Risky Investment

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Risky Investment Page 26

by Beth Moore

  “I won’t pull away, Lynn. Give me another chance, please!”

  Don’t look at her, don’t look at her, don’t look at her, Lynn repeated to herself. But she turned when Chris sniffled. Oh shit. Lynn slowly moved toward Chris and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Cupping her face in her palms, she gently brought her lips to those before her. Lynn brushed her lips softly, then pulled back, giving Chris a chance to back out of the situation.

  “I’m still here, Lynn.” Chris placed her hand behind Lynn’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere,” she said as she pulled Lynn’s lips to hers.

  Lynn tried to remain calm, but when she felt Chris’s tongue slip into her mouth and stroke hers, she lost all control. She slid her hands to the small of Chris’s back and tightened their embrace. Lynn felt Chris’s hands grasp her belt loops on the side of her jeans, pulling them closer still, then Chris’s fingers as they slid up her back and into her hair. Lynn’s hands crept down to clutch the woman’s buttocks. The movement reminded her of the night that they had danced… and to the reflection in the mirror that had caused Chris’s withdrawal.

  Chris had never felt like this before, a burning growing in several areas of her body that had only smoldered before. She had been turned on before, but this was an overwhelming need, a need that she believed she could not control. Lynn’s body next to her was only making the burning spread. She wanted to be closer. She pulled Lynn tighter toward her. When their tongues met, it was like a spark on a match. Suddenly she felt her hands moving up and down Lynn’s back and her fingers grasping Lynn’s tight muscles.

  Suddenly Lynn separated from the kiss, grabbed Chris’s hand, and pulled her inside. Stopping in front of the large decorative mirror on the wall, she turned Chris to face their reflection. Lynn put her arms around Chris.

  “This sight scared the hell out of you before. What do you think now?”

  Chris smiled and pulled Lynn’s arms tight around her body. “I think we make an extremely cute couple.”

  Lynn’s heart skipped a beat at the word “couple.” She turned Chris back to face her and looked into her eyes. “Are you sure this is what you really want?”

  Chris placed Lynn’s palm against her cheek and closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation of Lynn’s touch. Slowly she opened her eyes and met those watching so intensely.

  “What I want is to feel your body next to mine, to feel your caress, your breath on my skin… Lynn, I want to make love with you.”

  Lynn could not resist. All gentility gone, Chris hungrily opened her mouth, taking in Lynn’s tongue with urgency. Then Lynn’s lips touched Chris’s chin, her cheeks, her eyelids, and made their way down the soft skin on her neck. Chris shivered from the sensation.

  Lynn slowly began unbuttoning Chris’s shirt as her lips followed each unbuttoned cloth. Their lips met and tongues danced as Lynn tugged’ at Chris’s shirt until it was off and thrown to the side. As their eyes met, Lynn caressed Chris’s skin from her neck all the way down to the line of her bra. She softly ran her fingers across the nipples that were now pushing against the material.

  Chris gasped under her breath; a man’s touch had never felt like this. She pulled Lynn’s lips to hers urgently as Lynn reached behind Chris’s back and fumbled with the fasteners. The fasteners released and Lynn gently pulled the straps, removed the garment, and brought her fingers down lightly over the soft mounds and ran her thumbs over the hard nipples. Lynn felt like she was in a slow-motion movie, like time had stopped and only they existed. She looked up into Chris’s eyes, searching to see what her lover was feeling. What she saw was fire, passion and longing. What she saw fueled her flames within.

  Chris felt Lynn’s smooth palms on her skin, she felt Lynn’s eyes on hers, she felt her fire down below. She felt dizzy with passion. Wanting to feel Lynn’s bare skin against her own, she tugged at her shirt to lift it over her head. She felt their skin meet, and dared to reach out and run her fingertips over Lynn’s exposed breasts. Feeling the heat rise between her legs, burning hotter and hotter, and wanting it soothed, she pulled Lynn’s hand down to stroke the fire. Lynn kneaded the already wet material between Chris’s thighs . and heard the moan escape from her lips. She could feel the need waiting there, she could feel her own need and tried desperately to remain in control of herself as she knew that this was not something to rush.

  Leading Chris over to the bed, Lynn lowered her body onto the soft comforter. She unzipped Chris’s slacks and pulling gently, twisted the pants and underwear from the body writhing beneath her. She reviewed the body before her, this body that she had fantasized about and found it to be even more beautiful than she had ever imagined.

  Oh my God, what is she looking at? Chris thought, she’s been with so many women, is she disappointed? She received her answer so fast that she wondered if she had said it out loud.

  “You are so beautiful!” Lynn whispered as she brought her lips down to the exposed tummy and gendy kissed the bare area. Chris watched as Lynn’s lips and tongue traced their way down to the burning fire. She gasped as Lynn’s fingertips felt her wetness for the first time. Should she be embarrassed that this moisture seemed to be flowing out of her? She couldn’t ever remember being this wet before. Lynn didn’t seem to think it was anything unusual as she felt the fingers gently stroking her burning flesh. Chris felt herself floating, rising higher and higher, the rush of excitement in her body getting hotter and hotter, almost unbearable.

  Lynn caressed Chris’s wet, hot folds of skin with her fingers, slowly at first, then gently circling faster and faster. Her lips and tongue moved from Chris’s inner thighs up to her breasts, tugging, sucking, teasing. Lynn felt the heat between her own legs rising. She tried to soothe it by rubbing gently against Chris’s thigh. Just as Lynn was about to faint from passion, Chris cried out, her body convulsing with pleasure. Sending Lynn over the edge, she came with the same intensity as her partner.

  Chris felt her body moving uncontrollably, she felt her voice moaning with extreme pleasure. She felt like she had never felt before. And then even more as she felt Lynn’s fingers enter her easing in and out, back and forth, up and down. She felt herself rising again. Truly her body had never reacted like this with a man She pulled Lynn down to her and grasped onto her back; for a moment they rocked together, Chris holding on tighter and tighter, until a rush of excitement flowed over her, and she came again.

  Lynn rocked her fingers in and out of Chris. When Chris pulled her down on top of her, Lynn thought maybe that she was hurting her, but when she felt herself being held tighter and tighter, she knew that wasn’t true. She felt Chris loosen her grasp, and then the wave of the rush as it enveloped Chris’s entire body. Lynn gently removed her fingers and slid them over Chris’s now tight folds of flesh, smoothly stroking again, bringing her to ecstasy once more.

  Chris cried out again and again, rising to new heights each time. Finally, her body weak, she brought Lynn’s lips to hers. Pulling away, Chris whispered, “I want to touch you.” She moved her hand down to Lynn’s moist jeans, rubbing where Lynn’s heat was radiating through the cloth. Feeling to where the first button was fastened, she tugged lightly, unfastening all the buttons with one pull.

  Lynn smiled. “I see that you’re a pro with that.”

  “Men wear button-fly jeans, too,” Chris kidded and helped Lynn wriggle out of her jeans, and then her panties.

  Chris flipped Lynn over onto her back, slid on top, and let her passion take control. Remembering what Lynn had done, and also some of the details from the book tucked away in Lynn’s bedside table, she brought Lynn to the same ecstasy that she herself had experienced.

  “You sure that you’ve never been with a woman before?” Lynn asked, cradling Chris in her arms.

  “What?” Chris said.

  “You sure seemed like you knew what you were doing.” Lynn chuckled.

  Chris smiled and admitted, “I had some help from that book in your bedside table.”

  “Did you read
the whole thing?” Lynn laughed.

  “Yeah…” Chris blushed. “The night that you licked the ice cream from my skin… I think I freaked out so much because it reminded me of that scene in the cabin… you know, in the loft?”

  Lynn smiled. “I think I remember the one…” Lynn said as she made her way down Chris’s body with her tongue. Chris lay back and felt the heat rise once again. She gasped as Lynn’s tongue flicked across her center of fire then dipped into her wetness.

  “Oh my God!” Chris cried out as she was brought to a new height. The sensation was as close to heaven as she could imagine. Tears filled Chris’s eyes as her body crashed over the edge.

  Lynn kissed her way back up the body beneath her, but paused when she saw the tears wetting Chris’s face.

  “Why are you crying?” Lynn asked softly as she kissed away the tears.

  Chris smiled and held Lynn close. “I broke the sound barrier.”

  Lynn was confused.

  “It was just something that a friend of mine said to me. He compared the sensation he felt with breaking the sound barrier.”

  “He?” Lynn asked with jealousy.

  “Don’t worry, honey,” Chris said as she ran her fingers through Lynn’s hair. “After the experience I just had, I’m certain that you’re the only one that I want.”

  Both satiated for the moment, they lay with their legs and arms intertwined.

  Chris traced circles on Lynn’s stomach and hesitantly asked, “So, will you go back to the house tomorrow?”

  Lynn, extremely relaxed, answered with her eyes closed. “Don’t you mean we? Will we go back to the house tomorrow?”

  Lynn felt Chris’s head nod and her lips smile against her skin. “Yes, we can go back to the house tomorrow.”

  “So what time do we need to check out?” Chris sighed.

  “Well… I don’t ever really check out,” Lynn replied, still with her eyes closed.

  Chris raised her head to look at Lynn. “Don’t tell me that you own this hotel, too!”

  Lynn smiled. “No, but I have an arrangement with the owner.”

  The two lay in silence for a moment. Chris still had questions.

  “So is this where you came Monday night when you didn’t sleep with Terri?”

  Lynn opened her eyes, remembering that terrible night, and replied, “No, I was really in no condition to drive that night. I actually slept in my truck.”

  “Drink a little too much, did ya?” Chris teased.

  “That, and the fact that I was just a little too frustrated to be on the road.” Lynn paused and then decided to explain further. “Terri was a beautiful woman, and she did everything she could to get me to stay with her… but the only person that I wanted was you.” Then, with a little chuclde she added, “She even told me that I could call her by your name!”

  “So that’s why she knew who I was at the bar that night,” Chris mumbled.

  Chris raised her body so that she could look into Lynn’s eyes. Then, stroking Lynn’s hair, she said seductively, “Well, you’re here with me now. Do you still want me?”

  Lynn pushed Chris onto her back and made sure that she knew the answer.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Lynn woke to sun streaming into the room. Rolling over, she looked out toward the patio and smiled, seeing the drink that had been prepared for her still sitting on the ledge. Then she realized that she was alone.

  Rubbing her fingers through her hair and then down her face, she stopped, smelling Chris’s aroma still on her hands. She closed her eyes and told herself that she knew last night was too good to be true. Disappointment flooded her veins. Well, if that had been the only return on her investment, she guessed it had been worth it anyway.

  Suddenly she was startled by a noise. Opening her eyes, she saw Chris in the doorway.

  “I tried to find some coffee…” Chris began to explain.

  Lynn smiled, trying to hide the tears of happiness in her eyes. “I just usually call room service.”

  Chris leaned against the door clad only in Lynn’s black silk robe, and surveyed the bare body in front of her.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I borrowed your robe,” Chris said. Then her lips forming into a mischievous grin, she moved toward the bed and continued, “but, if you’d like me to take it off…”

  Lynn nodded and reached to untie the bow. Chris slid onto the bed and let the robe fall from her shoulders. Lynn pulled her close and whispered, “I was afraid that you were gone.”

  Chris softly smiled and shrugged. “I couldn’t leave, the taxi left ten minutes ago.”

  Lynn looked over at the clock. Ten after nine. Then turning back, she brought Chris’s lips to hers. Suddenly, their embrace was jolted by the ring of the telephone.

  Lynn reached for the receiver but was stopped by Chris’s hand. “Do you have to?”

  Lynn smiled and explained, “The only calls they put through are from Matt.”

  Chris let go of the hand and laid her head on Lynn’s chest, running her fingers over her hardened nipples.

  “This better be good!” Lynn said sarcastically into the phone.

  Matt laughed on the other end. “I guess we both got lucky last night, huh?”

  Lynn smiled and answered, “Even still, Matt, if you know what I mean.”

  Matt apologized, “Oh, sorry, I’ll let you go…”

  “Matt, was there a reason you called?”

  “Yeah, my parents wanted to make sure that you knew you were welcome at brunch today. It may be quite interesting, I’m going to bring Paul.”

  Lynn chuckled, put her hand over the mouthpiece, and asked Chris, “Matt is taking Paul to brunch today with his parents. Wanna go?”

  Chris smiled and responded, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

  Lynn agreed that they would meet the group at eleven o’clock.

  “So, how much time do we have?” Chris said as she continued to run her thumb over Lynn’s hardened nipple. Slowly lowering her mouth she began circling it with her tongue.

  Lynn lay back on her pillow and moaned with pleasure, “We’ve got plenty of time!”

  Chris let her tongue glide all the way down to the aching in between Lynn’s legs. Slowly she teased as she sucked, then circled, taking her time, bringing Lynn to the top of the coaster ride.

  “Oh God, please, Chris!” Lynn pleaded. Finally, Chris took her over the edge. Lynn stiffened then relaxed, overwhelmed by the sensation below. Chris made her way backup the limp body. Chris looked into her eyes and whispered, “You’re amazing.”

  Lynn touched Chris’s moisture as soon as it was within reach. She knew by instinct that Chris would be in need. Thinking about what Chris had just said, Lynn pulled away just as Chris started soaring.

  “Oh sure, today I’m amazing. Last night, I believe I was a ‘cold-hearted bitch’!”

  Chris opened her eyes in frustration. “You surely are a cold-hearted bitch if you keep me waiting much longer!”

  Lynn smiled and continued what she had started, bringing Chris to ecstasy once again.

  Matt pulled into the parking lot right behind Lynn and Chris. Jumping out of his car, he opened Chris’s door and ducked his head inside. He smiled at her. “I guess she gave you a positive response last night, huh?”

  Chris leaned forward and picked up the cigarettes from Lynn’s dashboard. Pitching them into the backseat, she smiled and replied, “Let’s just say that she won’t be needing these anymore!”

  Paul strolled over to join the group as they walked to the restaurant. Chris put her arm through his and pulled him behind.

  “It looks like it worked out for both of us!” she said with a smile. “By the way, thanks for the advice.”

  Paul looked at her as if he didn’t have a clue what she was speaking of.

  “Please, Paul. Did you really think that I fell for your little act?” Chris laughed.

  Paul’s face broke out into a smile, then he put his hand over hers. “I didn�
��t say a thing that wasn’t the truth.”

  The four walked in and located Charles and Marie. As they approached the table, Marie looked confused.

  “Okay, I’m confused. Who is with whom?” she asked in frustration.

  Chris laughed, not realizing that she still had her arm hooked to Paul’s. She released his arm and grabbed Lynn’s hand to signify that she was indeed with Lynn.

  Charles chuckled. “Well now, I guess the verdict came in last night, huh Lynn?”

  Lynn blushed and smiled. “Believe me, Judge McKinley, she had a very convincing closing argument!”

  Charles then approached his son’s companion and offered his hand. “You must be Paul.”

  Marie, less formal than her husband, hugged the man and winked at Matt. “I’m so glad to meet Matt’s real love interest!”

  “Would anyone like something to drink?” the waiter offered over the three couples’ chatter. Almost in unison, the six chimed, “Yes!”

  The two women said their good-byes to Charles and Marie and agreed to meet the men later for dinner.

  “I’m just going to swing by Sam and Beth’s place and then we’ll go home, okay?” Lynn said as she slid into the driver’s seat.

  “I don’t know if I can wait that long.” Chris smiled mischievously.

  “Wait for what?” Lynn asked as she started the car.

  Chris leaned over, grasped the back of Lynn’s neck with her hand, and hungrily kissed her. Breaking away from the kiss, Chris leaned back in her seat and looked at Lynn for a response.

  “We’ll make it a quick stop!” Lynn exclaimed, almost choking on the words.

  Chris nodded in agreement. “So, what are we stopping by for anyway?”

  Lynn backed the car out of the parking space and put the car into drive. “I found another way to finance their mortgage.”

  Chris looked at her partner suspiciously. “Another way?”

  “Yeah,” Lynn answered, purposely not looking into Chris’s eyes. “I found another company that would finance them.”


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