Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago)

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Gabriel's Light (Doms of Chicago) Page 2

by Trace, Dakota

  Zhenya grimaced. The therapy group for abused submissives she’d joined at Mistress Olivia’s suggestion had told her repeatedly she wasn’t defective. She’d been married to Ossie for several years, and after awhile she’d begun to believe him about how she was lacking in as a wife because she couldn’t boil water, that the only place she’d ever pleased him was when she was on her knees sucking his cock.

  “Sorry, old habits die hard. I spoke without thinking. I realize I’m not as worthless as Ossie said.” She rubbed her palms over her belly. “I’ll be a good mother to this baby, and eventually a good sub to the right man.” She smiled up at Nisey. “I merely have to find the right one. Maybe I might stumble into him. Knock him on his butt as you did to Caelan?”

  Nisey dropped her hands and giggled. “Well not all of us can be as lucky as I was…but I’ll talk to Caelan, perhaps he can invite over some of his Dom friends for you to knock down in the foyer.”

  * * * *

  Sitting in his office, Gabriel squeezed the bridge of his nose. Less than twenty feet down the hall from him, the shower Nisey and Kalinda were giving Zhenya was winding down if the female voices in the hall nearly thirty minutes ago were any indication. He’d been resistant at first to allow her to host it at Pínaka ti̱s Mi̱téras but somehow, little Nisey, with her big green eyes and gamine expression, had convinced him to change his mind. The blatant reminder of his loss upon seeing Zhenya waddle into the restaurant had been hard, but he had no ill will towards the little Greek sub. Although it didn’t mean he could handle seeing what he’d missed. If Sara had still been here, she’d have had the same waddle or perhaps would’ve even given birth to their child already. Her due date had been earlier in the week according to the one and only appointment they’d gone to together. He’d have been a new father and even though he hadn’t thought of being one, he’d wanted their child, loved their child since the moment he’d found out.

  But more than his lost child, he missed his Sara. He’d managed to make it through the Christmas season without losing it by visiting his parents in Arizona. They had kept him too busy to even think about what he’d lost. But as soon as he returned home, to the apartment he’d shared with Sara, her ghost seemed to linger. He saw her everywhere, from the bench by the front door, to the thick leather couch in his living room. She’d left her mark not only on their home but on him. He’d honestly thought he’d found the one for him, a permanent submissive who would share his life. But death had been cruel and ripped her away from him.

  “Gabriel?” Nisey’s voice interrupted his musings. He barely glanced up to see her in the doorway when the lights flickered off, probably a result of the rising winds outside. Along with the temperatures dropping and steady rain earlier in the day, it was probably playing havoc with the electricity. Even with the electric lines buried underground, there were still large transformer boxes in the back alley which could be affected by the elements. Or cars could run into them if the roads are slick.

  “Crap!” Standing, he ordered Nisey to not move. Even though it was only four in the afternoon it was getting dark out already and his office had no windows, rendering the room dark as the Ace of Spades. “The lights will come on in a few minutes. Give the emergency generator time to kick on.”

  “Okay.” The lights flickered back on as the generator engaged. At the same time a cell phone rang. As his eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting of the emergency lights, he was able to make out Nisey on the phone.

  “Yes, Máister. I’m all right. The emergency generator just kicked on here.” She paused. “Of course. He’s right here.” She offered Gabriel her phone. “Caelan is with Josh, but wants to talk to you.”

  Taking the phone, he pressed it to his ear as he escorted her down the barely lit hall to the room with the remaining women. “It’s Gabriel. Give me a second, Caelan. I need to escort Nisey back to Kalinda and Zhenya before checking on what guests I might have in the dining room.”

  He glanced in the back room and was relieved to see only Kalinda and Zhenya remained, the other shower guests were gone. “How long ago did the other ladies leave?” he asked Nisey.

  “About thirty minutes ago.”

  “Good. Stay in this room. It’s the closest to the kitchen and the residual heat from the ovens will keep it warm if our power is off for any length of time. I’ll be right back.” He shut the door behind him and headed down the hall, as he relayed the news to Caelan his sub was safe and sound with her friends. Entering the dining area, he counted no more than three patrons, not unusual with the weather being what it was and the time of day. He paused as Caelan barked in his ear. “Okay, I’ll let her know and you and Josh stay safe.” Snapping the phone shut, he walked further into the dining room. “Excuse me folks. You’re more than welcome to finish your meals, but I ask you not leave until the electricity is restored. I was just informed by a friend that there’s an outage throughout GreekTown, and there are several traffic lights non-operational.” As two of the men stood to leave, he was quick to add. “There’s also a nasty accident a block up from here which has Halsted St. completely blocked, so if you’re planning on going North you’re not going to get anywhere fast. You’re more than welcome to stay. I do have a generator which will provide electricity, and our ovens can provide heat until the power comes back on.”

  The men looked frustrated but sat back down. “I’ll tell you what. For staying, your meals are on the house and feel free to pick a dessert off the menu.” He signaled Lucia. She came forward with a smile. “Lucia will be more than happy to take care of you. Please let her know what you’d like.”

  He was turning to check on the kitchen staff when Nisey came rushing out of the back hall. He frowned. He’d asked her to stay with Kalinda and Zhenya.

  “What are you doing? Didn’t I ask you to stay with…?”

  She came to halt in front of him. “Yes, you did. But I’m not delivering this baby by myself.” She grabbed him by the arm and started to drag him back down the hall.

  “Whoa…did you say baby?” He dug his feet in.

  She glared up at him. “Yes. Zhenya’s water broke and I’ll be damned if I’m going to deliver it by myself.”

  “But what about Kalinda?” His brain whirled. He couldn’t deliver Zhenya’s baby.

  “She’s of no help. She passed out on the floor. Zhenya isn’t panicking but I am! So you’re gonna deliver this baby with me.”

  Chapter Two

  "She can't have the baby here." Rushing into the room with Nisey at his heels, Gabriel stumbled over the inert body of Nisey's best friend. "What the hell..." He barely kept from falling over Kalinda as Nisey plowed into his back.

  "Watch out for-"

  "Kalinda." He sighed before crouching down to move the slender brunette from the entryway to the private room. "It would've been good if you'd mentioned she was on the floor...." With ease he carried the stirring women over to one of the empty chairs. Her dazed eyes opened as he set her down.

  "Zhenya is having...she can't...Sir said the roads are blocked because of the ice...she has to wait...” she began to panic again.

  Knowing he didn't need a hysterical woman on his hands, Gabriel infused steel into his voice, letting his Dom persona slip to the forefront. "Stop it."

  As he anticipated, Kalinda froze at the tone. "Gabe?"

  He focused a level stare on her. "I realize what’s going on outside, and just like we can't control what Mother Nature decides to throw at us, we cannot control when Zhenya's baby decides to make an appearance, and your theatrics won't make it better." He narrowed his gaze when she opened her mouth to protest. "And just because her water has broken does not mean she’s going to have the baby here, right now." He tipped her chin up. "Now, instead of freaking out on me, why don't you go over and sit with Nisey and Zhenya? I'm sure Zhenya would appreciate it."

  "Of course...." Kalinda seemed to gather herself up. "I...I don't know why I freaked out. Not all women have kids as fast as I had Rosie and W

  Gabriel smiled, relieved that his normal spunky friend was back. "It's understandable."

  She gave him a smile. "Don't tell Sir I flipped out. He'll be upset. I don't know what's wrong with me as of late. Maybe it has to do with having two toddlers running around."

  He nodded. "It might be. I'm sure the kiddos are keeping you hopping." He let her stand up, watching closely to make sure she was steady on her feet and wouldn't take another header onto the floor. "Why don't you go keep Zhenya and Nisey company?"

  As he guided her to the chair next to Zhenya, he spared a quick glance at her. As Nisey had said, the beautiful olive skinned woman had a serene look on her face as she rubbed her stomach in a soothing manner, despite the bead of sweat running down the side of her face. For some reason even as he wanted to run from the room screaming, he also wanted to gather her close and protect her. But the most he could do is reassure her.

  "You'll be fine, Zhenya. The ambulance will either come soon, or we'll be able to get you some medical attention. You just have to hang in there..."

  "Tell that to little Sophie..." Zhenya gasped lurching forward, her hands grasping the wooden armrests in a death grip. It was quite obvious a contraction was twisting her insides.

  Supporting her with one hand against the middle of her back and another on top of her swollen stomach, he could feel the rhythmic tightening as she rode out the pain. It amazed him she did nothing more than breathe through it. Staring down, he noticed she was focusing on the ornate belt buckle he wore at his waist. Designed by one of his favorite artists, it was an abstract design made out of beaten silver. It had been a surprise gift from Sara and one of his favorites.

  Murmuring soothing words, he waited until she relaxed back against his palms. She gritted out between her teeth as a contraction washed through her. "Do you think the ambulance will be able to get through? I've already called my doctor. If I can get to either Northwestern or Prentice Women’s Hospital he'll be waiting for me."

  "I don't think so, louloúdi mou." My flower. As what he’d just said washed over him, he raked a hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe he’d just used the same endearment on Zhenya he had for Sara. It should’ve been a betrayal, but it almost felt right. Ignoring his unexpectedly mixed feelings, he rose from his crouched position.

  "I don't think there’s a prayer of them getting through, Zhenya. Caelan just told me there are downed traffic lights between us and the hospital. It looks like we might have to do this the hard way." Standing tall, his mind whirled with all the things he was going need to help deliver the baby. Clean towels, a blanket...crap maybe one of the linen tablecloths will work. I have a pair of leather shears in my desk to cut the cord if it comes down to it. But they need to be plenty of hot water will be a must. Oh and I'll need the latex gloves from the kitchen... He moved to leave the room, needing not only to gather up the items, but also to maybe steal a stiff shot of something from his private bar.

  "Wait!" Her frantic cry had him pausing.

  "What?" He spun back around frantic, thinking the baby was ready to drop onto the floor of his private room. "Is she coming?"

  "No...not yet...but I...I don't want to be...alone." She panted through another contraction. "And you were leaving..."

  He sighed as the first sign of her fear sank in. "I was just going to the kitchen for clean towels and hot water." He moved close enough to touch her cheek. "Nisey and Kalinda can sit with you…”

  Her honey colored eyes snapped at him, part fury and part fear. "I don't want Nisey or Kalinda - have them go for the supplies. I need you!"


  The stunned look on Gabriel's face seemed to say it all. Evidently it'd never crossed his mind she might be more comforted by his presence than Nisey and Kalinda. But after witnessing Kalinda do her swan dive act, and Nisey's near panic when her water had broken, she could only focus on how calm Gabriel had been earlier when he'd brought back Nisey. And that's what she needed now. His control and the inner strength she sensed under his stoic facade.

  "Please, Gabriel." She softened her tone, hoping it might sway him more than her harsh demand had.

  He cocked his head, before tugging at one ear and sighing. "All right, Zhenya." Then he turned to Kalinda and Nisey. "Nisey, go to the kitchen. Tell the head chef you need a bundle of clean hand towels, a couple of our best linen table clothes, and a steady supply of hot water sent in here." She nodded, scurrying from the room.

  "Kalinda, I need you to go to my office. In the top right hand drawer of my desk is a pair of leather shears. I'm sure you know what to look for. I gave Dom an identical pair shortly after he and Josh moved into your new home as a housewarming gift."

  "I know which ones you're talking about."

  She moved to take off, but he stopped her. "Also grab the bottle of whiskey and at least two glasses from my private bar. I have a feeling we're going to need it before this is all over."

  Kalinda nodded, before slipping from the room. As the door shut behind her, Zhenya realized for the first time since she'd met Gabriel she was alone with the man, and now wasn't exactly sure what to say to him. Not only was she in labor but she had in all essence demanded he stay with her. She'd put not only him in an awkward situation but herself as well.

  "Well, it looks like we're going to be getting better acquainted sooner than I expected, Ms. Sisceros." Gabriel shed his jacket to roll up the sleeves on his white dress shirt, exposing dark hair dusted forearms. The muscles were evident even in repose. She couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like wrapped around a woman. She had a feeling he would be the ultimate protector.

  "I guess sooo....” Her breath caught as pain started in her lower back and wrapped around her waist. Letting the pain flow through her, she accepted it as her due and refused to fight it, wishing she could still see his beautiful belt buckle. It had given her something to focus on. When it finally eased, she exhaled softly.

  "Damn, they’re coming fast. When did they start?" Gabriel squatted down in front of her. Now his face was level with hers.

  "I've been having them off and on for the past two days."

  A frown furrowed his brow. "And you came to your shower?" The disapproval was there in his expression. If it'd been before she'd left Ossie, she'd have been immediately contrite. But now it did nothing more than irritate her. "You seriously need a keeper. Caelan is obviously falling down on the job if he let you come to some silly party..."

  Anger pushed aside her physical discomfort. "I'll have you know, Sir, that Caelan isn't my keeper. I happen to be a grown woman, and if I didn't want to disappoint my friends by blowing off the party they'd been planning for the past two months, because of something as simple as a few measly contractions, that’s my right." She crossed her arms over her breasts and glared at him.

  A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. "There's the feisty Greek girl I remember from our first meeting. I was wondering where she was hiding."

  "I haven't been hiding. I've been getting fat and sassy according to your friend."

  He placed his hand on her knee. "Well, let’s just hope you hang onto to that attitude." He shoved the long gauzy purple skirt she wearing up past her knees. "Because we're going to end up being more intimate than some lovers by the time this is over. And the first thing is getting rid of this wet clothing." He snagged the elastic band of her soaked bikini panties. "Lift."

  Grasping the arms of the chair she lifted, allowing him to jerk them down. She winced as her bare bottom came in contact with the silky chiffon of her skirt. Not that it mattered really, as the skirt was already ruined.

  "Well, this wasn't a sight I was expecting to see, Gabe." Caelan, his hair damp and coat splattered with snow and carrying a steaming pan of water, was followed by Nisey who had her arms full of table linens and towels. "One would've thought you'd wait until after Zhenya has her baby before trying to feel her up."

  A scowl crossed Gabriel's face. "And how about I kick your
ass for letting a laboring woman come to a baby shower?"

  "I wasn't aware there was any woman ready to birth...until I caught Nisey in the kitchen trying to carry linen and hot water at your request, Gabe. She filled me in on what was going on." Caelan glared at Zhenya. "Do you think I'd actually let a woman under my protection pull such a stunt?" Then he set the water on the table, his hands went to his hips. His firmly set mouth didn’t bode well, Zhenya decided as he approached them.

  "I told you. I wasn't going to ruin Nisey and Kalinda's shower because of some contractions my doctor told me not to worry about."

  Caelen's mouth softened. "Braxton Hicks?"

  She nodded as he visibly relaxed. "Relax, Gabriel. There was no devious scheme here. Women get them all the time and don't have their babies for weeks. Kalinda had them several times before she'd had the twins. It's normal."

  Gabriel looked a bit put out but sighed. "Fine...then care to tell me how the hell you managed to get here?"

  Zhenya was curious about that herself. If Caelan could get here, perhaps she could get to the hospital. But Josh's words as he entered with Kalinda put that hope to rest.

  "Because this fool…" His British accent thick as he pointed towards Caelan. "….couldn't bear the thought of being separated from his woman."

  Caelan scoffed. "And this idiot decided he couldn't wait for the emergency crews to clear the roads to get to his baby, so we parked the truck and took a shortcut through the back alley..."

  Zhenya's ears perked up. If the men could make it through this back alley from their truck perhaps she could...

  "Don't even think about it. Pregnant or not, there isn't a prayer I'm going to let you try and walk down a dark alley during a storm with ice on the ground. These dumb assess shouldn't have even tried it." Gabriel’s stern voice echoed through the room.

  "I..." She opened her mouth to protest when another contraction hit her. She dug her fingernails into the polished wood before dropping her gaze to Gabriel's waist. Standing as he was, she could clearly see the design on his belt buckle. Using it to take her mind off the pain, she tried to unravel the intricate markings.


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