Mortal Compass

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Mortal Compass Page 5

by Ann Cory

  He watched Slade change back into a wolf and head off into the night.

  Rook returned to Ember and lowered to his knees.

  He took her hand and closed her fingers around the moonstone.

  “Here. You’re going to be okay.”

  “It’s too late,” she rasped.

  “No. It will buy us some time.”

  A crease formed along her forehead.

  “Faolan lost the woman he loved because he didn’t act fast enough. If he’d bitten her, they’d still be together,” he reasoned. “I know he regrets not turning her. I don’t want to make that same mistake.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That I love you,” he said, and felt an incredible warmth move through him just from saying the words. “You’ve opened my eyes to an emotion I thought I was incapable of feeling. I’ve held onto every ounce of rage until you came along. Your caring and nurturing ways impacted me. I want to save you, though it means becoming something you may not want.”

  “But you said you wouldn’t turn me…”

  If he knew of any other way, he wouldn’t. “It’s what needs to be done or I’ll lose you forever. I just hope you won’t regret immortality.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. He brushed it away, surprised by the lack of warmth from her skin.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want to love you forever.”

  Rook removed the moonstone from her hand and put it in his pocket. He bent over her and rested his teeth against her neck. Eyes closed, he bit down and pierced her skin. The rush of liquid warmed his insides like fine brandy.

  It had been ages since he last fed from a human, but even then it had never satisfied him. Ember’s blood affected him differently. Its sweet, rich taste awakened his taste buds and stirred a bevy of emotions deep inside. The more he drank, the more he craved.

  Careful to not get caught up in her decadence, he withdrew his fangs and licked up the remaining droplets of blood from around her neck.


  Ember woke with a start surrounded by sheer drapes bathed in red. Beneath her were sheets that caressed her nakedness. Colors appeared more vivid. Her body—charged. New blood pumped through her veins. Gone was the mind fog she’d been under. As if awakened from some deep slumber that she couldn’t shake before.

  She sat up and looked around the lavish room. It was a far cry from the Amazon rainforest, though she’d always remember her time there.

  A moment later, Rook entered wearing a robe and a sexy smile.

  “My love, you’re awake.” He set a goblet down on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes, though I thought I was dreaming. I take it this is home?”

  “Just wait until you see the rest of the manor. When you feel up to it, you’re welcome to roam to your heart’s content.”

  She almost feared to ask but had to know. “How’s Faolan?”

  “Like you, he’s on the mend. He’s preparing to meet with other clan leaders. For now, war has been avoided. But much needs to be done to put things right again. We need to seek those who left their clans to join the rogues. They’ll need to be kept track of. Some of the rogue spies will be punished.”

  “Sounds like overall good news.”

  “Things could definitely have been worse. How about you? You look radiant. How do you feel?”

  That was a little harder to pinpoint. “Better. Different. Restless. Truth be told, I feel like too much woman in too small a skin.”

  He rested his hand on hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “To be expected. You’ve been through many changes. It will take some time before your body fully adjusts.”

  Ember hoped it would be sooner rather than later. A craving of extreme measures screamed from inside her. She didn’t know for what, but it was ravenous. Like a starved animal inside her was trying to claw its way out.

  “I need—something,” she hissed. “I don’t know what but my insides are burning.”

  She gripped Rook’s wrist and pulled it toward her lips.

  “Easy, love,” he soothed.

  Ember wanted to taste him. Drink from him. Savor his essence.

  He reached for the goblet with his other hand and offered it to her. “Drink this. It will help quell your appetite. I promise.”

  She clasped her shaky hands around the base of the goblet and looked into the deep red liquid.

  Her stomach knotted. “What is it?”

  “Drink first, and then I’ll tell you.”

  She did as he suggested. At first the thick liquid made her gag. Her second try went down better. It tasted metallic and turned sweet. When she finished the final drop the craving ceased. A sense of normalcy returned. She met Rook’s gaze. “Was that blood?”

  He took the goblet from her and set it back on the nightstand. “Yes, but it’s not from a human, and is packed with nutrients.”

  “Can’t say I ever expected to drink blood before, human or otherwise.” She’d have to find a way to get over that. “For a moment there I was worried I’d bite you.”

  He gestured to the goblet. “That’s why I came prepared. You’ll learn how to control the cravings over time. I’ll look after you.”

  She wasn’t used to hearing those words from anyone. “I’m used to taking care of everyone else.”

  “I’m the lucky one who gets to take care of you for a lifetime.”

  Ember took his hand in hers. “Thank you.”

  His brows arched. “For what?”

  “You gave me a second chance at life. And you helped me to find myself.”

  “You mean the moonstone helped you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s more than that. By the time I arrived in the Amazon, I’d already turned my back on my gift, and on life. I didn’t know who I was, and didn’t care. The moonstone recognized my witch blood, but I didn’t believe it. The more I resisted, the stronger it made me. I know who I am now.”

  Rook unrobed and crawled beneath the covers beside her. “Who would that be?”

  “I’m me. With a little bit of witch, empath, healer and vampire thrown in.”

  “Don’t forget coy and combative,” he teased. “Oh, and stubborn.”

  “You’re walking a thin line,” she cautioned playfully.

  Propped on his side, he leaned in and kissed her breast. “You’re also the woman I fell in love with. That will never change.”

  Ember wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked him to a fierce erection. “I sense another craving coming on.”

  His hand moved to the juncture between her thighs and dipped a finger into her wetness.

  “So soon?” he asked and sealed his mouth around her nipple.

  “Yes.” She sighed in pleasure at his expert touch. “A craving for you.”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Ann Cory, please Send an email to Ann Cory at [email protected].

  Look for these titles by Ann Cory

  Now Available:

  Under a Warlock's Spell

  Melting Iron

  Blame the Rain

  The Howl and the Pussycat

  Uncovering Egypt

  Desire hot enough to reach through the ages and melt the sands of time.

  Uncovering Egypt

  © 2008 Ann Cory

  Jasmine Devi is eager to start digging up artifacts on a field expedition to Giza. But finding a hidden chamber and an ancient bracelet could change this Egyptologist’s life forever.

  King Okpara is called through time to stop what he believes is someone stealing his former queen’s sacred jewel. When he finds the bracelet firmly attached to the wrist of a woman of impeccable beauty, his plans change. Believing Jasmine is destined to be his new queen, Okpara needs to use all of his skill to convince her to step back in time with him.

  In the face of Okpara’s campaign to gain her trust and cater to her innermost desires, how can Jasmine refuse?
/>   Warning: Explicit sex, hot Egyptian men and a unique body chamber.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Uncovering Egypt:

  All her years of study hadn’t prepared her for how remarkable it felt to be standing in an actual piece of the past. For sanity’s sake, she pinched herself again and delighted in the brief jolt of pain. With or without a hunky pharaoh, she planned to enjoy her time in Egypt. So long as Mason left her alone, she thought it a real possibility.

  As she went to set the lantern down, a crack on the far wall caught her attention. She squinted and took a tentative step forward.

  With the pads of her fingertips she traced the faint spider-like lines, admiring the texture, when a piece of stone fell away exposing a small hole. She raised the lantern and a hue of dazzling bright green caught her eye. A soothing calm warmed her from the inside. Curious, she went to reach for the object when a noise caught her attention from behind. She gasped and turned.

  Mason stood like a giant in the shadow of the lantern light, his hands planted firmly on his hips.

  She put a hand to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, you scared me.”

  “What are you doing all the way over here,” he scolded in a rough-edged voice.

  “I could ask the same thing,” she retorted. Thanks to him, her heart nearly beat right out of her chest.

  His eyes widened. “I came looking for you. Hell, you had me worried sick. I wish you wouldn’t take off into all these hideaways, especially ones off the grid. It’s unsafe.”

  Jasmine fumed silently. She didn’t feel the need to explain herself to the likes of him. Who did he think he was? “First off, I don’t need your permission, and second, I’m a big enough girl that I can handle myself.”

  He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Maybe so, but what if something happened to you? Who would know? Why didn’t you just say you were going to look around?”

  Her blood boiled. Why couldn’t he find some other woman to chase? If only he’d get the hint. “I don’t have to tell you where I’m going. We aren’t joined at the hip.”

  When he didn’t say anything back she figured his feelings had been hurt and he was expecting some sort of an apology. Even if she did apologize she wouldn’t mean it. But she didn’t want him all upset either or he’d make the whole trip a hellish experience.

  She offered a half-smile and lightened her tone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. Must be jet lag. Gotta love time zones. If you’d give me a little time to myself in here, I’ll meet back up with you. I promise to not be too long.” Jasmine desperately wished he’d leave her alone so she could get back to inspecting the green object. Right now, she didn’t want to share her discovery with anyone, especially him. He’d ruin it for her.

  His dark brows furrowed like thick caterpillars. “So, you’re saying that you don’t want my company?”

  Jasmine clenched her jaw. Leave it to him to take it personally. “We’ve been over this before. You know I prefer to work alone.”

  He sighed so loudly it reverberated all around her. “So stubborn.”

  She jutted out her chin. “No, I’m independent.”

  “It would be more fun if we worked together. We’d get more done.”

  She couldn’t stand it. The man was driving her insane. Being nice didn’t seem to cut it. Without a care of hurting his feelings, she let it out. “You’re starting to piss me off. I know it’s difficult for you to grasp in that thick head of yours, but this isn’t about you. It’s about me. When I work, I like to think that nothing else exists. I like to picture in my mind how the people dressed and how they spoke. What I don’t like is being distracted.”

  An unflattering smirk crossed his lips. The kind of smirk she wanted to slap right off and stomp flat. “Ah, so you admit I’m a distraction? I could take that as a compliment.”

  She frowned and tried to ignore the taste of the airline peanuts making a second trip. He was clueless. What she wouldn’t give to find a way to make him leave her alone. “Please don’t. It wasn’t meant as one.”

  His smirk faded and he straightened, sweeping a stray hair from his eye. “No need to be rude. I just want to protect you. Nothing more. Women—”

  Jasmine put her hand up to keep him from further making an ass of himself. “Well, it feels more like smothering and it puts me in a foul mood. Besides, I don’t need protection.”

  “Yes you do,” he countered. “It’s dangerous. Remember the time when you set off that booby trap in Mexico? Had I not been there, you could’ve been hurt. And who knows to what extent.”

  She couldn’t believe he gave himself credit for that one. Because of him, she’d suffered a fractured wrist when his big, boulder-like body fell on her. “Correction, I didn’t set off the trap, that idiot Raymond, who later admitted to being drunk on the job, did. I know how to look for booby traps, and I know what I’m doing.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t fault you on your love for this job. I admire it, but I worry it has become a dangerous attraction for you.”

  Jasmine bit her tongue to keep from laughing. “I don’t fear danger. I welcome it. Now please, I beg you, let me work in peace.”

  Mason gave her a look of utter rejection and then jutted out his chin. “Fine, have it your way. I’ll be by later to check on you, though. Like it or not.”

  She sighed. “I won’t like it, but whatever floats your boat.”

  “If you need me, just holler.”

  Jasmine waved her hand at him. “Yep, got it. Bye.”

  He gave her a lingering look before turning and sprinting up the steps. She waited for a few moments to make certain she wouldn’t be interrupted, and then turned her attention back to the brilliant green object. Her palms were sweaty and her fingers shook. The thought of holding something so intricate and valuable was almost too much for her to take.

  From her pocket, she took out a small pen flashlight and shone it inside the open space. The object sparkled like a beautiful jewel. Unable to control herself, she reached inside and felt around until she grasped it. Fist tight, she made sure the object didn’t get scratched as she pulled it out. Breath held, she uncurled her fingers. In her hands lay a beautiful bracelet made entirely of peridots. She’d read about the precious gemstones in Egyptian art books. They were also called chrysolites, and were considered the gems of the sun. Legend claimed they held the ability to clean and heal the heart.

  Jasmine turned the bracelet with a delicate hand, in awe of its divine beauty. Against the paleness of her skin, she could fully appreciate its velvety appearance. It looked like something fit for a princess, or maybe even a queen. On her menial paychecks, she’d never be able to afford anything as extravagant.

  With an envious sigh, she shone the flashlight back inside the wall for a final check, when the bracelet slid from her fingers and wrapped around her wrist.

  What the? She blinked and brought her wrist up to her face. How in the hell did it fasten by itself? This wouldn’t look good at all if she couldn’t remove it. She didn’t even know how it affixed itself on her in the first place, but who would believe that as an excuse? Sweat beaded on her brow and upper lip. In the soft light of the lantern, she tried to locate a catch of some sort.

  Unable to find one, Jasmine gave the bracelet a cautious tug. Any harder and she risked damaging it. A whimper escaped her lips. Gods, she was in big trouble.

  Footsteps shuffled behind her and she groaned inward, knowing it was Mason at the ready with one of his “I told you so” speeches. Yeah, he’d really get a kick out of this.

  She turned with her wrist concealed behind her back, when all the breath left her lungs.

  In a battle of wills, only one can be on top. Right?

  Playing with Matches

  © 2007 Mardi Ballou

  A Fangly My Dear book.

  After an investigation goes horribly wrong, former journalist and brand-new vampire Gabe Morrow, wants to get a life. A social life, that is.

  Fresh from the vampire halfw
ay house, he’s ecstatic—and a little wary—when Fangly, My Dear fixes him up with San Francisco cop Tanith Kalinski. Although his last investigation had him tracking corrupt cops, one night with this detective blows him away.

  Vampires have always both repelled and fascinated Tanith. She figures one date—one long, passionate night of hot sex—will finally get the creatures out of her system. Then she meets Gabe. Their instantaneous attraction is so intense that instead of curing her of her obsession, their one night together makes it stronger than ever.

  What’s worse, Gabe wants more than she’s willing to offer. With his murderer still on the loose, keeping Gabe at arm’s length risks more than her heart—it could mean her life.

  Warning: This title contains plenty of hot vampire loving.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Playing with Matches:

  The moment Gabe saw Tanith walk into the club, lightning struck. He had no doubt the fox who’d just come in and was snagging all the masculine attention was his date. Blonde. Big green eyes, big breasts, long legs. A walk that highlighted all her womanly assets. His dick sprang out of hibernation and reminded Gabe how much was at stake. He winced at the image of a stake and pushed it away. Thank you, universe—and Fangly, My Dear.

  The club was dark and crowded. The musicians kept up a stream of mellow jazz, nothing too challenging or lively. Conversations buzzed in counterpoint to the music, and the smell of booze nearly saturated the stale air. Gabe watched Tanith confer with the host. He crossed the room and held out his hand to her. “You must be Tanith.”

  Her eyes widened with a momentary flash of surprise before she composed her face to neutral. Like everything else about her, that coolness turned him on. “Gabe?”

  He nodded. She took his hand with a stronger grip than he expected. “How did you know it was me?” Her voice aroused him as much as her looks.

  “A beautiful face that matches your beautiful voice on the phone.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You actually get anywhere with lines like that?”


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