Finette's Folly

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Finette's Folly Page 10

by Lily Benjamin

  Let them whisper all they like. She lifted her chin and strode up to Sacha. “I’m ready now.”

  Admiration lighting his face, the prince bowed and kissed her hand. “You’re stunning.”

  This time, she didn’t argue. She felt stunning in the uniform, a perfect fit physically and for her spirit. She took his arm and kept pace with him until they reached her father. She paused to kiss his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” Papa nodded in farewell and what appeared to be approval.

  Steaming after them like a train, Jacalyn failed miserably to infuse cheer through her desperation as she called, “Finette, you can’t leave now. Your future husband is here.”

  Finette cocked her head and smiled up at Sacha. “We’ll see.”

  He led her outside to the steam-powered brougham and she felt every bit the lady when he held her hand as she climbed inside.

  Chapter Seven

  The crew had made themselves scarce as Finette followed Sacha aboard Breath of the Dragon. Other than the hum of the steam engine, the airship sat silent. He’d taken her hand as soon as he’d secured the hatch, and led her toward the bow, with only their footsteps padding through the quiet.

  Outside the cabins, he halted. “It’s been quite a night. Are you sleepy?”

  “Not a bit.” She was so exhilarated, she might not get in a wink all night.

  “Neither am I.” He flicked a glance at the door opposite his. “The guest cabin is stacked with books. I apologize I haven’t prepared better.”

  “Don’t apologize. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done.”

  “My motives were entirely selfish.” He became serious. “I couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching you. Who was that tall gentleman you danced with? And kissed goodbye?”

  A laugh bubbled up, and she stifled it. “Corvin Pepperell? I’ve known him since we were children.” When he opened his mouth to question her further, she silenced him by placing a finger to his lips and whispered, “We once had a crush on the same boy.”

  Understanding smoothed his brow. “Ah, I see.” He brightened. “Then he is welcome on my ship anytime.”

  “I doubt he’d come. Heights make him queasy.”

  “I’m very glad you’re comfortable with heights.” He glanced upward at a noise from the bridge. “Would you like me to show you your cabin?”

  She bit her lip. “Or you could show me yours.”

  He arched a brow, and reached one hand behind him. “My pleasure.” His door eased open.

  Her breath hitched as he hooked a finger in her waistband.

  “Come with me, ma petite mouton.” He stepped backward, tugging her along with him.

  A swirl of breath condensed low in her belly and ignited into molten flame. “Lambs have been known to devour dragons.” She kicked the door shut behind her.

  A quick shrug freed him of his jacket, then he slid his hands under her lapels and her jacket dropped to the floor. Her pants followed, and they both set to work on the other’s shirt buttons. Soon, she wore only a chemise that skimmed her hips, and his pants hung on his hips.

  Looking her over, he exhaled a long, trembling breath. “You are not such a dangerous lamb.”

  “And you are not such a ferocious dragon.” She reached around him to unfasten the string binding his long locks, and his hair cascaded free down his shoulders. She traced her fingers along the muscles of his chest.

  He caught her fast by the wrist and gazed at her, eyes blazing beneath heavy lids.

  Her lips parted, and she was about to ask if something was wrong when he dropped to one knee, and drew her hand to her center.

  “Do you touch yourself and think of me?”

  She gulped. “Yes.”

  Holding her gaze, he traced her inner thigh. “Show me.”

  The heat in his eyes burned away her shock. She wanted him to see, to know how much she missed him. She lifted the chemise over her head and was naked. She circled her fingers and watched the heat catch fire in his eyes. He palmed her ass and squeezed. He kissed her fingers, then danced his tongue between them. Oh yes, she wanted more of that. She tangled her hands in his hair and pressed into the warmth flicking into her. He knew how to make her body do exactly as he wished, and she gave herself over to him. When she cried out and fisted his hair in her hand, nearly crumpling over, he lifted her and laid her on the edge of the bed.

  Still standing, he fumbled his sash loose, and between them, they shoved his trousers down. Her legs hooked behind his and in one thrust, he filled her. At the flood of sensations, her eyes flew wide.

  Concern in his face, he stilled above her.

  “More.” She dragged her toes up the back of his legs.

  He caught her knees against his sides and pumped in slow, even strokes, driving her wild with need. The way he held her, she could only arch her back and rock her hips. He seemed to enjoy restraining her, but one push freed her. Triumphant, she locked her legs around him. “More,” she repeated. “All of you.”

  “Ahh, Finette,” he growled in warning, then unleashed himself on her.

  The fury of it caught her up like a whirlwind, and she let her body respond in kind. Even after they were spent, and he fell atop her, they stayed tangled together. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she told herself she’d shut them only for a moment.

  With a start, she awoke to darkness, her mind still cobwebbed in sleep.

  Strong arms pulled her close. “What’s wrong?”

  Sacha. She nestled against his chest. “A bad dream.”

  He fumbled an arm, and the lantern attached to the bed gave off a soft glow. “Tell me.”

  “Jacalyn was snapping at me with sharp teeth, then shoved me down an endless spiral staircase, trapping me so I could never go home.” In the protection of his embrace, the images appeared harmless and faded away.

  “You are home. With me.”

  Calm blanketed her. “You’re my home.”

  “And you are mine.”

  Sleep had abandoned her. Restless, she pressed closer. “Are you sleepy?”

  He mumbled something in Romanian and rolled to his back.

  She straddled his waist and bent over him, her lips close to his. “What did you say?”

  “Never too sleepy for you.” His arm locked around her waist, and he twisted her beneath him.

  Tucked between them, his erection teased her. She tilted her hips, taking his length into her folds, already slick and hot. If he wanted to play, she’d play, too. She might be the one to finally beg for completion, but the buildup would make it worth the wait.

  From the slow burn in his eyes, her heat sizzled into his shaft. A slow groan, and he ground deeper. “You learn fast.”

  “I have an excellent teacher.” She reached her lips for his.

  He kissed her, and then smiled. “You’re ready for a new lesson.” He rolled her halfway over and caressed her curves.

  “Should I…” She wasn’t certain what to do.

  He propped her leg up and pushed inside her. So tight, she felt every inch of him as he moved. With a primal groan, he set his jaw. Pinned to the mattress, she let her fingers wander across whatever parts of him she could reach. Powerful legs. Narrow waist. Rock-hard abdomen, muscles rippling. Nipples as hard as her own.

  The last surprised her, and she wondered whether his were as sensitive as hers. A pinch, and his breath caught.

  “I want to kiss these with my tongue. Suck them.” She tweaked again.

  A deep rumble tore from him, and he threw back his head as a wave wracked him. He appeared to steel himself, and leveled his gaze on hers and withdrew, still hard. He sat back on his knees, releasing her. “Go ahead.”

  An invitation she couldn’t resist. She knelt and let her tongue explore the ridges, the hard center. His breaths pumped hard, and his erection thickened, but she didn’t touch him there. Yet. She had something special planned. First, she wanted to savor every taste.

  Greedy for more
of him, she pressed his shoulders against the mattress. “Now the student becomes the teacher.” She dropped a kiss on his mouth, then swung herself in the opposite direction, facing away from him. Was this the correct position? The vivid illustration in the Kama Sutra had presented the coupling as intimate and extremely pleasurable, but Finette began to feel awkward. His erection had softened, maybe because he was confused about what she was doing. She adjusted her body atop his, wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. He immediately hardened again, and it spurred her confidence. She closed her eyes as she slowly inched down his length until he filled her. Then she let her body move as it wished, and began to buck like a wild thing.

  “Too fast,” Sacha moaned, and guided her rhythm to a slower pace, hands at her hips.

  Now she understood how facing away from her partner could be exciting, and why slower was sometimes better. Every sensation was heightened. She hoped for him, too, but remembered a detail from the illustration, and cupped his balls.

  Tensing beneath her, his hips tightened, and he thrust deeper.

  “Yes.” She wanted more of that. She stroked her thumb and gently squeezed.

  A groan of surprised pleasure tore from deep in his throat. He reached around her and placed his fingertips over her center.

  Her breath caught sharply, and she could no longer control her need as pressure built deeper, and took her higher. She collapsed like a ragdoll atop his thighs.

  With a roar, he sat up, lifted her onto her hands and knees and took her from behind. She’d thought herself spent, but a new strength surged through her, and she met every one of his thrusts. A load groan, and he clutched her to him, emptying inside her for what seemed forever.

  Panting a laugh, he swung onto his back, bringing her down with him. “Where did you learn that?”

  She slung a leg over his thighs. “A book called the Kama Sutra.”

  “Where did you get such a text?”

  “Addie’s library. She must have brought it home from India.”

  An open-mouthed laugh, and he swept her in his embrace and kissed her a long time. Only then did his trembling register against her skin. “Are you cold?”

  “My heart is racing so fast, I may never be cold again.” He rubbed his nose against hers.

  “So you’re not disappointed?” She’d hate for him to think her a wanton woman.

  “Ha! No, Finette. Amazed, perhaps.” He cupped her face. “Listen to me. You could never disappoint me.”


  “But I must get some rest.”

  She took that to mean he needed room, so rolled away from him.

  He immediately scooted closer. Spooning her body, he cupped her breast. Excitement mingled with drowsiness. His breaths became deeper and she settled against him. He dropped his wide hand lower, and it spanned her belly, infusing her with warmth.

  The sense of belonging anchored her heart to him. She need never fear being lost while she was with him. Wherever he was, was home.


  With a wolfish grin, Sacha tossed a black outfit at her. “Get dressed.”

  “In these?” She held up the clothes.

  “You need something to work in so you don’t sully your dress uniform.”

  “True.” She couldn’t help sounding doubtful, but pulled on the shirt and trousers. To her surprise, they fit once she pulled the sash tight. A laugh, and she twirled to model for him.

  He scratched his jaw. “Careful, or I may remove them again.” He smacked her rear playfully.

  When Breath of the Dragon drew to a halt and the men bustled to dock the ship, she peered out the window. “We’re at Addie’s?”

  Below, Adrien and Addie worked to clear the rubble, though not much remained. The aeroplane sat beneath a large tarp close to the carriage. A small outbuilding sat nearby, apparently a new construction.

  Sacha gulped his coffee. “Of course. We must repair your aeroplane.” Grabbing her hand with a wink, he drew her to the hatch.

  Peering through the opening, she waved to her friend on the ground. “Bon jour.”

  A hand cupped to her mouth, Addie called, “Hello.”

  Suddenly nervous, Finette climbed down after Sacha.

  If Addie held any grudge, she didn’t show it. Her warm hug convinced Finette she was truly welcome. When Addie hugged Sacha, it took her by surprise.

  “You have a new recruit, I see.” Addie inclined her head toward Finette.

  Her laugh faded. “I’m sorry I abandoned you. I should have been helping you rebuild the hangar instead of going back to Papa’s.”

  “Adrien and I have had help.” Addie smiled at Sacha.

  They bantered with more than a casual air, and Finette understood. Addie had aided Sacha all along, kept him informed and alerted him when Finette needed help. And apparently, Sacha had repaid Addie in kind.

  She folded her arms and shook her head.

  “What?” Addie asked.

  “I love you both.”

  Addie waved her off. “We love you, too. That’s why we need to fix your flying machine.”

  “You’re going to win the British Diamond Cup.” He tugged at the tarp. “But only if we fix it.”

  She grabbed the other end of the tarp. “Let’s get busy.” She palmed her forehead. “Tools.” The fire had destroyed Addie’s.

  Her friend strode inside the new shed and reappeared with several new ones. “These will do, to start.” She handed a few to Sacha and Finette. “You’ll find new rudder wires in there, and help yourself to whatever else you need.”

  Sacha didn’t hesitate, and from that, Finette understood he’d purchased the supplies. Otherwise, he’d have first asked permission.

  They worked all day, and between the three of them and Sacha’s four men, had finished just as the sun set.

  Sacha squinted at the sky. “I’ll take her for a test run.”

  Finette set her hands on her hips. “Not without me.”

  A moment’s hesitation, and he agreed. “Let’s put her through the paces then.”

  They pushed the aeroplane to the airstrip. Sacha wound the propeller.

  Finette stood between him and the plane. “I should pilot her.”

  Another beat, and Sacha chuckled. “You’re right. You’ll be flying her in the race, so….” He jumped in the rear seat.

  Her pulse fluttered, and she climbed into the cockpit. She tried to exude confidence. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” He sounded confident enough for both of them.

  Her heart swelled with love for him. She opened up the throttle and the aeroplane lurched ahead as she pushed the lever forward. The plane hit the right speed, and Finette lifted her into the sky with ease, as if she’d done it a thousand times before. On this flight, her instincts took over, attuned to every movement of the flying machine. She put the engine to the test, taking the aeroplane to top speed. At Sacha’s whoop from the back seat, she laughed out loud and looped back toward the airstrip to bring them in on a perfect landing.

  Cutting the engine, she wished she could go up again, but dusk had deepened.

  Addie ran over. “That was fantastic.”

  Finette grinned at her. “It felt fantastic.” She climbed out and into Sacha’s arms.

  He embraced her, then twirled her around. “Three more days.”

  “I wish it were tomorrow.”

  He shook his head. “We have a trip to make first.”


  Sacha kept their destination a secret, but the crew flew the airship through the night. By morning, when Finette drank her coffee, a castle came into view. On its turrets flew two flags—one with blue, yellow and red vertical stripes, and the other black with a red dragon.

  Her mouth dropped open. “Romania?”

  “Yes. I hope you don’t mind meeting my family.”

  “Mind? I can’t wait.” She flew into his arms, then drew back as the realization hit her—she was about to meet royalty. “I have to get dressed. Mon dieu, my
hair is a mess.”

  “You are beautiful.” He kissed her lopsided smile. “Just be yourself.”

  Or a slightly improved version of her usual self. She took pains with her hair, and wished she had at least one gown to appear presentable, but the dress uniform suited her better anyway.

  The crew docked Breath of the Dragon atop the castle. A black flag whipped in the breeze, its red dragon slightly different than the one Sacha’s ship bore. This insignia depicted a dragon in a flying position with its claws extended in front, and billowing flame breath marking a V in front of the creature.

  V for Varujan, the surname Sacha did not claim. Yet they’d welcomed him into the family, and he clearly wanted to hold that connection to them.

  Sacha’s eyes were bright, and he had a boyish bounce in his step as he led her through a black metal door set in a side turret, then down a winding stone staircase.

  At the bottom, a man who resembled Sacha strode up and pounded his back in a bear hug. The gold dragon ring he wore was identical to Sacha’s, further convincing her they were brothers. They spoke in Romanian, and Finette cursed herself for not learning at least a few words. The man glanced over at her in surprise.

  Sacha looped an arm around Finette’s waist. “Finette Proulx, this is my brother Reimond.”

  Ah, the brother that stole his fiancée. “Delighted.”

  An older couple rounded the corner. His parents, she presumed, because the man wore the same ring as his sons. More back-thumping hugs ensued, and the older woman greeted Finette with wide eyes and a wider smile. Sacha introduced them as King Vladimir and Queen Marie.

  A toddler ran in and threw himself at Sacha, who tossed the boy in the air, then tickled him.

  “Marku,” another man snapped from down the hall, and the boy ran back to him.

  “My oldest brother, Marku,” Sacha murmured, then bowed his head as the man approached and halted several feet away.

  No hug, Finette noted, and ducked her head, noting the same gold ring on his finger. This half-brother was fiercely protective of his position as first in line to the throne, though Sacha could care less about it.


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