The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two Page 12

by Kyle J Cisco


  Darkness encompassed the third waypoint, as the light grew closer it exposed more of the vast cavern they stepped into. The tribes men from the ashanti moved throughout the perimeter of the room as they lit the braizers that had been scattered about the cavern. Once the light from the torches and braziers brought the inner cavern into the light, they saw something they did not expect.

  The ground was littered with piles of bones, and half eaten carcasses The men moved to cover the entrances to the cavern before whatever it was decided to come home. Hargoth, and his son went to the obelisk in the center of the room. Signaling for Natasha, and Laura to do the same.

  " How close to the spire are we? Could we continue past this way point, and make it there without stopping tonight?" Natasha asked.

  "We, are still a days walk from the spire. It looks to be a basalisk lair, but I am unsure, for many creatures lure down in the depths of this realm." Hargoth replied.

  "We have nothing to fear, we are warri-"Largoth said.

  His statement inturrupted by the scream of two of the men who had dissapearred from thier post, leaving only the weapons they had once held laying on the ground.

  "Looks like you will get the chance to be a warrior right now, my son," but before the words left Hargoth's mouth Largoth was already heading straight toward the tunnel where the men had dissapeared. Accompanied by some of the other tribes men they were soon out of sight and headed down the tunnel. Natasha watched until the lihgt of the torches could be seen no longer.

  A moment passed in quiet anticipation of the sounds of combat to emerge from the tunnel in which the men headed into, but here had been nothing not even a whisper of sound as the remanants of the party stood perfectly silent.

  A black reptile like thing emerged from the tunnel to the left of the one the group had headed down. It entered the cavern, as it slithered to the obilisk in the center. Natasha and the other stood as still as possible as they could hear the beast on the other side of the obelisk that covered them for now. Hargoth readied his rusted looking sword for combat, spuring natasha to do the same and rech for her crossbow.

  Hargoth turned to her and started to mouth number starting with three and decensding. Natasha kept count in her head as they got to zero they lept out in the open. Hargoth raised his arm in the air signalling the others to pile into the combat with the creature. Natasha and Laura jumped to the right while hargoth jumped out to the right.

  They caught the basilisk unawares as it repared to eat the catch from earlier. On the ground lay the two guards of the tunnel entrance. Natasha fired bolt in rapid succession hitting the beast in the side of its serpent like body. It flailed at her with its tail, as she ducked behind a rock as she felt the tail of the thing fly passed the rock and past her.

  The return swing is what almost had her though, as she popped back up and fired once more the tail moved back along its path. Natasha however saw it coming and hit the ground hard as the tail rolled over her causing no harm.

  She had given the othersa the precious time they needed to confront the face of the beast. It oong fangs lashed out and caught one of the tribes men in the chest. As the man slide from the sword length tooth of the serpent. Blood pooled at the man's back where the exit wound had been.

  Natasha fired another salvo of bolt at the serpent, the only thing that stopped her fire was the thunk of an empty cartidge. She moved with the pace of someone who had been practicing for years, as she readied her weapon and fired another group of three bolt into the head of the basalisk. Two of the bolts bounced off the thick scales of the serpent. But it gave the others fighting it up cl;ose the time to deliver blows to the things softer and less protected areas.

  This had also been the first time that, Natasha had seen Hargoth in action. Despite the man's old age and haggard appearence he was a fighter of considerable skill and agility. He used the rocks to his advantage using them to launch himself into the air. He landed on the back of the basalisk, driving his rusted blade in between the overlapping scales. This caused it to thrash about, all while Hargoth stood on its back with the sword deep into the things body.

  From behind the beast came those that pursued it into the tunnel, being lead by Largoth. The younger man lept into combat with a similar fearless nature that his father had. Product of their environment. They had to be good fighters in order to survive a place like this. Another thunk, told Natasha she had spent the last of her bolts. She dropped the crossbow to the ground and released the daggers at her hip. Then charged into the melee.

  The basilisk still thrashed, with a swing of its head area it sent Hargoth through the air, he landed hard. A cloud of dust and dirt was thrust into the air upon his landing. Natasha halfway between the monster and him chose to make sure he was alright. She knelt down next to him to see he was breathing in heavy heaves from being thrown off.

  She set off again toward the monster now that she was sure of his survial. She lept over the incoming tail finishing in a roll that lead her back into a running position. Another swipe of the tail from behind her was dodged, as she ran up a near rock and back flipped pver the tail. Upon landing the head lunged at her the sword length teeth aimed for her midsection. She jumped and got atop of its head and drove the daggers into it's eyes effectively blinding it.

  The basilisk moved with caution now as it could not see, the quite was its ally now. It lashed out at any noise now. Bolts, arrows, and spears stuck from the side of the beast. It leaked black blood onto the ground. The blood sizzled when it touched something organic. Acidic blood? Well thats great. She thought as she manuvered in silence around some of the pooled up blood on the ground.

  Largoth was perched above the basilisk, on one of the several larger outcrpooing of rock ledges that surrounded the circumfrense of the cavern. But Hargoth beat his son to the punch as he lubnged at the thing once more. Driving the sword into the middle of the things head. Which spurred Largoth to make his move as well leaping from the ledge. He drove his hunting spear deep into the top of the basalisk's head. The slithering creature stopped in its tracks, as the spear severed its nervous system in an instant.

  The raised head of the Serpent crashed into the ground throwing Largoth to the ground, and forcing Hargoth to jump to the side to avoid the large head. It slammed into a pile of bones reducing most of them to dust as it crashed down upon them. Natasha, and the others breathed a sigh of relief in that moment.

  Something doesnt feel right. Just as the thought entered her mind an arrow wizzed her cheek the feather of the arrow cutting a smooth line across her face. Her hair had been thrown about from the wind of the projectile. She turned in a flash of motion to see more of the hill men coming from all of the other enterances of the cavern.

  "Ambush," she said, as she attemnpted to warn the others.

  It had been too late for some of the men that stood in amazment at the dead basalisk on the ground. But the others ducked in time. The men that survived from the Ashanti tribe charged into combat with the other group of hill people.

  Natasha set to work as she too joined in to the combat, with Laura at her back. She ducked an incoming club, as she came back up she drew a line across the man's neck. The line slowly unfloding the skin, as blood poured from the wound. Laura was similarly engaged behind Natasha, as she swung in organized patterns into the head of any foe lucky enough to meet her head on.

  A light illuminated, as a blast of warm energy came from behind Natasha. The man in front of her shielded his eyes from the light which gave her the chance to end him in a second. The man crumppled to the ground the dagger stuck out from the top of his chest area. As the man fell to the ground Natasha yanked her dagger free.

  The sounds of combat that came from around the room fell silent. The figures of the hillmen turning, and racing back into the black of the darkened tunnels leading into the cavern. Natasha glance about the room, as she checked the numbers of the group with a quick head count.

  "We, lost another five
men in that assault," she said to Laura.

  "They, will be fine," said Laura, as she bashed one of the fallen hillmen in the head, one more time to make sure he was down.

  They continued to check the dead for food or other items they could use. Natasha retrieved her bolts from the basilisk and the men. There was alot less bolts then I had hoped. She slapped the on full cartradge of bolt into her crossbow, and moved on catching up with Laura.

  "I need to show you something," Natasha said, her voice a low whisper.

  "Sure, what is it?" said Laura.

  Natasha pulled the small black book from her small pack, and handed it to Laura.

  Laura flipped the pages, her face turned serious. "Where did you find this?"

  "Why? Is everything ok?"

  "Just, tell me where you found this book!" Laura said, as she grabbed Natasha by the shoulders.

  " was in Virgil's things it fell from his pack, when I grabbed his gear. What does it say?"

  "Dark things, dark incantations to be exact. I need to know where this was found."

  It would explain his fits of rage, since Rex died. What have you been getting into Virgil...?

  Light crept into Natasha's eyes momentarily blinding her for a time. When her vision returned she noticed the dark sky, and bland features of the area that surrounded the exit from the tunnels. Farther in front of them stood a monument of black stone that rose from the ground and touched the clouds, obscuring the true hieght.

  Only Fifteen of the tribes men survived the journey they lost half of the full strength to the tunnels, and the unexpected dangers it held. She breathed a sigh of relief. Thats when she tasted the foul air. Inhailing again she found the direction of the odor. It came from a grove of dead trees and high grass that surrounded the Spire itself.

  "It is the bog, Ranger Natasha," said Hargoth, as he stopped his strolling pace and stood beside her.

  "That makes sense. So we are close then?"

  "Yes, but we must send a scouting party through the bog to see what lays beyond its banks."

  "We, need, to get in to that Spire. Thats what needs to be done, Chief Hargoth."

  He turned to face her. His eyes bore that of understanding.

  "I know your pain, Natasha. I have been there before. Do not let your fear take hold of you. You must continue to think things through," Hargoth explained.

  "I...He cannot die. He is the one hope we have to rid the world from the darkness forever," said Natasha. "And I care for him."

  Hargoth's face looked back at her, a stone cold look on his face. Well he wont be giving in easily.

  "You, are right Chief I shall be more careful," lied Natasha.

  The man walked away from her heading down toward the edge of the swamp land. If it wasnt for the smell it would have been one of the more scenic locations in the shadow kindgom. There was atleast some foliage in this area. Twas the first time she had seen green in their journey to the shadow lands.

  The dark of night fell across the land, soon after the camp was established. Rain blew through the plain where they were the deluge heavy. It lasted for the better part of the night only stopping once the morning sun began to rise.

  Natasha had been up for most of the night. She was wet, tired and hungry though the only thing on her mind was the mission ahead. We are going in completely blind. We dont even know if this where they took him. What if they took to some remote location? A crunch in the bushes drew her attention away from her thoughts as she grabbed one of the daggers at her hip. But to her surprise two men came through the bushes it was the scouting parety returning from their survey of the spire.

  "Well? What happened? What did you see?" she asked hardly able to contain the anticipation of knowing what lie between her and Virgil's safe return.

  "A massive army stands between the tower and where we are now. It would seem they are preparing for something."

  So the Devourer did not waste anytime readying his army, since returning. "Either way we must push on," said Natasha. "Right...?"

  "We, must go and tell the chief he will now what to do next," said the slender scout.

  Natasha watched the two men head toward where Hargoth, and his Son sat in some sort of meditation. They had been sitting with legs criscrossed and hands folded atleast since she had waken up.

  Hargoth stood before the scouts could annoce themselves, he greeted them and had then sit as if he had known they were approaching. Which was impressive being the man's eyes were closed. There is more to Chief Hargoth than meets the eye. Magic perhaps, something the world has not seen in many years. Perhaps a seer of legend? No thats silly there are no seer's they were eradicated years ago. Werent they?

  Her thoughts trailed off as she saw, Hargoth motion for the men to leave him and his son. That is whne he signaled to her across the camp to join him.

  "So, you have already heard the news the scouts tell me?" Hargoth asked.

  "Yes, about the army that sits between us and the spire. We, can come up with something. Sneak through? Sneak around there has to be something that can be done," said Natasha, as she pleaded for some sort of action. "I have not come all this way to stop now."

  Her voice carried the pain she felt within in every word she said. Tears threatened to pour from her eyes at that moment. A slight touch on her shoulder, snapped out of the saddness for the moment. She saw Laura, at her side.

  "Natasha, is right. We, must do something or all is lost and our reason fior coming here would be for not," said Laura. "For if you and your people do not wish to follow,Chief Hargoth. Then this is where we must part ways."

  Natasha observed the other woman with a sinister eye. What are her motives? To save her ass? Or commit suicide? She would keep those thoughts to herself and instead nod in satisfaction, as her new found ally spoke. The chief wore a look of serious contemplation. Thought furrowed his brow, as the man paced back and forth. Natasha took her leave going to sit on a nearby stump as the deliberation continued.

  For several mins Hargoth and Largoth argued. Though she was not within ear shot to hear the words clear enough some was loud enough to make out bits and pieces. The visuals were all she needed to see which of them wanted what outcome though. But after some more spirited debate a descision had been made...


  The metal chains cut deep into the wrists as Virgil's legs grew tired of holding his weight. He had been left to stand on his own chained to the wall of the room he was left in. Half healed gashes crusted in dried blood ached everytime his wrist moved. His sore from the exhaustion of standing for several days straight was catching up with him.

  His he swiveled around side to side to see his surroundings, but most of the room was shrouded in darkness. The only lightsource was a small brazier above him. He could feel eyes watching him, studying his every move. A slow clap eminated from the far side of the room.

  "I must give you credit, Virgil of House Novak," said a hoarse voice. "You, have lasted longer than most prisoners have."

  Someone appeared before him, as the figure stepped into the light is when he saw the beaked bronze mask the same he had seen only in his most intense nightmares that had started since the dead forest.

  "What do you want demon?" Virgil said, diffiance dripping from the words.

  "I want for nothing from you. Except to watch you suffer. As of late your name keeps cropping up, ruining plans I have had set for years," The figure continued. "But, now I have you, the last reminant of Dvorak's desceandants."

  "You, wont suceed. The order will come for me."

  "Yes, young, Virgil, we are counting on it."

  The voice of the demon sent shivers down Virgil's spine. They will be lead into a trap if they come for me. The figure struggled with the beaked mask for a moment, then shifted it to the side and lifted it from his head. Revealed beneath the mask was a gnarled visage of something that once could have been a man. But after untold amount of years had decayed and transformed. The thin black hair was flecked with
grey streaks, in stark contrast to the pale blue skin. A set of purple lips creased open revealing the blackened and decayed teeth sheltered behind them.

  Virgil was revolted by the sight. He turned his head and tried not to look at the thing, but it was as if he could not avert his eyes.

  "What or who are you?" asked Virgil.

  "You, do not know my face?" His pale and decrepid fingers took hold of the cowl on his cloak revealing all of his features. Two great horns curled toward the back of the demons head. "This is a host body I have had possesion of for sometime."

  The pale figure paced back and forth in front of Virgil. With the rage building within him he tried to channel what energy he had to his hands, but...

  "Ah, ah, ah. None of that here." As the demon said the words the pent up power was gone like that. "You, dare compete with a god? Has mankind learned nothing from history?"

  The figure came face to face with Virgil in a flash of movement.

  "You will make a great new host. All of that power coursing through your veins, oh just think of the possibilities, young Virgil," said the demon. "We, could rule this world together you and I. Bring upon a true golden age, with mankind under our thumb the chances are endless."

  "Your, father?" asked Virgil.

  "Yes, Virgil, the greatest of all the gods. The one cast into the shadow realm by the one you call the Mother of Light!" A sneer crossed the face of the demon. "I am Vraxes, the Plaguebringer, the most faithful of my fathers sons."

  "I will not treat, with any of Banon's spawns," said Virgil, as he spit into his face.

  The decrepid fingers now dug into Virgil's shoulder, as it spoke. Blood formed a pool in his collarbone. The stench of decay eminated from the demon's mouth as it exhailed into his face.

  "Will, you join me willingly? Or do I have to break you first? This host came easily, he wanted revenge upon his family. I helped him create an army to do so, he unknowingly built this kingdom of mine. Once an inquisitor, meant to stop the spread of the magic your order holds so dear. I instructed him in the darker forms of magic, and it consumed him too. Soon you will be mine as well, and we shall forge a new kingdom. One that expands the entire continent and one day the world itself."


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