Lake Monster Mysteries

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Lake Monster Mysteries Page 17

by Benjamin Radford


  Coleman, Loren, and Patrick Huyghe. 2003. The field guide to lake monsters, sea serpents, and other mystery denizens of the deep. New York: J. P. Tarcher.

  Fredricks, Grant. 2005. Quoted in Lake Monsters: Is It Real? series. National Geographic Television, August 20.

  Gaal, Arlene. 1986. Ogopogo: The true story of the Okanagan Lake million dollar monster. Surrey, B.C.: Hancock House.

  Figure A.6 Surveryor’s map used in the experiment involving the Folden film of Ogopogo. (Prepared by surveyors Runnalls Denby. Kelowna, B.C.)


  Academy of Applied Science


  African goliath frog

  Alien Animals (Bord and Bord)

  Alkali Lake, Nebr.

  Allison, Susan

  All Wet Aquatics

  American eel

  America’s Loch Ness Monster (Discovery Channel documentary)

  Anderson, Lyall


  Anguilla rostrata

  antlers; as hoax monster tooth

  April Fool’s Day


  Associated Press

  attacks/killing, by monsters; “Lukwata,” of Lake Victoria, Africa; N’ha-a-itk/Ogopogo; “Wenbo,” of Tibet

  “Auli,” of Africa

  Aylmer, Lake, Quebec

  Bala, Lake, North Wales

  “bandwagon effect,” of sightings

  increased by publicity

  “Bangles fallacy,” of mistaking art for reality

  “banjo-playing water-being from

  Hindustan” (Ogopogo song)

  Barnum, P. T., and “Champ,”

  Barr, Robert

  Barrie, Ontario

  Bartholomew, Paul

  Bartholomew, Robert



  Bates, Mrs. (witness of Lake George “monster”)

  Bates, Mrs. (witness of “real” Lake George monster)

  beavers; at Lake Okanagan; at Lake

  Simcoe, Ontario; at Lake

  Utopia, New Brunswick;

  “Memphre” mistaken for, Fig. 3.3; at Silver Lake

  Beaverton, Ontario, Canada

  “Beaverton Bessie,”. See also

  “Igopogo,” of Lake Simcoe

  Beebe, David

  bellows, allegedly used for Silver Lake

  serpent hoax, Fig. 4.3

  Beluaaquatica champlainiensis. See

  “Champ” of Lake Champlain

  beluga whales

  Beothuk Indians

  Beothuk Trail Tourism Committee

  Bermuda Blob



  Bigfoot Exposed (Daegling)

  Binns, Ronald: and dolphins, as

  mistaken sighting; and Loch

  Ness Monster


  Bizarre Beliefs (Hoggart and Hutchinson)

  Blackman, W. Haden; and

  “Champ,” and Ogopogo


  Bluebird Bay Resort Motel, Kelowna, B.C.

  boat wakes, mistaken for monsters

  Boese, Alex

  “bogeyman” method of social control

  Boisvert, Jacques

  Bolton, Richard E.

  Bonavista, Newfoundland

  Bondura, Darryl

  Bord, Colin

  Bord, Janet

  Bowen, Dafydd

  Bragg, Russell

  breeding, lack of evidence of multiple monsters for

  Brewer, Jacqueline

  Brimblecombe, W. H.

  Bristol, Vt.

  British Broadcasting Corporation

  (BBC), Loch Ness monster

  sponsored search

  British Columbia; lakes with

  monsters. See also Ogopogo;

  Okanagan, Lake

  British Columbia Scientific

  Cryptozoology Club

  Brown, Arch

  Brunnen, Switzerland

  Buckland, Frank

  Buffalo Commercial

  Bull, John

  bullfrog, giant, Fig. 8.1

  Bulwagga Bay, Lake Champlain

  Burchfiel, Kurt

  Burlington, Vt.

  Burlington Free Press

  Burton, Andrew

  Burton, Helen Brown

  Button Bay State Park


  cameleopards, Fig I.2


  Campbell, Alexander

  Canadian Conservation Institute

  “Capt. Crum,”

  Cartwright Bay, Lake Ontario

  Cedergren, Magnus



  cetaceans. See also whales


  Champ: Beyond the Legend (Zarzynski)

  Champ Day celebration

  Champlain, Lake; age of; beluga whales possibly in; biosonar heard in; expedition to; geology of; heavily wooded shore of, Fig. 2.11; hydrography of; map of, Fig. 2.1; “Narrows, The,” ; and seiche (underwater wave); shallowness of parts of; sturgeon in; tourism industry; as Vermont’s largest lake

  Champlain, Samuel de

  Champlain Bridge

  “Champ” of Lake Champlain,; babies; conclusions, after investigation; and culture of area; deafness of Mansi’s sighting of; description; Discovery Channel documentary of (2003); distances viewed from; expedition to investigate, Fig. 2.2, Fig 2.10, Fig. 2.11; feeding fish, as mistaken sighting of; horns and antlers of; Indian lore associated with; lack of photographs after Mansi photo; lack of skeletal evidence of; merchandising from; misreporting about; mistaken sightings; numbers of sightings over time; photographs, Fig. 2.5; as plesiosaur, Fig. 2.8,; recent sightings and theories; sightings, Fig. 2.3; spike in sightings, after publication of Mansi photograph; sturgeon, as mistakes for; supposed capturing and eating of; tracing from enlargement of Mansi photograph, Fig. 2.7; videotape of, . See also Mansi photograph of “Champ”

  Champ Quest

  Champ Quest: The Ultimate Search


  Champ sighting signboard, Fig. 2.5.

  Chaplin, Ken

  Chaplin video, of Ogopogo

  Chicago Times

  Chilean blob


  Chinese Nessie

  Chorvinski, Mark

  Citro, Joseph A.

  Clark, Cumberland

  Clark, Jerome

  Clayton, Jerry

  Coleman, Fred B.

  Coleman, Loren; and “Champ,”; and Mansi photograph of “Champ,”; and Ogopogo

  “Coleman frog,” Fig. 8.1; authenticity of

  Collier’s Encyclopedia

  Collins, Michael J.

  Collins, Rita

  Collins Cabins, Port Henry, N.Y.

  Colombo, John Robert

  Columba, St.

  Columbus, Christopher


  Conraua goliath

  Cosmographia Universalis (Munster)

  Costello, Peter,

  Crane, E. R

  Creek Indians

  Crescent, Lake, Figs. 5.1–5.2, Figs. 5.4–5.5

  Crescent Elementary School

  “Cressie” of Lake Crescent, Fig. 5.2, Fig. 5.5, conclusion, after investigation; description, Fig. 5.3; as giant eel; lack of photographs of; lack of skeletal evidence of; sightings, Fig. 5.4

  Cressie’s Castle


  crop circles

  Crown Point, N.Y.

  Crum, Captain


  cryptozoologists; and “Igopogo,” of Lake Simcoe; and Mansi photograph of “Champ,”; and Ogopogo cryptozoology; importance of evidence in

  Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Lake Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature (Coleman)

  Crystal Lake

  cursed places

  Curtis, G. Smith

  Cusick, David

  Daegling, Dave

  Daily Mail

/>   Daily News

  Daily Planet (Discovery Canada TV program)

  Dakatua, Lake, New Britain

  Dash, Mike

  Davis, Mr. (witness of Lake George “monster”)

  deer, swimming

  Deffenbacher, K.

  DeMara, Paul

  DeMara Video (of Ogopogo)

  Department of Environmental


  Department of Oceanography, University of British Columbia

  “Devil’s Hole” cave, Niagara Falls


  Dinsdale, Tim

  Discover magazine

  Discovery Canada TV

  Discovery Channel

  divers investigating monsters, Fig. 7.2


  Dockstader, Noel


  Douglass, Harry S.

  dragons; winged dragons

  driftwood; as

  “Champ,” Fig. 2.9, Fig. 2.13; hydrographic explanation of driftwood rising and falling, . See also logs, as mistaken monsters


  Dungeon, The, Bonavista, Newfoundland, Fig. 7.7


  Eberhart, George M.


  Ellis, Bill

  Encyclopedia Britannica



  Erie, Lake


  evidence, of lake monsters; breeding, lack of multiple monsters for; historical evidence; importance of, for cryptozoologists; from Indian lore; lack of, for “Champ,”; lack of, for “Cressie,” lack of, for Loch Ness monster; lack of, for Ogopogo; lack of, for “Selma,”; lack of skeletal; Mansi photograph of “Champ,” lack of in; petroglyphs; powder horn with dragon, of “Champ,”; sonar evidence; sonar evidence of “Champ,”. See also eyewitness testimony; individual films/videos’, photographs; scientific investigations of lake monsters; sightings of monsters; videotape

  expectant attention

  extinct animals


  eyewitness testimony; confidence, as element of; errors of; fallibility of; “file drawer effect,”; importance of details given by; interviewing eyewitnesses; and overestimation of size; psychological literature about. See also mistaken sightings; sightings of monsters


  Fate magazine

  Fauna Communications Research

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), video specialist

  Ferrand, John, Jr.

  ferries: across Lake Champlain; across Lake Okanagan

  Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep, The (Coleman)

  Field Guide to North American

  Monsters (Blackman)

  Fielding, Todd

  “file drawer effect

  film artifact, giving mistaken “neck” of monster

  fins; on “Champ,”; on “Cressie,”; on Lake George “monster,” Fig. 6.4; on Loch Ness Monster; on “Storsjoe,” of Lake Storsjoen, Sweden

  fish, as mistaken sighting

  flippers, Fig. 1.4

  Folden, Arthur

  Folden Film (of Ogopogo); analysis; distances viewed from, Fig. A.6; experiment to emulate, Fig. A.6

  folklore; about Ogopogo; creatures of; Indian lore

  Forrest, Tom

  Fort Cassin, Lake Champlain

  Fortean Times

  fossils, hoaxes of

  Foster, Peter

  Fredericks, Grant

  Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

  Frieden, B. Roy

  Fromm, Garfield

  Furlow, Herbert M.

  Gaal, Arlene; and depth of Lake Okanagan; and Ogopogo legends; and Ogopogo sighting analysis; and Ogopogo sightings

  Gagnon, Claude

  Ganassin, Celeste

  Ganoidei fish


  Gatschet, Albert S.

  Gaudet, Sam



  Genoni, Tom

  “Gentle Memphrie” (song)

  George, Lake

  Gesner, Conrad

  giant eels

  giant squid, Fig. I.3

  Gillett, Truman S.

  giraffes,Fig. I.2


  Godin, Alfred J.

  Gould, Rupert T. Fig. 7.5

  Grand Okanagan Lakefront Resort

  Grant, John

  Gray, Hugh

  Great Glen fault

  Great Lakes

  Great Sea Serpent, The (Oudemans)

  Green, Susan

  Greenwell, J. Richard

  Grishkot, Joann

  Grishkot, Walter, Fig. 6.1

  Guinness Book of Records, The

  Haggett, Robert

  Hague Bay, N.Y.

  Hague Community Center

  Hague-on-Lake, Lake George

  Hall, Dennis Jay


  Hay Springs, Nebr.

  Henry, Ginger

  Hero Island, Lake Champlain

  Herrington Lake, Kentucky

  Hewlett, Ray



  hippopotamus, as hoax for monster

  Histoire dune bonne bouffel

  Historia Animalium (Gesner)

  History of Northwestern New York

  hoaxes; bellows

  allegedly used for Silver Lake

  serpent hoax, Fig. 4.3; fake photos; fossils; hippopotamus, as hoax for monster; “Kingstie,” Lake Ontario; Lake George “monster,”; Loch Ness monster, Fig. I.3; Mansi photograph of “Champ,” possibility of; monster teeth; newspaper hoaxes; publicity stunts; Silver Lake serpent, Fig. 4.3; “Urnie,” of Lake Urner

  Hoggart, Simon

  Hog Island, Lake Champlain

  Hollowell, Laura

  horned reptiles: and aboriginal rites; Alkali Lake monster; horned serpents; horned snake; killing people/livestock; in Lake Van, Turkey; stench of; widespread tradition of, in the West


  “Humbug” Islands, Lake Erie

  humps; “Champ” of Lake Champlain; Loch Ness monster; as multiple fish/otters; Ogopogo

  hunting accident, as example of eyewitness mistakes

  Hutchinson, Mike

  Huyghe, Patrick



  “Igopogo,” of Lake Simcoe;


  Ikedo-ko, Lake, Japan

  In Search of Lake Monsters (Costello)

  In Search of Ogopogo (Gaal)

  “Interim Report” (Frieden)

  International Dracontology Society of

  Lake Memphremagog

  International Society of


  Inverness Courier


  Island Harbour House, Lake George

  “Issie,” of Lake Ikedo-ko, Japan

  Jason and the Argonauts

  Jewett, Uriah

  “John” (deckhand on Lake Champlain ferry)

  Johnson, J. A.

  fournal of American Folklore

  Kagoshima, Japan

  Kalamalka Hotel, B.C.

  Katonak, Tom

  Keel, John A.

  Kellogg, Phil


  Kelowna, B.C., Fig 7.9

  Kelowna Museum

  Kempenfelt Bay, Lake Simcoe

  “Kempenfelt Kelly,”. See also

  “Igopogo,” of Lake Simcoe


  Kentucky Encyclopedia, The (Kleber)

  Kentucky Lake

  Kerr, Ian

  Kielar, A.

  Killarney Island, Ireland

  Killarney Lake, New Brunswick, Canada

  Kimiecik, Kathy

  “Kingstie,” Lake Ontario

  Kirk, John; and “Champ,”; and “Cressie” of Lake Crescent; and Lake Okanagan; and Ogopogo; and Ogopogo sightings

  Kleber, John

  Kodak Instamatic

  Kojo, Yasushi

p; kokanee

  Kolowisi (Zuni serpent-god)

  Kopp, Jon


  kraken. See also giant squid

  Kubodera, Tsunemi

  Lake Alymer, Quebec

  Lake Champlain. See Champlain, Lake

  Lake Champlain Phenomena

  Investigation (LCPI)

  Lake Crescent, Figs. 5.1–5.2, Figs. 5.4–5.5

  Lake Crescent Inn

  Lake Erie

  “Lake Erie Larry,”

  Lake George

  Lake George Historical Association


  Lake George “monster,” Figs. 6.1–6.2, Fig. 6.4; conclusion, after investigation; description; real sightings

  Lake George village

  Lake Massawippi

  Lake Memphremagog. See

  Memphremagog, Lake

  Lake Monster Traditions (Meurger and Gagnon)

  Lake Okanagan. See Okanagan, Lake

  Lake Onondaga

  Lake Ontario

  Lake Seljordsvatnet, Norway

  Lake St. Francois, Quebec

  Lake Tahoe, Calif.

  Lake Trois-Lacs, Quebec

  Lake Utopia

  Lake Victoria, Africa

  Lake Williams, Quebec

  La Legende Restaurant, Magog


  Lambton, John de

  Lambton family

  LeBlond, Paul H.

  legal protection, of monsters

  Legend of Lil Ogie, The (Fromm)


  Leurbost, Scotland

  Levers, Don

  Lewis, Robert

  Life magazine

  Loch Arkaig, Scotland

  Loch Morar, Scotland

  Loch Ness, Scotland Fig.I.1; length

  Loch Ness monster; deer, swimming, as illusion of; eyewitness description, Fig. I.2; fame of; flippers, Fig. 1.4; hoaxes Fig. 1.3; humps lack of skeletal evidence of; as a log; mistaken sightings; motion picture of; otters, as mistaken sightings of; photographs, Fig. 1.3, Fig. 1.4; as pinniped; as plesiosaur; research dollars spent on; salmon, as producing “monster” effects; seismic activity, causing apparitions of monster; sightings of; underwater searches

  Loch Ness Monster, The (Gould)

  Loch Ness Mystery Solved, The (Binns)

  Loch Ness Story, The (Witchell)

  Loftus, E.

  logs, as mistaken monsters; “Champ” of Lake Champlain, Figs. A1–A5; hydrographic explanation of logs rising and falling. See also driftwood

  London Times

  Lord, Thomas Reeves

  Lough Leane aquatic monster

  Lough Ree, Ireland

  Ludington, Mich.

  “Lukwata,” of Lake Victoria, Africa

  Lutra canadensis

  Lutra lutra

  Macdonald, John

  MacDougall, John

  Mackal, Roy P.

  Macleans magazine

  Magaguadavic River

  Magin, Ulrich

  Magog, Quebec

  Malloy, Barbara

  Malvo, John Lee


  manes; of Ogopogo

  Mann, William


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