tell him everything in the morning.

  But why wait until morning? Maybe they could discuss it now.

  Kurtis rose from the bed and headed for the internal door. It wasn't locked anymore, and he opened it. As he stepped into Rohan's bedroom, he realized someone was seated on Rohan's bed, but it wasn't Rohan. It was William.

  "What are you doing here?" Kurtis asked, frowning.

  "I thought you might feel lonely," William answered, throwing away the bedsheets to show he was naked. "Rohan is probably spending the night with Maid Eleonor. I was about to come knocking on your door, in fact."

  He got out of bed and sauntered towards Kurtis. He had none of Rohan's innocence and his impish smile showed he knew exactly what he was doing. William was just like his cousin Isabel.

  "When you have enough of waiting for him, I'm at your disposal," William said, stopping in front of the prince and putting his arms around Kurtis's neck. "And I can play the virgin, if that's what you want..."

  Kurtis scoffed.

  "I want Rohan, not you," he said, freeing himself from William's embrace. "Get dressed, William, neither you nor Isabel have room in my bed."

  William's smile vanished. "As you wish, Your Highness. You don't know what you're missing."

  He wiggled his ass impertinently and picked up his clothes. He shot a defiant stare at Kurtis and left.


  Rohan gasped, seeing William coming out of his room with his clothes and shoes in his hands.

  "What were you doing there?" he demanded, blocking his stepbrother in the middle of the corridor.

  "Giving Prince Kurtis what you're denying him," William replied mockingly. "We spent a delightful hour together."

  "William, you're disgusting!"

  "Maybe, but he's tired of you holding him at arm's length. At least he had some fun with me." William winked. "If you pull the rope too hard it will break, Rohan..."

  And moving around stunned Rohan, William went down the corridor, whistling a cheerful tune.

  Rohan snapped back to reality and turned to look, but William had vanished behind the bend of the corridor. Rohan gulped and entered his room.

  The door to Kurtis's chamber was closed. On tiptoes, Rohan went to put his ear over the wood of the door. No sound came from the other room.

  Rohan undressed and went to bed. He turned off the oil lamp and noticed that no light came from the other room from under the door, therefore Kurtis must be asleep. After having sex with William.

  Somehow the thought was very distressing.


  Rohan awoke from a restless night of bad dreams. He didn't remember any of them, but he knew somehow he had seen Kurtis and William naked together. The fact that he didn't actually remember what they looked like was even more upsetting.

  He got out of bed and was rather grumpy when he reached the great hall. His stomach was clenched close, so he didn't eat. He went to ask Prince Ewan if he needed anything, bowed at King Konan and left.

  Kurtis might still be asleep, or maybe already out for a ride or a check up of the battlements, but Rohan didn't care. His feet took him outside of the castle walls and to the river shore as he pondered his situation.

  He really didn't know what to do. He felt both attracted and repelled by the thought of what Kurtis could do to him. He had heard some drunk guards one day mentioning their abuse of another guard who happened to be younger and probably more effeminate than the rest. What they did to him pushed him to end his life in shame.

  Rohan didn't want to end his life in shame. He didn't want to be used like a woman. He wasn't as shameless as William, who obviously had had all kinds of experiences at the castle, while he was stuck at the manor, cleaning hearths.

  He reached the willow where Kurtis liked to sit. The prince wasn't there. Snorting, Rohan sat under the weeping branches and hugged his knees. Maybe Kurtis would come later and they could talk...

  A sudden splash startled him. A head emerged from the water, and then a pale young man came out of the river to sit nex
t to him. Water-blue eyes stared at him and luscious lips curved into a smile.

  "Hello, Rohan," the young man said.

  "You know my name?" Rohan asked, puzzled.

  "You are well known to the Waiora community, Rohan... especially now that you've caught Kurtis's eye."

  "Waiora..." Rohan repeated the word, uncertain.

  "We are the water people. We can turn into seals or dolphins. Can't you see the fabric of my tunic is different from yours?"

  Rohan opened his mouth, but then closed it. Indeed the young man's tunic was sleeveless and of a nacreous fabric. He didn't wear breeches and had sandals that tied up to his knees. He wasn't Human, now that Rohan observed him closely.

  "Waiora, do you know Prince Kurtis well?" he dared to ask, a little awed at the thought of being in the presence of a member of the mythical and often invisible Magical Races.

  "My name is Mekhi, and yes, I've known Kurtis for years. I was his first love, but in his youthful rashness, he soon got over me."

  This time Rohan openly gaped. Mekhi smiled ruefully.

  "Yes, I was unlucky, or maybe we were both too young to handle the passion in our veins... but now he is an adult and he knows what he wants."

  "And what does he want?" Rohan asked shyly.

  "You." Mekhi stared at him. "You're the one who could be by his side forever."

  Rohan averted his eyes.

  "I'm not sure... I don't think I deserve... I mean, what are we supposed to do together?" He looked at Mekhi again, worried.

  "Love and cherish each other," Mekhi answered.

  "And the sex part?"

  Mekhi grinned. "You're afraid of the sex part?"

  Rohan gulped and nodded.

  "Don't be afraid." Mekhi leaned towards him. "Kurtis would never hurt you. You own his heart, you can do what you want with him."

  The Waiora pulled back and looked beyond Rohan in the direction of the castle.

  "Uh-oh! Here he comes! Good luck!"

  Mekhi winked and quickly dived back into the river. When Kurtis reached Rohan, even the circles in the water had vanished.

  But Kurtis wasn't blind.

  "So, you met my friend Mekhi?" he asked, sitting next to Rohan with an amused smile.


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