Nate's Naughty Nymph [The Doms of Club Mystique 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Nate's Naughty Nymph [The Doms of Club Mystique 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Mardi Maxwell

  Nate laughed. “How are you going to do that?”

  “Oh, that’s easy enough,” Nymph said just as the door opened. She smiled into his eyes right before she lowered her mouth to his.

  Her tongue swept across his mouth before sliding between his lips. She swept her tongue around his mouth in a slow, sliding exploration. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and held her mouth to his. She gently pressed his head against the pillow and deepened the kiss. She ended the kiss with a little nip to his bottom lip. When their eyes met hers were a deeper, darker brown. She leaned down and gave him another little kiss before she looked at the nurse who was standing at the end of the bed.

  “Hello, nurse,” Nymph said as she slid off the bed and straightened her clothes. “Just catching up. You know how it is? All those long, lonely nights.” She patted Nate’s arm, gifted him with a smile, and moved out of the nurse’s way. “Right, sweetie pie?”

  “That’s right, pet. Now behave.”

  The nurse frowned as she picked up Nate’s wrist. “You shouldn’t be on his bed. You could hurt him.”

  Nymph laughed. A husky sound that had Nate’s blood rushing to his cock. “I was extremely careful not to touch anything that would get me into trouble.”

  The nurse’s frown deepened. “I didn’t realize you knew Mr. Grant.”

  “Oh, yes, for over two years.” Nymph slid her hand to the back of his neck and stroked it.

  Nate hid his amusement. He’d never been claimed before. Nymph was glaring daggers at the nurse, and he didn’t think she realized she was petting him. He grabbed her hand. “Be still.”

  She froze and he hid his grin. The nurse rolled her eyes then demanded he hold still while she took his temperature. A few minutes later, she told him to get some rest and left the room. Nymph closed the curtains around his bed, slipped her sandals off, and slid beneath the blanket. She snuggled up to him then sighed.

  Nate felt her silky legs against his left leg. She ran her foot up his leg as her hand slid down the left side of his belly to his thigh. He ran his hand down her back, over her ass, and between her legs. Her crotch was hot and if he wasn’t mistaken it was slightly damp. She gave a little wiggle and her breathing ramped up.

  “May I?” she asked as her fingers crept down his body closer to his cock.

  Nate felt her fingers sweep back and forth along the top of the boxers the nurses made him wear. Before she could delve beneath the waistband he grasped her hand. “We have a lot of things to do before we go there, Nymph.”

  “Things like safe, sane, and consensual? Safewords and limits?”

  “All of those things, but the first thing we need to discuss is what we both want from this relationship.”

  “The first thing I want is time. I want you to agree to stay with me for a year.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll see how the next few months pan out and then we’ll talk about that again.”

  Nymph smothered her sigh against his chest. She rose up and leaned over him. “Can you promise not to disappear again without letting me know you’re going?”

  Nate reached up and brushed a curl off her forehead. “There’s a lot more to a D/s relationship than time. Trust is key. No trust, then no relationship.”

  “Then we need to work on that.” Nymph grinned. “How are we doing so far?”

  Nate narrowed his eyes. “So far you’ve been topping from the bottom since the moment you walked in the door. You’re a strong, independent woman but I know for a fact you’ve never played with a Dominant, and certainly not one like me.” When she started to speak, he put his finger over her lips. “I want you but I’ve already made the mistake of jumping into a relationship based on what my dick wanted. I’m not going to do that again. I’ve tried being vanilla and it just doesn’t work for me so we’re going to take this slow and easy. We’re going to get to know each other as friends before we go any further. If that works out, then we’ll take the next step.”

  “A D/s step?”

  “That’s the only relationship I can offer you.”

  She smiled. “Great!” She kissed his cheek. “I’m not really into all that marriage stuff. You know, the ‘I do’s followed by the ‘oh, no, you will not’s?” Although if you want to do the cooking I wouldn’t mind.” She kissed his cheek then lay down.

  Nate cupped her head with his hand and smiled as he felt her relax and fall asleep. Just an hour or so ago he’d been annoyed by his snoring roommate. Now, here he was with an alpha female who wanted to submit to him. Things were beginning to look up.

  Chapter Three

  Two months later, Nate rolled onto his side and watched the rain stream down the window. Lightning lit up the sky and a second later thunder rumbled. Jack had gone home five weeks ago and he’d been moved into this private room. It was slightly smaller than the previous room but large enough that he could get around in it with a walker.

  In fact, he was making a faster recovery than even the doctor had expected. He’d planned to be out of the hospital within a year but hadn’t been sure he’d make it. Just when he thought he was making progress, the hopelessness and knowledge that he’d lost his sons would rise up and kick him in the ass. No matter how many pep talks he gave himself, a dark depression would swamp him. It was an enemy he didn’t know how to fight. He couldn’t shoot it and he couldn’t choke the life out of it. All he could do was work his ass off so he could get better and go after the man who’d tried to hurt them. Thoughts of revenge kept him going. That and Nymph.

  She continued to visit him almost every day. Between the meals she brought him and the meals he shared with Dr. Stephens, he was gaining weight and getting his strength back. One night a week she snuck into his room and spent the night with him. Usually on the night before her day off. In the morning she got up early, dressed, and settled in the chair by his bed like an early visitor. When the nurse walked into his room, Nymph would wave and say hello then take up a defensive position on one side of his bed. The ongoing battle between her and the nurses kept him amused. They flirted with him and Nymph protected her territory with a ferociousness that amazed him.

  She kept him on his toes and distracted him from the boredom of being in the hospital. Even with her visits though, the past few nights his sleep had been disturbed. His gut was telling him something bad was coming his way.

  The creak of the door being slowly opened followed by the sound of a tennis shoe squeaking on the tile floor sent him into high alert. He reached up and grabbed the hanging bars above his head. Before he could pull himself up, Nymph whispered his name.

  “I’m awake, pet.”

  She laughed and he saw her move into the light from the window. She toed off her shoes, then pulled her T-shirt over her head and hung it over the back of his chair. Her jeans followed, along with her panties. A second later she slid beneath the covers and snuggled up to him. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself.” Nate rubbed his hand over her hair. It was damp and he felt her shiver. “You smell like rain. Where’ve you been?”


  “Same guy?”

  “Yup. He’s the outdoor type. I had to follow him through a park in the rain. It was worth it. I finally caught him meeting up with another guy we’ve been watching.”

  “A good night then?”

  “It’s better now.” Nymph leaned up and kissed him. “How about you? Good day?”

  “I walked on my own with a cane. Eleven steps.”

  Nymph hugged him. “Oh, Nate, that’s wonderful.” She laughed. “I knew you could do it.”

  “Dr. Stephens said I might get out of here in a month or so.”

  “You’re still coming home with me?”

  “According to the contract you wrote up, I still owe you ten months.” Nate wrapped his arm around her and tugged her closer to his side. “Although I resent being referred to as your ‘captive.’”

  Nymph laughed. “Don’t forget I get at least one night to be in charge.” She ra
n her finger down his chest.

  “I never agreed to that.”

  “It was in the small print.”

  “There wasn’t any small print. I checked.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  Nate chuckled. “Baby, when I’m well I’m going to take you to Club Elysium and prove you wrong about that.”

  Nymph laughed. “I can hardly wait.” She kissed him then leaned on her elbow and looked down at him. “I had a checkup and got a clean bill of health. I also got the shot for contraception, and I’ve read the books you told me to buy.” She slid her hand around his neck and kissed him beneath his chin. “Mmm, you need to shave.” She kissed him again and snuggled closer.

  Nate felt her shiver and held her closer. “There’s something we need to discuss.”


  “I need to tell you about my sons.”

  “You have sons?”

  Nate nodded. “Five. Cade is the oldest. He’s twelve. Jackson is eleven. The twins, Luc and Logan, are ten now, and Zane just turned nine.”

  “Wow! Well, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out when you were stateside. Just count back nine months from their birthdays, huh?”

  Nate grinned. “Yup. Most of the guys in my unit had kids the same age as mine.”

  Nymph laughed. “So, where are they now?”

  “With my cousin and his wife.”

  “The one who visits you once in a while? Jake Ramsey?”

  “Yes. When he and Katherine thought I was dead, they adopted the boys.”

  Nymph stroked her hand down his stubble roughened cheek. “We’ll get them back.”

  “No, I’m not going to do that. My wife Joan and I were lousy parents. The boys are better off with Jake and Katherine.”

  “I don’t believe that, Nate. How could they be better off without you? You’re their father.”

  “I chose my career over them. I told Jake I’d stay in touch, but I want the boys to stay on the ranch.”

  “You were serving your country. Protecting them. Didn’t their mother tell them that?”

  “I didn’t know what was going on at home while I was gone.” He spent the next few minutes telling Nymph the truth about Joan’s drinking and neglect of the boys. He included how she abused Cade and Luc and how Cade was raped by one of her boyfriends. He finished by telling her the truth about how Joan had died and about Baume and his possible connection to Rolando Mendez. “The boys are safer where they’re at right now. You need to know where I stand concerning them. You don’t have to agree to it.”

  Nymph nodded. “I understand that, but I don’t agree they’re better off without you, although I’ll stand by you.”

  Nate lifted his head, kissed her, and then dropped his head back to the pillow. “The second thing you need to know is my real name.”

  Nymph laughed then sat up. “What? You mean your name isn’t really Grant or Mr. Doe or one of those other mundane undercover names?”

  Nate hooked his hand behind her neck and pulled her lips down to his. He explored her mouth as he turned on his side and pulled her partway beneath him. She had the softest lips of any woman he’d ever kissed. The bottom lip was full and just begged to be nibbled on. Her nipples beaded and scraped across his chest. He slid his hand over a plump breast and strummed his fingers over her nipple before moving to her other breast. Her hand slid around his waist and over his back as she pulled him tighter against her.

  He released her lips, but kept his hand around the back of her neck, forcing her to meet his eyes. “My friends call me Nate but my name is Jonathan Grant McLeod. People think I’m dead and I want them to go on believing that.”

  Nymph frowned. “Are you sure nobody is looking for you? Jack called me at work today. My boss heard me tell him I was going to spend the night at the hospital. He asked me if I was okay and I told him about you. Did I mess up?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I doubt he’ll connect Nate Grant to John McLeod.” He glanced at the window. It was still dark, but the sky would be lightening up soon. He ran his hand over her breasts again then squeezed her nipple. Her breath hitched before she moaned.

  “Oh, Nate.”

  “Offer your breast to me, pet.”

  Nymph cupped her breast and lifted it. He kept eye contact with her as he dipped his head and surrounded her nipple with his lips, flicking his tongue over it. A moment later, he bit down and she shifted. He released her nipple, moved to the other one and lavished it with attention. She moaned and moved against him restlessly. He raised his head and pinched her nipple to get her attention. Her eyes popped open, and she froze as he tightened his fingers.


  “When we’re playing you will call me ‘Sir.’ The correct answer if you understand is ‘Yes, Sir.’ Do you understand?”

  Nymph licked her lips. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Excellent, now put your hands above your head then slide one of your legs between mine. Drop the other one over the side of the bed. I want your pussy wide open for me.”

  She didn’t even hesitate to follow his command. Within seconds she was in position and he had his legs clamped around her leg as he explored the soft flesh of her belly. He circled her navel with his finger and leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth. It hardened into a tight bud. He stroked the soft lips of her pussy then stroked his fingers up the seam to her clit. She wiggled, trying to get him to finger her. He removed his fingers.


  “Be still.” His cock was so damn hard the veins in it pulsed with every beat of his heart. “When I’m playing, you offer yourself to me and you do exactly as I say. No moving. No talking. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She stretched her legs farther apart.

  The pulse in her neck beat faster with her arousal. Nate licked it then nuzzled her soft skin. After a moment he circled her pussy while he gathered her juices on his fingers. When they were slick, he ran them down her crack and over her ass. She moaned and trembled but didn’t move.

  “Good girl.” He pressed on her anus with his thumb. “Have you ever had a cock here?”

  “I tried it once.”

  “Tell me about it.” When she hesitated, he pressed on her anus again and she shivered.

  She licked her lips then sighed. “It was in college. A guy I was dating. He wanted to try new things. He spanked me and he wanted to fuck my—” she licked her lips—"my ass.”

  Nate chuckled. “Good girl. Now, say it again and this time don’t hesitate.”

  Nymph rolled her eyes. He leaned down and bit her nipple, drawing a sharp gasp from her. “No eye rolling. It’s disrespectful.” He saw her begin to object and added, “When we’re playing.”

  She smiled. “He wanted to fuck my ass.” She gave him a flirty smile along with a sexy little eyelash flutter. “Do you want to fuck my ass, Sir?”

  “I not only want to fuck your ass, pet, I’m going to fuck it and you’re going to love it.” He pressed on her asshole and felt only a smidgen of resistance before she relaxed and let him thrust his thumb into her, up to his first knuckle.

  Nymph bit her lip and moaned. “Damn, that feels better than I thought it would.”

  “No cussing. Tell me about the spanking.”

  She laughed, but it sounded girlish. “We’d been drinking and we’d gone back to my dorm. He lay down on my bed with his feet on the floor, and I tripped over them and landed across his lap. He sat up, flipped my dress up, and ran his hands all over my bottom.” She laughed again. “He asked me if I’d ever wanted to be spanked and I told him I didn’t know and why didn’t he try it? So he did.”

  “Did you like it?” Nate stroked a circle around her pussy. Every now and then he thrust his finger into her and pressed his thumb deeper into her anus. He stroked the sides of her hot, slick channel then searched for and found her G-spot. She tensed and fought to be still when he stroked over it. He rewarded her by adding a second finger and beginning a deep rhythmic thrusting. “I asked
you a question.”

  “Yes, I liked it. At first it stung but then it sort of changed and felt—good. Does that make sense?”

  Nate leaned over her and looked into her eyes. “How many swats did he give you?”

  “Seven or eight.”

  “Did you want more?” He stroked over her G-spot again, and she tightened around his fingers.


  “Answer me, Nymph.”

  “Yes, Sir. I wanted more. A lot more.”

  He felt a fine tremor run through her as she fought to remain still for him. For his pleasure. He dropped his forehead onto her breast and drew in a deep breath. It’d been so long since he’d given himself permission to feel this level of arousal. He waited a moment then moved his fingers again and felt her tremble again.

  “Tell me what happened after the spanking.”

  “He slid me off his lap and onto the bed on my belly. Then came down over me.” She laughed. “We didn’t even undress. He ripped my panties off—”

  “Did it excite you to have your clothes ripped from you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Go on?”

  “We were in a hurry. He put a condom on and thrust into me from behind. He was holding my hips and one of his thumbs slid between my butt cheeks. I guess I moaned or something because that’s when he said he wanted to fuck my ass. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to but he pulled out of me and then pushed his cock against my ass. We didn’t have any lube and he couldn’t slide into me. It hurt so I told him to stop.”

  “Did he stop?”

  “He didn’t want to but he did. After that he never asked me out again. I guess he was embarrassed.”

  Nate twisted his thumb and pushed it all the way into her. “Are you embarrassed right now?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to touch you. I want to come.”

  Nate rewarded her honesty with a kiss. With his lips against hers, he said, “I want you to play with your clit with your right hand. When I tell you to stop I want you to obey me. Do you understand?”


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