Hide and Seek - part 3 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 3 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh


  Volumes of slippery sand escaped from my fist,

  parched silver mud devoured me in entirety,

  flaming Sunlight stripped reserve quota of energy,

  entangled thorny weeds scraped delicate layers of soft skin,

  whirlpools of dust blew with turbulent velocity,

  strong rooms of blue sky were bereft of moisture laden cloud,

  trapped molecules of mercury rose high in compact case of thermometer,

  green cover of grass and tree was a rare treat to witness,

  large reptiles burrowed themselves in moist recesses of earth,

  evil eyed vultures glided across boiling currents of wind,

  grandfather tortoise traversed at painstaking speeds,

  pot bellied spiders ran in gay abundance,

  distant mirage's lured me to add velocity to stride,

  undulating terrains of hot sand grain whipped me,

  burning heat waves prompted me to melt in submission.

  the situation was getting out of control,

  secret reserves of stored water were drained with the passing second,

  scalp hair were camouflaged with gallons of sand,

  my slimy tongue had consumed remnant saliva,

  twin pair of feet blatantly refused to hold my weight,

  a river of sweat flowed down my armpit,

  there was not a soul to be sighted within a million kilometers of vicinity,

  when suddenly it seemed my feet struck a light green cactus,

  infinite droplets of water oozed out,

  charred chords of my throat erupted in wet ecstasy,

  guttural sounds emanated as i sipped cool water,

  as i deftly chiseled elastic branches of the desert cactus,

  with razor sharp edges of my portable knife.


  He had fanatic obsessions for bulging trouser pockets,

  overloaded sockets of office shirt,

  silver chains fitted neatly to periphery of neck,

  all kinds of heavy purse dangling from shoulder bone,

  jeweled rings adorning daintily curved fingers,

  beads of slim gold riveted firmly to ear lobe,

  portable briefcase bags carried by executive staff,

  bronze plated ribbons holding a bunch of hair,

  he was a maniac patrolling through the busy city streets,

  sighting stashed trouser shelves with his hawk sharp eyes,

  waiting to capsize on every stealing opportunity that came his way.

  the passenger ahead had protruding pockets,

  a short thick neck flooded with precious ornament,

  he looked like a prince waiting for the bus,

  with gold rimmed glasses nestling on his thin nose.

  the maniac couldn’t resist any longer,

  long hours of wait had tantalized burglar zones of his mind,

  saliva dribbled from his mouth in plenty,

  his eyes lit up like briquette's of burning coal,

  sly smiles encompassed wide corners of his mouth,

  professional fingers now moved stealthily,

  maneuvered skillfully caressing bulging outlines of the pocket,

  few swipes with cheap blade finished the job,

  the passenger now felt light as he alighted the bus,

  great chunks of his wealth now lay in cold hands of the maniac,

  all he was left to confront was a big gaping hole,

  torn threads emanating from infinite regions of the stripped pant pocket.


  Snow drops fall incessantly,

  cloud mass turns blacker in complexion,

  as the sun sleeps in cosmic rays of galaxy.

  avalanche of ice descends down the slope,

  tumbling fast with violent draughts of Swiss wind,

  growing larger with every coat of frozen ice,

  passing tall Christmas pine,

  projecting tracks of ice rail,

  hollow caves of mountain bear,

  finally reaches lonely stretch of desolate road,

  breaking into scattered mass of icy platelets,

  diffusing with an echoed thud,

  on instants of land contact,

  obscuring a furlong of visible concrete,

  into multiple bed sheets of frozen water.

  i stare in delight from my cottage window,

  witnessing the encounter of snow and land,

  drag myself into a atmosphere of death cold,

  clad in heavy scarf and coat,

  with Dunlop plugs embedded in both ears,

  gum boots plodding vehemently,

  forming triangular treads in crusts of snow,

  and cylindrical torch light clearing the smog,

  filtering a beam of welcome light,

  as i stealthily approach the mound of ice,

  make a silent prayer,

  take fistfuls of snow in cupped hands,

  devour it down my throat,

  numbing and choking branched arteries,

  slowing down metabolic rates of my body,

  imprisoning my heart with a vice like grip.

  deathly pall embraces my face,

  my legs tremble to hold my weight,

  as i finally bid adieu to this world.


  Steaming hot acid in glass crucibles,

  stone slabs of individual apparatus,

  labeled conical flasks with neutral bases,

  glass cupboards full of performance journals,

  hi-tech microscopes for analysis,

  round jars of swimming flower roots,

  specimens of algae, rats, and dead frog,

  black full-scale charts of chromosome study,

  programmed calculators strewn in fluorescent light,

  electric meters with voltage fluctuating,

  dangling copper wires for connection,

  sharpened lead for sketching designs,

  steel spheres suspended from oscillating threads,

  cross ventilation for absorbing fumes,

  mega dissection boxes with scientific artillery,

  shaving blades for tearing root,

  round the clock botanical demonstrations,

  high powered glare bulbs,

  bountiful samples of colored compounds,

  thickened glass fish aquarium,

  shining granite holding multiple computers,

  with a host of modern software chips,

  black canes of adjudicating supervisors,

  ready to slash at instants of wrongdoing,

  lavatories blended with pungent antiseptic,

  with germicidal tablets of white carbolic,

  collapsible springs attached to bar magnets,

  the window overlooking bare bricks of school entrance,

  projecting from dizzy heights of clock tower,

  with blue apron adorning my stature,

  a compulsory must during practical hours,

  is a first hand discription of my school laboratory.

  13. LEAVES

  When i burnt medicinal leaves of wild grass in a cauldron,

  blending them with sizeable amounts of rusty brown tea powder,

  adding paltry pinches of saccharine to the syrup,

  stirred vigorously the concoction with an inflated wooden batten,

  the outcome was scintillatingly delicious tea; which i sipped with profound contentment.

  when i torched a conglomerate of dead tree leaves,

  scorching them with somber sticks of lead match and paraffin wax,

  there was a crackling fire that swayed with the breeze,

  with menacing flames; making futile attempts to lick the sky,

  offering me fountains of compassionate warmth;

  sublimating my energy from shivers to blissful sleep.

  when i ignited a cluster of rustic cowdung cakes,

  occasionally probing the fetid
slurry with my big toe,

  there were delectable puffs of smoke that originated,

  i then aligned a frying pan at right angles to the conflagration,

  and roasted for myself a sumptuous meal of baked corn coated with salted herring.

  when i set ablaze acres of farmland sprawled with ripened nose buds of tobacco,

  submerging the entire region with an ocean of stringent kerosene,

  the atmosphere was engulfed with a noxious odour of charred cigarette,

  hurricanes of venomous wind annihilated palpable organisms in the vicinity.

  and when i burnt infinite leaves of my immaculate heart,

  there was a mystical aroma that imprisoned the ambience,

  it was a smell that portrayed sacrosanct love,

  it was an insatiable odour of her mesmerizing soul thoroughly entwined in mine.


  If someone slapped me with swashbuckling strokes of fingers,

  i would retort back a volley of praise to pacify his nerves.

  if someone vomited loads of spit on my persona,

  i would blend it with my precious blood before returning the same to him.

  if someone splashed my exteriors with pails of fuming acid,

  i would offer him a large pitcher full of sweet mountain water.

  if someone blended sizeable amounts of snake venom in my food,

  i would sprinkle sacred ash on his hair, paint his forehead with golden vermilion.

  if someone left a battalion of red ant on my bare flesh,

  i would offer him a articulately carved oysters containing a plethora of pearls.

  if someone rode on my back unrelentingly whipping my skin,

  i would carry his load even through arduous spells of steaming summer.

  if someone pinched dainty regions of my flesh amidst an ambience of dignitaries,

  i would embrace him with open arms pardoning his disdainful deeds.

  if someone tripped me midway, left me squirming facedown on the ground,

  i would simply wipe the blotches of dust from creases of my attire.

  if someone made me lick the mud on road with corrugated flesh of my tongue,

  i would reward him with biscuits of bonded gold.

  if someone punctured transparent marbles in my eye rendering me blind,

  i would bless him with infinite pairs of eyes to envisage perils lurking towards him.

  if someone left me unequipped in savage jungles of the African valley,

  i would smile all the way treading across den's of striped panthers.

  c'mon folks lets be ardently realistic,

  the above actions can be replicated by none other than God,

  having divine powers to forgive the most heinous of atrocity,

  the magnanimous prowess of blessing all animate existing:

  we as a bunch of fallible humans would have onerous difficulty in duplicating the Creator,

  some tasks are better left to him, rather than accomplishing them ourselves.


  Knotted chords of jute dangle from ceiling,

  with large throat sized loop hole,

  engulfed in perennial pitch darkness,

  freezing cold bare stone walls,

  a battalion of mosquitoes hovering around,

  bone skeletons partially stuck to floor,

  ghastly designs portraying execution,

  clouds of dirt, with a backdrop of blood,

  the ambience was complete with long iron lever,

  compressible at instants of death command.

  the courtroom was packed with audience,

  uniformed guards, fool proof security,

  black coated lawyers, bespectacled judge,

  the murderer was in a sandalwood kiosk,

  tears oozing from eyes, lips painted with fresh blood,

  a volley of arguments followed pursuit,

  law professionals displayed tact and eloquence,

  with the killer being invited to dilapidated gallows,

  ruthlessly hung, with dark hood covering face,

  an aftermath of justice ink printing,

  to be hanged till death


  If i forgot to tightly seal the projecting water tap,

  gallons of liquid would dribble unrelentingly,

  there would not be a solitary droplet of liquid in the overhead tank,

  and my body would acquire an unwashed disposition all throughout the

  sweltering day.

  if i obdurately refrained from closing my mouth,

  flooding the air with cacophonic webs of my husky voice,

  intricate regions of my throat would divested of moisture,

  causing me to cough and sputter when i needed my speech the most.

  if i intentionally kept the fluorescent bulb on in the day,

  with acerbic rays of sunlight filtering through my moistened eyes,

  the contrivance would shatter to infinite splinters,

  portraying a lackluster appearance when i desired it inevitably in the night.

  if i heard deafening tunes of blaring music all day,

  with the decibels ricocheting to supreme frequencies of intolerance,

  my ears would get immune to the fragility of sound,

  being paralyzed to decipher the melodious sound of nocturnal cuckoo.

  if i consumed mighty barrels of milk; instead of crystalline water,

  quenching irresistible pangs of thirst with pints of artificial milk,

  my body would expurgate all the richness,

  demanding the perennial gift of nature to be fed immediately.

  and if i ran restlessly all stormy night,

  without having a siesta in despicable heat of the day,

  my legs would collapse midway on the bustling street,

  transforming my persona into a temporary coma,

  penalizing me just a fraction for breaking bonds with essential rudiments of nature.

  17. SHALL WE

  Shall we climb mount Everest,

  rest in shady domains of tree foliage.

  shall we eat spicy food coated with cheese,

  remain awake till late hours of the night.

  shall we laugh till stream of tears roll down our cheek,

  splash our feet in gushing torrents of river water.

  shall we make sandcastles in ocean sand,

  gallop through paddy fields on strong race horse.

  shall we play relishing games of card poker,

  greedily gulp steaming brown coffee from mugs.

  shall we drive through streets of the crowded city,

  ring incessantly metallic bells of towering Church.

  shall we scrub marble floors with wet sponge,

  wash sins of past lives with our precious blood.

  shall we talk on telephone for unsurpassable length of time,

  watch us grow every unfolding minute of life.

  shall we paint canvas with smudges of mixed color,

  perspire together in scorching heat of unforgiving Sun.

  shall we move our bodies to pulsating music,

  serve humanity with all possible dedication and might.

  shall we tear apart our hair in anger,

  wade our way through artificial tunnels of ice.

  shall we consume barrels of intoxicating wine,

  get marooned in scarcely populated african jungle.

  shall we fly high in gas balloons,

  snap photographs of the mesmerizing moon.

  shall we leap into dark death valleys,

  stay united for many births as humans.


  The man in the photograph didn’t withdraw air from surrounding,

  While I breathed several times a single minute.

  The man in the photograph didn’t laugh at a hilarious joke,

  While I burst into volleys of laughter
at mention of the slightest satire.

  The man in the photograph didn’t feel at all thirsty,

  While I couldn’t suffice without water for more than an hour.

  The man in the photograph wore an impeccable white shirt; devoid of creases,

  While the garments that fitted my body were with blotches of stain and grease.

  The man in the photograph didn’t budge a fraction of an inch,

  While I tossed and turned with growing spurts of overwhelming restlessness.

  The man in the photograph was clad in threadbare clothes even in chilly winter,

  While I draped my persona with furry covers of pure sheepskin wool.

  The man in the photograph never developed shabby stubble of beard,

  While I shaved my skin scrupulously twice in a single day.

  The man in the photograph didn’t sweat drops of pungent perspiration,

  While I shed water from my armpits every unfolding second in the sun.

  The man in the photograph didn’t sit for years on the trot,

  While I needed to rest occasionally on the ergonomically sculptured leather pouch.

  The man in the photograph didn’t expurgate his bowels,

  While I made frequent journeys to the bathroom after devouring plum juice

  and water.

  The man in the photograph didn’t cough when tickled by pigeon feather,

  While I erupted into an earth shattering sneeze when struck by cold.

  The man in the photograph was holistically phlegmatic,

  While I was full of volatile energy; ready to plunge into the sea of adventure.

  The man in the photograph had black hair since times immemorial.

  While I had acquired grizzly streaks of white with the onset of age.

  The man in the photograph didn’t struggle to earn money,

  While I worked at frantic pace to make my livelihood.

  As a matter of fact; the man in the photograph had died decades ago,

  And I was still living ;all set to change the complexion of this earth.


  The man was stripped of sight since he was born,

  groping around his way in perpetual darkness as a kid,

  shielding his dilapidated eye with thick wipers of charcoal black,

  he rapidly learnt the art of deciphering protuberant Braille,

  acquired a kingly accolade in contemporary art; being divested precious ingredients of vision indispensable to execute it.

  the orphan was deprived of the ability to disentangle sound,

  an aftermath of which he was oblivious to coherent speech,

  there was however no massacring his zeal for life,

  he decoded words through subtle movements of lips,

  was a dedicated pioneer in onerous freedom struggle of his country,

  refrained from portraying to the world; that he was deaf as a silent stone.

  the lady in the slum possessed twin pairs of crippled feet,

  bearing the brunt of irascible car wheels crushing her bones,

  she now walked with tapered calipers of cheap cane,

  although she had a heart embodied with philanthropic visions,

  lending a helping hand to people suffering in miserable plight.

  i wandered about jobless for several days,

  bestowed upon with all tangible aspects of life,

  punching the ground hard in inexplicable frustration looming large,

  i then witnessed the lives of the abovementioned; utterly distraught yet ready to smile,

  it was that very day that i felt lucky; and sumptuously blessed,

  urged myself to laugh when i felt like sobbing; reminiscing memories of the man, the orphan, and the die hard lady.


  Two compartments of soft gelatin plastic,

  dissolvable in spit and glandular secretions,

  dipped in thick grey brilliant dye,

  compressed by steel jaws of modern machine,

  functioning till wee hours of midnight,

  with meticulous efficiency and robotized control,

  producing miniature plastic at lightning speed,

  causing the strips of plastic to overlap,

  into tiny shells bouncing in dispatch jars,

  incorporating milligram amounts of medicine powder,

  having curative potential to eliminate ailments,

  attacking virus, anemia, brain malfunction,

  intractable woes of cancer&aids,

  assassinating diseased outgrowths,

  nestling in perennial supply of red blood,

  targeting the heart of sickened behavior,

  with mixed ingredients of sulphur, oxide, potassium,

  and derivatives of molecular compounds,

  procurable in a host of potency and cost,

  from a franchise of licensed medical shops,

  guaranteeing reprieve from invincible pain,

  an effective way of ending misery,

  decades of darkened existence,

  masses of weakened body machinery,

  gasps of insufficient contorted breath,

  a savage killer of soaring body heat,

  when taken with adequate amounts of water,

  at regular intervals of the day,

  is simply called and saluted as medicine magic


  The sheets had never been slept on,

  the china ware glittered like pure gold,

  the blankets were of Persian wool,

  the tables were built of solid teak,

  the paintings were exquisitely sketched,

  the brass handles had no smudges,

  the mirrors shone in brilliant radiance,

  the upholstery was ergonomically plush,

  the boiler rooms were a bustle of feverish activity,

  the clock tower had silver needles,

  the auditorium echoed with catholic rhymes,

  the first class chambers were somber sophistication,

  the workers room flowed with beer and dance,

  the lifts well oiled, carried people graciously,

  the dinner room was full of flattery and rich cigar smoke,

  the alarm bells were nailed to plaster,

  there was a separate floor for grotesque prison cells,

  the mammoth chimneys breathed grey smoke,

  the warning check post stood the tallest of all,

  the vintage car hung in pride,

  the coarse cloth sails cut chilly currents of Atlantic,

  the steel railings formed invincible periphery,

  the captains room had maneuvering controls,

  skilled manpower managed electric supply,

  thousands of human sailed for two days of expedition,

  existed in harmony,

  in handsomely furnished cubicles,

  with no scope for mice and dirt,

  the ship was made of unsinkable iron,

  a blend of grandeur, and majestic travel,

  the strongest sailing monster on water,

  creating history in ship hierarchy,

  with its hull biting into frozen Atlantic waters,

  it was a ship of dreams,

  a ship of artistically carved glamour ,

  with life boats suspended for mere formality,

  and winged propellers marching through territories of water,

  they called it the titanic


  When the golden eagle laid her eggs in pallid interiors of the jail prison,

  in a pathetic ambience of torn spider web and wild rat,

  the inmates wailing their woes at discordant tunes,

  the obdurate periphery of snow white shells simply refrained from hatching,

  the fledglings suffocated to death in the rudimentary

  ocean of yolk and blood.

  the gaudily striped magpie built her nest of raw twigs and grass,

/>   nestling precariously on tall precipice of the mountain,

  in which she delivered a festoon of small yellow eggs,

  there suddenly came torrential rain pelting down,

  the sky camouflaged with flashes of cold crimson red,

  her precious pearls of palpable silver plummeted down the valley,

  diffusing into infinite splinters after colliding with a chain of rock.

  the long legged ostrich laid her king sized egg in soggy fields of paddy,

  nurturing them with loads of compassion and motherly warmth,

  slept in a tranquil bliss all throughout the monsoon night,

  she wept in inconsolable grief, as first rays of dawn filtered past her eyes,

  the babies were no longer hers, as they now lay safely impregnated,

  within the slimy intestines of the slithering reptile.

  the above mentioned were rare cases of callous mothers,

  the premonitions i held for my mother were simply astounding,

  she hailed from a godly pedigree of mammalian mothers,

  guarded me against evil all night and blistering day,

  caressed me in her arms yielding to my faint cries,

  suckled me with milk, reinforcing my tender bones,

  left me to wander on the soil of parasitic earth,

  after i acquired a mountain of maturity blended with the spirit to live.


  I felt drowned in waves of pungent distraction,

  as flickering images of the television flooded inert regions of my eye.

  i felt possessed by gargantuan amounts of languid energy,

  rolled on the spongy mattress placed on flat rosewood of my bed.

  i felt strangulated by feckless obsessions draining reserve quota’s of energy,

  as gallons of saliva leaked copiously from my mouth.

  i felt submerged in violent fantasies all throughout the Sunlit day,

  danced with lively animation on the blazing roof of my sloping terrace.

  i felt captivated by the poignant aroma of the garden rose,

  drank with gusto, sickening sweet curry of beehive honey.

  i felt imprisoned by the melodramatic chirping of striped nightingale,

  abruptly froze in my footsteps, shrugging away loads of consequential work.

  i felt mesmerized by husky voices of my beloved floating in the air,

  opened multiple windows of my house to distinguish the heavenly cadence in

  her sound.

  I felt nostalgia for native land imprison my heart,

  As infinite Goosebumps crept stealthily on fragile pores of my skin.

  I felt holocausts approaching me from all quarters of the globe,

  Plucked several blades of grass from fertile patches of clayey mud.

  The final examinations were looming large round the corner,

  Dreamy regions of mind found cumbersome to decipher intermingled lines of book,

  There were coats of sedation enveloping my persona,

  Reminisces of childhood era punctured diligent balloons in my mind,

  Fragrant premonitions of my love next door increased multifold the beating of heart,

  One thing was dead sure,

  If this was the route I adopted till my exams commenced,

  Truckloads of luck would desert me midway,

  Nefarious outcomes would haunt me for the rest of my life,

  It was a pragmatic certainty,

  That my youthful demeanor was likely to succumb miserably,

  When confronted with the might of annual examinations.


  He was as strong as an ox,

  youthful exuberance pumped through his chest bones,

  rich blood flowed in all veins of body,

  golden sweat dripped down muddy contours of cheek,

  long strands of hair rose occasionally with the wind,

  snake leather belt was wound tightly to waist,

  aroma of fresh sea water cologne emanated from cheek,

  he stood tall several inches from the ground,

  clad in crisp denim shirt and cream trousers,

  my friend geared up to attend the midnight dance,

  as his high powered bike left whirlwinds of dust behind.

  he traversed the vacant streets at breakneck speeds,

  listening to mystical tunes of enigma,

  coherently increasing wrist pressure on speed bar,

  with full illumination of focus lights,

  clouds of sand grains whizzed at intimate contacts of wheel and ground,

  chilly currents of winter breeze collided across his chest,

  he had a large heart residing in dormitories of self respect,

  at the moment he was a reckless maniac,

  ready to blend torrential thunder with earth,

  zipping like a demon past towering mansions of the city,

  nevertheless he still would remain as my friend.


  The water was icily cold,

  colored to sinister reptile brown,

  coated with oxygen and aroma,

  with a tinge of sweetened flavour,

  and specific gravity more than one,

  refrigerated in automatic mechanized plants,

  passing through innumerable check monitors,

  dictating strict conditions of health and hygiene,

  an amalgamate of water and black vapour,

  aerated to add spice to taste,

  an artificial alternative of quenching thirst,

  soaring to dizzy heights in the blazing sun,

  a symbol of universal sophistication,

  an essential ingredient for all occasions,'

  a genuine appetizer for millions of bowels,

  identical to alcohol before consumption,

  an omnipresent commodity in shopping centers,

  stone offices and cinema halls,.

  spreading waves of unanimous addiction,

  bottled at source in hexa inch tin metal,

  with emblems of pepsi, coke, fanta, sprite...etc,

  producing frothy gas when shaken,

  tingling sensations when consumed,

  euphoric shouts when sighted in sweat,

  it doesn’t take a specialist to realize,

  that i am describing a cold soda drink

  26. NAILS

  When i deftly plucked heinous iron nails from the soft trunk of maple tree,

  cleaning its stalk with a blend of husk perfume and mineral water,

  despicable patches of fungal green; vanished without leaving stingy traces,

  the demeanor of lumber now transited to summit's of impeccability,

  and the tree swallowed fresh gulps of air; having been hindered for several

  years on the trot.

  as i ripped of an assembly of wooden nails from the sordid plaster of walls,

  the contraption was left isolated with king sized holes,

  hostile beams of sunlight now sabotaged the interiors,

  the rain and wind entered without formal invitation,

  alongwith envious neighbors breaking barriers of intimate privacy.

  when i trimmed unruly portions of nails from my protuberant finger,

  coherently chiseling irregular indentations with the abraded base,

  the appearance of my palm thereafter left me in dumbstruck stupor,

  the hands once savage; now replicated articulate designs of fashion,

  with the fairer sex casting frivolous glances at the web of masculinity

  stripped of muddy nail.

  and when i tried and evacuate colossal sized nails from the body of Christ,

  emancipating his silhouette from the ghastly prisons of trauma,

  he stringently admonished me whispering,

  let blood trickle from my arms; an ocean of tears dribble down my cheek,

  i want to free the world from realms of pain and enigma
tic misery,

  set an example by inflicting upon this body of flesh and bone; fathomless

  distress that encompasses my fellow beings.


  When i shielded my eyes from blistering rays of midday Sun,

  wearing frivolous black tints of exquisite glass,

  palpable objects on the streets appeared faded and disgustingly murky,

  with all garment in flocculent white; seeming to be dipped in grey sewage water,

  i felt as if sporadic flashes of blindness had stealthily encroached my vision.

  as i obscured my eyes ;with bulky frames of high powered glass,

  slender avenues of my eyeball resembled fully ripened eggs of the farm hen,

  single silhouettes of plebeians struck my eye as multiple,

  i groped my way faltering over bedraggled stone,

  reached back my place of dwelling limping; with a host of broken bones.

  after i sealed my eyes with a tightly wound linen cloth,

  acerbic rays of sun god; flooded my vision as an ocean of red fire,

  there was gruesome darkness camouflaging me at the onset of twilight,

  i had to be escorted in person; with embarrassing stares hissed by oncoming individuals.

  when i obliterated my eyes with round balls of blood red plastic,

  frothy white milk looked like ghastly human blood,

  dazzling bandwidths of crimson pierced my eye,

  and i refrained completely from consuming all that was pearly white.

  and when i kept my eyes naked for all day and humid night,

  the results were exhilaratingly remarkable,

  pungent outlines of clock tower needles now reflected clearly,

  the sunbeams were as sharp as never before,

  the full moon shone with undulating islands of misty black,

  it was that very moment that i holistically resolved,

  to keep my eyes completely naked for the tenure i was destined to walk on

  mother earth.


  The day was astonishingly bright and Sunny,

  brilliant sunshine kissed bare bricks of the multi-storied edifice,

  puffs of white clouds were a meager few, wandering in oblivion,

  handsome cranes dipped their beak occasionally in still water of the lake,

  diminutive grains of dust glowed in the sun rays,

  a fleet of jet crafts left trails of grey smoke,

  there was a perfect bliss in the atmosphere,

  as I stood at high altitudes from the ground surface,

  on the roof top terrace plains of the tall building,

  gazed thousands of feet down through my high powered pair of field glasses.

  The gigantic structure was surrounded by pure cotton,

  Bundles of cushion foam lined its periphery,

  There were chunks of velvet and satin quilt,

  Fibers of jute and gunny sacks containing unprocessed pulp,

  Reinforced with soft crystal balls of spongy Dunlop.

  The feelings generated were irresistible,

  Waves of eccentric euphoria drowned me in totality,

  It was a breathtaking view that one could ever witness,

  A marvelously imposing structure, engulfed by a river of rich cotton floss.

  That’s when I decided to execute this act ,

  Inhaling cylinders of fresh air inside my lung,

  Spread my hands like an eagle, bent my back to full angularity,

  Leaped with the strong wind, bereft of elastic camouflage covers of parachute,

  Hurtling headlong towards the ground at the speed of light,

  Infinite hair on my skin standing upright in exhilaration,

  Eventually bouncing on the maze of white cotton sea,

  Blended in equanimity with jute, plastic, dunlop and fiber,

  Escaped unhurt like a celestial God,

  Danced like a maniac losing pressured degrees of respect and control,

  As flakes of fragile cotton ,

  A jugglery of thread and foam leaked from,

  All quarters of my wheat complexioned body.


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